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  • Making plain binary files using a C compiler (i386+)

    Making plain binary files using a C compiler (i386+)
    Cornelis Frank
    April 10, 2000
    I wrote this article because there isn’t much information on the Internet concerning this topic
    and I needed this for the EduOS project.
    No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising
    out of use of the information or programs contained herein.
    So if you blow up your computer because of my bad “English” that’s your problem not mine.
    1 Which tools do you need?
    An i386 PC or higher.
    A Linux distribution like Red Hat or Slackware.
    GNU GCC compiler. This C compiler usually comes with Linux. To check if you’re having
    GCC type the following at the prompt:
    gcc --version
    This should give an output like:
    The number probably will not match the above one, but that doesn’t really matter.
    The binutils for Linux.
    NASM Version 0.97 or higher. The Netwide Assembler, NASM, is an 80x86 assembler
    designed for portability and modularity. It supports a range of object file formats, including
    Linux ‘a.out’ and ELF, NetBSD/FreeBSD, COFF, Microsoft 16-bit OBJ and Win32. It will
    also output plain binary files. Its syntax is designed to be simple and easy to understand,
    similar to Intel’s but less complex. It supports Pentium, P6 and MMX opcodes, and has
    macro capability.
    Normally you don’t have NASM on your system. Download it from:
    A text editor like pico or emacs.
    1.1 Installing The Netwide Assembler
    Assuming that nasm-0.97.tar.gz is in the current directory type:
    gunzip nasm-0.97.tar.gz
    tar -vxf nasm-0.97.tar
    This will create a directory called nasm-0.97. Go to that directory. Next we will compile this
    assembler by typing:
    This will create the executables nasm and ndisasm. You can copy these files to you /usr/bin
    directory to make them easily accessible. Now you can remove the nasm-0.97 directory from
    your system. I personally compiled the NASM successfully under Red Hat 5.1 and Slackware 3.1,
    so this shouldn’t give big troubles.
    2 Making a first binary file using C
    Create a file called test.c using your text editor. Put herein:
    int main () {
    Compile this by typing:
    gcc -c test.c
    ld -o test -Ttext 0x0 -e main test.o
    objcopy -R .note -R .comment -S -O binary test test.bin
    This creates our binary file called test.bin. We can view this binary file using ndisasm. Do this
    by typing:
    ndisasm -b 32 test.bin
    This will give the following output:
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 C9 leave
    00000004 C3 ret
    We get three columns. The first one contains the memory addresses of the instructions. The second
    column contains the byte code of the instructions and the last column contains the instruction itself.
    2.1 Dissection of test.bin
    The code we get just seems to set up a basic framework for a function. The register ebp is being
    saved for later use concerning function parameter handling. As you can notice the code is 32 bit.
    GNU GCC only can create 32 bit code. So if you would like to run this code you first need to set
    up a 32 bit environment like Linux does. Here fore you need to go to protected mode.
    You can also create directly a binary file using ld. Here fore compile test.c like this:
    gcc -c test.c
    ld test.o -o test.bin -Ttext 0x0 -e main -oformat binary
    This will produce exactly the same binary code as the previous method.
    3 Program using a local variable
    Next we will take a look on how GCC handles the reservation of a local variable. Here fore we
    will create a new test.c which contains:
    int main () {
    int i; /* declaration of an int */
    i = 0x12345678; /* hexadecimal */
    Compile this by typing:
    gcc -c test.c
    ld -o test -Ttext 0x0 -e main test.o
    objcopy -R .note -R .comment -S -O binary test test.bin
    After we compiled we get the next binary file:
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 83EC04 sub esp,byte +0x4
    00000006 C745FC78563412 mov dword [ebp-0x4],0x12345678
    0000000D C9 leave
    0000000E C3 ret
    3.1 Dissection of test.bin
    The first two and last two instructions are the same as in the previous example. There are only
    two new instructions added between the old ones. The first one decreases esp with 4. This is the
    way GCC reserves an int, which is four bytes in size, on the stack. The following instruction
    immediately demonstrates us the usage of the ebp register. This register remains unchanged in
    the function and is only used to refer to the local variables on the stack. The place on the stack
    were these local variables are stored is usually called the local stack frame. In this context the ebp
    register is called the frame pointer.
    The next instruction fills the on the stack reserved int up with the value 0x12345678. Also notice
    the reversed order in which the processor stores data. In the second column, line four, we see
    ...78563412. This phenomena is called backwards storage1.
