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  • nginx-rtmp-module--------------WIKI






    syntax: rtmp { ... }
    context: root
    The block which holds all RTMP settings


    syntax: server { ... }
    context: rtmp
    Declares RTMP server instance

    rtmp {
      server {


    syntax: listen (addr[:port]|port|unix:path) [bind] [ipv6only=on|off] [so_keepalive=on|off|keepidle:keepintvl:keepcnt|proxy_protocol]
    context: server

    Adds listening socket to NGINX for accepting RTMP connections

    server {
        listen 1935;


    syntax: application name { ... }
    context: server

    Creates RTMP application. Unlike http location application name cannot be a pattern.

    server {
        listen 1935;
        application myapp {


    syntax: timeout value
    context: rtmp, server

    Socket timeout. This value is primarily used for writing. Most of time RTMP module does not expect any activity on all sockets except for publisher socket. If you want broken socket to get quickly disconnected use active tools like keepalive or RTMP ping. Default is 1 minute.

    timeout 60s;


    syntax: ping value
    context: rtmp, server

    RTMP ping interval. Zero turns ping off. RTMP ping is a protocol feature for active connection check. A special packet is sent to remote peer and a reply is expected within a timeout specified with ping_timeout directive. If ping reply is not received within this time then connection is closed. Default value for ping is 1 minute. Default ping timeout is 30 seconds.

    ping 3m;
    ping_timeout 30s;


    syntax: ping_timeout value
    context: rtmp, server

    See ping description above.


    syntax: max_streams value
    context: rtmp, server

    Sets maximum number of RTMP streams. Data streams are multiplexed into a single data stream. Different channels are used for sending commands, audio, video etc. Default value is 32 which is usually ok for many cases.

    max_streams 32;


    syntax: ack_window value
    context: rtmp, server

    Sets RTMP acknowledge window size. It's the number of bytes received after which peer should send acknowledge packet to remote side. Default value is 5000000.

    ack_window 5000000;


    syntax: chunk_size value
    context: rtmp, server

    Maximum chunk size for stream multiplexing. Default is 4096. The bigger this value the lower CPU overhead. This value cannot be less than 128.

    chunk_size 4096;



    syntax: max_queue value
    context: rtmp, server

    Maximum size of input data message. All input data comes split into messages (and further in chunks). A partial message is kept in memory while waiting for it to complete. In theory incoming message can be very large which can be a problem for server stability. Default value 1M is enough for many cases.

    max_message 1M;


    syntax: buflen time
    context: rtmp, server

    Sets default buffer length. Usually client sends RTMP set_buflen command before playing and resets this setting. Default is 1000 ms.

    buflen 5s;





    Syntax: allow [play|publish] address|subnet|all
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Allow publishing/playing from addresses specified or from all addresses. Allow/deny directives are checked in order of appearance.

    allow publish;
    deny publish all;
    allow play;
    deny play all;


    Syntax: deny [play|publish] address|subnet|all
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    See allow for description.



    Syntax: exec_push command arg*
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Specifies external command with arguments to be executed on every stream published. When publishing stops the process is terminated. Full path to binary should be specified as the first argument. There are no assumptions about what this process should do. However this feature is useful with ffmpeg for stream transcoding. FFmpeg is supposed to connect to nginx-rtmp as a client and output transcoded stream back to nginx-rtmp as publisher. Substitutions of form $var/${var} can be used within command line:

    • $name - stream name
    • $app - application name
    • $addr - client address
    • $flashver - client flash version
    • $swfurl - client swf url
    • $tcurl - client tc url
    • $pageurl - client page url

    Shell-style redirects can be specified in exec_push directive for writing output and accepting input. Supported are

    • truncating output >file
    • appending output >>file
    • descriptor redirects like 1>&2
    • input <file

    Make sure there's no space between redirection character and stream name/number.

    You can specify full path to the command to execute or short command name. In the latter case binary is looked up in directories specified by the PATH environment variable. By default nginx clears the environment which will usually make rtmp module run only binaries located in standard directories like /bin and /usr/bin. To make this always work please keep the original PATHvariable value with the following nginx directive.

    env PATH; 

    The following ffmpeg call transcodes incoming stream to HLS-ready stream (H264/AAC). FFmpeg should be compiled with libx264 & libfaac support for this example to work.

    application src {
        live on;
        exec_push ffmpeg -i rtmp://localhost/src/$name -vcodec libx264 -vprofile baseline -g 10 -s 300x200 -acodec libfaac -ar 44100 -ac 1 -f flv rtmp://localhost/hls/$name 2>>/var/log/ffmpeg-$name.log;
    application hls {
        live on;
        hls on;
        hls_path /tmp/hls;
        hls_fragment 15s;


    Syntax: exec_pull command arg*
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Specifies external command with arguments to be executed on play event. The command is executed when first client connects to the stream and is killed when the last one disconnects. This directive makes it possible to pull remote stream in any format for local clients.

