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  • JqueryTable ServerSide Ajax 数据加载及样式设置

     <script type="text/javascript">
            $(function () {
                var peopleList = $('#PeopleListTable').DataTable({
                    "language": {
                        "sProcessing": "正在加载数据...",
                        "lengthMenu": "每页显示 _MENU_ 条记录 ",
                        "zeroRecords": "没有找到数据 - sorry",
                        "info": "第 _PAGE_ 页,共 _PAGES_页",
                        "infoEmpty": "没有找到数据",
                        "infoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total records)",
                        "search": "搜索",
                        "paginate": {
                            "sFirst": "第一页",
                            "sPrevious": " 上一页 ",
                            "sNext": " 下一页 ",
                            "sLast": " 最后一页 "
                    //JQueryUI: true,
                    "lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],
                    "pagingType": "bootstrap_extended", //"full_numbers", // 分页,一共两种样式 另一种为two_button // 是datatables默认
                    //"bSortCellsTop": true,
                    //select: {
                    //    style: 'single'
                    serverSide: true,
                    //processing: true,
                    ajax: {
                        type: "POST",
                        //url: "/Admin/SensorType4/GetDataTable", //
                        url: abp.appPath + "api/services/app/wMSensorType/GetTablePageList",//
                    columns: [
                        { "data": "Id", "title": "ID", },
                            //自定义列,checkbox 全选按钮
                            "title": ' <input type="checkbox" class="group-checkable" data-set="#PeopleListTable .checkboxes" />',//'<div class="checker"><span><input type="checkbox" class="group-checkable" data-set="#sample_1 .checkboxes" /></span></div>',
                            "sortable": false,
                            "searchable": false,
                            "class": "center sorting_disabled",
                            "render": function (obj, type, full, meta) {
                                return '<input type="checkbox" class="checkboxes" value="' + full.Id + '" />'; //'<div class="checker"><span></span></div>';
                        { "data": "SensorTypeCode", "title": "传感器类型编码", "class": "center", },
                        { "data": "SensorTypeName", "title": "传感器类型名称", "class": "center", },
                        { "data": "Remarks", "title": "备注", "class": "center", },
                            //自定义列 编辑按钮
                            "title": "操作",
                            "sortable": false,
                            "searchable": false,
                            "render": function (obj, type, full, meta) {
                                return '<a class="" href="/admin/Article/edit?Id=' + full.Id + '">编辑</a> ' + ' <a href="#" onclick="DeleteArticle(' + full.Id + ')">删除</a>';
                    "columnDefs": [
                            "targets": [1],
                            "sortable": false,
                            "searchable": false,
                            "targets": [0],
                            "visible": false,
                            "searchable": false
                            "targets": [4],
                            "sortable": false
                    "order": [
                        [2, "asc"]
                    //select: true,
                    //DataTables has the option of being able to save the state of a table (its paging position, ordering state etc) so that is can be restored when the user reloads a page, or comes back to the page after visiting a sub-page. This state saving ability is enabled by the
                    //stateSave: true,
                    "drawCallback": function (settings) {
                var table = $('#PeopleListTable');
                table.find('.group-checkable').change(function () {
                    var set = jQuery(this).attr("data-set");
                    var checked = jQuery(this).is(":checked");
                    jQuery(set).each(function () {
                        if (checked) {
                            $(this).prop("checked", true);
                        } else {
                            $(this).prop("checked", false);
                table.on('change', 'tbody tr .checkboxes', function () {


  • 相关阅读:
    Enables DNS lookups on client IP addresses 域名的分层结构
    移除 URL 中的 index.php
    Design and Architectural Goals
    The Model represents your data structures.
    If a cache file exists, it is sent directly to the browser, bypassing the normal system execution.
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    http 2
    联合约束 CONCAT()
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/vevi/p/5527652.html
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