但是等等,现今的需求早已改变了,现在你的代码可能需要根据ID的不同而被重用,这样的话用jQuery(或其他库)的编写的代码片段看似用处不大了,它们只是代码片段不是吗?当你不使用插件而实现 show() 或 hide() 的功能应该怎么设计你的代码呢?
Introducing the Object Literal Pattern 对象字面量的介绍
var myObjectLiteral = { myBehavior1 : function() { /* do something */ }, myBehavior2 : function() { /* do something else*/ } };
$(document).ready(function() { $('#myFeature li') .append('<div/>') .each(function(){ $(this).find('div') .load('foo.php?item=' + $(this).attr('id')); }) .click(function() { $(this).find('div').show(); $(this).siblings().find('div').hide(); }); });
var myFeature = { config : { wrapper : '#myFeature', container : 'div', urlBase : 'foo.php?item=' }, init : function(config){ $.extend(myFeature.config, config); $(myFeature.config.wrapper).find('li'). each(function(){ myFeature.getContent($(this)); }). click(function(){ myFeature.showContent($(this)); }); }, buildUrl : function($li){ return myFeature.config.urlBase + $li.attr('id'); }, getContent : function($li){ $li.append('<' + myFeature.config.container + '/>'); var url = myFeature.buildUrl($li); $li.find(myFeature.config.container).load(url); }, showContent : function($li){ $li.find(myFeature.config.container).show(); myFeature.hideContent($li.siblings()); }, hideContent : function($elements){ $elements.find(myFeature.config.container).hide(); } }; $(document).ready(function() { myFeature.init(); });
An in-depth example 一个更深层次的示例
Step 1: HTML结构
- 当JavaScript不可用时HTML仍然有意义并且很好的工作
- 提供可预测的DOM结构方便附加在JavaScript上
- 避免不必要的IDs和classes(你可能会感到惊讶)
<h1>This is My Nifty Feature</h1> <div id="myFeature"> <ul class="sections"> <li> <h2><a href="/section/1">Section 1</a></h2> <ul> <li> <h3><a href="/section/1/content/1">Section 1 Title 1</a></h3> <p>The excerpt content for Content Item 1</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="/section/1/content/2">Section 1 Title 2</a></h3> <p>The expert content for Content Item 2</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="/section/1/content/3">Section 1 Title 3</a></h3> <p>The expert content for Content Item 3</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <h2><a href="/section/2">Section 2</a></h2> <ul> <li> <h3><a href="/section/2/content/1">Section 2 Title 1</a></h3> <p>The excerpt content for Content Item 1</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="/section/2/content/2">Section 2 Title 2</a></h3> <p>The expert content for Content Item 2</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="/section/2/content/3">Section 2 Title 3</a></h3> <p>The expert content for Content Item 3</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <h2><a href="/section/3">Section 3</a></h2> <ul> <li> <h3><a href="/section/3/content/1">Section 3 Title 1</a></h3> <p>The excerpt content for Content Item 1</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="/section/3/content/2">Section 3 Title 2</a></h3> <p>The expert content for Content Item 2</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="/section/3/content/3">Section 3 Title 3</a></h3> <p>The expert content for Content Item 3</p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div>
Step 2: Scaffolding the Object Object的脚手架
- myFeature.init() 将会运行在 $(document).ready() 中。通过语义化的HTML标签,让我们很快进入到JavaScript的用户界面。
- myFeature.buildSectionNav() 将被 myFeature.init() 调用。这将需要一个jQuery对象包含所有section语义的HTML标签来构建一级导航,每项一级导航而且会被绑定点击事件,点击它们将会显示相应的部分(二级导航)
- myFeature.buildItemNav() 将被 myFeature.showSection() 调用,这需要jQuery对象包含所有和section相关的具有语义HTML的item项,用它们来建立二级导航。它们(二级导航)也将会被绑定点击事件所以点击后将显示相关内容。
- myFeature.showSection() 当用户点击一级导航的项时将被调用。通过一级导航的点击项判断哪部分语义内容将被显示。
- myFeature.showContentItem() 当用户点击二级导航时将被调用。通过二级导航的点击判断那部分语义内容将被显示。
首先配置属性,通过 myFeature.config 将各个属性设置到一起而不是在代码中各个部分定义。我们将在 myFeature.init() 中提供默认属性覆写的功能。
var myFeature = { 'config' : {}, 'init' : function() {}, 'buildSectionNav' : function() {}, 'buildItemNav' : function() {}, 'showSection' : function() {}, 'showContentItem' : function() {} };
Step 3: The Code 代码
一旦我们建立起了骨架,是时候开始编写后面的代码了。首先编写 myFeature.config 对象和 myFeature.init() 方法:
'config' : { //default container is #myFeature 'container' : $('#myFeature') }, 'init' : function(config){ //provide for custom configuration via init() if(config && typeof(config) == 'object' ){ $.extend(myFeature.config, config); } //create and/or cache some DOM elements //we'll want to use throughout the code myFeature.$container = myFeature.config.container; myFeature.$sections = myFeature.$container. // only select immediate children! find('ul.sections > li');
myFeature.$items = myFeature.$sections.
