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  • xfsdump命令使用



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    Linux-x4xj:~ # mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb

    linux-x4xj:~ # mkdir /data

    linux-x4xj:~ # mount /dev/sdb /data

    linux-x4xj:~ # df -h

    Filesystem      Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

    /dev/sda2       4.0G 1.6G  2.2G  43% /

    devtmpfs        465M 168K  465M   1% /dev

    tmpfs           465M     0 465M   0% /dev/shm

    /dev/sdb         20G  33M   20G   1% /data

    linux-x4xj:~ #



    linux-x4xj:~ # ls -l /data

    total 1792

    -rwxr--r-- 1 nobody nobody 1832960 Sep 1314:12 iozone3_429.tar

    drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody nobody     102 Sep 16 20:46 lustre-client-el5.8-2.1.6

    linux-x4xj:~ #


    测试过程中发现:如果命令这样写xfsdump -f /tmp/dump_data /data/,就会提示错误(xfsdump:ERROR: /data/ does not identify a file system)

    linux-x4xj:~ # xfsdump -f /tmp/dump_data /data/

    xfsdump: using file dump (drive_simple)strategy

    xfsdump: version 3.0.5 (dump format 3.0) -Running single-threaded

     ============================= dump labeldialog ==============================

    please enter label for this dump session(timeout in 300 sec)

     -> dump_data

    session label entered:"dump_data"

     ---------------------------------end dialog ---------------------------------

    xfsdump: ERROR:/data/ does not identify a file system

    xfsdump: usage: xfsdump [ -a (dump DMFdualstate files as offline) ]




    必须要这样写xfsdump -f /tmp/dump_data /data(即/data后面的/不能要)这样才能成功

    linux-x4xj:~ # xfsdump -f /tmp/data_dump /data

    xfsdump: using file dump (drive_simple)strategy

    xfsdump: version 3.0.5 (dump format 3.0) -Running single-threaded

     ============================= dump labeldialog ==============================

    please enter label for this dump session(timeout in 300 sec)

     -> data_dump

    session label entered:"data_dump"

     --------------------------------- end dialog---------------------------------

    xfsdump: level 0 dump of linux-x4xj:/data

    xfsdump: dump date: Tue Sep 16 20:58:582014

    xfsdump: session id:ca3390ef-1a8c-429b-8d87-4e60d22d3c54

    xfsdump: session label: "data_dump"

    xfsdump: ino map phase 1: constructinginitial dump list

    xfsdump: ino map phase 2: skipping (nopruning necessary)

    xfsdump: ino map phase 3: skipping (onlyone dump stream)

    xfsdump: ino map construction complete

    xfsdump: estimated dump size: 70670208bytes

     ============================= media labeldialog =============================

    please enter label for media in drive 0(timeout in 300 sec)

     -> media0

    media label entered: "media0"

     --------------------------------- end dialog---------------------------------

    xfsdump: creating dump session media file 0(media 0, file 0)

    xfsdump: dumping ino map

    xfsdump: dumping directories

    xfsdump: dumping non-directory files

    xfsdump: ending media file

    xfsdump: media file size 70680352 bytes

    xfsdump: dump size (non-dir files) :70656816 bytes

    xfsdump: dump complete: 9 seconds elapsed

    xfsdump: Dump Status: SUCCESS

    linux-x4xj:~ # ls -l /tmp/data_dump

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 70680352 Sep 1620:59 /tmp/data_dump

    linux-x4xj:~ #

    以上为会话模式,即会提示让你输入label for session和label for dump,可以用下面的命令运行,就不会出现会话模式了

    linux-x4xj:~ # xfsdump -f /tmp/data_dump /data -L data_dump -M data_dump


    linux-x4xj:~ # xfsdump -f /tmp/data_lustre_client_dump -s lustre-client-el5.8-2.1.6 /data -L data_lustre_client_dump -M media0 (注意子目录前面不能有/,最后面也不能有/)