    The feature works reliably only in single-worker mode. The reason for this is we cannot make sure external process always connects to the right worker. It will obviously connect to a random one. While this will still work in most cases it's not a recommended architecture, it will be unstable and buggy.

    Directive arguments are the same as for exec_push.

    application myapp {
        live on;
        exec_pull ffmpeg -i http://example.com/video_$name.ts -c copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/$app/$name;

    In the above configuration exec_pull directive serves all streams. That leads to certain limitations on remote stream name format. It should be possible to construct the remote url using available variables like $app$name etc. When it's not possible you can add exec_options on directive which permits setting additional stream options in exec-family directives. The only option supported now is name option.

    application myapp {
        live on;
        exec_options on;
        exec_pull ffmpeg -i http://example.com/tv1.ts -c copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/$app/$name name=mystream;
        exec_pull ffmpeg -i http://another.example.com/video_plus.ts -c copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/$app/$name name=anotherstream;


    Syntax: exec command arg*
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    exec is an alias of exec_push


    Syntax: exec_options on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    The directive toggles exec options mode. When activated you can add exec-family directive options. The only exec option supported is name. This option makes it possible to apply exec only to specified stream. Default if off.

    exec_options on;
    # call on_publish only for "mystream"
    exec_publish http://localhost/on_publish name=mystream;
    # call on_play only for "another"
    exec_play http://localhost/on_play name=another;
    # execute different ffmpeg's for different streams
    exec_pull http://example.com/abc.ts -c copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/$name/$app name=mystream;
    exec_pull http://my.example.com/tele.ts -c copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/$name/$app name=tv;
    exec_pull http://enother.example.com/hello/f.ts -c copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/$name/$app name=fun;


    Syntax: exec_static command arg*
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Similar to exec but runs specified command at nginx start. Does not support substitutions since has no session context.

    exec_static ffmpeg -i http://example.com/video.ts -c copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/myapp/mystream;


    Syntax: exec_kill_signal signal
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets process termination signal. Default is kill (SIGKILL). You can specify numeric or symbolic name (for POSIX.1-1990 signals).

    exec_kill_signal term;
    exec_kill_signal usr1;
    exec_kill_signal 3;


    Syntax: respawn on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    If turned on respawns child process when it's terminated while publishing is still on. Default is on;

    respawn off;


    Syntax: respawn_timeout timeout
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets respawn timeout to wait before starting new child instance. Default is 5 seconds.

    respawn_timeout 10s;


    Syntax: exec_publish command arg*
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Specifies external command with arguments to be executed on publish event. Return code is not analyzed. Substitutions of exec are supported here as well. In addition args variable is supported holding query string arguments.


    Syntax: exec_play command arg*
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Specifies external command with arguments to be executed on play event. Return code is not analyzed. Substitution list is the same as for exec_publish.


    Syntax: exec_play_done command arg*
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Specifies external command with arguments to be executed on play_done event. Return code is not analyzed. Substitution list is the same as for exec_publish.


    Syntax: exec_publish_done command arg*
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Specifies external command with arguments to be executed on publish_done event. Return code is not analyzed. Substitution list is the same as for exec_publish.


    Syntax: exec_record_done command arg*
    Context: rtmp, server, application, recorder

    Specifies external command with arguments to be executed when recording is finished. Substitution of exec_publish are supported here as well as additional variables

    • recorder - recorder name
    • path - recorded file path (/tmp/rec/mystream-1389499351.flv)
    • filename - path with directory omitted (mystream-1389499351.flv)
    • basename - file name with extension omitted (mystream-1389499351)
    • dirname - directory path (/tmp/rec)


    # track client info
    exec_play bash -c "echo $addr $pageurl >> /tmp/clients";
    exec_publish bash -c "echo $addr $flashver >> /tmp/publishers";
    # convert recorded file to mp4 format
    exec_record_done ffmpeg -y -i $path -acodec libmp3lame -ar 44100 -ac 1 -vcodec libx264 $dirname/$basename.mp4;



