add file to git: git add filename & git commit -m "explaination about the changes of the file" you must add & commit file so that changes of the file will take effect
get file status: git status
compare different: git diff filename
check log: git log / git log --pretty=oneline,short,medium,full,fuller,email
check all verison id: git reflog
version checkout: git checkout -- filename (take effect only before you add);
git reset HEAD filename (take effect before you commit -m);
git reset --hard HEAD~100/git reset --hard version_id (take effect before you summit the local version to remote version library
remove file: rm filename; T:git rm filename & git commit filename;F:git checkout filename
3、remote library
push:git remote add origin https:github.com/Vickey-Wu/create_website.git (git remote add + remote library name + repository address)
git push -u origin master (if first time to push need -u ,later don't have to)(if raise error [rejected] then use: git push -f)
clone from remote: git clone https://github.com/Vickey-Wu/get_remote.git
to be continue...