1) -p 指定要显示的提示
[root@muze1 home]$ cat test1.sh
#! /bin/bash
read -p "Please input your age: " age
days=$[ $age * 365 ]
echo "That makes you over $days days old!"
[root@muze1 home]$ ./test1.sh
Please input your age: 12
That makes you over 4380 days old!
2) read (指定多个变量)
[root@muze1 home]$ cat test2.sh
#! /bin/bash
# entering multiple variables
read -p "Enter your name:" firstnum secnum lastnum
echo "Checking data for $firstnum, $secnum, $lastnum"
[root@muze1 home]$ ./test2.sh
Enter your name:Zhanf Fu CGeng
Checking data for Zhanf, Fu, CGeng
3) 隐藏方式读取(read -s)
[root@muze1 home]$ cat test3.sh
#! /bin/bash
#hiding input date from the monitor
read -s -p "Enter your password:" pass
echo "your passwd readlly $pass?"
[root@muze1 home]$ ./test3.sh
Enter your password:
your passwd readlly osfile@0713?
[root@muze1 home]$
4) 超时, 等待输入的秒数(read -t)
[root@muze1 home]$ cat test4.sh
# timing the data entry
if read -t 5 -p "Please enter your name: " name
echo "Hello $name , welocome to my script"
echo "Sorry, too slow!"
[root@muze1 home]$ ./test4.sh
Please enter your name:
Sorry, too slow!
[root@muze1 home]$ ./test4.sh
Please enter your name: Fast
Hello Fast , welocome to my script
[root@muze1 home]$