    Syntax: live on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Toggles live mode i.e. one-to-many broadcasting.

    live on;


    Syntax: meta on|copy|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets metadata sending mode. The value of on makes subscribers receive reconstructed metadata packets containing predefined fields like width, height etc. The value of copy makes clients receive exact copy of publisher metadata block including both standard and specific fields. The value of off turns off sending any RTMP metadata to subscribers. Defaults to on.

    meta copy;


    Syntax: interleave on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Toggles interleave mode. In this mode audio and video data is transmitted on the same RTMP chunk stream. Defaults to off.

    interleave on;


    Syntax: wait_key on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Makes video stream start with a key frame. Defaults to off.

    wait_key on;


    Syntax: wait_video on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Disable audio until first video frame is sent. Defaults to off. Can be combined with wait_key to make client receive video key frame with all other data following it. However this usually increases connection delay. You can tune keyframe interval in your encoder to reduce the delay.

    Recent versions of IE need this option to be enabled for normal playback.

    wait_video on;


    Syntax: publish_notify on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Send NetStream.Play.PublishNotify and NetStream.Play.UnpublishNotify to subscribers. Defaults to off.

    publish_notify on;


    Syntax: drop_idle_publisher timeout
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Drop publisher connection which has been idle (no audio/video data) within specified time. Default is off. Note this only works when connection is in publish mode (after sending publish command).

    drop_idle_publisher 10s;


    Syntax: sync timeout
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Synchronize audio and video streams. If subscriber bandwidth is not enough to receive data at publisher rate, some frames are dropped by server. This leads to synchronization problem. When timestamp difference exceeds the value specified as sync argument an absolute frame is sent fixing that. Default is 300ms.

    sync 10ms;


    Syntax: play_restart on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    If enabled nginx-rtmp sends NetStream.Play.Start and NetStream.Play.Stop to each subscriber every time publisher starts or stops publishing. If disabled each subscriber receives those notifications only at the start and end of playback. Default is off.

    play_restart off;


    Syntax: idle_streams on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    If disabled nginx-rtmp prevents subscribers from connecting to idle/nonexistent live streams and disconnects all subscribers when stream publisher disconnects. Default is on.

    idle_streams off;



    syntax: record [off|all|audio|video|keyframes|manual]*
    context: rtmp, server, application, recorder

    Toggles record mode. Stream can be recorded in flv file. This directive specifies what exactly should be recorded:

    • off - no recording at all
    • all - audio & video (everything)
    • audio - audio
    • video - video
    • keyframes - only key video frames
    • manual - never start recorder automatically, use control interface to start/stop

    There can be any compatible combination of keys in a single record directive.

    record all;
    record audio keyframes;


    syntax: record_path path
    context: rtmp, server, application, recorder

    Specifies record path to put recorded flv files to.

    record_path /tmp/rec;


    syntax: record_suffix value
    context: rtmp, server, application, recorder

    Sets record file suffix. Defaults to '.flv'.

    record_suffix _recorded.flv;

    Record suffix can be a pattern in strftime format. The following directive

    record_suffix -%d-%b-%y-%T.flv;

    will produce files of the form mystream-24-Apr-13-18:23:38.flv. All supported strftime format options can be found on strftime man page.


    syntax: record_unique on|off
    context: rtmp, server, application, recorder

    If turned on appends current timestamp to recorded files. Otherwise the same file is re-written each time new recording takes place. Default is off.

    record_unique on;


    syntax: record_append on|off
    context: rtmp, server, application, recorder

    Toggles file append mode. When turned on recorder appends new data to the old file or creates it when it's missing. There's no time gap between the old data and the new data in file. Default is off.

    record_append on;


    syntax: record_lock on|off
    context: rtmp, server, application, recorder

    When turned on currently recorded file gets locked with fcntl call. That can be checked from elsewhere to find out which file is being recorded. Default is off.

    record_lock on;

    On FreeBSD you can use flock tool to check that. On Linux flock and fcntl are unrelated so you are left with writing a simple script checking file lock status. Here's an example of such script isunlocked.py.

    import fcntl, sys
    fcntl.lockf(open(sys.argv[1], "a"), fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB)


    syntax: record_max_size size
    context: rtmp, server, application, recorder

    Set maximum recorded file size.

