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  • 数据库 关键 排序,去重,分组,外键

    create database mmm
    create table xxx
    code int primary key identity(1,1),
    name varchar(50) not null,
    sex varchar(50) not null,
    age int not null,
    hight decimal(18,2) not null,
    wight int not null,
    insert into xxx values('佐助','',20,175,100);
    insert into xxx values('鸣人','',21,177,110);
    insert into xxx values('小樱','',19,165,80);
    insert into xxx values('宁次','',22,179,200);
    insert into xxx values('迪达拉','',23,180,130);
    select *from xxx
    update xxx set name='我爱罗' where name='鸣人'--吧鸣人换成我爱罗
    delete from xxx where code=4--删除掉第四行
    select*from xxx where name like '小%'--找寻名字表里面有小的
    select top 3*from xxx--只显示前三行
    select top 2 code from xxx where age>19--显示表里面年龄大于19岁的两行
    select *from xxx  order by age--按照年龄开始排序
    select distinct name from xxx--只显示名字
    select *from xxx order by age,wight desc--按照年龄体重排序
    select wight from xxx group by wight --按照体重排序
    select age from xxx group by age --按照年龄排序
    select name from xxx group by name --按照名字排序
    select *from xxx where age-3<20--找寻年龄减3小于20岁的
    select *from xxx where age in(19,20)--寻表里面年龄是19和20岁的
    select *from xxx where name in('佐助')
    --外键 :受约束的表叫外键表,约束的数据源叫主键表
    create table teacher 
     tcode int primary key identity(1,1) ,
     tname varchar(50)
    insert into teacher(tname) values('张三')
    select *from teacher
    create table student
     scode int primary key identity(1,1) ,
     sname varchar(50),
     tno int references teacher(tcode) ,  --student表的tno项参考teacher表的tcode项,tcode项必须是主键项
     cid varchar(20) unique    --唯一列,不能重  unique
    insert into student values ('学生1',null,'32134124')   --tno项只能输入null或张三的编号
    insert into student values ('学生2',null,'321434124')
    insert into student values ('学生3',null,'32153124')
    insert into student values (  ,1,'3215g124')
    select *from student
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    Apache Hadoop
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/w-wz/p/4441790.html
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