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  • OVS 内核KEY值提取及匹配流表代码分析








      1 int
      2 ovs_flow_key_extract(const struct ovs_tunnel_info *tun_info,
      3              struct sk_buff *skb, struct sw_flow_key *key)
      4 {
      5     /* Extract metadata from packet. */
      6     if (tun_info) {
      7         memcpy(&key->tun_key, &tun_info->tunnel, sizeof(key->tun_key));
      8         if (tun_info->options) {
      9             BUILD_BUG_ON((1 << (sizeof(tun_info->options_len) *
     10                            8)) - 1
     11                     > sizeof(key->tun_opts));
     12             memcpy(GENEVE_OPTS(key, tun_info->options_len),
     13                    tun_info->options, tun_info->options_len);
     14             key->tun_opts_len = tun_info->options_len;
     15         } else {
     16             key->tun_opts_len = 0;
     17         }
     18     } else  {
     19         key->tun_opts_len = 0;
     20         memset(&key->tun_key, 0, sizeof(key->tun_key));
     21     }
     22     /*根据skb相关信息,给key的相关变量赋值*/
     23     key->phy.priority = skb->priority;
     24     /*设置key->phy.in_port为vport的接口序号*/
     25     key->phy.in_port = OVS_CB(skb)->input_vport->port_no;
     26     key->phy.skb_mark = skb->mark;
     27     key->ovs_flow_hash = 0;
     28     key->recirc_id = 0;
     29     /*提取skb中的MAC、协议、IP地址、端口信息等key值*/
     30     return key_extract(skb, key);
     31 }
     32 /**
     33  * key_extract - extracts a flow key from an Ethernet frame.
     34  * @skb: sk_buff that contains the frame, with skb->data pointing to the
     35  * Ethernet header
     36  * @key: output flow key
     37  *
     38  * The caller must ensure that skb->len >= ETH_HLEN.
     39  *
     40  * Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a negative errno value.
     41  *
     42  * Initializes @skb header pointers as follows:
     43  *
     44  *    - skb->mac_header: the Ethernet header.
     45  *
     46  *    - skb->network_header: just past the Ethernet header, or just past the
     47  *      VLAN header, to the first byte of the Ethernet payload.
     48  *
     49  *    - skb->transport_header: If key->eth.type is ETH_P_IP or ETH_P_IPV6
     50  *      on output, then just past the IP header, if one is present and
     51  *      of a correct length, otherwise the same as skb->network_header.
     52  *      For other key->eth.type values it is left untouched.
     53  */
     54 static int
     55 key_extract(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sw_flow_key *key)
     56 {
     57     int error;
     58     struct ethhdr *eth;
     59     /* Flags are always used as part of stats */
     60     key->tp.flags = 0;
     61     /*重置L2层头指针*/
     62     skb_reset_mac_header(skb);
     63     /* Link layer.  We are guaranteed to have at least the 14 byte Ethernet
     64      * header in the linear data area.
     65      */
     66     /*获取二层头部指针,并提取源MAC及目的MAC信息到key中*/
     67     eth = eth_hdr(skb);
     68     ether_addr_copy(key->eth.src, eth->h_source);
     69     ether_addr_copy(key->eth.dst, eth->h_dest);
     70     /*将skb->data指向L2的MAC地址结束的地址处,
     71     * 如果带有VLAN信息,则skb->data指向vlan相关信息的开头
     72     * 如果不带vlan信息,则skb->data则指向eth.type字段处*/
     73     __skb_pull(skb, 2 * ETH_ALEN);
     74     /* We are going to push all headers that we pull, so no need to
     75      * update skb->csum here.
     76      */
     77     /*提取vlan信息到key中*/
     78     key->eth.tci = 0;
     79     if (vlan_tx_tag_present(skb))
     80         key->eth.tci = htons(skb->vlan_tci);
     81     else if (eth->h_proto == htons(ETH_P_8021Q))
     82         if (unlikely(parse_vlan(skb, key)))
     83             return -ENOMEM;
     84     /*提取ether type数据包类型如ETH_P_IP、ETH_P_ARP、ETH_P_IPV6等*/
     85     key->eth.type = parse_ethertype(skb);
     86     if (unlikely(key->eth.type == htons(0)))
     87         return -ENOMEM;
     88     /*重置L3头部指针及MAC长度,保证skb->network_header指向正确的位置*/
     89     skb_reset_network_header(skb);
     90     skb_reset_mac_len(skb);
     91     __skb_push(skb, skb->data - skb_mac_header(skb));
     92     /* Network layer. */
     93     /*IP协议数据包*/
     94     if (key->eth.type == htons(ETH_P_IP)) {
     95         struct iphdr *nh;
     96         __be16 offset;
     97         /*检查IP数据包的合法性,若合法则设置skb->transport_header*/
