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    JML(Java Modeling Language)是用于对Java程序进行规格化设计的一种表示语言。JML是一种行为接口规格语言
    (Behavior Interface Specification Language,BISL),基于Larch方法构建。BISL提供了对方法和类型的规格定义
    Meyer, John Guttag等人关于Design by Contract的研究成果。近年来,JML持续受到关注,为严格的程序设计提供
    了一套行之有效的方法。通过JML及其支持工具,不仅可以基于规格自动构造测试用例,并整合了SMT Solver等工具

    • 注释结构 

      为 //@annotation ,块注释的方式为 /* @ annotation @*/ 。

    • JML表达式

      • 原子表达式

        • esult表达式:表示一个非 void 类型的方法执行所获得的结果,即方法执行后的返回值。
        • old( expr )表达式:用来表示一个表达式 expr 在相应方法执行前的取值。
      • 量化表达式

        • forall表达式:全称量词修饰的表达式,表示对于给定范围内的元素,每个元素都满足相应的约束。
        • exists表达式:存在量词修饰的表达式,表示对于给定范围内的元素,存在某个元素满足相应的约束。
      • 操作符

        • 子类型关系操作符: E1<:E2 ,如果类型E1是类型E2的子类型(sub type),则该表达式的结果为真,否则为假。
        • 等价关系操作符: b_expr1<==>b_expr2 或者 b_expr1<=!=>b_expr2 ,其中b_expr1和b_expr2都是布尔表达式,这两个表达式的意思是 b_expr1==b_expr2 或者 b_expr1!=b_expr2 。
        • 推理操作符: b_expr1==>b_expr2 或者 b_expr2<==b_expr1 。
    • 方法规格

      • 前置条件(pre-condition):前置条件通过requires子句来表示: requires P。

      • 后置条件(post-condition):后置条件通过ensures子句来表示: ensures P。
    • 类型规格

      • 不变式(invariant)是要求在所有可见状态下都必须满足的特性,语法上定义 invariant P ,其中 invariant 为关键词, P 为谓词。对于类型规格而言,可见状态(visible state)是一个特别重要的概念。

      • 状态变化约束(constraint)对象的状态在变化时往往也许满足一些约束,这种约束本质上也是一种不变式。


    jmlrac: test for violations of assertions during execution

    ESC/Java2: static verification; compile-time proving that contracts are never violated

