///<summary> /// 自定义特性 属性或者类可用 支持继承 ///</summary> [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited =true)] publicclass EnitityMappingAttribute : Attribute { privatestring tableName; ///<summary> /// 实体实际对应的表名 ///</summary> publicstring TableName { get { return tableName; } set { tableName = value; } }
privatestring columnName; ///<summary> /// 中文列名 ///</summary> publicstring ColumnName { get { return columnName; } set { columnName = value; } } }
privatestring columnName; ///<summary> /// 中文列名 ///</summary> publicstring ColumnName { get { return columnName; } set { columnName = value; } } }
注释中我已经写的很清楚,自定义特性中的属性一个是实体实际对应的数据库表名,一个是对应的中文列名称。 2、在实体中使用自定义特性
///<summary> /// 会员 ,实际的表名叫MemberInfo,并不是和实体名一致 ///</summary> [EnitityMapping(TableName="MemberInfo")] publicclass Member { privateint id; [EnitityMapping(ColumnName="关键字")] publicint Id { get { return id; } set { id = value; } }
privatestring userName; [EnitityMapping(ColumnName ="会员注册名")] publicstring UserName { get { return userName; } set { userName = value; } }
privatestring realName; [EnitityMapping(ColumnName ="会员真实名")] publicstring RealName { get { return realName; } set { realName = value; } }
privatebool isActive; ///<summary> /// 是否活跃 没有附加自定义属性 ///</summary> publicbool IsActive { get { return isActive; } set { isActive = value; } } }
privatestring userName; [EnitityMapping(ColumnName ="会员注册名")] publicstring UserName { get { return userName; } set { userName = value; } }
privatestring realName; [EnitityMapping(ColumnName ="会员真实名")] publicstring RealName { get { return realName; } set { realName = value; } }
privatebool isActive; ///<summary> /// 是否活跃 没有附加自定义属性 ///</summary> publicbool IsActive { get { return isActive; } set { isActive = value; } } }
class Program { ///<summary> /// 通过反射取自定义属性 ///</summary> ///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam> privatestaticvoid DisplaySelfAttribute<T>() where T:class ,new() { string tableName =string.Empty; List<string> listColumnName =new List<string>(); Type objType =typeof(T); //取属性上的自定义特性 foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in objType.GetProperties()) { object[] objAttrs = propInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EnitityMappingAttribute), true); if (objAttrs.Length>0) { EnitityMappingAttribute attr = objAttrs[0] as EnitityMappingAttribute; if (attr !=null) { listColumnName.Add(attr.ColumnName); //列名 } } }
//取类上的自定义特性 object[] objs = objType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EnitityMappingAttribute), true); foreach (object obj in objs) { EnitityMappingAttribute attr = obj as EnitityMappingAttribute; if (attr !=null) {
tableName = attr.TableName;//表名只有获取一次 break; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName)) { tableName = objType.Name; } Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The tablename of the entity is:{0} ", tableName)); if (listColumnName.Count >0) { Console.WriteLine("The columns of the table are as follows:"); foreach (string item in listColumnName) { Console.WriteLine(item); } } }
staticvoid Main(string[] args) { DisplaySelfAttribute<Member>(); //显示结果 Console.ReadLine(); } }
//取类上的自定义特性 object[] objs = objType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EnitityMappingAttribute), true); foreach (object obj in objs) { EnitityMappingAttribute attr = obj as EnitityMappingAttribute; if (attr !=null) {
tableName = attr.TableName;//表名只有获取一次 break; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName)) { tableName = objType.Name; } Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The tablename of the entity is:{0} ", tableName)); if (listColumnName.Count >0) { Console.WriteLine("The columns of the table are as follows:"); foreach (string item in listColumnName) { Console.WriteLine(item); } } }
staticvoid Main(string[] args) { DisplaySelfAttribute<Member>(); //显示结果 Console.ReadLine(); } }