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  • 学习收藏数据库增删改查

    select sno,sname,Sdept  from Student 
    where Sdept='CS' OR Sdept='IS'
    order by Sdept, sno ASC
    select MIN(sage)from student
    select cno ,cname from course
    where Cname like '%数据%'
    select cno,cname,ccredit from Course
    where Cpno is null
    select grade from SC
    where Sno =(select Sno from Student
    where Sname='李勇')and Cno =(select Cno  from Course
    where cname='数据库')
    select distinct sno from SC scx
    where (select AVG (Grade ) from SC scy
    where scy.sno=scx.Sno )>85
    select sname from Student 
    where Sno  not in (select Sno from SC 
    where Cno in (select Cno from Course
    where Sname='数据库' ))and Sdept='IS'
    select distinct sno from SC scx 
    where not exists (select * from SC scy
    where scy.Sno='20021522' and not exists(select * from sc scz
    where scz.sno=scx.sno and scy.Cno=scz.Cno ))
    select Sdept ,COUNT(sno)from Student 
    group by Sdept  
    order by Sdept ASC
    select sno, grade  from SC scx
    where Grade >=(select AVG(Grade)from SC scy
    where Cno =(select Cno from Course 
    where Cname='数学') )and Cno =(select Cno from Course 
    where Cname='数学') 
    /* 将学习了数据库课程的学生成绩加分。*/
    update SC  
    set grade=grade+5
    where Cno in (select Cno from SC where Cno=(select Cno from Course 
    where Cname='数据库'))
    select * from SC 
     /* 将计算机系学习了号课程的学生成绩置。*/
    update SC 
    set Grade=0
    where  Sno in ( select sc.Sno  from Student,SC  
    where Cno ='2' and Sdept='CS')
    select * from SC 
    /* 将李勇的数据库成绩改为。*/
    update SC 
    set Grade=85
    where Sno=(select Sno from Student where Sname='李勇')
    and Cno=(select Cno from Course where Cname='数据库')
    select * from SC 
    /*  将选修了号课程且成绩为空的选课记录删除。*/
    delete from SC 
    where Cno='2' and Grade is null 
    select * from SC 
     /* 从课程表中删除在选课表中没有选课记录的课程记录。*/
    delete from Course 
    where Cno not in(select cno from SC )
    select * from Course 
    /* 删除计算机系学生选修了数据库课程的选课记录。*/
    delete from SC 
    where Sno in(select Sno from Student where Sdept='CS')and 
    Cno =(select Cno from Course where Cname='数据库')
    select * from SC 
    /*  求各系的系名及男女生人数并将结果保存到另一个表中。*/
    create table Dept_ssex_count
    (Sdept char(15),
    Ssex char(2),
    Count1 smallint)
    insert into Dept_ssex_count(Sdept,Ssex , Count1)
    select Sdept,Ssex,count(Sno )from student
    group by Sdept,Ssex;
    select *from Dept_ssex_count
    select *from student
    /*  将平均成绩分以上的学生的学号,选学的课程数和平均成绩
    create table abc
    Sno char(10),
    Course_count smallint,
    avge float)
    insert into abc(Sno,course_count,avge)
    select Sno,count(cno),avg(grade)from sc scx
    group by sno
    having avg(grade)>=80;
    select*from abc
    select * from sc
     /* 创建一个视图,查询没有选修课程的学生学号、姓名和所在系,
     create view No_sc_student
     select sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept from student
     where sno not in(select distinct Sno from SC )
     select * from No_sc_student
    /*  创建一个给出学生的姓名、课程名和成绩的视图,并利用该
    create view sname_cname_grade
    select sname,cname,grade from Student ,Course ,SC
    where Student.Sno=SC.Sno and SC.Cno =Course.Cno 
    select * from sname_cname_grade
    create view CCAM
    select cno,COUNT(sno) count1,AVG(grade) avge,MAX(grade) max1 from SC 
    group by Cno 
    select * from ccam 
    select count1,avge,max1 from ccam
    where cno='1'
     /* 创建一个视图,求选修了号课程且成绩高于该门课程平均分的学生
     create view Cno_2(sno,Grade)
     select Sno,Grade  from SC 
     where Cno='2' and  grade >(select AVG(Grade)from SC where Cno='2'  )
      select * from Cno_2
      create role use1 /*创建角色use1*/
    grant select on Student to use1
    revoke select on  student from use1;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wangprince2017/p/7677952.html
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