    record_max_size 128K;


    syntax: record_max_frames nframes
    context: rtmp, server, application, recorder

    Sets maximum number of video frames per recorded file.

    record_max_frames 2;


    syntax: record_interval time
    context: rtmp, server, application, recorder

    Restart recording after this number of (milli)seconds. Off by default. Zero means no delay between recordings. If record_unique is off then all record fragments are written to the same file. Otherwise timestamp is appended which makes files differ (given record_interval is longer than 1 second).

    record_interval 1s;
    record_interval 15m;


    syntax: recorder name {...}
    context: application

    Create recorder block. Multiple recorders can be created withing single application. All the above mentioned recording-related directives can be specified in recorder{} block. All settings are inherited from higher levels.

    application {
        live on;
        # default recorder
        record all;
        record_path /var/rec;
        recorder audio {
            record audio;
            record_suffix .audio.flv;
        recorder chunked {
            record all;
            record_interval 15s;
            record_path /var/rec/chunked;


    syntax: record_notify on|off
    context: rtmp, server, application, recorder

    Toggles sending NetStream.Record.Start and NetStream.Record.Stop status messages (onStatus) to publisher when specific recorder starts or stops recording file. Status description field holds recorder name (empty for default recorder). Off by default.

    recorder myrec {
        record all manual;
        record_path /var/rec;
        record_notify on;

    Video on demand


    Syntax: play dir|http://loc [dir|http://loc]*
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Play flv or mp4 file from specified directory or HTTP location. If the argument is prefixed with http:// then it is assumed that file should be downloaded from remote http location before playing. Note playing is not started until the whole file is downloaded. You can use local nginx to cache files on local machine.

    Multiple play locations can be specified in a single play directive. When multiple play directives are specified the location lists are merged and inherited from higher scopes. An attempt to play each location is made until a successful location is found. If such location is not found error status is sent to client.

    Indexed FLVs are played with random seek capability. Unindexed FLVs are played with seek/pause disabled (restart-only mode). Use FLV indexer (for example, yamdi) for indexing.

    If you play FLVs recorded with the record directive please do not forget to index them before playing. They are created unindexed.

    Mp4 files can only be played if both video and audio codec are supported by RTMP. The most common case is H264/AAC.

    application vod {
        play /var/flvs;
    application vod_http {
        play http://myserver.com/vod;
    application vod_mirror {
        # try local location first, then access remote location
        play /var/local_mirror http://myserver.com/vod;

    Playing /var/flvs/dir/file.flv:

    ffplay rtmp://localhost/vod//dir/file.flv

    The two slashes after vod make ffplay use vod and application name and the rest of the url as playpath.


    Syntax: play_temp_path dir
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets location where remote VOD files are stored before playing. Default is /tmp;

    play_temp_path /www;
    play http://example.com/videos;


    Syntax: play_local_path dir
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets location where remote VOD files copied from play_temp_path directory after they are completely downloaded. Empty value disables the feature. By default it's empty. The feature can be used for caching remote files locally.

    This path should be on the same device as play_temp_path.

    # search file in /tmp/videos.
    # if not found play from remote location
    # and store in /tmp/videos
    play_local_path /tmp/videos;
    play /tmp/videos http://example.com/videos;



    Syntax: pull url [key=value]*
    Context: application

    Creates pull relay. Stream is pulled from remote machine and becomes available locally. It only happens when at least one player is playing the stream locally.

    Url syntax: [rtmp://]host[:port][/app[/playpath]]. If application is missing then local application name is used. If playpath is missing then current stream name is used instead.

    The following parameters are supported:

    • app - explicit application name
    • name - local stream name to bind relay to; if empty or non-specified then all local streams within application are pulled
    • tcUrl - auto-constructed if empty
    • pageUrl - page url to pretend
    • swfUrl - swf url to pretend
    • flashVer - flash version to pretend, default is 'LNX.11,1,102,55'
    • playPath - remote play path
    • live - toggles special behavior for live streaming, values: 0,1
    • start - start time in seconds
    • stop - stop time in seconds
    • static - makes pull static, such pull is created at nginx start

    If a value for a parameter contains spaces then you should use quotes around the WHOLE key=value pair like this : 'pageUrl=FAKE PAGE URL'.

    pull rtmp://cdn.example.com/main/ch?id=12563 name=channel_a;
    pull rtmp://cdn2.example.com/another/a?b=1&c=d pageUrl=http://www.example.com/video.html swfUrl=http://www.example.com/player.swf live=1;
    pull rtmp://cdn.example.com/main/ch?id=12563 name=channel_a static;


    Syntax: push url [key=value]*
    Context: application

    Push has the same syntax as pull. Unlike pull push directive publishes stream to remote server.