     98         error = check_iphdr(skb);
     99         if (unlikely(error)) {
    100             /*不合法的IP数据包*/
    101             memset(&key->ip, 0, sizeof(key->ip));
    102             memset(&key->ipv4, 0, sizeof(key->ipv4));
    103             if (error == -EINVAL) {
    104                 /* 此处不知道为何将L4头设置为L3层头部,
    105                 * 也不知道为何error=0,后面搞清楚了在回来修改*/
    106                 skb->transport_header = skb->network_header;
    107                 error = 0;
    108             }
    109             return error;
    110         }
    111         /*获取L3层头部指针,并提取源IP及目的IP信息到key中*/
    112         nh = ip_hdr(skb);
    113         key->ipv4.addr.src = nh->saddr;
    114         key->ipv4.addr.dst = nh->daddr;
    115         /*提取IP的四层协议信息、TOS及ttl信息到key中*/
    116         key->ip.proto = nh->protocol;
    117         key->ip.tos = nh->tos;
    118         key->ip.ttl = nh->ttl;
    119         /*
    120         * 从L3层中提取IP分片信息
    121         * 对IP分片中的几个标志不是很清楚,暂时不做说明
    122         */
    123         offset = nh->frag_off & htons(IP_OFFSET);
    124         if (offset) {
    125             key->ip.frag = OVS_FRAG_TYPE_LATER;
    126             return 0;
    127         }
    128         if (nh->frag_off & htons(IP_MF) ||
    129             skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_type & SKB_GSO_UDP)
    130             key->ip.frag = OVS_FRAG_TYPE_FIRST;
    131         else
    132             key->ip.frag = OVS_FRAG_TYPE_NONE;
    133         /* Transport layer. */
    134         /*TCP协议数据包*/
    135         if (key->ip.proto == IPPROTO_TCP) {
    136             if (tcphdr_ok(skb)) {
    137                 /*获取tcp四层头部,提取源端口及目的端口信息到key中*/
    138                 struct tcphdr *tcp = tcp_hdr(skb);
    139                 key->tp.src = tcp->source;
    140                 key->tp.dst = tcp->dest;
    141                 key->tp.flags = TCP_FLAGS_BE16(tcp);
    142             } else {
    143                 memset(&key->tp, 0, sizeof(key->tp));
    144             }
    145         /*UDP协议数据包*/
    146         } else if (key->ip.proto == IPPROTO_UDP) {
    147             if (udphdr_ok(skb)) {
    148                 /*获取UDP四层头部,提取源端口及目的端口信息到key中*/
    149                 struct udphdr *udp = udp_hdr(skb);
    150                 key->tp.src = udp->source;
    151                 key->tp.dst = udp->dest;
    152             } else {
    153                 memset(&key->tp, 0, sizeof(key->tp));
    154             }
    155         /*SCTP协议数据包*/
    156         } else if (key->ip.proto == IPPROTO_SCTP) {
    157             if (sctphdr_ok(skb)) {
    158                 /*获取SCTP四层头部,提取源端口及目的端口到key中*/
    159                 struct sctphdr *sctp = sctp_hdr(skb);
    160                 key->tp.src = sctp->source;
    161                 key->tp.dst = sctp->dest;
    162             } else {
    163                 memset(&key->tp, 0, sizeof(key->tp));
    164             }
    165         /*ICMP协议数据包*/
    166         } else if (key->ip.proto == IPPROTO_ICMP) {
    167             if (icmphdr_ok(skb)) {
    168                 /*获取ICMP头部,并提取ICMP 类型及代码字段到key中*/
    169                 struct icmphdr *icmp = icmp_hdr(skb);
    170                 /* The ICMP type and code fields use the 16-bit
    171                  * transport port fields, so we need to store
    172                  * them in 16-bit network byte order. */
    173                 key->tp.src = htons(icmp->type);
    174                 key->tp.dst = htons(icmp->code);
    175             } else {
    176                 memset(&key->tp, 0, sizeof(key->tp));
    177             }
    178         }
    179     /*ARP协议或者RARP协议数据包*/
    180     } else if (key->eth.type == htons(ETH_P_ARP) ||
    181            key->eth.type == htons(ETH_P_RARP)) {
    182         struct arp_eth_header *arp;
    183         bool arp_available = arphdr_ok(skb);
    184         /*获取ARP头部指针*/
    185         arp = (struct arp_eth_header *)skb_network_header(skb);
    186         if (arp_available &&
    187             arp->ar_hrd == htons(ARPHRD_ETHER) &&
    188             arp->ar_pro == htons(ETH_P_IP) &&
    189             arp->ar_hln == ETH_ALEN &&
    190             arp->ar_pln == 4) {
    191             /*提取ARP option字段到key中*/
