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  • Asterisk重要App

    elastix82*CLI> core show application  SoftHangup

      -= Info about application 'SoftHangup' =-

    Hangs up the requested channel.

    Hangs up the requested channel.  If there are no channels to  hangup, the
    application will report it.


        a: Hang up all channels on a specified device instead of a single

    elastix82*CLI> core show application  ImportVar

      -= Info about application 'ImportVar' =-

    Import a variable from a channel into a new variable.

    This application imports a <variable> from the specified <channel> (as opposed
    to the current one) and stores it as a variable (<newvar>) in the current
    channel (the channel that is calling this application). Variables created
    by this application have the same inheritance properties as those created
    with the 'Set' application.


    Not available

    [See Also]

    elastix82*CLI> core show application  TrySystem

      -= Info about application 'TrySystem' =-

    Try executing a system command.

    Executes a command  by  using  system().
    Result of execution is returned in the ${SYSTEMSTATUS} channel variable:
        FAILURE: Could not execute the specified command.
        SUCCESS: Specified command successfully executed.
        APPERROR: Specified command successfully executed, but returned error


        Command to execute

    [See Also]
    Not available

    elastix82*CLI> core show application  Verbose

      -= Info about application 'Verbose' =-

    Send arbitrary text to verbose output.

    Sends an arbitrary text message to verbose output.


        Must be an integer value.  If not specified, defaults to 0.
        Output text message.

    [See Also]
    Not available
    elastix82*CLI> core show application ExternalIVR

      -= Info about application 'ExternalIVR' =-

    Interfaces with an external IVR application.

    Either forks a process to run given command or makes a socket to connect to
    given host and starts a generator on the channel. The generator's play list
    is controlled by the external application, which can add and clear entries
    via simple commands issued over its stdout. The external application will
    receive all DTMF events received on the channel, and notification if the
    channel is hung up. The received on the channel, and notification if the
    channel is hung up. The application will not be forcibly terminated when the
    channel is hung up. For more information see "doc/AST.pdf".


        n: Tells ExternalIVR() not to answer the channel.

        i: Tells ExternalIVR() not to send a hangup and exit when the channel
        receives a hangup, instead it sends an 'I' informative message meaning
        that the external application MUST hang up the call with an 'H' command.

        d: Tells ExternalIVR() to run on a channel that has been hung up
        and will not look for hangups. The external application must exit with
        an 'E' command.

    [See Also]
    Not available

    elastix82*CLI> core show application SetMusicOnHold

      -= Info about application 'SetMusicOnHold' =-

    Set default Music On Hold class.

    !!! DEPRECATED. USe Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=...) instead !!!
    Sets the default class for music on hold for a given channel. When music
    on hold is activated, this class will be used to select which music is played.
    !!! DEPRECATED. USe Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=...) instead !!!


    Not available

    [See Also]
    Not available

    elastix82*CLI> core show application MusicOnHold

      -= Info about application 'MusicOnHold' =-

    Play Music On Hold indefinitely.

    Plays hold music specified by class. If omitted, the default music source
    for the channel will be used. Change the default class with Set(CHANNEL(m
    usicclass)=...). If duration is given, hold music will be played specified
    number of seconds. If duration is ommited, music plays indefinitely. Returns
    '0' when done, '-1' on hangup.
    This application does not automatically answer and should be preceeded by
    an application such as Answer() or Progress().


    Not available

    [See Also]
    Not available


    elastix82*CLI> core show application RetryDial

      -= Info about application 'RetryDial' =-

    Place a call, retrying on failure allowing an optional exit extension.

    This application will attempt to place a call using the normal Dial
    application. If no channel can be reached, the <announce> file will be played.
    Then, it will wait <sleep> number of seconds before retrying the call. After
    <retries> number of attempts, the calling channel will continue at the next
    priority in the dialplan. If the <retries> setting is set to 0, this
    application will retry endlessly. While waiting to retry a call, a 1 digit
    extension may be dialed. If that extension exists in either the context defined
    in ${EXITCONTEXT} or the current one, The call will jump to that extension
    immediately. The <dialargs> are specified in the same format that arguments
    are provided to the Dial application.


        Filename of sound that will be played when no channel can be reached
        Number of seconds to wait after a dial attempt failed before a new
        attempt is made
        Number of retries
        When this is reached flow will continue at the next priority in the
        Same format as arguments provided to the Dial application

    [See Also]
    Not available

    elastix82*CLI> core show application BackgroundDetect

      -= Info about application 'BackgroundDetect' =-

    Background a file with talk detect.

