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Ext.onReady(function () { var menuTree = new Ext.Panel({ region: 'west', title: '功能菜单', collapsible: true, split: false, autoScroll: true, 200, // give east and west regions a width minSize: 100, maxSize: 300, // specify layout manager for items //margins: '0 0 0 5', height: 1800, layout: { type: 'accordion', animate: true }, items: [ @Html.Raw(ViewBag.Tree) ] }); });
var boxNorth = new Ext.Panel({ region: 'north', height: 70, // give north and south regions a height items: [{ contentEl: 'logoTitle', border: false }] }); var boxEast = function () { }; //右边翔实功能面板区 var contentPanel = new Ext.TabPanel({ id: 'tabs', region: 'center', deferredRender: false, border: true, //出现横向滚动条 enableTabScroll: true, //重新计算页面宽度 高度 //layoutOnTabChange: true, activeTab: 0, items: [{ title: "<font style='margin-right:13px;'>欢 迎</font>", iconCls: 'tabs', closable: true, html: '<iframe scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" src="http://www.baidu.com"></iframe>', closable: false }] });
new Ext.Viewport({ layout: 'border', defaults: { activeItem: 0 }, //items: [boxNorth, menuTree, contentPanel, boxEast] items: [boxNorth, menuTree, contentPanel] });
//Ext弹出框 extAlert = function (str) { Ext.MessageBox.alert("提示", str); }; //Ext confirm extConfirm = function () { Ext.MessageBox.confirm(); }; //关闭模式化窗口 closeWin = function (closeId) { var wind = Ext.getCmp(closeId); if (wind != null) { wind.close(wind); //wind.remove(this); } }; //先弹窗 再关闭模式化窗口 alertCloseWin = function (closeId, alertTxt) { extAlert(alertTxt); closeWin(closeId); }; //关闭一个窗口 再打开一个窗口 手动宽高 h为0时 自动高度 closeOpenWin = function (closeId, openId, openTitle, openUrl, w, h) { closeWin(closeId); openWin(openId, openUrl, openTitle, w, h); }; //打开模式化窗口 手动宽高 h为0时 自动高度 openWin = function (openId, openTitle, openUrl, w, h) { ww = document.body.clientWidth - 30; hh = document.body.clientHeight - 30; if (w == null || w.length == 0 || w == 0 || w > ww) { w = ww; } if (h == null || h.length == 0 || h == 0 || h > hh) { h = hh; } var win = new Ext.Window({ id: openId, title: openTitle, w, height: h, modal: true, closeAction: "destroy", plain: true, draggable: true, constrain: true, maximizable: true, closable: true, //穿越html载入目标页 html: '<iframe id="if' + openId + '" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" src="' + openUrl + '"></iframe>' }).show(); }; //打开tab function openTab(openId, openTitle, openUrl) { var tabs = Ext.getCmp('tabs'); var tabid = tabs.getComponent(openId); if (tabid) { tabs.setActiveTab(tabid); } else { tabs.add({ id: openId, title: openTitle, iconCls: 'tabs', closable: true, //穿越html载入目标页 html: '<iframe id="if' + openId + '" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" src="' + openUrl + '"></iframe>', closable: true }).show(); } } //关闭并打开一个新的选项卡 function closeOpenTab(closeId, openId, openTitle, openUrl) { closeTab(closeId); openTab(openId, openTitle, openUrl); } //关闭tab function closeTab(closeId) { var tabs = Ext.getCmp('tabs'); var addUserPanel = tabs.getComponent(closeId); if (addUserPanel != null) { tabs.remove(addUserPanel); } } //修改后刷新选项卡 function reflashTab(getId, winId, closeID) { //window.parent.document.getElementById(getId).contentWindow.refreshdata(winId); closeWin(closeID); document.getElementById(getId).contentWindow.refreshdata(winId); closeWin(closeID); } //更新iframe function alignIframe(ifid) { var myIframe = document.getElementById(ifid); if (myIframe != null) { myIframe.src = myIframe.src; } } //提示框 function showTip_(tnid, name, showhtml) { windoaaaw = new Ext.ux.window.Notification({ id: tnid, title: name, 250, position: 'br', manager: 'demo1', iconCls: 'ux-notification-icon-error', autoCloseDelay: 20000, spacing: 20, html: showhtml, listeners: { 'beforerender': function () { Sound.enable(); Sound.play('/Scripts/Ext.ux.window.Notification-master/notify.wav'); Sound.disable(); } } }).show(); } //快速预约函数,此方法方便前台界面直接传入后台的值进行处理 (function (href) { var regHref = function (name) { var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i"); var r = window.location.search.substr(1).match(reg); if (r != null) return unescape(r[2]); return null; }; if (href.indexOf("time") != -1) { var time = regHref('time'); var amExpert = regHref('amExpert'); closeOpenTab('tabs', 'UserInfoListyuyue', '选择患者', '/Jjyl/ContractUser/ContractList?type=yuyue&first=true&time=' + time + '&amExpert=' + amExpert); } if (href.indexOf("guahao") != -1) { openTab('UserInfoListyuyue', '预约专家', '/Jjyl/ContractUser/ContractList?type=yuyue'); } })(window.location.href);