    xfsdump: using file dump (drive_simple)strategy

    xfsdump: version 3.0.5 (dump format 3.0) -Running single-threaded

    xfsdump: level 0 dump of linux-x4xj:/data

    xfsdump: dump date: Tue Sep 16 21:07:14 2014

    xfsdump: session id:12d13ad4-47d2-4ea5-94df-afc2d71cb6a4

    xfsdump: session label:"data_lustre_client_dump"

    xfsdump: ino map phase 1: constructinginitial dump list

    xfsdump: ino map phase 2: skipping (nopruning necessary)

    xfsdump: ino map phase 3: skipping (onlyone dump stream)

    xfsdump: ino map construction complete

    xfsdump: estimated dump size: 68834880bytes

    xfsdump: creating dump session media file 0(media 0, file 0)

    xfsdump: dumping ino map

    xfsdump: dumping directories

    xfsdump: dumping non-directory files

    xfsdump: ending media file

    xfsdump: media file size 68845344 bytes

    xfsdump: dump size (non-dir files) :68822096 bytes

    xfsdump: dump complete: 0 seconds elapsed

    xfsdump: Dump Status: SUCCESS

    linux-x4xj:~ # ls -l /tmp/data_lustre_client_dump

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 68845344 Sep 1621:07 /tmp/data_lustre_client_dump

    linux-x4xj:~ #


    linux-x4xj:~ #xfsdump - /data | xfsrestore - /data2


    linux-x4xj:~ #xfsdump -l 0 - /data | xfsrestore - /data2 (因为默认级别为0)

    linux-x4xj:~ # ll /data

    total 1792

    -rwxr--r-- 1 nobodynobody 1832960 Sep 13 14:12 iozone3_429.tar

    drwxr-xr-x 2 nobodynobody     102 Sep 16 20:46lustre-client-el5.8-2.1.6

    linux-x4xj:~ # ll /data2/

    total 1792

    -rwxr--r-- 1 nobodynobody 1832960 Sep 13 14:12 iozone3_429.tar

    drwxr-xr-x 2 nobodynobody     102 Sep 16 20:46lustre-client-el5.8-2.1.6

    linux-x4xj:~ #


    linux-x4xj:~ #xfsdump - -s lustre-client-el5.8-2.1.6 /data | xfsrestore - /data2


    linux-x4xj:~ #xfsdump -l 0 - -s lustre-client-el5.8-2.1.6 /data | xfsrestore - /data2

    linux-x4xj:~ # ll /data2/

    total 0

    drwxr-xr-x 2 nobodynobody 102 Sep 16 20:46 lustre-client-el5.8-2.1.6

    linux-x4xj:~ #


    可以使用xfsdump -I来查看session存档

    linux-x4xj:~ #xfsdump -I    (从存档中选择了一个会话内容如下)

            session 2:

                    mount point:    linux-x4xj:/data

                    device:         linux-x4xj:/dev/sdb

                    time:           Tue Sep 16 20:58:58 2014

                    session label:  "data_dump"                   (会话标识)

                    session id:     ca3390ef-1a8c-429b-8d87-4e60d22d3c54

                    level:          0

                    resumed:        NO

                    subtree:        NO

                    streams:        1

                    stream 0:

                            pathname:       /tmp/data_dump

                            start:          ino 131 offset 0

                            end:            ino 136 offset 0

                            interrupted:    NO

                            media files:    1

                            media file 0:

                                    mfileindex:    0

                                    mfiletype:     data

                                    mfilesize:     70680352

                                    mfilestart:    ino 131 offset 0

                                    mfile end:      ino 136 offset 0

                                    medialabel:    "media0"             (介质标识)

                                    media id:       43881f83-231f-4835-a858-4d4ade150efe



    linux-x4xj:~ # rm -rf /data/*

    linux-x4xj:~ #xfsrestore -f /tmp/data_dump /data


    linux-x4xj:~#xfsrestore-f /tmp/data_dump -L data_dump -s lustre-client-el5.8-2.1.6 /data

    5.在没有进行恢复之前可以通过xfsrestore  -f /tmp/data_dump  -t查看data_dump内容

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