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  • [SPDK/NVMe存储技术分析]002 SPDK官方介绍

    Introduction to the Storage Performance Development Kit (SPDK) | SPDK概述

    By Jonathan S. (Intel), Updated December 5, 2016

    Solid-state storage media is in the process of taking over the data center. Current-generation flash storage enjoys significant advantages in performance, power consumption, and rack density over rotational media. These advantages will continue to grow as next-generation media enter the marketplace.
    固态存储设备正在逐步接管数据中心。目前这一代的闪存存储,相对于传统的磁盘设备来说,在性能(performance)、功耗(power consumption)和机架密度(rack density)上都具有显著的优势。这些优势将会进一步增大,使闪存存储作为下一代存储设备进入到存储市场。

    Introduction to the Storage Performance Development Kit (SPDK) Customers integrating current solid-state media, such as the Intel® SSD DC P3700 Series Non-Volatile Memory Express* (NVMe*) drive, face a major challenge: because the throughput and latency performance are so much better than that of a spinning disk, the storage software now consumes a larger percentage of the total transaction time. In other words, the performance and efficiency of the storage software stack is increasingly critical to the overall storage system. As storage media continues to evolve, it risks outstripping the software architectures that use it, and in coming years the storage media landscape will continue evolving at an incredible pace.
    用户使用现在的固态设备,比如Intel® SSD DC P3700 Series Non-Volatile Memory Express(NVMe)驱动,面临着一个主要的挑战:因为吞吐量和时延性能比传统的磁盘好太多,现在的存储软件在总的处理时间中占用了较大的比例。换句话说,存储软件栈的性能和效率在整个存储系统中显得越来越重要了。随着存储设备继续向前发展,它将面临远远超过正在使用的软件体系结构的风险(即存储设备受制于相关软件的不足而不能发挥其全部性能),在接下来的几年中,存储设备将会继续发展到一个令人难以置信的高度。

    To help storage OEMs and ISVs integrate this hardware, Intel has created a set of drivers and a complete, end-to-end reference storage architecture called the Storage Performance Development Kit (SPDK). The goal of SPDK is to highlight the outstanding efficiency and performance enabled by using Intel’s networking, processing, and storage technologies together. By running software designed from the silicon up, SPDK has demonstrated that millions of I/Os per second are easily attainable by using a few processor cores and a few NVMe drives for storage with no additional offload hardware. Intel provides the entire Linux* reference architecture source code under the broad and permissive BSD license and is distributed to the community through GitHub*. A blog, mailing list, and additional documentation can be found at spdk.io.
    为了帮助存储OEM(设备代工厂)和ISV(独立软件开发商)整合硬件,Inte构造了一系列驱动,以及一个完备的、端对端的参考存储体系结构,被命名为Storage Performance Development Kit(SPDK)。SPDK的目标是通过同时使用Intel的网络技术,处理技术和存储技术来显著地提高效率和性能。通过运行为硬件定制的软件,通过使用多个core和几个NVMe存储(没有额外的offlload硬件),SPDK已经证明很容易达到每秒钟数百万次I/O读取。Intel使用BSD license通过Github分发提供其全部的基于Linux架构的源码。博客、邮件列表和其他文档可在spdk.io中找到。

    Software Architectural Overview | 软件体系结构概览

    How does SPDK work? The extremely high performance is achieved by combining two key techniques: running at user level and using Poll Mode Drivers (PMDs). Let’s take a closer look at these two software engineering terms.

    First, running our device driver code at user level means that, by definition, driver code does not run in the kernel. Avoiding the kernel context switches and interrupts saves a significant amount of processing overhead, allowing more cycles to be spent doing the actual storing of the data. Regardless of the complexity of the storage algorithms (deduplication, encryption, compression, or plain block storage), fewer wasted cycles means better performance and latency. This is not to say that the kernel is adding unnecessary overhead; rather, the kernel adds overhead relevant to general-purpose computing use cases that may not be applicable to a dedicated storage stack. The guiding principle of SPDK is to provide the lowest latency and highest efficiency by eliminating every source of additional software overhead.