    Note that you also can create directly a binary file using ld as shown before. So compile with:
    gcc -c test.c
    ld -o test.bin -Ttext 0x0 -e main -oformat binary test.o
    This gives us the same binary file as before.
    3.2 Direct assignment
    When we change:
    int i;
    i = 0x12345678;
    1See also: Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 1: Basic Architecture, 1.4.1. Bit and Byte
    int i = 0x12345678;
    we get exactly the same binary file. This is very important to notice as it is not so when we use
    global variables.
    4 Program using a global variable
    Next we will take a look on how GCC handles global variables. This will be done using the next
    test.c program.
    int i; /* declaration of global variable */
    int main () {
    i = 0x12345678;
    Compile this by typing:
    gcc -c test.c
    ld -o test -Ttext 0x0 -e main test.o
    objcopy -R .note -R .comment -S -O binary test test.bin
    This leads us to the following binary code:
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 C705101000007856 mov dword [0x1010],0x12345678
    0000000D C9 leave
    0000000E C3 ret
    4.1 Dissection of test.bin
    The instruction in the middle of the code will write our value we assigned to somewhere in the
    memory, in our case to address 0x1010. This is because by default the linker ld page-aligns the
    data segment. We can turn this off by using the parameter -N with the linker ld. This gives us as
    binary file:
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 C705100000007856 mov dword [0x10],0x12345678
    0000000D C9 leave
    0000000E C3 ret
    As we can see now, the data is stored right after the code. We can also specify the data segment
    ourself. Compile here fore the program test.c with:
    gcc -c test.c
    ld -o test -Ttext 0x0 -Tdata 0x1234 -e main -N test.o
    objcopy -R .note -R .comment -S -O binary test test.bin
    This will give us as binary file:
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 C705341200007856 mov dword [0x1234],0x12345678
    0000000D C9 leave
    0000000E C3 ret
    Now the global variable is being stored at our gives address 0x1234. Thus, if we use the parameter
    -Tdata with ld, we can specify the location of the data segment ourself. Otherwise the data
    segment is located right after the code. By storing the variable somewhere in the data memory it
    remains accessible even outside the main function. This is why they call int i a global variable.
    We can also create directly the binary file using ld with the parameter -oformat binary.
    4.2 Direct assignment
    Some of my experiments point out that direct assigned global variables can be handled as normal
    global variables or can be stored as data directly after the code in the binary file. ld handles the
    global variables as data when there are already data constants used.
    Take a look at the following program:
    const int c = 0x12345678;
    int main () {
    Compile this with:
    gcc -c test.c
    ld -o test.bin -Ttext 0x0 -e main -N -oformat binary test.o
    This gives as binary file:
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 C9 leave
    00000004 C3 ret
    00000005 0000 add [eax],al
    00000007 007856 add [eax+0x56],bh
    0000000A 3412 xor al,0x12
    We can see that there are some extra bytes at the end of our binary file. This is a read-only data
    section aligned on 4 bytes which contains our global constant.
    4.2.1 Usage of objdump
    With objdump we can get even more information.
    objdump --disassemble-all test.o
    This gives us the next screen dump:
    test.o: file format elf32-i386
    Disassembly of section .text:
    00000000 <main>:
    0: 55 pushl %ebp
    1: 89 e5 movl %esp,%ebp
    3: c9 leave
    4: c3 ret
    Disassembly of section .data:
    Disassembly of section .rodata:
    00000000 <c>:
    0: 78 56 js 58 <main+0x58>
    2: 34 12 xorb $0x12,%al
    We can clearly see the read-only data section containing our global constant c. Now take a look at
    the next program:
    int i = 0x12345678;
    const int c = 0x12346578;
    int main () {
    When we compile this program and do an objdump on this we get:
    test.o: file format elf32-i386
    Disassembly of section .text:
    00000000 <main>:
    0: 55 pushl %ebp
    1: 89 e5 movl %esp,%ebp
    3: c9 leave
    4: c3 ret
    Disassembly of section .data:
    00000000 <i>:
    0: 78 56 js 58 <main+0x58>
    2: 34 12 xorb $0x12,%al
    Disassembly of section .rodata:
    00000000 <c>:
    0: 78 56 js 58 <main+0x58>
    2: 34 12 xorb $0x12,%al
    We can see our int i in the data section and our constant c in the read-only data section. So when
    ld has to use global constants it automatically uses the data section to store global variables.
