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  • 精确版NEIE全新版视听说3(网络版)答案{试听说3答案}

    3/16 BBB
    8/16 CABAC
    9/16 ABA 1211 take a break why not some other time party available listen without talk to you about researching background
    work on hoping for break may be it By the way
    1A/5 CBCAB
    1B/5 kind of it's about right I did past three years paid of earned break the case in comparison to depends on a lot harder
    in general my roommate way too for myself a balance
    2A/5 confident relaxed tense in a bad mood
    2B/5 1)How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk
    3/5  1)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing
    4/5  ABBC
    5/5  3 1 1 2 3 1

    3/16 AAB
    8/16 AABB
    9/16 ABCC 221 get expert run broadcast competition In fact Speaking ought to give away Good thinking handle care audio expert
    fast on it You do hard to believe wake up smell the coffee crazy famous taking a bribe smart I hope get in the way work on
    1A/5 BBCBA
    1B/5 heard about was caught they say what to think stuff you'd like to really convinced actually natural athlete in the
    season any opinion about disqualify for the sake of shame to in trouble with start rumors
    2A/5 BACEDF
    2B/5 1232
    3/5  212331
    4/5  ACCC
    5/5  211132
    3/16 CCA
    8/16 ABB
    9/16 ABAA 3133 Bad news audio expert check urgent be sure absolutely sure have an idea may remember confide in reporter
    researcher chance lose one more day only one more day won't be sorry story get tell me everything deserve a break story
    charming charm out of 
    1A/5 BABBC
    1B/5    1)was thinking  2)That would be ok 3)this new mall 4)having a sale 5)kind of 6)a whole lot less  7)just really  8)end
    up using little 9)Well   10)little girl  11)the whale 12)sounded really good 13)a lot  14)a lot less  15)you know what 16)
    treat you to
    2A/5 1)figure it out 2)investigate 3) result 4)make sense 5)ruined
    2B/5 BCEDFA
    3A/5 1213    3B/5  CB
    4/5 ABBB
    5/5 1311  213

    3/16 BAB
    8/16 ABACC
    9/16 ABAA 2231 listen     your side of the story     Nope     all alike        judge me     trust       only goal    helping
      win      deal with    mess    charges serious    threw a game gambling debts  gave access to    stop from    Did you or
    didn't you   throw the game    get show viewers Take your pick innocent
    1B/5 ran into    my gosh     doing fantastic       the same old      how exciting     perfect for     or something like that
    a boring job      gets to     telemarketing    telephone company
    2A/5 ACCA
    2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time /Take a look
    3A/5 a a the a
    3B/5 aren't /will you/does she/could he/hasn't he/doesn't she/didn't I/wasn't he
    4/5 ABAAB
    5/5 ABCACA
    测试A TEST A 
    when did Lance

    Nick thinks that

    3/3 listen to
    1/3 in a bad mood /exhausted
    2/3 trustworthy/dishonest
    3/3 which prase has the same meaning
    */3   are /am /Let's go /too much /why don't I
    */3  1)aren't you 2)an 3)was 4)the 5)have seen 6)good 7)my 8)am able to 9)different 10)haven't been able to
    */3  1)receiving 2)are going to 3)over 4)should 5)'d better
    */5  (stress 重音)       serious  talk  busy
    */5  (rising stress falling那个)   243
    */5  (判断升降调)                1 1
    */5 (判断是否相同)      same  different
    */5 (unlQUE   INteresting)     2
    */3   1)I was sort of hoping  2)it sounds really good  3)that woiuld be a little more fun 4)That sounds really good   
    */3  6)if you put it that way...
           7)i will spend a lot too...
          8)that't true
          9)i just don't feel like it
          10)let's go see the movie then
    */3    3


    3/16 baa
    8/16 bcacc
    9/16 baab
    9/16 3123
    9/16 sure sounds like     stupid     a minute    deliberately     from college    works for recognize teammate     both  
    excuse us   media     you've got that right         get it   worry you    getting some pressure       sit out     badly 
    frankly            win without you

    1A/5 cacaa
    1B/5 the whole story      on the phone    this rebate        A hundred dollars    supposed to   of the camera    nice about
    it         serial number     is gone     Oh man        800
    2A/5 acba
    2B/5 1)do you feel 2)do you think 3)are loving 4)such 5)so 6)believe
    3/5 so /such a /so   /such /so /such a
    4/5 baaab
    5/5 1)can I ask you to take a
        2)I have to take care of
        3)I'm tied uo at the moment   
        4)Would you mind if
        5)Can you please check
        6)OK,no problem
        7)please fill this form
    3/16 DDA
    8/16 BACA ACB
    9/16 BCAC    9/16  1321
    9/16 keep investigating    have no choice     going with    beat us to it      You've got to admit missing something      as
    they seem     in this case    too trusting    skeptical      all right working on    fair     let my emotions color my
    judgment    let me down    won't be sorry
    1A/5 CBCAC 