    192             /* We only match on the lower 8 bits of the opcode. */
    193             if (ntohs(arp->ar_op) <= 0xff)
    194                 key->ip.proto = ntohs(arp->ar_op);
    195             else
    196                 key->ip.proto = 0;
    197             /*提取源MAC、目的MAC、源IP及目的MAC信息到key中*/
    198             memcpy(&key->ipv4.addr.src, arp->ar_sip, sizeof(key->ipv4.addr.src));
    199             memcpy(&key->ipv4.addr.dst, arp->ar_tip, sizeof(key->ipv4.addr.dst));
    200             ether_addr_copy(key->ipv4.arp.sha, arp->ar_sha);
    201             ether_addr_copy(key->ipv4.arp.tha, arp->ar_tha);
    202         } else {
    203             memset(&key->ip, 0, sizeof(key->ip));
    204             memset(&key->ipv4, 0, sizeof(key->ipv4));
    205         }
    206     /*去提取MPLS信息到key中*/
    207     } else if (eth_p_mpls(key->eth.type)) {
    208         size_t stack_len = MPLS_HLEN;
    209         /* In the presence of an MPLS label stack the end of the L2
    210          * header and the beginning of the L3 header differ.
    211          *
    212          * Advance network_header to the beginning of the L3
    213          * header. mac_len corresponds to the end of the L2 header.
    214          */
    215         while (1) {
    216             __be32 lse;
    217             error = check_header(skb, skb->mac_len + stack_len);
    218             if (unlikely(error))
    219                 return 0;
    220             memcpy(&lse, skb_network_header(skb), MPLS_HLEN);
    221             if (stack_len == MPLS_HLEN)
    222                 memcpy(&key->mpls.top_lse, &lse, MPLS_HLEN);
    223             skb_set_network_header(skb, skb->mac_len + stack_len);
    224             if (lse & htonl(MPLS_LS_S_MASK))
    225                 break;
    226             stack_len += MPLS_HLEN;
    227         }
    228     /*IPv6协议,提取IPv6相关信息到key中 */
    229     } else if (key->eth.type == htons(ETH_P_IPV6)) {
    230         int nh_len;             /* IPv6 Header + Extensions */
    231         nh_len = parse_ipv6hdr(skb, key);
    232         if (unlikely(nh_len < 0)) {
    233             memset(&key->ip, 0, sizeof(key->ip));
    234             memset(&key->ipv6.addr, 0, sizeof(key->ipv6.addr));
    235             if (nh_len == -EINVAL) {
    236                 skb->transport_header = skb->network_header;
    237                 error = 0;
    238             } else {
    239                 error = nh_len;
    240             }
    241             return error;
    242         }
    243         if (key->ip.frag == OVS_FRAG_TYPE_LATER)
    244             return 0;
    245         if (skb_shinfo(skb)->gso_type & SKB_GSO_UDP)
    246             key->ip.frag = OVS_FRAG_TYPE_FIRST;
    247         /* Transport layer. */
    248         if (key->ip.proto == NEXTHDR_TCP) {
    249             if (tcphdr_ok(skb)) {
    250                 struct tcphdr *tcp = tcp_hdr(skb);
    251                 key->tp.src = tcp->source;
    252                 key->tp.dst = tcp->dest;
    253                 key->tp.flags = TCP_FLAGS_BE16(tcp);
    254             } else {
    255                 memset(&key->tp, 0, sizeof(key->tp));
    256             }
    257         } else if (key->ip.proto == NEXTHDR_UDP) {
    258             if (udphdr_ok(skb)) {
    259                 struct udphdr *udp = udp_hdr(skb);
    260                 key->tp.src = udp->source;
    261                 key->tp.dst = udp->dest;
    262             } else {
    263                 memset(&key->tp, 0, sizeof(key->tp));
    264             }
    265         } else if (key->ip.proto == NEXTHDR_SCTP) {
    266             if (sctphdr_ok(skb)) {
    267                 struct sctphdr *sctp = sctp_hdr(skb);
    268                 key->tp.src = sctp->source;
    269                 key->tp.dst = sctp->dest;
    270             } else {
    271                 memset(&key->tp, 0, sizeof(key->tp));
    272             }
    273         } else if (key->ip.proto == NEXTHDR_ICMP) {
    274             if (icmp6hdr_ok(skb)) {
    275                 error = parse_icmpv6(skb, key, nh_len);
    276                 if (error)
    277                     return error;
    278             } else {
    279                 memset(&key->tp, 0, sizeof(key->tp));
    280             }
    281         }
    282     }
    283     return 0;
    284 }