    5 Pointers
    Now let’s see how GCC handles pointers to variables. Therefore we will use the following program.
    int main () {
    int i;
    int *p; /* a pointer to an integer */
    p = &i; /* let pointer p points to integer i */
    *p = 0x12345678; /* makes i = 0x12345678 */
    This program results in the following binary code:
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 83EC08 sub esp,byte +0x8
    00000006 8D55FC lea edx,[ebp-0x4]
    00000009 8955F8 mov [ebp-0x8],edx
    0000000C 8B45F8 mov eax,[ebp-0x8]
    0000000F C70078563412 mov dword [eax],0x12345678
    00000015 C9 leave
    00000016 C3 ret
    5.1 Dissection of test.bin
    Again the first two and last two instructions are the same as usual. Next we’ve got:
    sub esp,byte +0x8
    This instruction will reserve 8 bytes on the stack for local variables. Seems like a pointer is being
    stored using 4 bytes. At this point the stack looks like in figure 1. As you can see the lea instruction
    esp = ebp-0x8
    4 bytes
    int *p
    4 bytes
    int i
    Figure 1: The stack
    will load the effective address of int i. Next this value is being stored in int *p. After this the
    value of int *p is being used as a pointer to a dword wherein the value 0x12345678 is being
    6 Calling a function
    Now let’s take a look on how GCC handles function calls. Take a look at the next example:
    void f (); /* function prototype */
    int main () {
    f (); /* function call */
    void f () { /* function definition */
    This will give us as binary code:
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 E804000000 call 0xc
    00000008 C9 leave
    00000009 C3 ret
    0000000A 89F6 mov esi,esi
    0000000C 55 push ebp
    0000000D 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    0000000F C9 leave
    00000010 C3 ret
    6.1 Dissection of test.bin
    In the function main we can see clearly a call to the empty function f at address 0xC. This empty
    function has the same basic structure as the function main. This means that there is no structural
    difference between the entry function and any other function. When you link using ld and you add
    -M >mem.txt to the ld parameters you will get a text file wherein you find usefull documentation
    on how everything is linked and stored into the memory. In the file mem.txt you’ll find somewhere
    two lines like these:
    Address of section .text set to 0x0
    Address of section .data set to 0x1234
    This means that the binary code starts at address 0x0 and the data area where the global variables
    are being stored starts at address 0x1234. You’ll also find something like:
    .text 0x00000000 0x11
    .text 0x00000000 0x11 test.o
    0x0000000c f
    0x00000000 main
    The first column contains the name of the section. In our case it is a .text section. The second
    column contains the origin of the sections. The third column contains the length of the sections
    and the last column contains some extra information like the name of functions and used object
    files. We can see clearly now that the function f starts at offset 0xC and that the function main is
    the entry point of the binary file. And the length 0x11 of the program is also correct since the last
    instruction (ret) is at address 0x10 and takes 1 byte.
    6.2 Usage of objdump
    objdump can be used to display information from object files. This information is useful to examin
    the internal structure of the object files. Use objdump by typing:
    objdump --disassemble-all test.o
    This will give the following output to the screen:
    test.o: file format elf32-i386
    Disassembly of section .text:
    00000000 <main>:
    0: 55 pushl %ebp
    1: 89 e5 movl %esp,%ebp
    3: e8 04 00 00 00 call c <f>
    8: c9 leave
    9: c3 ret
    a: 89 f6 movl %esi,%esi
    0000000c <f>:
    c: 55 pushl %ebp
    d: 89 e5 movl %esp,%ebp
    f: c9 leave
    10: c3 ret
    Disassembly of section .data:
    Again this is very usefull when you want to study the binary code that GCC creates. Notice that
    they are not using the Intel syntax for displaying the instructions. They use instruction representations
    like pushl and movl. The l at the end of the instructions indicates that the instructions
    perform operations on 32-bit (long) operands. An other important difference contrary to Intels
    syntax is that the order of the operands is reversed. Next example shows us the two different
    notations for the instruction that moves the data from register EBX to register EAX.
    MOV EAX,EBX ; Intel syntax
    movl %ebx,%eax ; ’GNU’ syntax
    As for Intel the first operand is the destination and the second operand is the source.