    jmldoc: javadoc-style documentation

    jmlc: assertion-checking compilerj

    jml4c: a new JML compiler built upon the Eclipse JDT open-source platform

    SMT Solver: 验证程序等价性

    OpenJML: 检查JML规范性

    二、部署SMT Solver,至少选择3个主要方法来尝试进行验证,报告结果  


    TRACE of MyPath.compareTo(com.oocourse.specs3.models.Path)
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodes.content != null) || THIS.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodes.content != null) || THIS.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodeCounter.content != null) || THIS.nodeCounter.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodeCounter.content != null) || THIS.nodeCounter.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      requires o != null; 
                VALUE: o     === REF!val!64
                VALUE: null     === NULL
                VALUE: o != null     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:78: 注:      /*@ non_null */  Iterator<Integer> iter1 = this.iterator()
                VALUE: this.iterator()     === REF!val!103
                VALUE: iter1     === REF!val!103
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:7: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp242376 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__26880
                VALUE: _$CPRE__26880     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242376.nodes.content != null) || _JML__tmp242376.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242376.nodes.content != null) || _JML__tmp242376.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242376.nodeCounter.content != null) || _JML__tmp242376.nodeCounter.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242376.nodeCounter.content != null) || _JML__tmp242376.nodeCounter.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:78: 注:      PossiblyNullInitialization assertion: _JML__tmp242377 != null
                VALUE: null     === NULL
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:79: 注:      /*@ non_null */  Iterator<Integer> iter2 = p.iterator()
                VALUE: p     === REF!val!64
                VALUE: p.iterator()     === REF!val!130
                VALUE: iter2     === REF!val!130
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:79: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp242393 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__26881
                VALUE: _$CPRE__26881     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:79: 注:      PossiblyNullInitialization assertion: _JML__tmp242394 != null
                VALUE: null     === NULL
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:80: 注:      Loop test
                VALUE: iter1     === REF!val!103
                VALUE: iter1.hasNext()     === false
                VALUE: iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()     === false
                VALUE: (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext())     === false
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:80: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp242403 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__26882
                VALUE: _$CPRE__26882     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:87: 注:      return Integer.compare(this.size(), p.size());
                VALUE: this.size()     === ( - 2147476275 )
                VALUE: p     === REF!val!64
                VALUE: p.size()     === ( - 2147480014 )
                VALUE: Integer.compare(this.size(), p.size())     === 0
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:7: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp242581 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__26888
                VALUE: _$CPRE__26888     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242581.nodes.content != null) || _JML__tmp242581.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242581.nodes.content != null) || _JML__tmp242581.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242581.nodeCounter.content != null) || _JML__tmp242581.nodeCounter.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242581.nodeCounter.content != null) || _JML__tmp242581.nodeCounter.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:87: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp242595 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__26889
                VALUE: _$CPRE__26889     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__26887
                VALUE: _$CPRE__26887     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:8: 注:      NullField assertion: _JML__tmp242607
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodes.content != null) || THIS.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:8: 注:      Invariant assertion: !(THIS.nodes != null) || _JML__tmp242610
    F:eclipsejee-photon2eclipseconfigurationorg.eclipse.osgi998.cpspecsjavautilCollection.jml:70: 注:  Invalid assertion (Invariant)
    TRACE of MyPath.equals(java.lang.Object)
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodes.content != null) || THIS.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodes.content != null) || THIS.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodeCounter.content != null) || THIS.nodeCounter.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodeCounter.content != null) || THIS.nodeCounter.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      requires this == obj; 
                VALUE: this     === THIS
                VALUE: obj     === THIS
                VALUE: this == obj     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      requires obj != null && typeof(this) == 	ype(Object); 
                VALUE: obj     === THIS
                VALUE: null     === NULL
                VALUE: obj != null     === true
                VALUE: this     === THIS
                VALUE: typeof(this)     === JMLTypeSort!val!55
                VALUE: 	ype(Object)     === JMLTypeSort!val!6
                VALUE: typeof(this) == 	ype(Object)     === false
                VALUE: obj != null && typeof(this) == 	ype(Object)     === false
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      requires obj == null; 
                VALUE: obj     === THIS
                VALUE: null     === NULL
                VALUE: obj == null     === false
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:40: 注:      if (!(obj instanceof Path)) ...
