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  • python cookbook

    Donn Lee Python Cookbook

    Quick and easy ways to get python to do what you want it to do.

    Get the size (in bytes) of a file

    FILE = '/home/donn/postip/log.txt'
       filesize = os.path.getsize(FILE)
       print "Error getting size of file %s." % FILE
    if filesize > 5000000:
       print "That's a big file!"

    Make a subdirectory if it doesn't exist

    import os, os.path

    if not os.path.exists(dir):
      print "Making dirs for %s." % dir

    Get and Print the timestamp of a file (last modify time)

    from time import *

    i_tmp = os.path.getmtime('myfile.txt')
    t_tmp = localtime(i_tmp)
    tstamp = strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", t_tmp)

    Run a unix command (do a shell command)

    import commands
    FILE = 'myfile.txt'
    DIRROOT = '/home/donn'
    cmd = 'cp -p %s/%s %s/tmp.txt' % (DIRROOT, FILE, DIRROOT)
    print 'About to execute command: %s' % cmd
    output = commands.getoutput(cmd)
    print 'File %s copied as tmp.txt' % FILE
    # Optionally, print the output of the command:
    print 'Output of the command was: %s' % output

    Grab the html of a URL

    url = "http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?query=pentium&qty=y"
    # Get search results.
       f = urllib.urlopen(url)
       print "HTTP client, urlopen error."
    data = f.read()

    # Print the html.
    print 'HTML received was:'
    print data

    # Search the html.
    my_regex = r'mint\s+condition'   # Use raw strings with regex!
    if re.search(my_regex, data):
       print 'String match found!'
       print 'No matches.'

    Extract text you want from a long string

    long_string = 'The quick brown fox on 212 Main Street jumped over 1024 lazy dogs.'
    # We want to extract only the numbers from the string.
    num_list = re.findall(r'[0-9]+', long_string)
    print "List of numbers found: %s" % num_list
    print 'First number is: %s' % num_list[0]
    print 'All numbers are:'
    for num in num_list:
       print num

    Extracting with more precision using regular expressions (Ignoring regex parenthesis; Advanced regex)

    long_string = ',, 1024 blah 19.95'

    # Only extract the first number (first octet) of IP addresses.
    # Don't extract other numbers like '1024' and '19'.

    # Use "(?:" to suppress capturing parenethesis.
    # Use "\." to match a dot (suppress regex meaning of ".")
    # "{3}": Look for 3 iterations (3 iterations of a dot followed by a number).
    my_regex = r'([0-9]+)(?:\.[0-9]+){3}'

    first_digits = re.findall(my_regex, long_string)
    print "First number of each IP address: %s" % first_digits

    # Remove "?:" from my_regex and see the difference!

    Remove Ctrl-M (^M) characters from a line (remove a char by octal number)

    new_line = re.sub('\033', '', line)

    Script to remove Ctrl-M (^M) characters from a line

    import sys, re

    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
      print "Usage: this_script.py <input_file>"

    (tmp,FILE) = sys.argv

    f = open(FILE, 'r')
    data = f.readlines()

    newdata = []

    for line in data:
      s = re.sub('\015', '' , line)

    fo = open("%s.new" % FILE, 'w')

    for line in newdata:
      print line

    print "Converted text saved as %s.new" % FILE

    Send an email using smtplib module (comes with Python)

    import smtplib, string

    FROMADDR = 'donn@foo.com'        # Author is Donn Lee.
    SMTPSERVER = 'mail.myisp.net'    # Put your own email server here.

    def EmailOut(toaddrs, subj, msg):
       # toaddrs MUST be a python list of email addresses.

       # Convert list to string.
       s_toaddrs = string.join(toaddrs, ",")
       # Convert msg to smtp format.
       msg = """\
    To: %s
    From: %s
    Subject: %s

    """ % (s_toaddrs, FROMADDR, subj, msg)
          server = smtplib.SMTP(SMTPSERVER)
          # If your mail server requires a username/login, you'll need the following line.
          #server.login('donnlee', 'mypassword')
          server.sendmail(FROMADDR, toaddrs, msg)
       # End of fn EmailOut().

    toaddrs = ['shirley@foo.com', 'mom@somewhere.com']
    subj = 'Greetings from Hawaii!'
    msg = """\
    Hello family,
    Weather here has been great.
    Unfortunately, I don't have access to any fancy email clients,
    so I'm writing this email with this crazy unix server I found.

