很早之前听说过soap,restful api,rpc之类的服务协议,一直都没有机会深入实践,对它们理解的不够深。它们的目的都是提供本地调用远程服务的能力,只是实现方式不同而已。RPC(remote procedure call)意思是远程过程调用,编码时可以把它当作本地方法一样调用,无需关心内部的实现细节,对于调用方很友好很简单。我查阅资料,发现RPC之类的东西很早很早以前就出现了,存在即是合理的,肯定有它的理由。跟本地调用相比有什么优点缺点呢?根据查阅的资料以及自己的理解总结如下:
1 提高系统吞吐能力
2 业务服务解耦
3 更易构建服务分布式集群
4 基础服务重用更方便
1 因网络开销方法执行时间更长
2 系统更复杂对运维挑战很大
3 排错成本增加
4 数据序列化消耗CPU资源
1 单进程
2 单进程多线程
3 单进程事件驱动
IDL(interface description language)接口描述语言,它包含简单数据类型定义,复杂数据类型结构体定义,复杂数据类型列表定义集合定义,异常类型定义,命名空间声明,接口定义规范等,通过这些规范的组合可以定义好任意复杂的接口,定义好之后,使用IDL编译器可以生成指定语言源码,传输层协议层处理器这些代码会自动生成,只需要专注业务接口具体实现即可。具体类型定义参考官方文档吧。

1 Usage: thrift [options] file 2 Options: 3 -version Print the compiler version 4 -o dir Set the output directory for gen-* packages 5 (default: current directory) 6 -out dir Set the ouput location for generated files. 7 (no gen-* folder will be created) 8 -I dir Add a directory to the list of directories 9 searched for include directives 10 -nowarn Suppress all compiler warnings (BAD!) 11 -strict Strict compiler warnings on 12 -v[erbose] Verbose mode 13 -r[ecurse] Also generate included files 14 -debug Parse debug trace to stdout 15 --allow-neg-keys Allow negative field keys (Used to preserve protocol 16 compatibility with older .thrift files) 17 --allow-64bit-consts Do not print warnings about using 64-bit constants 18 --gen STR Generate code with a dynamically-registered generator. 19 STR has the form language[:key1=val1[,key2[,key3=val3]]]. 20 Keys and values are options passed to the generator. 21 Many options will not require values. 22 23 Options related to audit operation 24 --audit OldFile Old Thrift file to be audited with 'file' 25 -Iold dir Add a directory to the list of directories 26 searched for include directives for old thrift file 27 -Inew dir Add a directory to the list of directories 28 searched for include directives for new thrift file 29 30 Available generators (and options): 31 as3 (AS3): 32 bindable: Add [bindable] metadata to all the struct classes. 33 c_glib (C, using GLib): 34 cocoa (Cocoa): 35 log_unexpected: Log every time an unexpected field ID or type is encountered. 36 debug_descriptions: 37 Allow use of debugDescription so the app can add description via a cateogory/extension 38 validate_required: 39 Throws exception if any required field is not set. 40 async_clients: Generate clients which invoke asynchronously via block syntax. 41 pods: Generate imports in Cocopods framework format. 42 promise_kit: Generate clients which invoke asynchronously via promises. 43 cpp (C++): 44 cob_style: Generate "Continuation OBject"-style classes. 45 no_client_completion: 46 Omit calls to completion__() in CobClient class. 47 no_default_operators: 48 Omits generation of default operators ==, != and < 49 templates: Generate templatized reader/writer methods. 50 pure_enums: Generate pure enums instead of wrapper classes. 51 include_prefix: Use full include paths in generated files. 52 moveable_types: Generate move constructors and assignment operators. 53 csharp (C#): 54 async: Adds Async support using Task.Run. 55 wcf: Adds bindings for WCF to generated classes. 56 serial: Add serialization support to generated classes. 57 nullable: Use nullable types for properties. 58 hashcode: Generate a hashcode and equals implementation for classes. 59 union: Use new union typing, which includes a static read function for union types. 60 d (D): 61 dart (Dart): 62 library_name: Optional override for library name. 63 library_prefix: Generate code that can be used within an existing library. 64 Use a dot-separated string, e.g. "my_parent_lib.src.gen" 65 pubspec_lib: Optional override for thrift lib dependency in pubspec.yaml, 66 e.g. "thrift: 0.x.x". Use a pipe delimiter to separate lines, 67 e.g. "thrift:| git:| url: git@foo.com" 68 delphi (delphi): 69 ansistr_binary: Use AnsiString for binary datatype (default is TBytes). 