    7 Return codes
    You probably noticed that I always use int main () as my function definition, but I never actually
    return an int. So, let us try it.
    int main () {
    return 0x12345678;
    This program gives the following binary code:
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 B878563412 mov eax,0x12345678
    00000008 EB02 jmp short 0xc
    0000000A 89F6 mov esi,esi
    0000000C C9 leave
    0000000D C3 ret
    7.1 Dissection of test.bin
    As you can see values are being returned using the register eax. Because it is a register we do not
    need to explicitly fill the register with a return value, so we can also return nothing instead. There
    is an other advantage to it. Because the return code is stored in a register, we also do not need to
    explicitly read the return code. We use this all the time when we call the ANSI C function printf
    to print something on the screen. We always use:
    printf (...);
    While printf actually returns an int to the caller. Of course the compiler can’t use this method if
    the type of the return parameter is bigger than 4 bytes. In the next paragraph we will demonstrate
    a situation inwhich this occures.
    7.2 Returning data structures
    Consider next program,
    typedef struct {
    int a,b,c,d;
    int i [10];
    } MyDef;
    MyDef MyFunc (); /* function prototype */
    int main () { /* entry point */
    MyDef d;
    d = MyFunc ();
    MyDef MyFunc () { /* a local function */
    MyDef d;
    return d;
    This program let us generate next binary code.
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 83EC38 sub esp,byte +0x38
    00000006 8D45C8 lea eax,[ebp-0x38]
    00000009 50 push eax
    0000000A E805000000 call 0x14
    0000000F 83C404 add esp,byte +0x4
    00000012 C9 leave
    00000013 C3 ret
    00000014 55 push ebp
    00000015 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000017 83EC38 sub esp,byte +0x38
    0000001A 57 push edi
    0000001B 56 push esi
    0000001C 8B4508 mov eax,[ebp+0x8]
    0000001F 89C7 mov edi,eax
    00000021 8D75C8 lea esi,[ebp-0x38]
    00000024 FC cld
    00000025 B90E000000 mov ecx,0xe
    0000002A F3A5 rep movsd
    0000002C EB02 jmp short 0x30
    0000002E 89F6 mov esi,esi
    00000030 89C0 mov eax,eax
    00000032 8D65C0 lea esp,[ebp-0x40]
    00000035 5E pop esi
    00000036 5F pop edi
    00000037 C9 leave
    00000038 C3 ret
    Dissection of test.bin
    At address 0x3 of the function main we see that the compiler reserves 0x38 bytes on the stack.
    This is the size of the structure MyDef. At address 0x6 to 0x9 we see the solution to “the problem”.
    Since MyDef is bigger than 4 bytes, the compiler passes a pointer to d to the function MyFunc at
    address 0x14. This function can then use that pointer to fill up d with data. Please notice that
    a parameter is being passed to the function MyFunc while this function actual doesn’t have any
    parameters at all in its C function declaration. To fill the data structure, MyFunc uses a 32 bit data
    movement instruction:
    0000002A F3A5 rep movsd
    7.3 Returning data structures II
    Of course we can now ask ourselfs the question: Which pointer will be given to the function
    MyFunc if we don’t want to store the returned data structure? Consider therefore next program.
    typedef struct {
    int a,b,c,d;
    int i [10];
    } MyDef;
    MyDef MyFunc (); /* function prototype */
    int main () { /* entry point */
    MyFunc ();
    MyDef MyFunc () { /* a local function */
    MyDef d;
    return d;
    The produced binary code,
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 83EC38 sub esp,byte +0x38
    00000006 8D45C8 lea eax,[ebp-0x38]
    00000009 50 push eax
    0000000A E805000000 call 0x14
    0000000F 83C404 add esp,byte +0x4
    00000012 C9 leave
    00000013 C3 ret
    00000014 55 push ebp
    00000015 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000017 83EC38 sub esp,byte +0x38
    0000001A 57 push edi
    0000001B 56 push esi
    0000001C 8B4508 mov eax,[ebp+0x8]
    0000001F 89C7 mov edi,eax
    00000021 8D75C8 lea esi,[ebp-0x38]
    00000024 FC cld
    00000025 B90E000000 mov ecx,0xe
    0000002A F3A5 rep movsd
    0000002C EB02 jmp short 0x30
    0000002E 89F6 mov esi,esi
    00000030 89C0 mov eax,eax
    00000032 8D65C0 lea esp,[ebp-0x40]
    00000035 5E pop esi
    00000036 5F pop edi
    00000037 C9 leave
    00000038 C3 ret
    This code shows us that — although there aren’t any local variables in the entry function main at
    address 0x0—the function reserves some place on the stack for a variable of exactly 0x38 bytes in
    size. Then a pointer to this data structure is being passed to the function MyFunc at address 0x14,
    just as in the previous example. Also notice that the function MyFunc hasn’t change internally.