     1 /* Must be called with rcu_read_lock. */
     2 void
     3 ovs_dp_process_packet(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sw_flow_key *key)
     4 {
     5     const struct vport *p = OVS_CB(skb)->input_vport;
     6     struct datapath *dp = p->dp;
     7     struct sw_flow *flow;
     8     struct sw_flow_actions *sf_acts;
     9     struct dp_stats_percpu *stats;
    10     u64 *stats_counter;
    11     u32 n_mask_hit;
    12     /*获取每CPU变量dp->stats_percpu*/
    13     stats = this_cpu_ptr(dp->stats_percpu);
    14     /* Look up flow. */
    15     /*根据key值遍历所有的流表*/
    16     flow = ovs_flow_tbl_lookup_stats(&dp->table, key, &n_mask_hit);
    17     if (unlikely(!flow)) {
    18         /*
    19         * 未匹配到任何流表,则将key值封装到Netlink消息中通过
    20         * netlink发送到用户态ovs-vswitchd进程
    21         * 由用户态进程来决定如何处理数据包
    22         */
    23         struct dp_upcall_info upcall;
    24         int error;
    25         upcall.cmd = OVS_PACKET_CMD_MISS;
    26         upcall.userdata = NULL;
    27         upcall.portid = ovs_vport_find_upcall_portid(p, skb);
    28         upcall.egress_tun_info = NULL;
    29         /*封装Netlink消息并发送给用户态ovs-vswitchd进程*/
    30         error = ovs_dp_upcall(dp, skb, key, &upcall);
    31         if (unlikely(error))
    32             kfree_skb(skb);
    33         else
    34             consume_skb(skb);
    35         stats_counter = &stats->n_missed;
    36         goto out;
    37     }
    38     /*查询到流表后,更新相关流表的信息,包括流表匹配的包数及字节数*/
    39     ovs_flow_stats_update(flow, key->tp.flags, skb);
    40     /*获取匹配的流表的执行动作*/
    41     sf_acts = rcu_dereference(flow->sf_acts);
    42     /*执行匹配流表的动作*/
    43     ovs_execute_actions(dp, skb, sf_acts, key);
    44     stats_counter = &stats->n_hit;
    45 out:
    46     /* Update datapath statistics. */
    47     u64_stats_update_begin(&stats->syncp);
    48     (*stats_counter)++;
    49     stats->n_mask_hit += n_mask_hit;
    50     u64_stats_update_end(&stats->syncp);
    51 }