70 register_types: Enable TypeRegistry, allows for creation of struct, union 71 and container instances by interface or TypeInfo() 72 constprefix: Name TConstants classes after IDL to reduce ambiguities 73 events: Enable and use processing events in the generated code. 74 xmldoc: Enable XMLDoc comments for Help Insight etc. 75 erl (Erlang): 76 legacynames: Output files retain naming conventions of Thrift 0.9.1 and earlier. 77 maps: Generate maps instead of dicts. 78 otp16: Generate non-namespaced dict and set instead of dict:dict and sets:set. 79 go (Go): 80 package_prefix= Package prefix for generated files. 81 thrift_import= Override thrift package import path (default:git.apache.org/thrift.git/lib/go/thrift) 82 package= Package name (default: inferred from thrift file name) 83 ignore_initialisms 84 Disable automatic spelling correction of initialisms (e.g. "URL") 85 read_write_private 86 Make read/write methods private, default is public Read/Write 87 gv (Graphviz): 88 exceptions: Whether to draw arrows from functions to exception. 89 haxe (Haxe): 90 callbacks Use onError()/onSuccess() callbacks for service methods (like AS3) 91 rtti Enable @:rtti for generated classes and interfaces 92 buildmacro=my.macros.Class.method(args) 93 Add @:build macro calls to generated classes and interfaces 94 hs (Haskell): 95 html (HTML): 96 standalone: Self-contained mode, includes all CSS in the HTML files. 97 Generates no style.css file, but HTML files will be larger. 98 noescape: Do not escape html in doc text. 99 java (Java): 100 beans: Members will be private, and setter methods will return void. 101 private-members: Members will be private, but setter methods will return 'this' like usual. 102 nocamel: Do not use CamelCase field accessors with beans. 103 fullcamel: Convert underscored_accessor_or_service_names to camelCase. 104 android: Generated structures are Parcelable. 105 android_legacy: Do not use java.io.IOException(throwable) (available for Android 2.3 and above). 106 option_type: Wrap optional fields in an Option type. 107 java5: Generate Java 1.5 compliant code (includes android_legacy flag). 108 reuse-objects: Data objects will not be allocated, but existing instances will be used (read and write). 109 sorted_containers: 110 Use TreeSet/TreeMap instead of HashSet/HashMap as a implementation of set/map. 111 generated_annotations=[undated|suppress]: 112 undated: suppress the date at @Generated annotations 113 suppress: suppress @Generated annotations entirely 114 javame (Java ME): 115 js (Javascript): 116 jquery: Generate jQuery compatible code. 117 node: Generate node.js compatible code. 118 ts: Generate TypeScript definition files. 119 json (JSON): 120 merge: Generate output with included files merged 121 lua (Lua): 122 omit_requires: Suppress generation of require 'somefile'. 123 ocaml (OCaml): 124 perl (Perl): 125 php (PHP): 126 inlined: Generate PHP inlined files 127 server: Generate PHP server stubs 128 oop: Generate PHP with object oriented subclasses 129 rest: Generate PHP REST processors 130 nsglobal=NAME: Set global namespace 131 validate: Generate PHP validator methods 132 json: Generate JsonSerializable classes (requires PHP >= 5.4) 133 py (Python): 134 twisted: Generate Twisted-friendly RPC services. 135 tornado: Generate code for use with Tornado. 136 no_utf8strings: Do not Encode/decode strings using utf8 in the generated code. Basically no effect for Python 3. 137 coding=CODING: Add file encoding declare in generated file. 138 slots: Generate code using slots for instance members. 139 dynamic: Generate dynamic code, less code generated but slower. 140 dynbase=CLS Derive generated classes from class CLS instead of TBase. 141 dynfrozen=CLS Derive generated immutable classes from class CLS instead of TFrozenBase. 142 dynexc=CLS Derive generated exceptions from CLS instead of TExceptionBase. 143 dynimport='from foo.bar import CLS' 144 Add an import line to generated code to find the dynbase class. 145 package_prefix='top.package.' 146 Package prefix for generated files. 147 old_style: Deprecated. Generate old-style classes. 