    8 Passing function parameters
    In this section we will take a look on how function parameters are passed to functions. Let’s take
    a look at the example:
    char res; /* global variable */
    char f (char a, char b); /* function prototype */
    int main () { /* entry point */
    res = f (0x12, 0x23); /* function call */
    char f (char a, char b) { /* function definition */
    return a + b; /* return code */
    This will generate as binary code:
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 6A23 push byte +0x23
    00000005 6A12 push byte +0x12
    00000007 E810000000 call 0x1c
    0000000C 83C408 add esp,byte +0x8
    0000000F 88C0 mov al,al
    00000011 880534120000 mov [0x1234],al
    00000017 C9 leave
    00000018 C3 ret
    00000019 8D7600 lea esi,[esi+0x0]
    0000001C 55 push ebp
    0000001D 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    0000001F 83EC04 sub esp,byte +0x4
    00000022 53 push ebx
    00000023 8B5508 mov edx,[ebp+0x8]
    00000026 8B4D0C mov ecx,[ebp+0xc]
    00000029 8855FF mov [ebp-0x1],dl
    0000002C 884DFE mov [ebp-0x2],cl
    0000002F 8A45FF mov al,[ebp-0x1]
    00000032 0245FE add al,[ebp-0x2]
    00000035 0FBED8 movsx ebx,al
    00000038 89D8 mov eax,ebx
    0000003A EB00 jmp short 0x3c
    0000003C 8B5DF8 mov ebx,[ebp-0x8]
    0000003F C9 leave
    00000040 C3 ret
    8.1 C calling convention
    The first thing we notice is that the parameters are pushed onto the stack in reversed order. This
    is the C calling convention. The C calling convention in 32-bit programs is as follows. In the
    following description, the words caller and callee are used to denote the function doing the calling
    and the function which gets called.
    The caller pushes the function’s parameters on the stack, one after another, in reverse order
    (right to left, so that the first argument specified to the function is pushed last).
    The caller then executes a near CALL instruction to pass control to the callee.
    The callee receives control, and typically (although this is not actually necessary, in functions
    which do not need to access their parameters) starts by saving the value of ESP in EBP
    so as to be able to use EBP as a base pointer to find its parameters on the stack. However, the
    caller was probably doing this too, so part of the calling convention states that EBP must be
    preserved by any C function. Hence the callee, if it is going to set up EBP as a frame pointer,
    must push the previous value first.
    The callee may then access its parameters relative to EBP. The doubleword at [EBP] holds
    the previous value of EBP as it was pushed; the next doubleword, at [EBP+4], holds the
    return address, pushed implicitly by CALL. The parameters start after that, at [EBP+8]. The
    leftmost parameter of the function, since it was pushed last, is accessible at this offset from
    EBP; the others follow, at successively greater offsets. Thus, in a function such as printf
    which takes a variable number of parameters, the pushing of the parameters in reverse order
    means that the function knows where to find its first parameter, which tells it the number and
    type of the remaining ones.
    The callee may also wish to decrease ESP further, so as to allocate space on the stack for
    local variables, which will then be accessible at negative offsets from EBP.
    The callee, if it wishes to return a value to the caller, should leave the value in AL, AX or EAX
    depending on the size of the value. Floating-point results are typically returned in ST0.
    Once the callee has finished processing, it restores ESP from EBP if it had allocated local
    stack space, then pops the previous value of EBP, and returns via RET (equivalently, RETN).
    When the caller regains control from the callee, the function parameters are still on the
    stack, so it typically adds an immediate constant to ESP to remove them (instead of executing
    a number of slow POP instructions). Thus, if a function is accidentally called with the
    wrong number of parameters due to a prototype mismatch, the stack will still be returned
    to a sensible state since the caller, which knows how many parameters it pushed, does the
    8.2 Dissection
    So after the two bytes are pushed onto the stack there is a call to the function f at address 0x1c.
    This function first descreases esp with 4 bytes for local use. Next the function makes local copies
    of it’s function parameters. After that a + b is being calculated and returned in register eax.
    9 32-bit stack alignment
    Please notice that — even when the two parameters were pushed onto the stack as bytes — the
    function reads then from the stack as if they were dwords! It seems as if the processor pushes bytes
    in 32-bit mode as dword. This is because the stack is aligned onto 32-bit2. This is very important
    to know when you have to write a 32-bit function in assembler following the C calling convention
    2See also: Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 1: Basic Architecture, 4.2.2. Stack Alignment
    10 Other statements
    Of course we also could look on how GCC handles for loops, while loops, if-else statements
    and case constructions, but this doesn’t really matter when you want to write them yourself. And
    if you don’t want to write them yourself it also doesn’t matter since you don’t have to bother about
    11 Conversions between fundamental data types
    In this part we will have a closer look at how the C compiler converts the fundamental data types.