    匹配到对应的流表后,从流表中获取流表的动作,循环遍历所有的flow action,执行相应的action动作。

      1 /* Execute a list of actions against 'skb'. */
      2 int
      3 ovs_execute_actions(struct datapath *dp, struct sk_buff *skb,
      4             const struct sw_flow_actions *acts,
      5             struct sw_flow_key *key)
      6 {
      7     int level = this_cpu_read(exec_actions_level);
      8     int err;
      9     this_cpu_inc(exec_actions_level);
     10     OVS_CB(skb)->egress_tun_info = NULL;
     11     /*执行流表动作*/
     12     err = do_execute_actions(dp, skb, key,
     13                  acts->actions, acts->actions_len);
     14     /*不知道这个process_deferred_actions具体是干什么的*/
     15     if (!level)
     16         process_deferred_actions(dp);
     17     this_cpu_dec(exec_actions_level);
     18     return err;
     19 }
     20 /* Execute a list of actions against 'skb'. */
     21 static int
     22 do_execute_actions(struct datapath *dp, struct sk_buff *skb,
     23                   struct sw_flow_key *key,
     24                   const struct nlattr *attr, int len)
     25 {
     26     /* Every output action needs a separate clone of 'skb', but the common
     27      * case is just a single output action, so that doing a clone and
     28      * then freeing the original skbuff is wasteful.  So the following code
     29      * is slightly obscure just to avoid that.
     30      */
     31     int prev_port = -1;
     32     const struct nlattr *a;
     33     int rem;
     34     for (a = attr, rem = len; rem > 0;
     35          a = nla_next(a, &rem)) {
     36         int err = 0;
     37         if (unlikely(prev_port != -1)) {
     38             /*设置了output接口,克隆一份skb将数据包从
     39             * prv_port接口发送出去*/
     40             struct sk_buff *out_skb = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC);
     41             if (out_skb)
     42                 do_output(dp, out_skb, prev_port);
     43             prev_port = -1;
     44         }
     45         switch (nla_type(a)) {
     46         /*数据包发送的端口号*/
     47         case OVS_ACTION_ATTR_OUTPUT:
     48             prev_port = nla_get_u32(a);
     49             break;
     50         /*将数据包发送到用户态进程*/
     51         case OVS_ACTION_ATTR_USERSPACE:
     52             output_userspace(dp, skb, key, a);
     53             break;
     54         /*为key->ovs_flow_hash赋值*/
     55         case OVS_ACTION_ATTR_HASH:
     56             execute_hash(skb, key, a);
     57             break;
     58         /*MPLS处理,不了解MPLS,忽略*/
     59         case OVS_ACTION_ATTR_PUSH_MPLS:
     60             err = push_mpls(skb, key, nla_data(a));
     61             break;
     62         /*MPLS处理,忽略*/
     63         case OVS_ACTION_ATTR_POP_MPLS:
     64             err = pop_mpls(skb, key, nla_get_be16(a));
     65             break;
     66         /*设置VLAN tag*/
     67         case OVS_ACTION_ATTR_PUSH_VLAN:
     68             err = push_vlan(skb, key, nla_data(a));
     69             break;
     70         /*去Vlan tag*/
     71         case OVS_ACTION_ATTR_POP_VLAN:
     72             err = pop_vlan(skb, key);
     73             break;
     74         /*将skb及key添加到defered action中*/
     75         case OVS_ACTION_ATTR_RECIRC:
     76             err = execute_recirc(dp, skb, key, a, rem);
     77             if (nla_is_last(a, rem)) {
     78                 /* If this is the last action, the skb has
     79                  * been consumed or freed.
     80                  * Return immediately.
     81                  */
     82                 return err;
     83             }
     84             break;
     85         /*根据修改的动作,对数据包进行修改*/
     86         case OVS_ACTION_ATTR_SET:
     87             err = execute_set_action(skb, key, nla_data(a));
     88             break;
     89         case OVS_ACTION_ATTR_SAMPLE:
     90             err = sample(dp, skb, key, a);
     91             break;
     92         }
     93         if (unlikely(err)) {
     94             kfree_skb(skb);
     95             return err;
     96         }
     97     }
     98     if (prev_port != -1)
     99         do_output(dp, skb, prev_port);
    100     else
    101         consume_skb(skb);
    102     return 0;
    103 }