                VALUE: obj     === THIS
                VALUE: obj instanceof Path     === true
                VALUE: (obj instanceof Path)     === true
                VALUE: !(obj instanceof Path)     === false
                VALUE: (!(obj instanceof Path))     === false
                    Condition = false
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:43: 注:      if (nodes.size() != ((Path)obj).size()) ...
                VALUE: nodes     === REF!val!78
                VALUE: nodes.size()     === 2275
                VALUE: obj     === THIS
                VALUE: (Path)obj     === THIS
                VALUE: ((Path)obj)     === THIS
                VALUE: ((Path)obj).size()     === 2275
                VALUE: nodes.size() != ((Path)obj).size()     === false
                VALUE: (nodes.size() != ((Path)obj).size())     === false
                    Condition = false
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:43: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp785 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      //@ public invariant content.owner == this; 
                VALUE: content.owner     === REF!val!78
                VALUE: this     === REF!val!78
                VALUE: content.owner == this     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp785.content != null) || _JML__tmp785.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:43: 注:      InvariantLeaveCaller assertion: _JML__tmp787
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      //@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0; 
                VALUE: content.theSize     === 2275
                VALUE: 0     === 0
                VALUE: content.theSize >= 0     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp785.content != null) || _JML__tmp785.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      InvariantLeaveCaller assertion: _JML__tmp789
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      //@ public invariant content.owner == this; 
                VALUE: content.owner     === REF!val!78
                VALUE: this     === REF!val!78
                VALUE: content.owner == this     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp785.content != null) || _JML__tmp785.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:43: 注:      InvariantLeaveCaller assertion: _JML__tmp790
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      //@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0; 
                VALUE: content.theSize     === 2275
                VALUE: 0     === 0
                VALUE: content.theSize >= 0     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp785.content != null) || _JML__tmp785.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      InvariantLeaveCaller assertion: _JML__tmp792
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      //@ public invariant content.owner == this; 
                VALUE: content.owner     === REF!val!78
                VALUE: this     === REF!val!78
                VALUE: content.owner == this     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp785.content != null) || _JML__tmp785.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:43: 注:      InvariantEntrance assertion: _JML__tmp793
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      //@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0; 
                VALUE: content.theSize     === 2275
                VALUE: 0     === 0
                VALUE: content.theSize >= 0     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp785.content != null) || _JML__tmp785.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      InvariantEntrance assertion: _JML__tmp795
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      //@ public invariant content.owner == this; 
                VALUE: content.owner     === REF!val!78
                VALUE: this     === REF!val!78
                VALUE: content.owner == this     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp785.content != null) || _JML__tmp785.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:43: 注:      InvariantEntrance assertion: _JML__tmp796
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      //@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0; 
                VALUE: content.theSize     === 2275
                VALUE: 0     === 0
                VALUE: content.theSize >= 0     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp785.content != null) || _JML__tmp785.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      InvariantEntrance assertion: _JML__tmp798
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__35
                VALUE: _$CPRE__35     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      //@ public invariant content.owner == this; 
                VALUE: content.owner     === REF!val!78
                VALUE: this     === REF!val!78
                VALUE: content.owner == this     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp785.content != null) || _JML__tmp785.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      //@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0; 
                VALUE: content.theSize     === 2275
                VALUE: 0     === 0
                VALUE: content.theSize >= 0     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp785.content != null) || _JML__tmp785.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      //@ public invariant content.owner == this; 
                VALUE: content.owner     === REF!val!78
                VALUE: this     === REF!val!78
                VALUE: content.owner == this     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp785.content != null) || _JML__tmp785.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      //@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0; 
                VALUE: content.theSize     === 2275
                VALUE: 0     === 0
                VALUE: content.theSize >= 0     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp785.content != null) || _JML__tmp785.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp799 && _JML__tmp785.content != null) || _JML__tmp785.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp799 && _JML__tmp785.values != null) || _JML__tmp785.values != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:43: 注:      PossiblyBadCast assertion: obj == null || obj instanceof com.oocourse.specs3.models.Path