find('ul > li'); myFeature.$section_nav = $('<p/>') .attr('id', 'section_nav') .prependTo(myFeature.$container); myFeature.$item_nav = $('<p/>') .attr('id', 'item_nav') .insertAfter(myFeature.section_nav); myFeature.$content = $('<p/>') .attr('id', 'content') .insertAfter(myFeature.$item_nav); //build the section-level nav and //"click" the first item myFeature.buildSectionNav(myFeature.$sections); myFeature.$section_nav.find('li:first').click(); //hide the plain HTML from sight myFeature.$container.find('ul.sections').hide(); //make a note that the initialization //is complete; we don't strictly need this //for this iteration, but it can come in handy myFeature.initialized = true; }
接下来编写 myFeature.buildSectionNav() 方法:
'buildSectionNav' : function($sections){ //iterate over the provided list of sections $sections.each(function(){ //get the section var $section = $(this); //create a list item for the section navigation $('<li/>') //use the text of the first h2 //in the section as the text for //the section navigation .text($section.find('h2:first').text()) //add the list item to the section navigation .appendTo(myFeature.$section_nav) //use data() to store a reference //to the original section on the //newly-created list item .data('section', $section) //bind the click behavior //to the newly created list item //so it will show the section .click(myFeature.showSection); }); }
接下来编写 myFeature.buildItemNav() 方法:
'buildItemNav' : function($items){ //iterate over the provided list of items $items.each(function(){ //get the item var $item = $(this); //create a list item element for the //item navigation $('<li/>') //use the text of the first h3 //in the item as the text for the //item navigation .text($item.find('h3:first').text()) //add the list item to item navigation .appendTo(myFeature.$item_nav) //use data to store a reference //to the original item on the //newly created list item .data('item', $item) //bind the click behavior to the //newly created list item so it will //show the content item .click(myFeature.showContentItem); }) }
最后,我们将编写 showSection() 和 showContentItem() 方法:
'showSection' : function(){ // capture the list item that was clicked on var $li = $(this); //clear out the left nav and content area myFeature.$item_nav.empty(); myFeature.$content.empty(); //get the jQuery section object from original HTML, //which we stored using data() during buildSectionNav var $section = $li.data('section'); //mark the clicked list item as current //and remove the current marker from its siblings $li.addClass('current') .siblings().removeClass('current'); //find all of items related to the section var $items = $section.find('ul li'); //build the item nav for the section myFeature.buildItemsNav($items); //"click" on the first list item in the section's item nav myFeature.$item_nav.find('li:first').click(); }, 'showContentItem' : function(){ var $li = $(this); //mark the clicked list item as current //and remove the current marker form its siblidngs $li.addClass('current') .siblings().removeClass('current'); //get the jQuery item object from the original HTML, //which we stored using data during buildContentNav var $item = $li.data('item'); myFeature.$content.html($item.html()); }
所有准备完后,我们开始调用 myFeature.init() 方法:
Step 4: Changing Requirements
var myFeature = { 'config' : { 'container' : $('#myFeature'), // configurable function for getting // a URL for loading item content 'getItemURL' : function($item){ return $item.find('a:first').attr('href'); } }, 'init' : function (config) { // stays the same }, 'buildSectionNav' : function($sections){ // stays the same }, 'buildItemNav' : function($items) { // stays the same }, 'showSection' : function(){ //stays the same }, 'showContentItem' : function(){ var $li = $(this); $li.addClass('current'). $siblings().removeClass('current'); var $item = $li.data('item'); var url = myFeature.config.getItemURL($item); // myFeature.$content.html($item.html()) myFeature.$content.load(url); } }
想要更加灵活吗?有许多你能配置的(覆写)如果你真的想使代码功能变得灵活。例如,你可以通过配置 myFeature.config 自定义地为每个item找到对应的文本:
var myFeature = { 'configure' : { ' container' : $('#myFeature'), //specify the default selector // for finding the text to use // for each item in the item nav 'itemNavSelector' : 'h3', //specify a default callback //for "processing" the jQuery object //returned by the itemNavText selector 'itemNavProcessor' : function($selection){ return 'Preview of ' + $selection.eq(0).text(); } }, 'init' : function(config){ // stays the same }, 'buildSectionNav' : function($sections){ // stays the same }, 'buildItemNav' : function($items){ $.items.each(function(){ var $item = $(this); //use the selector and processor //from the config //to get the text for each item nav var myText = myFeature.config.itemNavProcessor( $item.find(myFeature.config.itemNavSelector) ); $('<li/>') //use the new variable //as the text for the nav item .text(myText) .appendTo(myFeature.$item_nav) .data('item', $item) .click(myFeature.showContentItem); }); }, 'showSection' : function(){ // stays the same }, 'showContentItem' : function (){ // stays the same } };