    Syntax: push_reconnect time
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Timeout to wait before reconnecting pushed connection after disconnect. Default is 3 seconds.

    push_reconnect 1s;


    Syntax: session_relay on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Toggles session relay mode. In this mode relay is destroyed when connection is closed. When the setting is off relay is destroyed when stream is closed so that another relay could possibly be created later. Default is off.

    session_relay on;



    Syntax: on_connect url
    Context: rtmp, server

    Sets HTTP connection callback. When clients issues connect command an HTTP request is issued asynchronously and command processing is suspended until it returns result code. If HTTP 2xx code is returned then RTMP session continues. The code of 3xx makes RTMP redirect to another application whose name is taken from Location HTTP response header. Otherwise connection is dropped.

    Note this directive is not allowed in application scope since application is still unknown at connection stage.

    HTTP request receives a number of arguments. POST method is used with application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME type. The following arguments are passed to caller:

    • call=connect
    • addr - client IP address
    • app - application name
    • flashVer - client flash version
    • swfUrl - client swf url
    • tcUrl - tcUrl
    • pageUrl - client page url

    In addition to the above mentioned items all arguments passed explicitly to connect command are also sent with the callback. You should distinguish connect arguments from play/publish arguments. Players usually have a special way of setting connection string separate from play/publish stream name. As an example here's how these arguments are set in JWPlayer

    streamer: "rtmp://localhost/myapp?connarg1=a&connarg2=b",
    file: "mystream?strarg1=c&strarg2=d",

    Ffplay (with librtmp) example

    ffplay "rtmp://localhost app=myapp?connarg1=a&connarg2=b playpath=mystream?strarg1=c&strarg2=d"

    Usage example

    on_connect http://example.com/my_auth;

    Redirect example

    location /on_connect {
        if ($arg_flashver != "my_secret_flashver") {
            rewrite ^.*$ fallback? permanent;
        return 200;


    Syntax: on_play url
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets HTTP play callback. Each time a clients issues play command an HTTP request is issued asynchronously and command processing is suspended until it returns result code. HTTP result code is then analyzed.

    • HTTP 2xx code continues RTMP session
    • HTTP 3xx redirects RTMP to another stream whose name is taken from Location HTTP response header. If new stream name is started with rtmp:// then remote relay is created instead. Relays require that IP address is specified instead of domain name and only work with nginx versions greater than 1.3.10. See also notify_relay_redirect.
    • Otherwise RTMP connection is dropped

    Redirect example

    http {
        location /local_redirect {
            rewrite ^.*$ newname? permanent;
        location /remote_redirect {
            # no domain name here, only ip
            rewrite ^.*$ rtmp:// permanent;
    rtmp {
        application myapp1 {
            live on;
            # stream will be redirected to 'newname'
            on_play http://localhost:8080/local_redirect;
        application myapp2 {
            live on;
            # stream will be pulled from remote location
            # requires nginx >= 1.3.10
            on_play http://localhost:8080/remote_redirect;

    HTTP request receives a number of arguments. POST method is used with application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME type. The following arguments are passed to caller:

    • call=play
    • addr - client IP address
    • clientid - nginx client id (displayed in log and stat)
    • app - application name
    • flashVer - client flash version
    • swfUrl - client swf url
    • tcUrl - tcUrl
    • pageUrl - client page url
    • name - stream name

    In addition to the above mentioned items all arguments passed explicitly to play command are also sent with the callback. For example if stream is accessed with the url rtmp://localhost/app/movie?a=100&b=face&foo=bar then ab & foo are also sent with callback.

    on_play http://example.com/my_callback;


    Syntax: on_publish url
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    The same as on_play above with the only difference that this directive sets callback on publish command. Instead of remote pull push is performed in this case.


    Syntax: on_done url
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets play/publish terminate callback. All the above applies here. However HTTP status code is not checked for this callback.


    Syntax: on_play_done url
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Same behavior as on_done but only for play end event.