    OUTPUT ACTION(datapath/actions.c)

    流表的OUTPUT动作指定了数据包发送的出接口信息,调用do_output->ovs_vport_send->vport->ops->send发送函数将数据包从output action对应的接口发送出去。

     1 /*do_outpu发送数据包*/
     2 static void
     3 do_output(struct datapath *dp, struct sk_buff *skb, int out_port)
     4 {
     5     struct vport *vport = ovs_vport_rcu(dp, out_port);
     6     if (likely(vport))
     7         ovs_vport_send(vport, skb);
     8     else
     9         kfree_skb(skb);
    10 }
    11 /**
    12  *    ovs_vport_send - send a packet on a device
    13  *
    14  * @vport: vport on which to send the packet
    15  * @skb: skb to send
    16  *
    17  * Sends the given packet and returns the length of data sent.  Either ovs
    18  * lock or rcu_read_lock must be held.
    19  */
    20 int ovs_vport_send(struct vport *vport, struct sk_buff *skb)
    21 {
    22     /* 调用vport->ops->send回调函数发送数据包 */ 
    23     int sent = vport->ops->send(vport, skb);
    24     if (likely(sent > 0)) {
    25         struct pcpu_sw_netstats *stats;
    26         /*发送成功后更新每CPU变量vport->percpu_stats中的发送包数及发送字节数*/
    27         stats = this_cpu_ptr(vport->percpu_stats);
    28         u64_stats_update_begin(&stats->syncp);
    29         stats->tx_packets++;
    30         stats->tx_bytes += sent;
    31         u64_stats_update_end(&stats->syncp);
    32     } else if (sent < 0) {
    33         ovs_vport_record_error(vport, VPORT_E_TX_ERROR);
    34     } else {
    35         ovs_vport_record_error(vport, VPORT_E_TX_DROPPED);
    36     }
    37     return sent;
    38 }