    These data types are:
    signed char and unsigned char (1 byte)
    signed short and unsigned short (2 bytes)
    signed int and unsigned int (4 bytes)
    First we will have a look on how the computer handles signed data types.
    11.1 Two’s complement
    The two’s complement representation of signed integers is used in the Intel architecture IA-32. The
    two’s complement representation of a nonnegative integer n is the bit string obtained by writing n
    in base 2. If we take the bitwise complement of the bit string and add 1 to it, we obtain the two’s
    complement representation of _ n. A machine that uses the two’s complement representation as its
    binary representation in memory for integral values is called a two’s complement machine. Notice
    that in the two’s complement representation 0 and _ 0 are being represented by the same binary
    string containing all zeros. Example:
    _ 0_ 10 _ _ 00000000_ 2
    _ _ 0_ 10 _ _ 00000000_ 2 _ 1
    _ _ 11111111_ 2 _ 1
    _ _ 00000000_ 2
    _ _ 0_ 10
    Wherein _______ _ x stands for a number represented in base x. Notice also that negative numbers
    are characterized by having the high bit on. Of course you don’t have to do the conversion to a
    negative version of a certain number yourself. The IA-32 architecture has a specific instruction for
    this, called NEG. Table 1 shows us the two’s complement representation of a char. The advantage
    unsigned 128 _____ 255 0 1 _____ 127
    signed -128 _____ -1 0 1 _____ 127
    Table 1: The two’s complement of a char
    of the two’s complement notation is that you can calculate with negative numbers the same way as
    with positive numbers.
    11.2 Assignments
    Here we will take a look at some C assignments and there result in assembly. The used C program
    is displayed below
    main () {
    unsigned int i = 251;
    When we compile this to a plain binary file we get
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 83EC04 sub esp,byte +0x4
    00000006 C745FCFB000000 mov dword [ebp-0x4],0xfb
    0000000D C9 leave
    0000000E C3 ret
    When we replace the used assignment with
    unsigned int i = -5;
    we get next instruction at address 0x6
    00000006 C745FCFBFFFFFF mov dword [ebp-0x4],0xfffffffb
    Now lets take a look at the signed integers. The statement
    int i = 251;
    results in
    00000006 C745FCFB000000 mov dword [ebp-0x4],0xfb
    An the statements which uses a negative integer
    int i = -5;
    results in
    00000006 C745FCFBFFFFFF mov dword [ebp-0x4],0xfffffffb
    Seems like signed and unsigned assignments are treated the same way.
    11.3 Conversion of signed char to signed int
    Here for we will study next little program:
    main () {
    char c = -5;
    int i;
    i = c;
    When we generate a binary file we get
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 83EC08 sub esp,byte +0x8
    00000006 C645FFFB mov byte [ebp-0x1],0xfb
    0000000A 0FBE45FF movsx eax,byte [ebp-0x1]
    0000000E 8945F8 mov [ebp-0x8],eax
    00000011 C9 leave
    00000012 C3 ret
    First we see at address 0x3 the reservation of 8 bytes onto the stack for the local variables c and i.
    The compiler takes 8 bytes to make it possible to align the integer i. Next we see that the char c
    at [ebp-0x1] is being filled with 0xfb, which of course represents _ 5. (0xfb = 251, 251 - 256 =
    -5) Notice also that the compiler uses [ebp-0x1] instead of [ebp-0x4]. This because of the little
    endian representation. The next instruction movsx does the actual conversion from a signed char
    to a signed integer. MOVSX sign-extends its source (second) operand to the length of its destination
    (first) operand, and copies the result into the destination operand3. The last instruction (before
    leave) then writes the signed integer stored in eax to int i.
    11.4 Conversion of signed int to signed char
    Lets see at the opposite conversion.
    main () {
    char c;
    int i = -5;
    c = i;
    Notice that the statement c = i only make sense when the value in i is between -128 and 127.
