## 继承 class People(object): school = 'Luffycity' def __init__(self, name, gender, age): self.name = name self.gender = gender self.age = age class Teacher(People): def __init__(self, name, gender, age, level, salary): super(Teacher, self).__init__(name, gender, age) self.level = level self.salary = salary class Student(People): def __init__(self, name, gender, age, class_time): super().__init__(name, gender, age) self.class_time = class_time tea1 = Teacher('alex', '男', 22, 'SSS', 99999) stu1 = Student('张三', '男', 32, '8:45')
## 一段代码如下 class People(object): school = 'Luffycity' def __init__(self, name, gender, age): self.name = name self.gender = gender self.age = age class Teacher(People): def __init__(self, name, gender, age, level, salary, course_name, course_price, course_period): super(Teacher, self).__init__(name, gender, age) self.level = level self.salary = salary self.course_name = course_name self.course_price = course_price self.course_period = course_period class Student(People): def __init__(self, name, gender, age, class_time): super().__init__(name, gender, age) self.class_time = class_time tea1 = Teacher('alex', '男', 22, 'SSS', 99999, 'python', 9999, '3mons') stu1 = Student('张三', '男', 32, '8:45') print(tea1.course_name)
class People(object): school = 'Luffycity' def __init__(self, name, gender, age): self.name = name self.gender = gender self.age = age class Teacher(People): def __init__(self, name, gender, age, level, salary): super(Teacher, self).__init__(name, gender, age) self.level = level self.salary = salary class Course(object): def __init__(self, course_name, course_price, course_period): self.course_name = course_name self.course_price = course_price self.course_period = course_period class Student(People): def __init__(self, name, gender, age, class_time): super().__init__(name, gender, age) self.class_time = class_time
doc1 = Teacher('alex', '男', 22, 'SSS', 22) doc2 = Teacher('alex2', '男2', 32, 'SSS', 22) python = Course('python', 9999, '4mons') doc1.course = python # 组合 doc2.course = python # # doc1.属性 = python对象 print(python) # python对象 print(doc1.course) # doc1的属性 print(doc2.course) print(python.course_name) # python对象的course_name属性 print(doc1.course.course_name)
## 运行结果 <__main__.Course object at 0x01E424F0> <__main__.Course object at 0x01E424F0> <__main__.Course object at 0x01E424F0> python python
class People(object): school = 'Luffycity' def __init__(self, name, gender, age): self.name = name self.gender = gender self.age = age class Teacher(People): def __init__(self, name, gender, age, level, salary): super(Teacher, self).__init__(name, gender, age) self.level = level self.salary = salary class Course(object): def __init__(self, course_name, course_price, course_period): self.course_name = course_name self.course_price = course_price self.course_period = course_period def tell_info(self): print('课程:%s 价格:%s 周期%s ' % (self.course_name, self.course_price, self.course_period)) class Student(People): def __init__(self, name, gender, age, class_time): super().__init__(name, gender, age) self.class_time = class_time doc1 = Teacher('alex', '男', 22, 'SSS', 22) doc2 = Teacher('alex2', '男2', 32, 'SSS', 22) python = Course('python', 9999, '4mons') linux = Course('linux', 9999, '4mons') go = Course('go', 9999, '4mons') doc1.course = python # 组合 doc2.course = python print(python) print(doc1.course) print(doc2.course) print(python.course_name) print(doc1.course.course_name) doc1.course.tell_info() # #可以使用组合的类产生的对象所持有的方法
# 运行结果 <__main__.Course object at 0x006425B0> <__main__.Course object at 0x006425B0> <__main__.Course object at 0x006425B0> python python 课程:python 价格:9999 周期4mons
(4)多个对象添加到第一个对象的属性 [ ]