    # Send the email.
    EmailOut(toaddrs, subj, msg)

    Sending email using Bcc field
    Similar idea to EmailOut() function, but this time there are separate lists for "To:" and "Bcc:"

    import smtplib, string

    FROMADDR = 'donn@foo.com'       # Author is Donn Lee.
    SMTPSERVER = 'mail.myisp.net' # Put your own email server here.

    def EmailBcc(to_addrs, bcc_addrs, subj, msg):
    # Combine the lists for smtplib.
       total_addrs = []
       for i in to_addrs:
       for i in bcc_addrs:

       print 'All receipients are: %s' % total_addrs

       # Convert lists to strings for msg.
       s_toaddrs = string.join(to_addrs, ",")
       s_bccaddrs = string.join(bcc_addrs, ",")

       # Convert msg to smtp format.
       msg = """\
    To: %s
    From: %s
    Subject: %s
    Bcc: %s

    """ % (s_toaddrs, FROMADDR, subj, s_bccaddrs, msg)

       print 'SMTP message text is:'; print msg
          print 'Sending email...'
          server = smtplib.SMTP(SMTPSERVER)
          # If your mail server requires a username/login, you'll need the following line.
          #server.login('donnlee', 'mypassword')
          server.sendmail(FROMADDR, total_addrs, msg)
          print 'Email sent!'

    toaddrs = ['joe@gmail.com']
    bccaddrs = ['bob@gmail.com', 'sally@gmail.com']
    subj = 'Greetings from Hawaii!'
    msg = """\
    Hello family,
    Weather here has been great.
    Unfortunately, I don't have access to any fancy email clients,
    so I'm writing this email with this crazy unix server I found.

    # Send the email.
    EmailBcc(toaddrs, bccaddrs, subj, msg)

    Read an email distribution list (simple text file, one address per line)

    DIST_LIST = 'mydist.txt'

    def ReadDistribution():
        f = open(DIST_LIST, 'r')
        data = f.readlines()
        print "Problem reading file %s." % DIST_LIST
        # Don't quit abruptly so script stays alive.
        return ['foo@foo.com', 'donn.lee@foo.com']
      tmp = []
      for i in data:
        # Remove trailing CR.
      # Return a list of email addresses.
      return tmp

    Write a simple UDP server

    import SocketServer, socket, string

    class EchoHandler(SocketServer.DatagramRequestHandler):
       def handle(self):
          # Write client's addr and port #.
          self.wfile.write("Data from %s" % (self.client_address,))
          bufsize = 1024   # May want to increase this.
          while 1:
             line = self.rfile.read()
             print "Got from client %s: %s" % (self.client_address,line)
             if not string.strip(line):

    # Create server & start serving.
    serv = SocketServer.UDPServer(("",60009), EchoHandler)
    print "Starting udp server..."

    Write a simple UDP client for the above server

    import socket

    # This simple client moves a line of text to the server using UDP.

    # IP address of the UDP server.
    SERVER = ''
    PORT = 60009

    LINE = 'Hello world!'

    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    s.connect((SERVER, PORT))
    print "Sending: %s" % LINE
    s.send('%s\r\n' % LINE)
    print "Shutting down socket..."
    print "End."

    Gzip (compress) a list of files

    import gzip
    files = ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file3.txt']
    for f in files:
       print 'Compressing file %s' % f
       input = open(f, 'rb')
       output = gzip.open(f+'.gz', 'wb')
       # Copy contents of input file.
       while 1:
          chunk = input.read(1024)
          if chunk == "": break
          output.write( chunk )
          input.close(); output.close()
    print "Done compressing files."

    Print the current time in a nice, human-readable format

    import time
    print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S %a %b %d %Y', time.localtime(time.time()))

    Will print:
    23:01:22 Thu Jul 01 2004

    Iterate through two lists with one FOR loop

    >>> a=[1,2,3]
    >>> b=['a','b','c']
    >>> for (x,y) in map(None,a,b):
    ... print x,y
    1 a
    2 b
    3 c

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/vigarbuaa/p/2576937.html
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