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:43: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp814 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__36
                VALUE: _$CPRE__36     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:46: 注:      /*@ non_null */  Iterator<Integer> iter1 = this.iterator()
                VALUE: this.iterator()     === REF!val!105
                VALUE: iter1     === REF!val!105
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:7: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp822 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__37
                VALUE: _$CPRE__37     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp822.nodes.content != null) || _JML__tmp822.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp822.nodes.content != null) || _JML__tmp822.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp822.nodeCounter.content != null) || _JML__tmp822.nodeCounter.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp822.nodeCounter.content != null) || _JML__tmp822.nodeCounter.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:46: 注:      PossiblyNullInitialization assertion: _JML__tmp823 != null
                VALUE: null     === NULL
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:47: 注:      /*@ non_null */  Iterator<Integer> iter2 = ((Path)obj).iterator()
                VALUE: obj     === THIS
                VALUE: (Path)obj     === THIS
                VALUE: ((Path)obj)     === THIS
                VALUE: ((Path)obj).iterator()     === REF!val!105
                VALUE: iter2     === REF!val!105
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:47: 注:      PossiblyBadCast assertion: obj == null || obj instanceof com.oocourse.specs3.models.Path
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:47: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp840 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__38
                VALUE: _$CPRE__38     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:47: 注:      PossiblyNullInitialization assertion: _JML__tmp841 != null
                VALUE: null     === NULL
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:48: 注:      Loop test
                VALUE: iter1     === REF!val!105
                VALUE: iter1.hasNext()     === true
                VALUE: iter2     === REF!val!105
                VALUE: iter2.hasNext()     === true
                VALUE: iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()     === true
                VALUE: (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext())     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:48: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp850 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__39
                VALUE: _$CPRE__39     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:48: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp858 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__40
                VALUE: _$CPRE__40     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:49: 注:      if (!iter1.next().equals(iter2.next())) ...
                VALUE: iter1     === REF!val!105
                VALUE: iter1.next()     === REF!val!142
                VALUE: iter2     === REF!val!105
                VALUE: iter2.next()     === REF!val!145
                VALUE: iter1.next().equals(iter2.next())     === false
                VALUE: !iter1.next().equals(iter2.next())     === true
                VALUE: (!iter1.next().equals(iter2.next()))     === true
                    Condition = true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:49: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp867 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      requires moreElements; 
                VALUE: moreElements     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      requires !moreElements; 
                VALUE: moreElements     === true
                VALUE: !moreElements     === false
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__42
                VALUE: _$CPRE__42     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:49: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp943 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      requires moreElements; 
                VALUE: moreElements     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      requires !moreElements; 
                VALUE: moreElements     === true
                VALUE: !moreElements     === false
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__43
                VALUE: _$CPRE__43     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:49: 注:      Exception thrown by next()
                VALUE: _JML___exceptionCall     === REF!val!156
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      Terminated with exception
                VALUE: _JML___exception     === REF!val!156
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:1: 注:      signals () false; 
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      ExceptionalPostcondition assertion: !Pre_2 || false
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:49: 注:  Invalid assertion (ExceptionalPostcondition)
    : F:eclipsejee-photon2eclipseconfigurationorg.eclipse.osgi998.cpspecsjavalangObject.jml:76: 注:  Associated location
    TRACE of MyPath.hashCode()
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodes.content != null) || THIS.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodes.content != null) || THIS.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodeCounter.content != null) || THIS.nodeCounter.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodeCounter.content != null) || THIS.nodeCounter.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:92: 注:      return nodes.hashCode();
                VALUE: nodes     === REF!val!57
                VALUE: nodes.hashCode()     === ( - 2147473923 )
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:92: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp242634 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      //@ public invariant content.owner == this; 
                VALUE: content.owner     === REF!val!57
                VALUE: this     === REF!val!57
                VALUE: content.owner == this     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242634.content != null) || _JML__tmp242634.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:92: 注:      InvariantLeaveCaller assertion: _JML__tmp242636