    Second, PMDs change the basic model for an I/O. In the traditional I/O model, the application submits a request for a read or a write, and then sleeps while awaiting an interrupt to wake it up once the I/O has been completed. PMDs work differently; an application submits the request for a read or write, and then goes off to do other work, checking back at some interval to see if the I/O has yet been completed. This avoids the latency and overhead of using interrupts and allows the application to improve I/O efficiency. In the era of spinning media (tape and HDDs), the overhead of an interrupt was a small percentage of the overall I/O time, thus was a tremendous efficiency boost to the system. However, as the age of solid-state media continues to introduce lower-latency persistent media, interrupt overhead has become a non-trivial portion of the overall I/O time. This challenge will only become more glaring with lower latency media. Systems are already able to process many millions of I/Os per second, so the elimination of this overhead for millions of transactions compounds quickly into multiple cores being saved. Packets and blocks are dispatched immediately and time spent waiting is minimized, resulting in lower latency, more consistent latency (less jitter), and improved throughput.
    其次,轮询模式驱动(Polled Mode Drivers, PMDs)改变了I/O的基本模型。在传统的I/O模型中,应用程序提交读写请求后进入睡眠状态,一旦I/O完成,中断就会将其唤醒。PMDs的工作方式则不同,应用程序提交读写请求后继续执行其他工作,以一定的时间间隔回头检查I/O是否已经完成。这种方式避免了中断带来的延迟和开销,并使得应用程序提高了I/O效率。在旋转设备时代(磁带和机械硬盘),中断开销只占整个I/O时间的很小的百分比,因此给系统带来了巨大的效率提升。然而,在固态设备时代,持续引入更低时延的持久化设备,中断开销成为了整个I/O时间中不可忽视的部分。这个问题在更低时延的设备上只会越来越严重。系统已经能够每秒处理数百万个I/O,所以消除数百万个事务的这种开销,能够快速地复制到多个core中。数据包和数据块被立即分发,因为等待花费的时间变小,使得时延更低,一致性时延更多(抖动更少),吞吐量也得到了提高。

    SPDK is composed of numerous subcomponents, interlinked and sharing the common elements of user-level and poll-mode operation. Each of these components was created to overcome a specific performance bottleneck encountered while creating the end-to-end SPDK architecture. However, each of these components can also be integrated into non-SPDK architectures, allowing customers to leverage the experience and techniques used within SPDK to accelerate their own software.

    Starting at the bottom and building up:

    Hardware Drivers | 硬件驱动

    NVMe driver: The foundational component for SPDK, this highly optimized, lockless driver provides unparalleled scalability, efficiency, and performance.
    NVMe driver:SPDK的基础组件,高度优化且无锁的驱动提供了前所未有的高扩展性,高效性和高性能。

    Intel® QuickData Technology: Also known as Intel® I/O Acceleration Technology (Intel® IOAT), this is a copy offload engine built into the Intel® Xeon® processor-based platform. By providing user space access, the threshold for DMA data movement is reduced, allowing greater utilization for small-size I/Os or NTB.
    Inter QuickData Technology:也称为Intel I/O Acceleration Technology(Inter IOAT,Intel I/O加速技术),这是一种基于Xeon处理器平台上的copy offload引擎。通过提供用户空间访问,减少了DMA数据移动的阈值,允许对小尺寸I/O或NTB(非透明桥)做更好地利用。

    Back-End Block Devices | 后端块设备

    NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF) initiator: From a programmer’s perspective, the local SPDK NVMe driver and the NVMe-oF initiator share a common set of API commands. This means that local/remote replication, for example, is extraordinarily easy to enable.
    NVMe over Fabrics(NVMe-oF)initiator:从程序员的角度来看,本地SPDK NVMe驱动和NVMe-oF initiator共享一套公共的API命令。这意味着本地/远程复制非常容易实现。