class People(object): school = 'Luffycity' def __init__(self, name, gender, age): self.name = name self.gender = gender self.age = age class Teacher(People): def __init__(self, name, gender, age, level, salary): super(Teacher, self).__init__(name, gender, age) self.level = level self.salary = salary class Course(object): def __init__(self, course_name, course_price, course_period): self.course_name = course_name self.course_price = course_price self.course_period = course_period def tell_info(self): print('课程:%s 价格:%s 周期%s ' % (self.course_name, self.course_price, self.course_period)) class Student(People): def __init__(self, name, gender, age, class_time): super().__init__(name, gender, age) self.class_time = class_time doc1 = Teacher('alex', '男', 22, 'SSS', 22) doc2 = Teacher('alex2', '男2', 32, 'SSS', 22) python = Course('python', 9999, '4mons') linux = Course('linux', 9999, '4mons') go = Course('go', 9999, '4mons') # doc1.course1 = python # 组合 # doc1.course2 = linux # doc1.属性 = python对象 doc1.courses = [] doc1.courses.append(python) doc1.courses.append(linux) for item in doc1.courses: item.tell_info()
class People(object): school = 'Luffycity' def __init__(self, name, gender, age): self.name = name self.gender = gender self.age = age class Teacher(People): def __init__(self, name, gender, age, level, salary): super(Teacher, self).__init__(name, gender, age) self.level = level self.salary = salary class Course(object): def __init__(self, course_name, course_price, course_period): self.course_name = course_name self.course_price = course_price self.course_period = course_period def tell_info(self): print('课程:%s 价格:%s 周期%s ' % (self.course_name, self.course_price, self.course_period)) class Student(People): def __init__(self, name, gender, age, class_time): super().__init__(name, gender, age) self.class_time = class_time class Date: def __init__(self, year, month, day): self.year = year self.month = month self.day = day def tell_info(self): print('生日:%s-%s-%s' % (self.year, self.month, self.day)) stu1 = Student('stu1', 'nv', 11, 2012) stu1.date = Date(1994,9,9) # stu1.date 是stu1对象的属性 # Date() 实例化个对象 stu1.date.tell_info()
# 代码重用的2种方式 # # 组合: # # 学生有课程 # # 学生有生日 # # 继承 # # 人是动物
hi boy,给我开个查询接口。。。此时的接口指的是:自己提供给使用者来调用自己功能的方式方法入口,

java中的interface使用如下 =================第一部分:Java 语言中的接口很好的展现了接口的含义: IAnimal.java /* * Java的Interface接口的特征: * 1)是一组功能的集合,而不是一个功能 * 2)接口的功能用于交互,所有的功能都是public,即别的对象可操作 * 3)接口只定义函数,但不涉及函数实现 * 4)这些功能是相关的,都是动物相关的功能,但光合作用就不适宜放到IAnimal里面了 */ package com.oo.demo; public interface IAnimal { public void eat(); public void run(); public void sleep(); public void speak(); } =================第二部分:Pig.java:猪”的类设计,实现了IAnnimal接口 package com.oo.demo; public class Pig implements IAnimal{ //如下每个函数都需要详细实现 public void eat(){ System.out.println("Pig like to eat grass"); } public void run(){ System.out.println("Pig run: front legs, back legs"); } public void sleep(){ System.out.println("Pig sleep 16 hours every day"); } public void speak(){ System.out.println("Pig can not speak"); } } =================第三部分:Person2.java /* *实现了IAnimal的“人”,有几点说明一下: * 1)同样都实现了IAnimal的接口,但“人”和“猪”的实现不一样,为了避免太多代码导致影响阅读,这里的代码简化成一行,但输出的内容不一样,实际项目中同一接口的同一功能点,不同的类实现完全不一样 * 2)这里同样是“人”这个类,但和前面介绍类时给的类“Person”完全不一样,这是因为同样的逻辑概念,在不同的应用场景下,具备的属性和功能是完全不一样的 */ package com.oo.demo; public class Person2 implements IAnimal { public void eat(){ System.out.println("Person like to eat meat"); } public void run(){ System.out.println("Person run: left leg, right leg"); } public void sleep(){ System.out.println("Person sleep 8 hours every dat"); } public void speak(){ System.out.println("Hellow world, I am a person"); } } =================第四部分:Tester03.java package com.oo.demo; public class Tester03 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("===This is a person==="); IAnimal person = new Person2(); person.eat(); person.run(); person.sleep(); person.speak(); System.out.println(" ===This is a pig==="); IAnimal pig = new Pig(); pig.eat(); pig.run(); pig.sleep(); pig.speak(); } } java中的interface
