本语句基于Microsoft SQL Server
--Insert From Selecter
Insert into DTOClass (F1,F2,F3) select T2.F1,T2.F2,T2.F3 from DTOClass2 T2 where t2.F1='xx'
Delete from DTOClass from DTOClass T1,DTOClass2 T2 where T1.F1=T2.F1 and T1.F2=T2.F2 and T2.F3 = 'XX'
Delete from DTOClass from DTOClass T1 inner join DTOClass2 T2 on T1.F1=T2.F1 and T1.F2=T2.F2 where T2.F3 = 'XX'
--Set 左侧没有Alias
Update DTOClass Set F3='F3_xx' from DTOClass T1,DTOClass2 T2 where T1.F1=T2.F1 and T1.F2=T2.F2 and T2.F3 = 'XX'
Update DTOClass Set F3=T2.F3 from DTOClass T1 inner join DTOClass2 T2 on T1.F1=T2.F1 and T1.F2=T2.F2 and T2.F3 = 'XX'
Select T1.F1,T1.F2,T2.F1,T2.F2 from DTOClass T1,DTOClass2 T2 where T1.F1=T2.F1 and T1.F2=T2.F2 and T2.F3 = 'XX'
Select T1.F1,T1.F2,T2.F1,T2.F2 from DTOClass T1 inner join DTOClass2 T2 on T1.F1=T2.F1 and T1.F2=T2.F2 and T2.F3 = 'XX'