    Ceph* RADOS Block Device (RBD): Enables Ceph as a back-end device for SPDK. This might allow Ceph to be used as another storage tier, for example.
    Ceph RADOS Block Device(RBD):使Ceph成为SPDK的后端设备,这可能允许Ceph用作另一个存储层。

    Blobstore Block Device: A block device allocated by the SPDK Blobstore, this is a virtual device that VMs or databases could interact with. These devices enjoy the benefits of the SPDK infrastructure, meaning zero locks and incredibly scalable performance.
    Blobstore Block Device:由SPDK Blobstore分配的块设备,是虚拟机或数据库可与之交互的虚拟设备。这些设备享有SPDK基础架构带来的优势,意味着无锁和令人难以置信的可扩展性。

    Linux* Asynchronous I/O (AIO): Allows SPDK to interact with kernel devices like HDDs.
    Linux Asynchrounous I/O(AIO):允许SPDK与内核设备(如机械硬盘)发生交互。

    Storage Services | 存储服务

    Block device abstraction layer (bdev): This generic block device abstraction is the glue that connects the storage protocols to the various device drivers and block devices. Also provides flexible APIs for additional customer functionality (RAID, compression, dedup, and so on) in the block layer.
    Block device abstration layer(bdev):这种通用的块设备抽象是连接到各种不同设备驱动和块设备的存储协议的粘合剂。在块层中还提供了灵活的API用于额外的用户功能(磁盘阵列,压缩,去冗等)。

    Blobstore: Implements a highly streamlined file-like semantic (non-POSIX*) for SPDK. This can provide high-performance underpinnings for databases, containers, virtual machines (VMs), or other workloads that do not depend on much of a POSIX file system’s feature set, such as user access control.

    Storage Protocols | 存储协议

    iSCSI target: Implementation of the established specification for block traffic over Ethernet; about twice as efficient as kernel LIO. Current version uses the kernel TCP/IP stack by default.
    iSCSI target:建立了通过以太网的块流量规范,大约是内核LIO效率的两倍。现在的版本默认使用内核TCP/IP协议栈。

    NVMe-oF target: Implements the new NVMe-oF specification. Though it depends on RDMA hardware, the NVMe-oF target can serve up to 40 Gbps of traffic per CPU core.
    NVMe-oF target:实现了新的NVMe-oF规范。虽然这取决于RDMA硬件,NVMe-oF target可以为每个CPU核提供高达40Gbps的流量。

    vhost-scsi target: A feature for KVM/QEMU that utilizes the SPDK NVMe driver, giving guest VMs lower latency access to the storage media and reducing the overall CPU load for I/O intensive workloads.
    vhost-scsi target:KVM/QEMU的功能利用了SPDK NVMe驱动,使得访客虚拟机访问存储设备时延更低,使得I/O密集型工作负载的整体CPU负载有所下降。

    SPDK does not fit every storage architecture. Here are a few questions that might help you determine whether SPDK components are a good fit for your architecture.

    》 Is the storage system based on Linux or or FreeBSD*?

    SPDK is primarily tested and supported on Linux. The hardware drivers are supported on both FreeBSD and Linux.
    是的。 SPDK主要在Linux上测试和支持。硬件驱动被FreeBSD和Linux所支持。

    》Is the hardware platform for the storage system Intel® architecture?

    SPDK is designed to take full advantage of Intel® platform characteristics and is tested and tuned for Intel® chips and systems.

    》Does the performance path of the storage system currently run in user mode?

    SPDK is able to improve performance and efficiency by running more of the performance path in user space. By combining applications with SPDK features like the NVMe-oF target, initiator, or Blobstore, the entire data path may be able to run in user space, offering substantial efficiencies.
    是的。SPDK通过更多地在用户态下运行从网卡到磁盘的高性能通路从而提高性能和效率。通过将具有SPDK功能(比如NVMe-oF target,NVMe-oFinitator,Blobstore)的应用程序结合起来,整个数据通路能够在用户态运行,从而显著地提供高效率。

    》Can the system architecture incorporate lockless PMDs into its threading model?

