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  • OpenCV GUI基本操作,回调函数,进度条,裁剪图像等



    // ConvertColor.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
    #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
    #pragma comment(lib,"opencv_core2410d.lib")            
    #pragma comment(lib,"opencv_highgui2410d.lib")            
    #pragma comment(lib,"opencv_imgproc2410d.lib")  
    using namespace std;
    using namespace cv;
    // Global variables
    const int slider_max = 100;
    int slider;
    Mat img;
    // Callback function for trackbar event
    void on_trackbar(int pos, void *)
    	Mat img_converted;
    	if(pos > 0) cvtColor(img, img_converted, CV_RGB2GRAY);
    	else img_converted = img;
    	imshow("Trackbar app", img_converted);
    int main()
    	img = imread("swan.jpg");
    	namedWindow("Trackbar app");
    	imshow("Trackbar app", img);
    	slider = 0;
    	createTrackbar("RGB <-> Grayscale", "Trackbar app", &slider, slider_max, on_trackbar);
    	while(char(waitKey(1)) != 'q') {}
    	return 0;



    // ConvertColor.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
    #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
    #pragma comment(lib,"opencv_core2410d.lib")            
    #pragma comment(lib,"opencv_highgui2410d.lib")            
    #pragma comment(lib,"opencv_imgproc2410d.lib")  
    using namespace std;
    using namespace cv;
    // Global variables
    // Flags updated according to left mouse button activity
    bool ldown = false, lup = false;
    // Original image
    Mat img;
    // Starting and ending points of the user's selection
    Point corner1, corner2;
    // ROI
    Rect box;
    // Callback function for mouse events
    static void mouse_callback(int event, int x, int y, int, void *)
    	// When the left mouse button is pressed, record its position and save it in corner1
    	if(event == EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN)
    		ldown = true;
    		corner1.x = x;
    		corner1.y = y;
    		cout << "Corner 1 recorded at " << corner1 << endl;
    	// When the left mouse button is released, record its position and save it in corner2
    	if(event == EVENT_LBUTTONUP)
    		// Also check if user selection is bigger than 20 pixels (jut for fun!)
    		if(abs(x - corner1.x) > 20 && abs(y - corner1.y) > 20)
    			lup = true;
    			corner2.x = x;
    			corner2.y = y;
    			cout << "Corner 2 recorded at " << corner2 << endl << endl;
    			cout << "Please select a bigger region" << endl;
    			ldown = false;
    	// Update the box showing the selected region as the user drags the mouse
    	if(ldown == true && lup == false)
    		Point pt;
    		pt.x = x;
    		pt.y = y;
    		Mat local_img = img.clone();
    		rectangle(local_img, corner1, pt, Scalar(0, 0, 255));
    		imshow("Cropping app", local_img);
    	// Define ROI and crop it out when both corners have been selected
    	if(ldown == true && lup == true)
    		box.width = abs(corner1.x - corner2.x);
    		box.height = abs(corner1.y - corner2.y);
    		box.x = min(corner1.x, corner2.x);
    		box.y = min(corner1.y, corner2.y);
    		// Make an image out of just the selected ROI and display it in a new window
    		Mat crop(img, box);
    		imshow("Crop", crop);
    		ldown = false;
    		lup = false;
    int main()
    	img = imread("swan.jpg");
    	namedWindow("Cropping app");
    	imshow("Cropping app", img);
    	// Set the mouse event callback function
    	setMouseCallback("Cropping app", mouse_callback);
    	// Exit by pressing 'q'
    	while(char(waitKey(1)) != 'q') {}
    	return 0;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wangyaning/p/4236950.html
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