    Syntax: on_publish_done url
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Same behavior as on_done but only for publish end event.


    syntax: on_record_done url
    context: rtmp, server, application, recorder

    Set record_done callback. In addition to common HTTP callback variables it receives the following values

    • recorder - recorder name in config or empty string for inline recorder
    • path - recorded file path


    on_record_done http://example.com/recorded;


    syntax: on_update url
    context: rtmp, server, application

    Set update callback. This callback is called with period of notify_update_timeout. If a request returns HTTP result other than 2xx connection is terminated. This can be used to synchronize expired sessions. Two additional arguments time and timestamp are passed to this handler:

    • time is the number of seconds since play/publish call
    • timestamp is RTMP timestamp of the last audio/video packet sent to the client

    You can use timestamp argument to individually limit playback duration for each user.

    on_update http://example.com/update;


    syntax: notify_update_timeout timeout
    context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets timeout between on_update callbacks. Default is 30 seconds.

    notify_update_timeout 10s;
    on_update http://example.com/update;


    syntax: notify_update_strict on|off
    context: rtmp, server, application

    Toggles strict mode for on_update callbacks. Default is off. When turned on all connection errors, timeouts as well as HTTP parse errors and empty responses are treated as update failures and lead to connection termination. When off only valid HTTP response codes other that 2xx lead to failure.

    notify_update_strict on;
    on_update http://example.com/update;


    syntax: notify_relay_redirect on|off
    context: rtmp, server, application

    Enables local stream redirect for on_play and on_publish remote redirects. New stream name is MD5 hash of RTMP URL used for remote redirect. Default is off.

    notify_relay_redirect on;


    syntax: notify_method get|post
    context: rtmp, server, application, recorder

    Sets HTTP method for notifications. Default is POST with application/x-www-form-urlencodedcontent type. In certain cases GET is preferable, for example if you plan to handle the call in http{} section of nginx. In this case you can use arg_* variables to access arguments.

    notify_method get;

    With GET method handling notifications in http{} section can be done this way

    location /on_play {
        if ($arg_pageUrl ~* localhost) {
            return 200;
        return 500;



    Syntax: hls on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Toggles HLS on the application.

    hls on;
    hls_path /tmp/hls;
    hls_fragment 15s;

    In http{} section set up the following location for clients to play HLS.

    http {
        server {
            location /hls {
                types {
                    application/vnd.apple.mpegurl m3u8;
                root /tmp;
                add_header Cache-Control no-cache;
                # To avoid issues with cross-domain HTTP requests (e.g. during development)
                add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;


    Syntax: hls_path path
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets HLS playlist and fragment directory. If the directory does not exist it will be created.


    Syntax: hls_fragment time
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets HLS fragment length. Defaults to 5 seconds.


    Syntax: hls_playlist_length time
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets HLS playlist length. Defaults to 30 seconds.

    hls_playlist_length 10m;


    Syntax: hls_sync time
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets HLS timestamp synchronization threshold. Default is 2ms. This feature prevents crackling noises after conversion from low-resolution RTMP (1KHz) to high-resolution MPEG-TS (90KHz).

    hls_sync 100ms;


    Syntax: hls_continuous on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Toggles HLS continuous mode. In this mode HLS sequence number is started from where it stopped last time. Old fragments are keeped. Default is off.

    hls_continuous on;


    Syntax: hls_nested on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Toggles HLS nested mode. In this mode a subdirectory of hls_path is created for each stream. Playlist and fragments are created in that subdirectory. Default is off.

    hls_nested on;


    Syntax: hls_base_url url
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets base url for HLS playlist items. When empty those items have no prefix and assumed to be at the same location as parent playlist or one level lower when hls_nested is used. This feature applies both to master (variant) and slave HLS playlists. It can let you download the playlist and play it locally since it contains full references to child playlists or fragments. Empty by default.

    hls_base_url http://myserver.com/hls/;


    Syntax: hls_cleanup on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Toggles HLS cleanup. By default the feature is on. In this mode nginx cache manager process removes old HLS fragments and playlists from HLS directory.

    hls_cleanup off;


    Syntax: hls_fragment_naming sequential|timestamp|system
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets fragment naming mode.

    • sequential - use increasing integers
    • timestamp - use stream timestamp
    • system - use system time

    Default is sequential.

    hls_fragment_naming system;


    Syntax: hls_fragment_naming_granularity number
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets granularity for hls fragment ids. If above zero, changes ids to divide the provided value. Default is zero.