    Because it has to be in the range of the signed char. Compilation results into next binary file
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 83EC08 sub esp,byte +0x8
    00000006 C745F8FBFFFFFF mov dword [ebp-0x8],0xfffffffb
    0000000D 8A45F8 mov al,[ebp-0x8]
    00000010 8845FF mov [ebp-0x1],al
    00000013 C9 leave
    00000014 C3 ret
    0xfffffffb is indeed _ 5. When we only look at the less significant byte 0xfb and we move this
    to a signed char, we also get _ 5. So for the conversion from a signed int to a signed char we can
    use a simple mov instruction.
    3See also: Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 1: Basic Architecture, Type Conversion
    11.5 Conversion of unsigned char to unsigned int
    Take a look at the C program
    main () {
    unsigned char c = 5;
    unsigned int i;
    i = c;
    This will generate the binary file
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 83EC08 sub esp,byte +0x8
    00000006 C645FF05 mov byte [ebp-0x1],0x5
    0000000A 0FB645FF movzx eax,byte [ebp-0x1]
    0000000E 8945F8 mov [ebp-0x8],eax
    00000011 C9 leave
    00000012 C3 ret
    We get the same binary file as for the conversion from signed char to signed int except for the
    instruction at address 0xA. Here we have the instruction movzx. MOVZX zero-extends its source
    (second) operand to the length of its destination (first) operand, and copies the result into the
    destination operand.
    11.6 Conversion of unsigned int to unsigned char
    Here fore we did use the file
    main () {
    unsigned char c;
    unsigned int i = 251;
    c = i;
    Please notice again that the integer value is restricted from 0 to 255. This because an unsigned
    char can’t handle any bigger numbers. The accompanying binary file
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 83EC08 sub esp,byte +0x8
    00000006 C745F8FB000000 mov dword [ebp-0x8],0xfb
    0000000D 8A45F8 mov al,[ebp-0x8]
    00000010 8845FF mov [ebp-0x1],al
    00000013 C9 leave
    00000014 C3 ret
    The actual conversion instruction, the mov instruction at address 0xD, is the same as for the conversion
    from signed integers to signed chars.
    11.7 Conversion of signed int to unsigned int
    The file
    main () {
    int i = -5;
    unsigned int u;
    u = i;
    The binary
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 83EC08 sub esp,byte +0x8
    00000006 C745FCFBFFFFFF mov dword [ebp-0x4],0xfffffffb
    0000000D 8B45FC mov eax,[ebp-0x4]
    00000010 8945F8 mov [ebp-0x8],eax
    00000013 C9 leave
    00000014 C3 ret
    There is no specific conversion between signed and unsigned integers. The only difference is when
    you perform operations on the integers. Signed integers will have to use instructions like idiv,
    imul where unsigned integers will use the unsigned versions of there instructions being div, mul.
    12 Basic environment for GCC compiled code
    Because I can’t find any official documentation on this subject I tried to figure it out for myself.
    Here’s what I’ve got:
    32-bit mode, so protected mode with enabled 32 bit code flag in GDT or LDT table.
    Segment registers CS, DS, ES, FS, GS and SS have to point to the same memory area.
    Because un-initialised global variables are stored “right” after the code you have to keep a
    little area free. This area is called the BSS section. Notice that initialised global variables
    are stored in the DATA section in the binary file itself right after the code section. Variables
    declared with const are stored in the RODATA (read-only) section which is also part of the
    binary file itself.
    Make sure the stack can’t overwrite the code and global variables.
    In the Intel documentation[2] they refer to this as Basic Flat Model4. Don’t misunderstand this.
    We don’t have to use the Basic Flat Model. As long as the C compiled binary has his CS, DS and
    SS pointing to the same memory area (using aliases) everything will work. So we can use the full
    multisegment protected paging model as long as every C compiled binary has his local basic flat
    memory model5.
    13 Extern access to global variables
    In this section we will take a look on how to access global C variables not from within the C
    program. This is usefull when you load the C program with another program (written in assembly)
    which has to initialize some global variables of the C program. Of course we could pass the
    variables using the C program’s stack, but then these variables are always stored on the stack which
    was not the intention. We could also make a global variable table somewhere in the memory at
    a fixed point — so the C program has its address as a constant — but then we have to use stupid
    pointers to that table. So here is how we will do it. In the file test.c comes:
    int myVar = 5;
    int main () {
    We compile this C program using:
    gcc -c test.c
    ld -Map memmap.txt -Ttext 0x0 -e main -oformat binary -N \
    -o test.bin test.o
    ndisasm -b 32 test
    This gives us,
    00000000 55 push ebp
    00000001 89E5 mov ebp,esp
    00000003 C9 leave
    00000004 C3 ret
    00000005 0000 add [eax],al
    00000007 00 db 0x00
    00000008 05 db 0x05
    00000009 0000 add [eax],al
    0000000B 00 db 0x00
    As you can see the variable myVar is stored at location 0x8. Now we have to get that address
    from ld using its memory map file memmap.txt which we did create using the parameter -Map.