只要你添加配置对象参数,调用 myFeature.init() 时就可以覆写config对象:
$(document).ready(function(){ myFeature.init({ 'itemNavSelector' : 'h2' }); });
OK!有了以上了解和学习,读者们可以尝试实现jQuery history 插件~
Conclusion 总结
Learn More 了解更多
- More on the jQuery data() method
- More praise for the object literal pattern
- The jQuery History plugin
- An interseting application of the object literal pattern for architecting code for multiple page types
附录前文中An in-depth example 完整代码:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>An in-depth example 一个更深层次的示例</title> <style type="text/css"> .current{ background: #f47460; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/3.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1>This is My Nifty Feature</h1> <div id="myFeature"> <ul class="sections"> <li> <h2><a href="/section/1">Section 1</a></h2> <ul> <li> <h3><a href="/section/1/content/1">Section 1 Title 1</a></h3> <p>The excerpt content for Content Item 1</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="/section/1/content/2">Section 1 Title 2</a></h3> <p>The expert content for Content Item 2</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="/section/1/content/3">Section 1 Title 3</a></h3> <p>The expert content for Content Item 3</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <h2><a href="/section/2">Section 2</a></h2> <ul> <li> <h3><a href="/section/2/content/1">Section 2 Title 1</a></h3> <p>The excerpt content for Content Item 1</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="/section/2/content/2">Section 2 Title 2</a></h3> <p>The expert content for Content Item 2</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="/section/2/content/3">Section 2 Title 3</a></h3> <p>The expert content for Content Item 3</p> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <h2><a href="/section/3">Section 3</a></h2> <ul> <li> <h3><a href="/section/3/content/1">Section 3 Title 1</a></h3> <p>The excerpt content for Content Item 1</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="/section/3/content/2">Section 3 Title 2</a></h3> <p>The expert content for Content Item 2</p> </li> <li> <h3><a href="/section/3/content/3">Section 3 Title 3</a></h3> <p>The expert content for Content Item 3</p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myFeature = { 'config': { 'container' : $('#myFeature') }, 'init': function(config){ if(config && typeof config == 'object'){ $.extend(myFeature.config, config); } //缓存变量 myFeature.$container = myFeature.config.container; myFeature.$sections = myFeature.$container. find('ul.sections > li'); myFeature.$items = myFeature.$sections. find('ul > li'); myFeature.$section_nav = $('<p/>') .attr('id', 'section_nav') .prependTo(myFeature.$container); myFeature.$item_nav = $('<p/>') .attr('id', 'item_nav') .insertAfter(myFeature.$section_nav); myFeature.$content = $('<p/>') .attr('id', 'content') .insertAfter(myFeature.$item_nav); //初始化新增的这三层DOM结构 myFeature.buildSectionNav(myFeature.$sections); myFeature.$section_nav.find('li:first').click(); //隐藏原有的HTML结构 myFeature.$container.find('ul.sections').hide(); }, 'buildSectionNav' : function($sections){ //绑定事件 $sections.each(function(){ var $section = $(this); $('<li>').text($section.find('h2:first').text()) .appendTo(myFeature.$section_nav) .data('section', $section) .click(myFeature.showSection) }); }, 'buildItemNav' : function($items){ //绑定事件 $items.each(function(){ var $item = $(this); $('<li>').text($item.find('h3:first').text()) .appendTo(myFeature.$item_nav) .data('item', $item) .click(myFeature.showContentItem); }); }, 'showSection' : function(){ //事件处理程序 var $li = $(this); myFeature.$item_nav.empty(); myFeature.$content.empty(); var $section = $li.data('section'); $li.addClass('current') .siblings().removeClass('current'); var $items = $section.find('ul li'); myFeature.buildItemNav($items); myFeature.$item_nav.find('li:first').click(); }, 'showContentItem' : function(){ //事件处理程序 var $li = $(this); $li.addClass('current') .siblings().removeClass('current'); var $item = $li.data('item'); myFeature.$content.html($item.html()); } } $(document).ready(function(){myFeature.init()}); </script> </body> </html>