    Since PMDs continually run on their threads (instead of sleeping or ceding the processor when unused), they have specific thread model requirements.
    不能。 因为PMDs持续运行在它们的线程中(而不是睡眠或者不用时让出处理器),所以它们有特殊的线程模型需求。

    》Does the system currently use the Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) to handle network packet workloads?

    SPDK shares primitives and programming models with DPDK, so customers currently using DPDK will likely find the close integration with SPDK useful. Similarly, if customers are using SPDK, adding DPDK features for network processing may present a significant opportunity.
    是的。 SPDK和DPDK共享早期的编程模型,所以现在使用DPDK的用户可能会发现与SPDK紧密整合非常有用。同样地,如果正在使用SPDK的用户为网络处理添加DPDK功能可能是个重要的机遇。

    》Does the development team have the expertise to understand and troubleshoot problems themselves?

    Intel shall have no support obligations for this reference software. While Intel and the open source community around SPDK will use commercially reasonable efforts to investigate potential errata of unmodified released software, under no circumstances will Intel have any obligation to customers with respect to providing any maintenance or support of the software.

    If you’d like to find out more about SPDK, please fill out the contact request form or check out SPDK.io for access to the mailing list, documentation, and blogs.
    关于SPDK, 如果您想了解更多,请填写联系请求表,或者访问SPDK.io的邮件列表、文档和博客。

    Intel technologies’ features and benefits depend on system configuration and may require enabled hardware, software or service activation. Performance varies depending on system configuration. Check with your system manufacturer or retailer or learn more at intel.com.
    英特尔技术的特性及优势依赖于具体的系统配置,并且可能需要启用硬件、 软件或激活某些服务。性能因系统配置不同而有所不同。请咨询您的系统制造商或零售商,或访问intel.com了解更多信息.

    Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors. Performance tests, such as SYSmark* and MobileMark*, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause the results to vary. You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchases, including the performance of that product when combined with other products.
    软件和性能测试中使用的工作负载可能仅在英特尔微处理器上针对性能做了优化。SYSmark* 和 MobileMark* 等性能测试使用了特定的计算机系统、 组件、 软件、 操作和功能。对这些因素作任何修改都可能导致不同的结果。为了帮助您完整地评估您的采购决策,请查询其他信息和做其他性能测试,包括该产品与其它产品一同使用时的性能。

    Performance testing configuration:

        2S Intel® Xeon® processor E5-2699 v3: 18 C, 2.3 GHz (hyper-threading off)
            Note: Single socket was used while performance testing
        32 GB DDR4 2133 MT/s
            4 Memory Channel per CPU
                1x 4GB 2R DIMM per channel
        Ubuntu* (Linux) Server 14.10
        3.16.0-30-generic kernel
        Intel® Ethernet Controller XL710 for 40GbE
        8x P3700 NVMe drive for storage
        NVMe configuration
            Total 8 PCIe* Gen 3 x 4 NVMes
                4 NVMes coming from first x16 slot
                (bifurcated to 4 x4s in the BIOS)
                Another 4 NVMes coming from second x16 slot (bifurcated to 4 x4s in the BIOS)
            Intel® SSD DC P3700 Series 800 GB
            Firmware: 8DV10102
        FIO BenchMark Configuration
            Direct: Yes
            Queue depth
            4KB Random I/O: 32 outstanding I/O
            64KB Seq. I/O: 8 outstanding I/O
            Ramp Time: 30 seconds
            Run Time:180 seconds
            Norandommap: 1
            I/O Engine: Libaio
            Numjobs: 1
        BIOS Configuration
            Speed Step: Disabled
            Turbo Boost: Disabled
            CPU Power and Performance Policy: Performance

    For more information go to http://www.intel.com/performance.

    In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins, not through strength but by perseverance. | 在溪流与与岩石的对峙里,溪流永远都是胜利者,它靠的不是力量而是毅力。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/vlhn/p/7727562.html
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