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      //@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0; 
                VALUE: content.theSize     === 1142
                VALUE: 0     === 0
                VALUE: content.theSize >= 0     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242634.content != null) || _JML__tmp242634.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      InvariantLeaveCaller assertion: _JML__tmp242638
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      //@ public invariant content.owner == this; 
                VALUE: content.owner     === REF!val!57
                VALUE: this     === REF!val!57
                VALUE: content.owner == this     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242634.content != null) || _JML__tmp242634.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:92: 注:      InvariantLeaveCaller assertion: _JML__tmp242639
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      //@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0; 
                VALUE: content.theSize     === 1142
                VALUE: 0     === 0
                VALUE: content.theSize >= 0     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242634.content != null) || _JML__tmp242634.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      InvariantLeaveCaller assertion: _JML__tmp242641
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      //@ public invariant content.owner == this; 
                VALUE: content.owner     === REF!val!57
                VALUE: this     === REF!val!57
                VALUE: content.owner == this     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242634.content != null) || _JML__tmp242634.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:92: 注:      InvariantEntrance assertion: _JML__tmp242642
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      //@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0; 
                VALUE: content.theSize     === 1142
                VALUE: 0     === 0
                VALUE: content.theSize >= 0     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242634.content != null) || _JML__tmp242634.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      InvariantEntrance assertion: _JML__tmp242644
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      //@ public invariant content.owner == this; 
                VALUE: content.owner     === REF!val!57
                VALUE: this     === REF!val!57
                VALUE: content.owner == this     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242634.content != null) || _JML__tmp242634.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:92: 注:      InvariantEntrance assertion: _JML__tmp242645
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      //@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0; 
                VALUE: content.theSize     === 1142
                VALUE: 0     === 0
                VALUE: content.theSize >= 0     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242634.content != null) || _JML__tmp242634.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      InvariantEntrance assertion: _JML__tmp242647
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__26890
                VALUE: _$CPRE__26890     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      //@ public invariant content.owner == this; 
                VALUE: content.owner     === REF!val!57
                VALUE: this     === REF!val!57
                VALUE: content.owner == this     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242634.content != null) || _JML__tmp242634.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      //@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0; 
                VALUE: content.theSize     === 1142
                VALUE: 0     === 0
                VALUE: content.theSize >= 0     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242634.content != null) || _JML__tmp242634.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      //@ public invariant content.owner == this; 
                VALUE: content.owner     === REF!val!57
                VALUE: this     === REF!val!57
                VALUE: content.owner == this     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242634.content != null) || _JML__tmp242634.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:93: 注:      //@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0; 
                VALUE: content.theSize     === 1142
                VALUE: 0     === 0
                VALUE: content.theSize >= 0     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp242634.content != null) || _JML__tmp242634.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:8: 注:      NullField assertion: _JML__tmp242661
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodes.content != null) || THIS.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:8: 注:      Invariant assertion: !(THIS.nodes != null) || _JML__tmp242664
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodes.content != null) || THIS.nodes.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:8: 注:      Invariant assertion: !(THIS.nodes != null) || _JML__tmp242666
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:9: 注:      NullField assertion: _JML__tmp242669
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:91: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodeCounter.content != null) || THIS.nodeCounter.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:9: 注:      Invariant assertion: !(THIS.nodeCounter != null) || _JML__tmp242672
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:95: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.nodeCounter.content != null) || THIS.nodeCounter.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:9: 注:      Invariant assertion: !(THIS.nodeCounter != null) || _JML__tmp242674
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:81: 注:      ensures 
    esult == theHashCode; 
    esult     === ( - 2147473923 )
                VALUE: theHashCode     === ( - 2147473923 )
    esult == theHashCode     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyPath.java:92: 注:  Invalid assertion (Postcondition)
    : F:eclipsejee-photon2eclipseconfigurationorg.eclipse.osgi998.cpspecsjavalangObject.jml:63: 注:  Associated location



