P(n,r) n个元素集合的r-排列的个数
C(n,r) n个元素集合的r-组合的个数
M(k,r) k种元素多重集的r-组合个数, M(k,r) = C(r+k-1,r)
sorted | unique | 总数 |
true | true | C(choices,blanks) |
true | false | M(choices,blanks) |
false | true | P(choices,blanks) |
false | false | choices^blanks(乘方) |

1 class Lottery: 2 def sortByOdds(self, rules): 3 l = [self._processRule(rule) for rule in rules] 4 l = sorted(l, key = lambda x: x) 5 l = [x[1] for x in l] 6 return tuple(l) 7 8 def _p(self, n, r): 9 total = 1 10 for i in range(n-r+1, n+1): 11 total = total * i 12 return total 13 14 def _c(self, n, r): 15 total = 1 16 for i in range(n-r+1, n+1): 17 total = total * i 18 for i in range(1, r+1): 19 total = total / i 20 return int(total) 21 22 def _m(self, k, r): 23 return self._c(k+r-1, r) 24 25 def _result(self, name, choices, blanks, _sorted, unique): 26 if _sorted and unique: 27 total = self._c(choices, blanks) 28 elif _sorted and not unique: 29 total = self._m(choices, blanks) 30 elif not _sorted and unique: 31 total = self._p(choices, blanks) 32 else: 33 total = 1 34 for i in range(0,blanks): 35 total = total * choices 36 return (total, name) 37 38 def _processRule(self, rule): 39 splits = rule.split(':') 40 name = splits[0] 41 42 splits = splits[1].split(' ') 43 choices = int(splits[1]) 44 blanks = int(splits[2]) 45 _sorted = splits[3] == 'T' 46 unique = splits[4] == 'T' 47 return self._result(name, choices, blanks, _sorted, unique) 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 # test 55 o = Lottery() 56 assert(o._c(5, 2) == 10) 57 58 # test1 59 assert(o.sortByOdds(("PICK ANY TWO: 10 2 F F" 60 ,"PICK TWO IN ORDER: 10 2 T F" 61 ,"PICK TWO DIFFERENT: 10 2 F T" 62 ,"PICK TWO LIMITED: 10 2 T T")) == 63 ( "PICK TWO LIMITED", 64 "PICK TWO IN ORDER", 65 "PICK TWO DIFFERENT", 66 "PICK ANY TWO" )) 67 68 # test: 空值 69 assert(o.sortByOdds(()) == ())