    1B/5 says    at bars    to have their parents     thirteen years old   get drunk    you know     drinking irresponsibly   
    their kids     baby-sitter     bar owners    this is happening     crazy
    2A/5 BDAEC
    2B/51)deposited 2)bank account 3)As a matter of fact 4)Take it from me 5)For one thing 6)except for 7)go with 8)beat us to it
    9)let us down
    3A/5 going/talking/eating/yourselves/myself/had known/would have brought/crying over /enjoying
    3B/5 1)may 2)may not 3)Is he 4)will 5)might not 6)may 7)are going to 8)might
    4/5 ABAB
    5/5 BACACB   
    3/16 CAC
    8/16 BDAB ABAD
    9/16 BDCB
    9/16 1321
    9/16 here it comes     juice bar     Aren't you     Do I know you     Not yet   interesting proposition     Keep going 
    Let's say    deal    endorse athletic   That's it     business card     on second thought    pay   visit
    1A/5 abccd
    1B/5 great opportunity   audition for   such a wonderful show    the same night   other plays coming along so perfect so
    great about  be invited   go for it
    2A/5 ababba
    2B/5 badac
    3A/5 1)was taking  2)called 3)checked 4)was playing 5)quicker 6)more concentrated
    3B/5 baab
    4/5 bbbaa
    5/5 bacacab
    3/16 CCB
    8/16 DCAA ABBD C
    9/16 BADD
    9/16 3223
    9/16 dead for a moment angry yell at Maybe Probably guest dial in big trouble have trouble with used to memory    to make
    matters worse   ridiculous took lunch voice mail available odd   telling the truth    lying    see a good story
    1A/5 bcbdc
    1B/5 looking for I mean quite a while at the desk Whatever Kind of hard for her name impossible totally screwed up pretty
    clear meet me lobby 4 o'clock good idea try where she is why don't you how that goes
    2A/5 aaabba
    2B/5 ccada
    3A/5 22222
    3B/5 someone / used to /didn't use to /something /anything /
    4/5 ababb
    5/5 1212213
    测试BTest B
    */3 Talia tells Nick that she believes him: {
         1.Nick meets Jackie baker 
         2.Nick explains the deal he made to Talia. 
         3.Talia decided to do see Jackie. 
    */3  1.The receptionist gives the office location.  
         2.The receptionist gives the directions to the office.   
         3.The receptionist asks for a signature. 
    */3 Why did Nick not play in an important game:CBA 
    */4 get along    get going
    */4 (which phrase)  BACC
    */4 (Graham is always very)  CBC DBA D A
    */4 (Talia Hi,mom)    criticizing    pressure
    */2 (Amy:Hi,Ronnie) 22111
         即 better     were having      more intelligent      was listening  would rather
    */2 (Dear Mom)  12122
         即used to be   somebody   who that person is  anybody  where she lives
    */4 (Oh,you are looking) AC
    */4 (Which word do you)  he   her   B B
    */4 (Which word do you)  BAA   即cann't can used
    */4 (Which word has the) 前两个未知,第3是 B
    问题和答案都是读的那道  B
    Which word do you hear,she or he : AABB   / Can or can’t:BAA 
    Oh,you’re looking for Jack Baxter      She’s VP at Kick Shoes 
    Which word has the unstressed/ /:rumor  together   three 
    Amy,Hi,Ronnie.Ready for class: BC 
    Dean,Ijust got back from Cozumel: Oh,really?   How was it going?     That’s great. 
    Tony,Do you think I :CFDBAC

    3/16 bac
    8/16 dcdaccad
    9/16 addc
    9/16 213
    9/16 anything else someone else either In fact cheer up as bad as describe business suit excutive at all
    1A/5 acbad
    1B/5 favor wondering bring two of my friends definitely supposed to messed up have a great time decorations  last minute
    cooking things   great to serve   6:30   three of you
    2A/5 aabbab
    2B/5 bcaba
    3A/5 1)rushed 2)was checking 3)was playing  went
    4/5 aabba
    5/5 acabcab
    3/16  BAB
    8/16  ACCBBCDC
    9/16  AADC
    9/16   1313

    around lately ran into admired ruining his career pretty
    sure different changing the color wannabe tried out
    Except for took lunch performance beginning to unfold
    On the house in his favor soccer professionally

