Oracle 不支持批量查询,因此无法从一个命令返回多个结果集。使用存储过程时,返回多个结果集类似于返回单个结果集;必须使用 REF CURSOR 输出参数。要返回多个结果集,请使用多个 REF CURSOR 输出参数。
CREATE OR new PACKAGE SELECT_EMPLOYEES_JOBS AS TYPE T_CURSOR IS REF CURSOR; PROCEDURE GetEmployeesAndJobs ( cur_Employees OUT T_CURSOR, cur_Jobs OUT T_CURSOR ); END SELECT_EMPLOYEES_JOBS; //包正文如下所示: CREATE OR new PACKAGE BODY SELECT_EMPLOYEES_JOBS AS PROCEDURE GetEmployeesAndJobs ( cur_Employees OUT T_CURSOR, cur_Jobs OUT T_CURSOR ) IS BEGIN -- return all EMPLOYEES records OPEN cur_Employees FOR SELECT * FROM Employees; -- return all JOBS records OPEN cur_Jobs FOR SELECT * FROM Jobs; END GetEmployeesAndJobs; END SELECT_EMPLOYEES_JOBS; //以下代码显示了如何使用从上述包中返回的两个结果集来填充 DataSet 中的两个相关表: // create the connection OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection("Data Source=oracledb; User Id=UserID;Password=Password;"); // define the command for the stored procedure OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = "SELECT_EMPLOYEES_JOBS.GetEmployeesAndJobs"; // add the parameters including the two REF CURSOR types to retrieve // the two result sets cmd.Parameters.Add("cur_Employees", OracleType.Cursor).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.Parameters.Add("cur_Jobs", OracleType.Cursor).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // create the DataAdapter and map tables OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd); da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "EMPLOYEES"); da.TableMappings.Add("Table1", "JOBS"); // create and fill the DataSet DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); // create a relation ds.Relations.Add("EMPLOYEES_JOBS_RELATION", ds.Tables["JOBS"].Columns["JOB_ID"], ds.Tables["EMPLOYEES"].Columns["JOB_ID"]); // output the second employee (zero-based array) and job title // based on the relation Console.WriteLine("Employee ID: " + ds.Tables["EMPLOYEES"].Rows[1]["EMPLOYEE_ID"] + "; Job Title: " + ds.Tables["EMPLOYEES"].Rows[1].GetParentRow( "EMPLOYEES_JOBS_RELATION")["JOB_TITLE"]);
Employee ID: 101; Job Title: Administration Vice President