- Command + Shift + P: Command Palette,
- Command + O: open new file;
- Command + R: replace
- Control + `: show console
- emmet package for web development(old zen coding package)
- usage in terminal:
$ sudo ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" bin/subl // then type: to open sublime text $ subl .
- Use comman + D to select next occurrence of a selected word. While Control + Command + G will select all occurrences.
- Command + I to search incrementally(search for the next occurrence)
- Conflict issue: Emmet packages and Ctrl-e(end-of-line shortcut) conflict, find browse package, then find emmet then find Emmet.sublime-settings, then find "disabled_keymap_actions": "" change to "disabled_keymap_actions": "expand_abbreviation", https://github.com/sergeche/emmet-sublime#overriding-keyboard-shortcuts
- n
- n
- n
- n
- n
- n
- n