count = 0 while True: print("你是风儿我是沙,缠缠绵绵到天涯...",count) count +=1
count = 0 while True: print("你是风儿我是沙,缠缠绵绵到天涯...",count) count +=1 if count == 100: print("去你妈的风和沙,你们这些脱了裤子是人,穿上裤子是鬼的臭男人..") break
回到上面for 循环的例子,如何实现让用户不断的猜年龄,但只给最多3次机会,再猜不对就退出程序
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- my_age = 28 count = 0 while count < 3: user_input = int(input("input your guess num:")) if user_input == my_age: print("Congratulations, you got it !") break elif user_input < my_age: print("Oops,think bigger!") else: print("think smaller!") count += 1 #每次loop 计数器+1 else: print("猜这么多次都不对,你个笨蛋.")
# Author: George.Wang ''' i=0 while True: print("i=",i) i=i+1 #=i +=1 if i>10: break ''' ''' my_age_count = 0 my_age = 10 while True: if my_age_count ==3: break guess_age = int(input("You can guess my age:")) if guess_age == my_age: print("Congratulations! You got my age.") break elif guess_age > my_age: print("your answer is bigger than that.let's try again.") else: print("your answer is smaller than that.let's try again.") my_age_count = my_age_count +1 #my_age_count +=1 ''' #------------------------代码优化后+after typing three times it will show "else..."------------------------ my_age_count = 0 my_age = 10 while my_age_count <3: guess_age = int(input("You can guess my age:")) if guess_age == my_age: print("Congratulations! You got my age.") break elif guess_age > my_age: print("your answer is bigger than that.let's try again.") else: print("your answer is smaller than that.let's try again.") my_age_count = my_age_count +1 #my_age_count +=1 else: print("You have tried too many times...get the fuck off")
my_age= 10
count = 0
while count <3:
guess_age = int(input("Please input my age:"))
if guess_age == my_age:
print("Congratulations! you got my age.")
elif guess_age > my_age:
print("I'm sorry, your answer is bigger than my age.let's try again.")
print("I'm sorry, your answer is smaller than my age.let's try again.")
count = count +1
if count ==3:
move_on=input("Do you want to keep guessing?[yes/no]")
if move_on != "no" and move_on != "n":
count = 0