$scope对象上的$watch方法会给Angular事件循环内的每个$digest调用装配一个脏值检查。如果在表达式上检测到变化, Angular总是会返回$digest循环。
- watchExpression
watchExpression可以是一个作用域对象的属性,或者是一个函数。在$digest循环中的每个$digest调用都会涉及它。如果watchExpression是一个字符串, Angular会在$scope上下文中对它求值。如果它是一个函数,那么Angular会认为它会返回应该被监控的值。 - listener/callback
作为回调的监听器函数,它只会在watchExpression的当前值与先前值不相等(除了首次运行初始化期间)时调用。 - objectEquality(可选)
$evalAsync vs $timeout
To summarize:
if code is queued using $evalAsync from a directive, it should run after the DOM has been manipulated by Angular, but before the browser renders
if code is queued using $evalAsync from a controller, it should run before the DOM has been manipulated by Angular (and before the browser renders) -- rarely do you want this
if code is queued using $timeout, it should run after the DOM has been manipulated by Angular, and after the browser renders (which may cause flicker in some cases)