create table tmp_table3 as (SELECT seqno FROM (SELECT t.seqno,ROWID, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY title, uin ORDER BY createtime) DUP FROM calendar_info t where isdelflag = 0 and specialtype = 1 --and uin = '30647' and comefrom = 12) WHERE DUP > 1); --删除邀请表 delete calendar_invite_info where calseqno in (select seqno from tmp_table3); --更新变更表 update CALENDAR_SYNC_UPDATE set token = calendar_sync_update_token.nextVal, action_type = 2, updateTime = sysdate WHERE calseqno IN (select seqno from tmp_table3); --删除活动表 delete calendar_info where seqno in (select seqno from tmp_table3);