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  • Linq to SQL 学习路线图

    LINQ to SQL

    1 Linq基础

    1.1 Lamada Expession

    Allow the definition of anonymous methods using more concise syntax.

    delegate int del(int i);

    del myDelegate = x => x * x;

    int j = myDelegate(5); //j = 25

    public int myDelegateMethod(int i)


       return i*i;


    del myDelegateUsing = new del(myDelegateMethod);

    int j = myDelegateUsing (5) //j=25 

    Func<Northwinds, IQueryable<Orders>, int> q =

    CompiledQuery.Compile<Northwinds, int,IQueryable<Orders>>((Northwinds nw, int orderid) =>

    from o in nw.Orders

    where o.OrderId == orderid

    select o );

    Northwinds nw = new Northwinds(conn);

    foreach (Orders o in q(nw, orderid))

     { ...}

    1.2 Anonymous Types

    An object initializer can also be used without specifying the class that will be created with the new operator. Doing that, a new class-an anonymous type- is created.  

    Customer c1 = new Customer { Name = "Marco" };

    var c2 = new Customer { Name = "Paolo" };

    var c3 = new { Name = "Tom", Age = 31 };

    var c4 = new { c2.Name, c2.Age };

    var c5 = new { c1.Name, c1.Country };

    var c6 = new { c1.Country, c1.Name };

    1.3 Object and Collection Initializers

    //使用Object Initialization Expressions

    Customer customer = new Customer { Name = "Marco", Country = "Italy" };


    var customers = new []{

        new { Name = "Marco", Discount = 4.5 },

        new { Name = "Paolo", Discount = 3.0 },

        new { Name = "Tom", Discount = 3.5 }


    1.4 implicative Local Variable Type

    var x = 2.3;             // double

    var s = "sample";        // string

    1.5 Extend Method

    1.6 Auto property

    1.7 Query syntax

    2 Linq 高级

    2.1 IEnumerable

    2.2 IEnumerator

    2.3 IQueryable

    2.4 IQueryProvider

    2.5 Expression Tree

    3 Linq To Sql

    3.1 What is Linq to Sql

    LINQ to SQL is an O/RM (object relational mapping) implementationand which allows you to model a relational database using .NET classes. You can then query the database using LINQ, as well as update/insert/delete data from it.

    3.2 Modeling Databases

    Use a LINQ to SQL designer that provides an easy way to model and visualize a database as a LINQ to SQL object model.

    3.3 Extensibility Partial Class and Method

    3.4 Query Update Delete Insert Paging 

    Paging with Skip()& Take() Operators


    3.4.1 Query

    3.4.2 Upate Delete Insert

    3.4.3 Paging

    3.5 Use StoreProcedure & User Defined Function

    3.6 aspLinqDatasource others UI Controls

    3.7 Executing Custom SQL Expressions & DynamicQuery

    Custom SQL Expression 


    3.8 Concurrent Conflict

    3.9 Using DBContext

    3.10 Inheritance & Relationship

    3.11 Some Feature:DataLoadOptions & Caching & Lazy Loading &DataContext隔离

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/utopia/p/1557881.html
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