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  • 数据库语法集合

    declare @sum int
    declare @i int
    set @i=1
    set @sum=0
     set @sum =@sum+@i
     set @i=@i+1
       print @i
    print @sum

    declare @num int
    set @num=100
    print @num
    select @num=@num+1
    while(@num<106)goto flag
    print '------------------'
    print @num


    declare @mytable table(nam nvarchar(50),num nvarchar(50))

    insert into @mytable select ClassName,ClassNum  from dbo.tb_Class

    select * from @mytable


    create table #temp_tb(
     id int,
     pwd nvarchar(50)

    create table ##temp_tb(
     id int,
     pwd nvarchar(50)

    select ClassName,ClassNum into #temp from dbo.tb_Class
    select * from #temp

    --6、区间查询 between and (not between and)

    select * from tb_class where classnum between 1200 and 1500

    select * from tb_class where classnum not between 1200 and 1500

    --7、in变量,is null is not null,去重复distinct


    select top 1 * from tb_class order by newid()


    select '行号'=identity(int,1,1),classname,classnum into #temp from tb_class
    select * from #temp

    --模糊查询 like not like "% _ []"通配符

    select * from tb_class where className like '高%[^三]'

    select * from tb_class where des like '[a-z]%'

    select * from tb_class where ClassNum like '[^1]%'

    select * from tb_class where des like '%100/%%' escape '/'

    select * from tb_class where des+ClassName like '%[二在]%'

    --case 语句、类型转换 cast显示转换
    select *,班级=
    when ClassNum>1500 then '大班'
    when ClassNum=1500 then '中班'
    when ClassNum<1500 then cast(ClassNum as nvarchar(20))
    from tb_class

    --类型转换 1,cast 2,Convert
    select convert(nvarchar(20),getdate(),111)as 时间格式

    --去除空格 rtrim ltrim

    select ltrim('       中国    人         ')as title


    select substring('中华人民共和国',3,2) as title


    select stuff('中华共和国',3,0,'人民') as title

    --计算字符长度 len
    select len('中华人民共和国')

    --字符串大小写lower upper
    select replace('中*华*人*民*共*和*国','*','-')


    select substring('010-99998888',0,charindex('-','010-99998888'))

    select year(getdate())
    select month(getdate())
    select day(getdate())
    select datepart(year,getdate())
    select datepart(hh,getdate())

    select datename(dw,getdate()) as 今天星期几

    select datename(ww,getdate()) as 本周是一年的第几周

    select datename(yy,getdate()) as 年份

    select datename(dy,getdate()) as 今天是一年中的第几天

    select datediff(d,'2012-11-27','2012-11-30') as 相差天数
    select datediff(hh,'2012-11-27','2012-11-30') as 相差小时

    select getdate(),dateadd(d,3,getdate()) as 增加三天
    select getdate(),dateadd(hh,3,dateadd(d,3,getdate())) as 增加三天在增加三小时

    --排序order by  笔画排序:Chinese_prc_stroke_cs_as_ks_ws,音序排序:chinese_prc_cs_as

    select * from tb_class order by des collate Chinese_prc_stroke_cs_as_ks_ws

    select * from tb_class order by des collate Chinese_prc_cs_as


    declare @myorder int
    set @myorder=2
    select * from tb_class order by case @myorder
    when 1 then classnum
    when 2 then id

    --聚合函数,where(作用单行) 和 having(作用多行)区别

    select count(distinct classname) from tb_class

    --游标  sql语句面向一个集合操作,游标面向逐条记录的操作
    declare cur_s cursor 
    for select * from tb_class
    for read only --只读游标
    for update of classname--更新游标

    declare @cur_ss cursor--游标变量

    open cur_s

    fetch next from cur_s

    while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
    fetch next from cur_s

    close cur_s
    deallocate cur_s

    create procedure GetClassInfo
    @id int,
    @ClassName nvarchar(50),
    @Sum int output--存储过程返回值一种情况
    select @Sum=sum(ClassNum)from tb_Class where id>@id and ClassName=@ClassName
    declare @AllSum int
    select @AllSum=sum(ClassNum)from tb_Class
    return @AllSum--存储过程返回值另一种情况
    declare @sum int
    declare @AllSum int
    EXEC @AllSum=GetClassInfo 1,'高三',@sum output
    select @sum as 总数,@AllSum as 全部总数

    exec sp_rename 'GetClassInfo','ReNameGetInfo'
    exec sp_monitor
    --   *last_run: 上次运行时间
    --      *current_run:本次运行的时间
    --      *seconds: 自动执行存储过程后所经过的时间
    --      *cpu_busy:计算机CPU处理该存储过程所使用的时间
    --      *io_busy:在输入和输出操作上花费的时间
    --       *idle:SQL Server已经空闲的时间
    --       *packets_received:SQL Server读取的输入数据包数
    --       *packets_sent:SQL Server写入的输出数据包数
    --        *packets_error:SQL Server在写入和读取数据包时遇到的错误数
    --        *total_read: SQL Server读取的次数
    --         *total_write: SQLServer写入的次数
    --         *total_errors: SQL Server在写入和读取时遇到的错误数
    --          *connections:登录或尝试登录SQL Server的次数

    --sp_procoption [@procName=] 'procedure', [@optionName=] 'option', [@optionValue=] 'value'
    --         [@procName=] 'procedure': 即自动执行的存储过程
    --         [@optionName=] 'option':其值是startup,即自动执行存储过程
    --         [@optionValue=] 'value':表示自动执行是开(true)或是关(false)
    exec sp_procoption @procName='masterproc', @optionName='startup', @optionValue='true'

    create function myfunAdd(@a int,@b int)
    returns int
    declare @c int
    set @c=@a+@b
    return @c
    declare @a1 int,
            @b1 int,
            @c1 int
    set @a1=8
    set @b1=7
    set @c1=School.dbo.myfunAdd(@a1,@b1)
    print @c1

    create function GetTable()
    returns table
    return (select * from tb_class)

    select * from School.dbo.GetTable()


    create trigger mytrigger
    on tb_Class
    for update,delete,insert--三种触发器
    update tb_student set age=age+1 where id =1

    update tb_Class set des='???' where id =1
    delete from tb_Class where id=6

    begin try
    begin transaction
    insert into tb_class values('特色班',100,'描述')
    insert into tb_student([name],sex,age,classid) values('小刘',1,22,5)
    commit transaction
    end try
    begin catch
    end catch

    begin transaction
    insert into tb_class values('特色二班',100,'描述')
    insert into tb_student([name],sex,age,classid) values('小二',1,22,5)
    save transaction save1
    insert into tb_class values('特色三班',100,'描述')
    insert into tb_student([name],sex,age,classid) values('小叁',1,22,5)
    rollback transaction save1
    commit transaction

    begin tran
    select * from dbo.tb_Class with(holdlock)
    waitfor delay '00:00:10'
    commit tran

    update tb_Class set ClassNum=200 where id=12
    select * from tb_Class



    create table ss
     id int identity(1,1) not null constraint pk_id primary key


    alter table dbo.tb_Class
    add constraint pk_id primary key(id)
    -- drop constraint pk_id --删除主键
    --add constraint un_ss unique(id)--唯一约束
    add constraint ch_sex check (like '[0-1]')
    add constraint de_sex default 1 for sex

    alter table dbo.tb_student
    add constraint fk_classid
    foreign key(classid)
    references tb_Class (id)

  • 相关阅读:
    linux 网络编程-基础篇01
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wangguowen27/p/3208450.html
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