    Plays back <filename>, waiting for interruption from a given digit (the digit
    must start the beginning of a valid extension, or it will be ignored). During
    the playback of the file, audio is monitored in the receive direction, and
    if a period of non-silence which is greater than <min> ms yet less than <max>
    ms is followed by silence for at least <sil> ms, which occurs during the first
    <analysistime> ms, then the audio playback is aborted and processing jumps
    to the <talk> extension, if available.


        If not specified, defaults to '1000'.
        If not specified, defaults to '100'.
        If not specified, defaults to 'infinity'.
        If not specified, defaults to 'infinity'.

    [See Also]
    Not available

    lastix82*CLI> core show application ChanIsAvail

      -= Info about application 'ChanIsAvail' =-

    Check channel availability

    This application will check to see if any of the specified channels are
    This application sets the following channel variables:
    ${AVAILCHAN}: The name of the available channel, if one exists
    ${AVAILORIGCHAN}: The canonical channel name that was used to create the
    ${AVAILSTATUS}: The device state for the device
    ${AVAILCAUSECODE}: The cause code returned when requesting the channel


        Optional extra devices to check
        If you need more then one enter them as Technology2/Resource2&Te
        Specification of the device(s) to check.  These must be in the format
        of  'Technology/Resource', where <Technology> represents a particular
        channel driver, and <Resource> represents a resource available to that
        particular channel driver.
        a: Check for all available channels, not only the first one

        s: Consider the channel unavailable if the channel is in use at all

        t: Simply checks if specified channels exist in the channel list

    [See Also]
    Not available



    lastix82*CLI> core show application Directory

      -= Info about application 'Directory' =-

    Provide directory of voicemail extensions.

    This application will present the calling channel with a directory of
    extensions from which they can search by name. The list of names and
    corresponding extensions is retrieved from the voicemail configuration file,
    This application will immediately exit if one of the following DTMF digits
    are received and the extension to jump to exists:
    '0' - Jump to the 'o' extension, if it exists.
    '*' - Jump to the 'a' extension, if it exists.


        This is the context within voicemail.conf to use for the Directory.
        If not  specified and 'searchcontexts=no' in  "voicemail.conf", then
        'default'  will be assumed.
        This is the dialplan context to use when looking for an extension
        that the user has selected, or when jumping to the 'o' or 'a' extension.
        If not specified, the current context will be used.
        e: In addition to the name, also read the extension number to the
        caller before presenting dialing options.

        f(n): Allow the caller to enter the first name of a user in the
        directory instead of using the last name.  If specified, the optional
        number argument will be used for the number of characters the user should

        l(n): Allow the caller to enter the last name of a user in the
        directory.  This is the default.  If specified, the optional number
        argument will be used for the number of characters the user should enter.

        b(n):  Allow the caller to enter either the first or the last name
        of a user in the directory.  If specified, the optional number argument
        will be used for the number of characters the user should enter.

        m: Instead of reading each name sequentially and asking for
        confirmation, create a menu of up to 8 names.

        n: Read digits even if the channel is not answered.

        p(n): Pause for n milliseconds after the digits are typed.  This
        is helpful for people with cellphones, who are not holding the receiver
        to their ear while entering DTMF.

        NOTE: Only one of the <f>, <l>, or <b> options may be specified.
        *If more than one is specified*, then Directory will act as  if <b> was
        specified.  The number of characters for the user to type defaults to

    [See Also]
    Not available

    elastix82*CLI> core show application MYSQL

      -= Info about application 'MYSQL' =-

    Do several mySQLy things

    MYSQL():  Do several mySQLy things
      MYSQL(Set timeout <num>)
        Set the connection timeout, in seconds.
      MYSQL(Connect connid dhhost dbuser dbpass dbname [dbcharset])  ##居然可以指定字符集
        Connects to a database.  Arguments contain standard MySQL parameters
        passed to function mysql_real_connect.  Optional parameter dbcharset
        defaults to 'latin1'.  Connection identifer returned in ${connid}
      MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} query-string)
        Executes standard MySQL query contained in query-string using established
        connection identified by ${connid}. Result of query is stored in ${resultid}.
      MYSQL(Nextresult resultid ${connid}
        If last query returned more than one result set, it stores the next
        result set in ${resultid}. It's useful with stored procedures
      MYSQL(Fetch fetchid ${resultid} var1 var2 ... varN)
        Fetches a single row from a result set contained in ${result_identifier}.
        Assigns returned fields to ${var1} ... ${varn}.  ${fetchid} is set TRUE
        if additional rows exist in result set.
      MYSQL(Clear ${resultid})
        Frees memory and datastructures associated with result set.
      MYSQL(Disconnect ${connid})
        Disconnects from named connection to MySQL.
      On exit, always returns 0. Sets MYSQL_STATUS to 0 on success and -1 on error.

    Not available


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/voiphudong/p/3437015.html
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