下面的链接是InstallShield官方KB中关于InstallShield 2010已知问题列表
Q209268: Build Error -6058 or Build Unable to DistinguishBetween 32-Bit and 64-Bit Merge Modules
Q209027: Added Features Are Written to Log File *.ilg onAborted/Cancelled Installations
Q208896: SQLBrowse Dialog Does Not List Local 64-Bit SQLServers
Q207348: Multilingual Install Package Displays Invalid StringsDuring Installation
Q207309: Error -6118 Occurs When Building MultilanguageInstallations
Q206628: Installation Fails on Windows 2000 with Error -5009 orError 1628
Q205786: Windows Installer 4.5 Prerequisite Installation Issueon Windows Vista Systems
Q208979: COM Extraction Process Does Not Capture the Interfaceand TypeLib Keys If UAC Is Disabled