    # use system time rounded to 500ms as fragment names
    hls_fragment_naming system;
    hls_fragment_naming_granularity 500;


    Syntax: hls_fragment_slicing plain|aligned
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets fragment slicing mode.

    • plain - switch fragment when target duration is reached
    • aligned - switch fragment when incoming timestamp is a multiple of fragment duration. This mode makes it possible to generate identical fragments on different nginx instances

    Default is plain.

    hls_fragment_slicing aligned;


    Syntax: hls_variant suffix [param*]
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Adds HLS variant entry. When suffix is matched on stream name then variant playlist is created for the current stream with all entries specified by hls_variant directives in current application. Stripped name without suffix is used as variant stream name. The original stream is processed as usual.

    Optional parameters following the suffix are appended to EXT-X-STREAM-INF in m3u8 playlist. See HLS spec. 3.3.10. EXT-X-STREAM-INF for the full list of supported parameters.

    rtmp {
        server {
            listen 1935;
            application src {
                live on;
                exec ffmpeg -i rtmp://localhost/src/$name
                  -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 32k  -c:v libx264 -b:v 128K -f flv rtmp://localhost/hls/$name_low
                  -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 64k  -c:v libx264 -b:v 256k -f flv rtmp://localhost/hls/$name_mid
                  -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k -c:v libx264 -b:v 512K -f flv rtmp://localhost/hls/$name_hi;
            application hls {
                live on;
                hls on;
                hls_path /tmp/hls;
                hls_nested on;
                hls_variant _low BANDWIDTH=160000;
                hls_variant _mid BANDWIDTH=320000;
                hls_variant _hi  BANDWIDTH=640000;


    Syntax: hls_type live|event
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets HLS playlist type specified in X-PLAYLIST-TYPE playlist directive. Live HLS stream is usually played from the current live position which is several fragments to the end of playlist. Event HLS stream is always played from the start of playlist. When in event mode make sure playlist length is enough for the whole event. Default is live;

    hls_type event;


    Syntax: hls_keys on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Enables HLS encryption. AES-128 method is used to encrypt the whole HLS fragments. Off by default.

    hls_keys on;

    Here's the example configuration using the HLS encryption. This configuration requires that nginx is built with --with-http_ssl_module for https support.

    http {
        server {
            listen 443 ssl;
            server_name example.com;
            ssl_certificate /var/ssl/example.com.cert;
            ssl_certificate_key /var/ssl/example.com.key;
            location /keys {
                root /tmp;
        server {
            listen 80;
            server_name example.com;
            location /hls {
                root /tmp;
    rtmp {
        server {
            listen 1935;
            application myapp {
                live on;
                hls on;
                hls_path /tmp/hls;
                hls_keys on;
                hls_key_path /tmp/keys;
                hls_key_url https://example.com/keys/;
                hls_fragments_per_key 10;


    Syntax: hls_key_path path
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets the directory where auto-generated HLS keys are saved. Key files have .key extension and pseudo-random 16-byte content created with the OpenSSL RAND_bytes() routine. If the directory does not exist it's created in runtime. By default, hls_path directory is used for key files. Remember however you should normally restrict access to key files which is easier when these files are stored separately from playlist and fragments.

    hls_key_path /tmp/keys;


    Syntax: hls_key_url url
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets url for HLS key file entries. When empty those items have no prefix and keys are assumed to be at the same location as the playlist. Empty by default.

    hls_key_url https://myserver.com/keys/;

    Example playlist entry with the above setting



    Syntax: hls_fragments_per_key value
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets the number of HLS fragments encrypted with the same key. Zero means only one key is created at the publish start and all fragments within the session are encrypted with this key. Default is zero.

    hls_fragments_per_key 10;



    Syntax: dash on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Toggles MPEG-DASH on the application.

    dash on;
    dash_path /tmp/dash;
    dash_fragment 15s;

    In http{} section set up the following location for clients to play MPEG-DASH.

    http {
        server {
            location /dash {
                root /tmp;
                add_header Cache-Control no-cache;
                # To avoid issues with cross-domain HTTP requests (e.g. during development)
                add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;


    Syntax: dash_path path
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets MPEG-DASH playlist and fragment directory. If the directory does not exists it will be created.


    Syntax: dash_fragment time
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets MPEG-DASH fragment length. Defaults to 5 seconds.