     1 /*此函数即为OVS流表output action 发送数据包时的函数*/
     2 static int
     3 netdev_send(struct vport *vport, struct sk_buff *skb)
     4 {
     5     struct netdev_vport *netdev_vport = netdev_vport_priv(vport);
     6     int mtu = netdev_vport->dev->mtu;
     7     int len;
     8     /*如果未开启gso且数据包长度大于MTU,则释放数据包*/
     9     if (unlikely(packet_length(skb) > mtu && !skb_is_gso(skb))) {
    10         net_warn_ratelimited("%s: dropped over-mtu packet: %d > %d
    11                      netdev_vport->dev->name,
    12                      packet_length(skb), mtu);
    13         goto drop;
    14     }
    15     /*设置skb->dev为output action网口*/
    16     skb->dev = netdev_vport->dev;
    17     len = skb->len;
    18     /*最后调用dev_queue_xmit发送数据包*/
    19     dev_queue_xmit(skb);
    20     return len;
    21 drop:
    22     kfree_skb(skb);
    23     return 0;
    24 }

    SET ACTION(datapath/actions.c)

    流表SET动作会修改数据包中指定的信息,如skb->priority skb->mark等信息。

     1 static int
     2 execute_set_action(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sw_flow_key *key,
     3                   const struct nlattr *nested_attr)
     4 {
     5     int err = 0;
     6     switch (nla_type(nested_attr)) {
     7     case OVS_KEY_ATTR_PRIORITY:
     8         skb->priority = nla_get_u32(nested_attr);
     9         key->phy.priority = skb->priority;
    10         break;
    11     case OVS_KEY_ATTR_SKB_MARK:
    12         skb->mark = nla_get_u32(nested_attr);
    13         key->phy.skb_mark = skb->mark;
    14         break;
    15     case OVS_KEY_ATTR_TUNNEL_INFO:
    16         OVS_CB(skb)->egress_tun_info = nla_data(nested_attr);
    17         break;
    18     case OVS_KEY_ATTR_ETHERNET:
    19         err = set_eth_addr(skb, key, nla_data(nested_attr));
    20         break;
    21     case OVS_KEY_ATTR_IPV4:
    22         err = set_ipv4(skb, key, nla_data(nested_attr));
    23         break;
    24     case OVS_KEY_ATTR_IPV6:
    25         err = set_ipv6(skb, key, nla_data(nested_attr));
    26         break;
    27     case OVS_KEY_ATTR_TCP:
    28         err = set_tcp(skb, key, nla_data(nested_attr));
    29         break;
    30     case OVS_KEY_ATTR_UDP:
    31         err = set_udp(skb, key, nla_data(nested_attr));
    32         break;
    33     case OVS_KEY_ATTR_SCTP:
    34         err = set_sctp(skb, key, nla_data(nested_attr));
    35         break;
    36     case OVS_KEY_ATTR_MPLS:
    37         err = set_mpls(skb, key, nla_data(nested_attr));
    38         break;
    39     }
    40     return err;
    41 }

    PUSH_VLAN ACTION(datapath/actions.c)

    流表PUSH_VLAN动作会在数据包中添加对应的VLAN tag信息。

     1 static int
     2 push_vlan(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sw_flow_key *key,
     3              const struct ovs_action_push_vlan *vlan)
     4 {
     5     if (vlan_tx_tag_present(skb))
     6         invalidate_flow_key(key);
     7     else
     8         key->eth.tci = vlan->vlan_tci;
     9     return skb_vlan_push(skb, vlan->vlan_tpid,
    10                  ntohs(vlan->vlan_tci) & ~VLAN_TAG_PRESENT);
    11 }
    12 int
    13 skb_vlan_push(struct sk_buff *skb, __be16 vlan_proto, u16 vlan_tci)
    14 {
    15     if (vlan_tx_tag_present(skb)) {
    16         unsigned int offset = skb->data - skb_mac_header(skb);
    17         int err;
    18         /* __vlan_insert_tag expect skb->data pointing to mac header.
    19          * So change skb->data before calling it and change back to
    20          * original position later
    21          */
    22         __skb_push(skb, offset);
    23         err = __vlan_insert_tag(skb, skb->vlan_proto,
    24                     vlan_tx_tag_get(skb));
    25         if (err)
    26             return err;
    27         skb->protocol = skb->vlan_proto;
    28         skb->mac_len += VLAN_HLEN;
    29         __skb_pull(skb, offset);
    30         if (skb->ip_summed == CHECKSUM_COMPLETE)
    31             skb->csum = csum_add(skb->csum, csum_partial(skb->data
    32                     + (2 * ETH_ALEN), VLAN_HLEN, 0));
    33     }
    34     __vlan_hwaccel_put_tag(skb, vlan_proto, vlan_tci);
    35     return 0;
    36 }
    37 static inline void
    38 __vlan_hwaccel_put_tag(struct sk_buff *skb,
    39                       __be16 vlan_proto, u16 vlan_tci)
    40 {
    41     /*设置数据包Vlan tag信息*/
    42     skb->vlan_proto = vlan_proto;
    43     skb->vlan_tci = VLAN_TAG_PRESENT | vlan_tci;
    44 }

