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  • /storage/sdcard, /sdcard, /mnt/sdcard 三者的区别


    /storage/sdcard, /sdcard, /mnt/sdcard 三者的区别 - petercao - 博客园

    public static final String SDPATH = Environment .getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();




    /storage/sdcard 是sdcard的分区……

    /sdcard/: this is a symlink to...
    /mnt/sdcard (Android < 4.0)
    /storage/sdcard0 (Android 4.0+)

    • /storage/emulated/0/: to my knowledge, this refers to the "emulated MMC" ("owner part"). Usually this is the internal one. The "0" stands for the user here, "0" is the first user aka device-owner. If you create additional users, this number will increment for each.
    • /storage/emulated/legacy/ as before, but pointing to the part of the currently working user (for the owner, this would be a symlink to /storage/emulated/0/). So this path should bring every user to his "part".
    • /sdcard/: According to a comment by Shywim, this is a symlink to...
      • /mnt/sdcard (Android < 4.0)
      • /storage/sdcard0 (Android 4.0+)
    • /storage/sdcard0/: As there's no legacy pendant here (see comments below), the "0" in this case rather identifies the device (card) itself. One could, eventually, connect a card reader with another SDCard via OTG, which then would become /storage/sdcard1 (no proof for that, just a guess -- but I'd say a good one)

    internal storage - Confused by the many locations of the virtual /sdcard/ - Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wangshunli/p/4537854.html
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