    Syntax: dash_playlist_length time
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets MPEG-DASH playlist length. Defaults to 30 seconds.

    dash_playlist_length 10m;


    Syntax: dash_nested on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Toggles MPEG-DASH nested mode. In this mode a subdirectory of dash_path is created for each stream. Playlist and fragments are created in that subdirectory. Default is off.

    dash_nested on;


    Syntax: dash_cleanup on|off
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Toggles MPEG-DASH cleanup. By default the feature is on. In this mode nginx cache manager process removes old MPEG-DASH fragments and manifests from MPEG-DASH directory. Init fragments are deleted after stream manifest is deleted.

    dash_cleanup off;

    Access log


    Syntax: access_log off|path [format_name]
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets access log parameters. Logging is turned on by default. To turn it off use access_log offdirective. By default access logging is done to the same file as HTTP access logger (logs/access.log). You can specify another log file path in access_log directive. Second argument is optional. It can be used to specify logging format by name. See log_format directive for more details about formats.

    log_format new '$remote_addr';
    access_log logs/rtmp_access.log new;
    access_log logs/rtmp_access.log;
    access_log off;


    Syntax: log_format format_name format
    Context: rtmp

    Creates named log format. Log formats look very much the same as nginx HTTP log formats. Several variables are supported within log format:

    • connection - connection number
    • remote_addr - client address
    • app - application name
    • name - last stream name
    • args - last stream play/publish arguments
    • flashver - client flashVer
    • swfurl - client swfUrl
    • tcurl - client tcUrl
    • pageurl - client pageUrl
    • command - play/publish commands sent by client: NONEPLAYPUBLISHPLAY+PUBLISH
    • bytes_sent - number of bytes sent to client
    • bytes_received - number of bytes received from client
    • time_local - local time at the end of client connection
    • session_time - connection duration in seconds
    • session_readable_time - connection duration in human-readable format
    • msec - current unix timestamp in SEC.MSEC format

    Default log format has the name combined. Here's the definition of this format

    $remote_addr [$time_local] $command "$app" "$name" "$args" - 
    $bytes_received $bytes_sent "$pageurl" "$flashver" ($session_readable_time)



    Syntax: max_connections number
    Context: rtmp, server, application

    Sets maximum number of connections for rtmp engine. Off by default.

    max_connections 100;


    Statistics module is NGINX HTTP module unlike all other modules listed here. Hence statistics directives should be located within http{} block.


    Syntax: rtmp_stat all
    Context: http, server, location

    Sets RTMP statistics handler to the current HTTP location. RTMP statistics is dynamic XML document. To watch this document in browser as XHTML page use rtmp_stat_stylesheet directive.

    http {
        server {
            location /stat {
                rtmp_stat all;
                rtmp_stat_stylesheet stat.xsl;
            location /stat.xsl {
                root /path/to/stat/xsl/file;


    Syntax: rtmp_stat_stylesheet path
    Context: http, server, location

    Adds XML stylesheet reference to statistics XML to make it viewable in browser. See rtmp_stat description and example for more information.

    Multi-worker live streaming

    Multi-worker live streaming is implemented through pushing stream to remaining nginx workers.


    Syntax: rtmp_auto_push on|off
    Context: root

    Toggles auto-push (multi-worker live streaming) mode. Default is off.


    Syntax: rtmp_auto_push_reconnect timeout
    Context: root

    Sets auto-push reconnect timeout when worker is killed. Default is 100 milliseconds.


    Syntax: rtmp_socket_dir dir
    Context: root

    Sets directory for UNIX domains sockets used for stream pushing. Default is /tmp.

    rtmp_auto_push on;
    rtmp_auto_push_reconnect 1s;
    rtmp_socket_dir /var/sock;
    rtmp {
        server {
            listen 1935;
            application myapp {
                live on;


    Control module is NGINX HTTP module and should be located within http{} block.


    Syntax: rtmp_control all
    Context: http, server, location

    Sets RTMP control handler to the current HTTP location.

    http {
        server {
            location /control {
                rtmp_control all;

    More details about control module

  • 相关阅读:
    11 改进版通过队列实现一个生产者消费者模型
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    12 再次改进版通过队列实现一个生产者消费者模型
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    设计模式 单例模式
    设计模式 抽象工厂模式
    设计模式 简单工厂模式
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wainiwann/p/7514166.html
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