    TRACE of MyRailwaySystem.addPath(com.oocourse.specs3.models.Path)
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.idPathMap.content != null) || THIS.idPathMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.pathIdMap.content != null) || THIS.pathIdMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:57: 注:      if (path == null || !path.isValid()) ...
                VALUE: path     === REF!val!81
                VALUE: null     === NULL
                VALUE: path == null     === false
                VALUE: path     === REF!val!81
                VALUE: path.isValid()     === false
                VALUE: !path.isValid()     === true
                VALUE: path == null || !path.isValid()     === true
                VALUE: (path == null || !path.isValid())     === true
                    Condition = true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:57: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp594 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__142
                VALUE: _$CPRE__142     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:58: 注:      return 0;
                VALUE: 0     === 0
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:13: 注:      NullField assertion: _JML__tmp1322
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.idPathMap.content != null) || THIS.idPathMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:13: 注:      Invariant assertion: !(THIS.idPathMap != null) || _JML__tmp1325
    F:eclipsejee-photon2eclipseconfigurationorg.eclipse.osgi998.cpspecsjavautilMap.jml:76: 注:  Invalid assertion (Invariant)
    TRACE of MyRailwaySystem.containsEdge(int,int)
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.idPathMap.content != null) || THIS.idPathMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.pathIdMap.content != null) || THIS.pathIdMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      if (containsNode(fromNodeId) && containsNode(toNodeId)) ...
                VALUE: fromNodeId     === ( - 2147483610 )
                VALUE: containsNode(fromNodeId)     === true
                VALUE: toNodeId     === ( - 2147475929 )
                VALUE: containsNode(toNodeId)     === true
                VALUE: containsNode(fromNodeId) && containsNode(toNodeId)     === true
                VALUE: (containsNode(fromNodeId) && containsNode(toNodeId))     === true
                    Condition = true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__448
                VALUE: _$CPRE__448     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp2101.idPathMap.content != null) || _JML__tmp2101.idPathMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp2101.pathIdMap.content != null) || _JML__tmp2101.pathIdMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__449
                VALUE: _$CPRE__449     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp2114.idPathMap.content != null) || _JML__tmp2114.idPathMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp2114.pathIdMap.content != null) || _JML__tmp2114.pathIdMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:105: 注:      return monitor.containsEdge(fromNodeId, toNodeId);
                VALUE: monitor     === REF!val!146
                VALUE: fromNodeId     === ( - 2147483610 )
                VALUE: toNodeId     === ( - 2147475929 )
                VALUE: monitor.containsEdge(fromNodeId, toNodeId)     === false
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:105: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp2129 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__450
                VALUE: _$CPRE__450     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:13: 注:      NullField assertion: _JML__tmp2144
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.idPathMap.content != null) || THIS.idPathMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:13: 注:      Invariant assertion: !(THIS.idPathMap != null) || _JML__tmp2147
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:14: 注:      NullField assertion: _JML__tmp2150
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.pathIdMap.content != null) || THIS.pathIdMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:14: 注:      Invariant assertion: !(THIS.pathIdMap != null) || _JML__tmp2153
    F:eclipsejee-photon2eclipseconfigurationorg.eclipse.osgi998.cpspecsjavautilMap.jml:76: 注:  Invalid assertion (Invariant)
    TRACE of MyRailwaySystem.getShortestPathLength(int,int)
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.idPathMap.content != null) || THIS.idPathMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.pathIdMap.content != null) || THIS.pathIdMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:129: 注:      if (!isConnected(fromNodeId, toNodeId)) ...
                VALUE: fromNodeId     === ( - 2147475929 )
                VALUE: toNodeId     === ( - 2147475928 )
                VALUE: isConnected(fromNodeId, toNodeId)     === true
                VALUE: !isConnected(fromNodeId, toNodeId)     === false
                VALUE: (!isConnected(fromNodeId, toNodeId))     === false
                    Condition = false
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__485
                VALUE: _$CPRE__485     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp2312.idPathMap.content != null) || _JML__tmp2312.idPathMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp2312.pathIdMap.content != null) || _JML__tmp2312.pathIdMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:131: 注:      if (fromNodeId == toNodeId) ...
                VALUE: fromNodeId     === ( - 2147475929 )
                VALUE: toNodeId     === ( - 2147475928 )
                VALUE: fromNodeId == toNodeId     === false
                VALUE: (fromNodeId == toNodeId)     === false
                    Condition = false
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:134: 注:      return monitor.query().distance(fromNodeId, toNodeId);
                VALUE: monitor     === REF!val!130
                VALUE: monitor.query()     === REF!val!220
                VALUE: fromNodeId     === ( - 2147475929 )
                VALUE: toNodeId     === ( - 2147475928 )
                VALUE: monitor.query().distance(fromNodeId, toNodeId)     === 0
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:134: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp2334 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__488
                VALUE: _$CPRE__488     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:134: 注:      PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp2351 != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:1: 注:      Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__487
                VALUE: _$CPRE__487     === true
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:13: 注:      NullField assertion: _JML__tmp2365
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:104: 注:      UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(THIS.idPathMap.content != null) || THIS.idPathMap.content != null
    E:eclipse-workspacejmlsrcMyRailwaySystem.java:13: 注:      Invariant assertion: !(THIS.idPathMap != null) || _JML__tmp2368
    F:eclipsejee-photon2eclipseconfigurationorg.eclipse.osgi998.cpspecsjavautilMap.jml:76: 注:  Invalid assertion (Invariant)