    POP_VLAN ACTION(datapath/actions.c)

    流表POP_VLAN动作移除数据包中的Vlan tag信息并更新数据包中的校验和

     1 static int
     2 pop_vlan(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sw_flow_key *key)
     3 {
     4     int err;
     5     err = skb_vlan_pop(skb);
     6     if (vlan_tx_tag_present(skb))
     7         invalidate_flow_key(key);
     8     else
     9         key->eth.tci = 0;
    10     return err;
    11 }
    12 int
    13 skb_vlan_pop(struct sk_buff *skb)
    14 {
    15     u16 vlan_tci;
    16     __be16 vlan_proto;
    17     int err;
    18     if (likely(vlan_tx_tag_present(skb))) {
    19         skb->vlan_tci = 0;
    20     } else {
    21         if (unlikely((skb->protocol != htons(ETH_P_8021Q) &&
    22                   skb->protocol != htons(ETH_P_8021AD)) ||
    23                  skb->len < VLAN_ETH_HLEN))
    24             return 0;
    25         err = __skb_vlan_pop(skb, &vlan_tci);
    26         if (err)
    27             return err;
    28     }
    29     /* move next vlan tag to hw accel tag */
    30     if (likely((skb->protocol != htons(ETH_P_8021Q) &&
    31             skb->protocol != htons(ETH_P_8021AD)) ||
    32            skb->len < VLAN_ETH_HLEN))
    33         return 0;
    34     vlan_proto = skb->protocol;
    35     err = __skb_vlan_pop(skb, &vlan_tci);
    36     if (unlikely(err))
    37         return err;
    38     __vlan_hwaccel_put_tag(skb, vlan_proto, vlan_tci);
    39     return 0;
    40 }
    41 /* remove VLAN header from packet and update csum accordingly. */
    42 static int __skb_vlan_pop(struct sk_buff *skb, u16 *vlan_tci)
    43 {
    44     struct vlan_hdr *vhdr;
    45     unsigned int offset = skb->data - skb_mac_header(skb);
    46     int err;
    47     __skb_push(skb, offset);
    48     err = skb_ensure_writable(skb, VLAN_ETH_HLEN);
    49     if (unlikely(err))
    50         goto pull;
    52     skb_postpull_rcsum(skb, skb->data + (2 * ETH_ALEN), VLAN_HLEN);
    53     vhdr = (struct vlan_hdr *)(skb->data + ETH_HLEN);
    54     *vlan_tci = ntohs(vhdr->h_vlan_TCI);
    55     memmove(skb->data + VLAN_HLEN, skb->data, 2 * ETH_ALEN);
    56     __skb_pull(skb, VLAN_HLEN);
    57     vlan_set_encap_proto(skb, vhdr);
    58     skb->mac_header += VLAN_HLEN;
    59     if (skb_network_offset(skb) < ETH_HLEN)
    60         skb_set_network_header(skb, ETH_HLEN);
    61     skb_reset_mac_len(skb);
    62 pull:
    63     __skb_pull(skb, offset);
    64     return err;
    65 }
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