- 归一化让使用者无需关心对象的类是什么,只需要的知道这些对象都具备某些功能就可以了,这极大地降低了使用者的使用难度。
- 归一化使得高层的外部使用者可以不加区分的处理所有接口兼容的对象集合
- 就好象linux的泛文件概念一样,所有东西都可以当文件处理,不必关心它是内存、磁盘、网络还是屏幕(当然,对底层设计者,当然也可以区分出“字符设备”和“块设备”,然后做出针对性的设计:细致到什么程度,视需求而定)。
- 再比如:我们有一个汽车接口,里面定义了汽车所有的功能,然后由本田汽车的类,奥迪汽车的类,大众汽车的类,他们都实现了汽车接口,这样就好办了,大家只需要学会了怎么开汽车,那么无论是本田,还是奥迪,还是大众我们都会开了,开的时候根本无需关心我开的是哪一类车,操作手法(函数调用)都一样
3). 模仿interface
class People: def walk(self): print('People is walking') class Pig: def go(self): print('Pig is walking') class Dog: def run(self): print('Dog is walking') p1 = People() p2 = Pig() p3 = Dog() p1.walk() p2.go() p3.run()
class Animal(object): def run(self): print(' is runing') def eat(self): print('is eating') class People(Animal): def walk(self): print('People is walking') def eat(self): print('People is eating') class Pig(Animal): def go(self): print('Pig is walking') def eat(self): print('pig is eating') class Dog: def run(self): print('Dog is walking') def eat(self): print('Dog is eating') p1 = People() p2 = Pig() p3 = Dog() # p1.walk() # p2.go() # p3.run() p1.eat() p2.eat() p3.eat()
上面的代码只是看起来像接口,其实并没有起到接口的作用,子类完全可以不用去实现接口 ,这就用到了抽象类
1 、什么是抽象类
2 、为什么要有抽象类
3. 在python中实现抽象类
import abc class Animal(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): # 只能被继承,不能被实例化 all_type = 'animal' @abc.abstractmethod def run(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def eat(self): pass # animal = Animal() # 只能被继承,不能被实例化 class People(Animal): def run(self): # run方法名称和aniaml相同 print('People is walking') def eat(self): # eat方法名称和aniaml相同 print('People is eating') class Pig(Animal): def run(self): print('Pig is walking') def eat(self): print('Pig is eating') class Dog: def run(self): print('Dog is walking') def eat(self): print('Dog is eating') p1 = People() p2 = Pig() p3 = Dog() # p1.walk() # p2.go() # p3.run() p1.eat() p2.eat() p3.eat()
class Interface:#定义接口Interface类来模仿接口的概念,python中压根就没有interface关键字来定义一个接口。 def read(self): #定接口函数read pass def write(self): #定义接口函数write pass class Txt(Interface): #文本,具体实现read和write def read(self): print('文本数据的读取方法') def write(self): print('文本数据的读取方法') class Sata(Interface): #磁盘,具体实现read和write def read(self): print('硬盘数据的读取方法') def write(self): print('硬盘数据的读取方法') class Process(Interface): def read(self): print('进程数据的读取方法') def write(self): print('进程数据的读取方法')
#一切皆文件 import abc #利用abc模块实现抽象类 class All_file(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): all_type='file' @abc.abstractmethod #定义抽象方法,无需实现功能 def read(self): '子类必须定义读功能' pass @abc.abstractmethod #定义抽象方法,无需实现功能 def write(self): '子类必须定义写功能' pass # class Txt(All_file): # pass # # t1=Txt() #报错,子类没有定义抽象方法 class Txt(All_file): #子类继承抽象类,但是必须定义read和write方法 def read(self): print('文本数据的读取方法') def write(self): print('文本数据的读取方法') class Sata(All_file): #子类继承抽象类,但是必须定义read和write方法 def read(self): print('硬盘数据的读取方法') def write(self): print('硬盘数据的读取方法') class Process(All_file): #子类继承抽象类,但是必须定义read和write方法 def read(self): print('进程数据的读取方法') def write(self): print('进程数据的读取方法') wenbenwenjian=Txt() yingpanwenjian=Sata() jinchengwenjian=Process() #这样大家都是被归一化了,也就是一切皆文件的思想 wenbenwenjian.read() yingpanwenjian.write() jinchengwenjian.read() print(wenbenwenjian.all_type) print(yingpanwenjian.all_type) print(jinchengwenjian.all_type)
5、 抽象类与接口