    Herefore we use the command:
    cat memmap.txt | grep myVar | grep -v ’\.o’ | \
    sed ’s/ *//’ | cut -d’ ’ -f1
    This gives us our address of the variable myVar in module test.o.
    4See also: Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 1: Basic Architecture, 3.3. Memory Organization
    5See also: Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 3: System Programming Guide, Chapter 3:
    Protected-mode memory management
    When we put this value in an environment variable (UNIX) MYVAR, we can use this to tell nasm
    where to look for the global C variable myVar. Example:
    nasm -f bin -d MYVAR_ADDR=$MYVAR -o init.bin init.asm
    In init.asm the code which uses this directive could look like:
    mov ax,CProgramSelector
    mov es,ax
    mov eax,[TheValueThatMyVarShouldContain]
    mov [es:MYVAR_ADDR],eax
    13.1 The size of the BSS section
    When the C program is a kernel it has to know how big its BSS section is for its memory management.
    This size can also be extracted from the file memmap.txt. Herefore we use:
    cat memmap.txt | grep ’\.bss ’ | grep -v ’\.o’ | sed ’s/.*0x/0x/’
    For our example test.c this gives us:
    We can pass this value like the way we did it for the global variables.
    13.2 Global static variables
    In C there is no way to access static variables directly. This is just because they are declared
    as being static. This rule also applies to the described external access method. When a global
    variable is declared as static there is no address of this variable in the memory map file generated
    by the linker ld. So we can’t determine the address of this variable. The keyword static provides
    us with a great protection mechanism.
    14 Implementation of ANSI C stdarg.h on IA-32
    This header file provides the programmer with a portable means of writing functions such as
    printf that have a variable number of arguments. The header file contains one typedef and
    three macros6. How these are implemented is system-dependent, but on the IA-32 a possible implementation
    #ifndef STDARG_H
    #define STDARG_H
    typedef char* va_list;
    #define va_rounded_size(type) \
    (((sizeof (type) + sizeof (int) - 1) / sizeof (int)) * sizeof (int))
    6Source: A Book on C, fourth edition, A.10. Variable Arguments
    #define va_start(ap, v) \
    ((void) (ap = (va_list) &v + va_rounded_size (v)))
    #define va_arg(ap, type) \
    (ap += va_rounded_size (type), *((type *)(ap - va_rounded_size (type))))
    #define va_end(ap) ((void) (ap = 0))
    In the macro va start, the variable v is the last argument that is declared in the header to your
    variable argument function definition. This variable cannot be of storage class register, and
    it cannot be an array type or a type such as char that is widened by automatic conversions. The
    macro va start initializes the argument pointer ap. The macro va arg accesses the next argument
    in the list. The macro va end performs any cleanup that may be required before function exit.
    In the given implementation we’re using a macro va rounded size. This macro is needed since
    the IA-32 aligns the stack — which is used to pass us the variables of a function — on 32-bit
    boundaries, indicated by the statement sizeof (int). The macro va start will let the argument
    4 bytes
    4 bytes
    4 bytes
    arg 0
    ebp + 0x4
    ebp + 0x8
    arg 1
    4 bytes
    Figure 2: The arguments on the IA-32 stack
    pointer ap point to the variable after the given (first) variable v. This macro doesn’t return anything
    (indicated by the leading (void)).
    The macro va arg first increases the argument pointer ap by the size of the given type type.
    After that it returns the next (actually the previous argument since the argument pointer ap first
    did increase) argument on the stack of type type. At first sight this way of handling seems very
    weird but its the only way since we have to put the variable we want to return at the end of a macro
    definition, after the last comma.
    Finally macro va end will reset the argument pointer ap without returning anything.
    [1] A Book on C
    Programming in C, fourth edition
    Addison-Wesley— ISBN 0-201-18399-4
    [2] Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual
    Volume 1: Basic Architecture
    Order Number: 243190
    Volume 2: Instruction Set Reference Manual
    Order Number: 243191
    Volume 3: System Programming Guide
    Order Number: 243192
    [3] NASM documentation
    [4] Manual Pages
    gcc, ld, objcopy, objdump
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