- STM32F10xxx in-application programming using the USART (AN2557)
- STM32F2xx in-application programming using the USART (AN3374)
- STM32F4 in-application programming (IAP) using the USART (AN3965)
- STM32L1xx in-application programming (IAP) using the USART (AN3310)
- STM32F3xx in-application programming (IAP) using the USART (AN4045)
- STM32F0xx in-application programming using the USART (AN4065)
- STM32F107 in-application programming (IAP) over Ethernet (AN3226)
- STM32F2x7 in-application programming (IAP) over Ethernet based on LwIP TCP/IP stack (AN3376)
- LwIP TCP/IP stack demonstration for STM32F2x7 microcontrollers based on LwIP TCP/IP stack and FreeRTOS (AN3384)
- STM32F4x7 in-application programming (IAP) over Ethernet based on LwIP TCP/IP stack (AN3968)