    1A/5  BBCBC
    1B/5 on behalf of a couple of minutes greatly appreciated more time building classrooms dorm rooms
    obviously point better quality more people at least pretty nice spacious rental houses stay in mixed
    feelings involved in helps them out definitely issue
    2A/5 BBABAA
    2B/5 DCCAB
    3A/5 on with/out /up
    3B/5 losing /saying/ to need/ to wait
    3C/5 until/when/have
    4/5  BAAAB
    5/5  BBCCCBA
    3/16   BAC
    8/16   BCBABA
    9/16   ACAC
    9/16   3221
    9/16 won't be sorry admit lied There you are are got reservations just around the corner doing business so much pleasant talk
    over over lunch sign basically says endorse the shoes tricked out of the way next in line star player amazing team office
    make sure
    1A/5   CBAAA
    1B/5 are responsible for Africa visual aid in the outline easy look that up really quick have it all done due Wednesday need
    to meet I'm supposed to do compile get our project done   off  the Internet    helpful use bring those in tomorrow
    2A/5 BAABB
    2B/5 BBADDBB
    3/5 CAAABA
    4/5 AABA
    5/5 BABAAC
    3/16 dcd
    8/16 bcadca
    9/16 adbc
    9/16 1223
    9/16  buddy   Tough rap   really happened   scheme   talented    plotting for   dreamed up   fake   planning   impressed 
    talking crazy   expect   figure out   made up   craziest stories   pulled off   typical   so sure of   popular   prove
    1A/5  BCBAAC
    1B/5  the habitat of the animals
    blue folder rest of the project
    map definitely different spot
    turned it in reliable source
    coming to me instead of positively check with
    2/5  BACA 
    3A/5 ABAB 
    3B/5  231231
          即figure them out    help you out   put them away   clean it up   the most expensive   the best 
    4/5 ACCA
    5/5 123231
    即I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at. /Exactly. 
    /Do you mean that/NO,that’s not what I mean.
    / Could you go over it again? / Are you saying that

    测试CTest C 
    */4 Why does Nick ask to look at the :BC 
    */4 Gomez will earn bonus money:  BCB 
    */4 Nick is confused when the:     213
         即says he hasn’t heard of Kicks shoes 
         to help Nick 
         eye color 
    */4  Spread on the mustard:
         1.Put on the cheese and avocado.  
         2. Put on the tomato and cucumber   
         3.Add the secret ingredient.  
    */4 Marcello:Hi,Amy:   pulled it off      pass on 
    */4 Talia:Hi,Mom:  Keep cool      play it by ear 
    */4 The food at the new :  AC 
    */4 Which phrasal verb means think of:  BC
    */4 Talia:Ronnie:  12312  即the luckiest  pick him up   best   for   dream this up 
    */4 Tony:So,Talia:   think of   working  could  start   was doing  as difficult as 
    */4 Secretary:   may   to talk   as easy as   will give 
    */4 Ronnie:Hi Talia!:   21222  即interesting   to buy   surprised   to invite   have  
    */5  Listen for the sound...:  bba 
    */5  Listen to the sentence.:  I want to     get and it 
    */5  Do you hear the ordinary verb:   AA 
    */5  Listen to the sentence.Which word...:  DCA
    */5  looked up to:    up      out
    */3  Chris:Sorry,...: C 
    */3  Louise:Do you want to... :   BA 
    */3  John:How was...: Are you saying it didn’t go well     Yes,that’s what Imean 
    Level Test

    */5  There is a rumor that Nick:  CBC 
    */5  What does Nick say the TV station is going:  ABC 
    */5  OK, I’m wondering...:  
       couple sit-down silverware accommodate
       easy-going understanding favor attractive settings
       she knows it’s kind of out of your way for us to go to this party
       Pick(注意大写) up anything else get some
       some wine or dessert or bring anything 

    */5  Alex.My old boyfriend Alex.: 
       I looked really good too
       look your best
       No way    doing things and moving on
       hang out or something 

    */5  Nick says his life   ABAB
    */6  Patty:I can’t believe ...:  ABB 
    */6  Which phrase means to understand something?:  BCA 
    */6  The government...:  BCBA
    */6  Throw a game:  AAC
    */6  Dean:Ican’t believe.. :  AAC 
    */6  Amy:What’s wrong,Talia?:  ABB 
    */4  Tony:I(选词) : want  am having  would rather  anyone  better 
    */4  Patty:Well,Icould : AC 
    */4  Dean:I think Nick ...:  CA
    */4  Talia:I: CCB  
    */6   men{tion}  a{so}lutely 
    */6   (He __stuty)   used to   can’t  
    */6   (br)eak (str)eet 
    */6   looked:    single sound   talented: extra syllable 
    */6   falling rising  falling 
    */6  有五个选项的:注意顺序随机 forget  debts  talk
    */2   ACAAB
    */2  A

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/vivizhyy/p/3394903.html
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