    我使用的JML Level 0 手册中的样例来测试,因为Graph中尝试了修改规格,但是任然无法避免forall和exist的使用,下面是Student的代码

     1 public class Student {
     2     private /*@ spec_public @*/ String name;
     3     //@ public invariant credits >= 0;
     4     private /*@ spec_public @*/ int credits;
     5     /*@ public invariant credits < 180 ==> !master &&
     6       @ credits >= 180 ==> master;
     7       @*/
     8     private /*@ spec_public @*/ boolean master;
     9     /*@ requires sname != null;
    10       @ assignable everything;
    11       @ ensures name == sname && credits == 0 && master == false;
    12       @*/
    13     public Student (String sname) {
    14         name = sname;
    15         credits = 0;
    16         master = false;
    17     }
    19     /*@ requires c >= 0;
    20       @ ensures credits == old(credits) + c;
    21       @ assignable credits, master;
    22       @ ensures (credits > 180) ==> master;
    23       @ */
    24     public void addCredits(int c) {
    25         updateCredits(c);
    26         if (credits >= 180) {
    27             changeToMaster();
    28         }
    29     }
    31     /*@ requires c >= 0;
    32       @ ensures credits == old(credits) + c;
    33       @ assignable credits;
    34       @*/
    35     private void updateCredits(int c) {
    36         credits += c;
    37     }
    39     /*@ requires credits >= 180;
    40       @ ensures master;
    41       @ assignable master;
    42       @*/
    43     private void changeToMaster() {
    44         master = true;
    45     }
    47     /*@ ensures this.name == name;
    48       @ assignable this.name;
    49       @*/
    50     public void setName(String name) {
    51         this.name = name;
    52     }
    54     /*@ ensures 
    esult == name;
    55     @*/
    56     public /*@ pure @*/ String getName() {
    57         return name;
    58     }
    59 }
    View Code










    • 连通性:先看是否在primaryKey中是否存在起点或者终点,如果存在说明已经以起点或者终点计算过最短路径,然后看是否在距离矩阵中存在起点和重点之间的距离,如果在primaryKey中存在起点或者终点,但是没有起点和终点之间的距离,说明不连通,如果存在则说明联通;如果在primaryKey中不存在起点或者终点,那么以起点为源计算最短路,并将起点加入primaryKey,然后返回起点和终点之间是否存在路径。
    • 最短距离:直接返回对应的距离值即可,因为调用最短距离之前一定判断过联通性,所以联通的点对之间的距离一定存在。



    Nodes: 辅助类,存储所有的Station,同样需要实现增删路径的方法。







    import java.util.HashMap;
    public class Matrix<T> {
        private HashMap<T, HashMap<T, Integer>> matrix = new HashMap<>();
        public Matrix() {
        public void clear() {
        public void add(T firstKey, T secondKey, int value) {
            if (matrix.containsKey(firstKey)) {
                matrix.get(firstKey).put(secondKey, value);
            } else {
                HashMap<T, Integer> secondHash = new HashMap<>();
                secondHash.put(secondKey, value);
                matrix.put(firstKey, secondHash);
        public void remove(T firstKey, T secondKey) {
            if (matrix.containsKey(firstKey) &&
                    matrix.get(firstKey).containsKey(secondKey)) {
                if (matrix.get(firstKey).size() == 0) {
        public HashMap<T, Integer> get(T key) {
            return matrix.get(key);
        public Integer get(T firstKey, T secondKey) {
            return matrix.get(firstKey).get(secondKey);
        public boolean containsKey(T firstKey, T secondKey) {
            return matrix.containsKey(firstKey) &&
    View Code








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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wangyanpeng/p/10905100.html
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