148 rb (Ruby): 149 rubygems: Add a "require 'rubygems'" line to the top of each generated file. 150 namespaced: Generate files in idiomatic namespaced directories. 151 st (Smalltalk): 152 swift (Swift): 153 log_unexpected: Log every time an unexpected field ID or type is encountered. 154 debug_descriptions: 155 Allow use of debugDescription so the app can add description via a cateogory/extension 156 async_clients: Generate clients which invoke asynchronously via block syntax. 157 promise_kit: Generate clients which invoke asynchronously via promises. 158 xml (XML): 159 merge: Generate output with included files merged 160 no_default_ns: Omit default xmlns and add idl: prefix to all elements 161 no_namespaces: Do not add namespace definitions to the XML model 162 xsd (XSD):
1 接口定义(nosql.thrift)
1/* 3 * thrift简单示例 模仿thrift源码教程 4 * nosql数据库简单实现 5 */ 6 7 #由wadeyu创建 wadeyu.cnblogs.com 8 9 /** 10 * 命名空间 11 */ 12 namespace cpp NoSql 13 namespace java NoSql 14 namespace php NoSql 15 16 /** 17 * 异常:无效参数 18 */ 19 exception InvalidParametorException{ 20 } 21 22 /** 23 * 定义服务 24 */ 25 service NoSqlService{ 26 /** 27 * 获取key的值 28 */ 29 string get(1:string key) throws (1:InvalidParametorException ex), 30 31 /** 32 * 设置值 33 */ 34 bool set_(1:string key, 2:string value) throws (1:InvalidParametorException ex), 35 36 /** 37 * 自增 38 */ 39 i32 incr(1:string key) throws (1:InvalidParametorException ex), 40 }
2 编译(生成服端代码)
1 [wadeyu@localhost thriftdemo]$ thrift --gen php:server -out ./server ./meta/nosql.thrift
3 编写服端启动代码
1 <?php 2 /* 3 * php简单服端脚本 4 */ 5 6 #author by wadeyu: wadeyu.cnblogs.com 7 8 define('BASE_DIR',dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); 9 define('VENDOR_DIR',BASE_DIR.'vendor/'); 10 11 use ServerNoSqlHandler; 12 use NoSqlNoSqlServiceProcessor; 13 use ThriftFactoryTBinaryProtocolFactory; 14 use ThriftFactoryTTransportFactory; 15 use ThriftServerTServerSocket; 16 use ThriftServerTSimpleServer; 17 18 $loader = include_once VENDOR_DIR.'autoload.php'; 19 $loader->addPsr4('Server\',BASE_DIR.'server/'); 20 21 include_once BASE_DIR.'server/NoSql/NoSqlService.php'; 22 include_once BASE_DIR.'server/NoSql/Types.php'; 23 24 $serverTransport = new TServerSocket('localhost',9090); 25 $clientTransport = new TTransportFactory; 26 $binaryProtocol = new TBinaryProtocolFactory; 27 $nosqlProcessor = new NoSqlServiceProcessor( new NoSqlHandler ); 28 $simpleServer = new TSimpleServer( 29 $nosqlProcessor, 30 $serverTransport, 31 $clientTransport, 32 $clientTransport, 33 $binaryProtocol, 34 $binaryProtocol 35 ); 36 echo "start listening:localhost:9090 "; 37 $simpleServer->serve();
4 启动服务
[wadeyu@localhost thriftdemo]$ php phpserver.php start listening:localhost:9090
5 编译(生成客户端代码)
[wadeyu@localhost thriftdemo]$ thrift --gen php -out ./client ./meta/nosql.thrift
6 客户端接口调用
1 <?php 2 /* 3 * php简单客户端脚本 4 */ 5 6 #author by wadeyu: wadeyu.cnblogs.com 7 8 define('BASE_DIR',dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); 9 define('VENDOR_DIR',BASE_DIR.'vendor/'); 10 11 use ThriftProtocolTBinaryProtocol; 12 use ThriftTransportTSocket; 13 use NoSqlNoSqlServiceClient; 14 15 $loader = include_once VENDOR_DIR.'autoload.php'; 16 17 include_once BASE_DIR.'client/NoSql/NoSqlService.php'; 18 include_once BASE_DIR.'client/NoSql/Types.php'; 19 20 $transport = new TSocket('localhost',9090); 21 $protocol = new TBinaryProtocol($transport); 22 $service = new NoSqlServiceClient($protocol); 23 $startTime = microtime(true); 24 try{ 25 $transport->open(); 26 $key1 = 'test1'; 27 $ret = $service->get($key1); 28 var_dump($ret); 29 $ret = $service->set_($key1,'test1'); 30 var_dump($ret); 31 $key2 = 'test2'; 32 $ret = $service->incr($key2); 33 var_dump($ret); 34 $transport->close(); 35 }catch(Exception $ex){ 36 throw $ex; 37 } 38 var_dump('cost:'.(microtime(true)-$startTime));
1 [wadeyu@localhost thriftdemo]$ php phpclient.php 2 string(4) "NULL" 3 bool(true) 4 int(1) 5 string(21) "cost:0.22478580474854"
【3】thrift IDL规范