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  • 异常信息-管理



     *  Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation
     *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     *  limitations under the License.
    package org.mybatis.generator.internal.util.messages;
    import java.text.MessageFormat;
    import java.util.MissingResourceException;
    import java.util.ResourceBundle;
     * @author Jeff Butler
    public class Messages {
        private static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "org.mybatis.generator.internal.util.messages.messages"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        private static final ResourceBundle RESOURCE_BUNDLE = ResourceBundle
        private Messages() {
        public static String getString(String key) {
            try {
                return RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString(key);
            } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
                return '!' + key + '!';
        public static String getString(String key, String parm1) {
            try {
                return MessageFormat.format(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString(key),
                        new Object[] { parm1 });
            } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
                return '!' + key + '!';
        public static String getString(String key, String parm1, String parm2) {
            try {
                return MessageFormat.format(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString(key),
                        new Object[] { parm1, parm2 });
            } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
                return '!' + key + '!';
        public static String getString(String key, String parm1, String parm2,
                String parm3) {
            try {
                return MessageFormat.format(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString(key),
                        new Object[] { parm1, parm2, parm3 });
            } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
                return '!' + key + '!';



    ValidationError.0=JavaModelGenerator Target Project is Required for context {0}
    ValidationError.1=SQLMapGenerator Target Project is Required for context {0}
    ValidationError.2=DAOGenerator Target Project is Required for context {0}
    ValidationError.3=No Tables Specified for context {0}
    ValidationError.4=JDBC Driver Class Must Be Specified
    ValidationError.5=JDBC Connection URL Must Be Specified
    ValidationError.6=Missing table name in table configuration at index {0}
    ValidationError.7=SQL Statement is required if a generated key is specified in table configuration for table {0}
    ValidationError.8=JavaModelGeneratorConfiguration is required for context {0}
    ValidationError.9=SqlMapGeneratorConfiguration is required for context {0}
    ValidationError.10=JdbcConnectionConfiguration is required for context {0}
    ValidationError.11=At least one configuration element is required
    ValidationError.12={0} Target Package is Required for context {1}
    ValidationError.13=If "useColumnIndexes" property is set, then either both or neither query id must be set for table {0}
    ValidationError.14="searchString" is required for ColumnRenamingRule in table {0}
    ValidationError.15=Generated key type must be either "pre" or "post" if the type is specified for a generated key for table {0}
    ValidationError.16="id" is required in a context
    ValidationError.17="type" is required in a plugin in context {0}
    ValidationError.18={0} requires the {1} property
    ValidationError.19=A null or empty string is not allowed for a classpath entry
    ValidationError.20="type" is required for DAO Generator in context {0}
    ValidationError.21="column" is required for <ignoredColumn> in table {0}
    ValidationError.22="column" is required for <columnOverride> in table {0}
    ValidationError.23=Generated key in table {0} cannot be both "pre" and identity
    ValidationError.24=Generated key in table {0} cannot be both "post" and not identity
    ValidationError.25=targetRuntime in context {0} is invalid
    RuntimeError.0=configfile is a required parameter
    RuntimeError.1=configfile {0} does not exist
    RuntimeError.2=Configuration is required
    RuntimeError.3=Cannot generate unique file name in directory {0}
    RuntimeError.4=XML Parser Error on line {0}: {1}
    RuntimeError.5=This is not a MyBatis Generator Configuration File
    RuntimeError.6=Cannot instantiate object of type {0}
    RuntimeError.7=Cannot connect to database (possibly bad driver/URL combination)
    RuntimeError.8=Exception getting JDBC Driver
    RuntimeError.9=Cannot resolve classpath entry: {0}
    RuntimeError.11=Enumerations do not have super classes 
    RuntimeError.12=Internal Error - Cannot calculate record type for selectByExample method
    RuntimeError.13=Invalid model type: {0}
    RuntimeError.14=Either resource or URL is required on the <properties> element, but not both
    RuntimeError.15=<properties> resource {0} does not exist
    RuntimeError.16=Cannot load properties from <properties> resource {0}
    RuntimeError.17=Cannot load properties from <properties> url {0}
    RuntimeError.18=Unsupported XML Node Type {0} in XML File Merger
    RuntimeError.19=Value missing after {0}
    RuntimeError.20=Unknown argument: {0}
    RuntimeError.21=Error creating logger for class {0}.  Cause: {1}
    RuntimeError.22=Invalid Type Specification: {0}.
    Warning.0=There are no statements enabled for table {0}, this table will be ignored.
    Warning.1=Table {0} does not exist, this table will be ignored
    Warning.2=Existing file not overwritten, the generated file is saved as {0}
    Warning.3=Column {0}, specified for override in table {1}, does not exist in the table.
    Warning.4=Column {0}, specified to be ignored in table {1}, does not exist in the table.
    Warning.5=Column {0}, specified as an identity column in table {1}, does not exist in the table.
    Warning.6=Column {0}, specified as a generated key column in table {1}, does not exist in the table.
    Warning.7=XML Parser Warning on line {0}: {1}
    Warning.9=The specified target project directory {0} does not exist
    Warning.10=Cannot create directory {0}
    Warning.11=Existing file {0} was overwritten
    Warning.12=The existing XML file {0} is not the same format as the generated file. 
        The existing file will not be changed.
    Warning.13=Exception while attempting to merge the XML file {0}. 
        The existing file will not be changed.
    Warning.14=Unsupported Data Type {0} in table {1}, column: {2}, property defaults to Object type.
    Warning.15=Cannot obtain primary key information from the database, generated objects may be incomplete
    Warning.16=Invalid value for exampleMethodVisibility specified ({0}), defaulting to public
    Warning.17=Cannot instantiate DAO method name calculator of type {0}, using default calculator
    Warning.18=Table {0} contains only LOB fields, this table will be ignored
    Warning.19=Table configuration with catalog {0}, schema {1}, and table {2} did not resolve to any tables
    Warning.20=Root class {0} cannot be loaded, checking for member overrides is disabled for this class 
    Warning.21=Property {0} exists in root class {1}, but is not of type {2}.  MyBatis Generator will generate the property. 
    Warning.22=Property {0} exists in root class {1}, but does not have a getter.  MyBatis Generator will generate the property. 
    Warning.23=Property {0} exists in root class {1}, but does not have a setter.  MyBatis Generator will generate the property.
    Warning.24=Plugin {0} in context {1} is invalid and will be ignored.
    Warning.25=Table Configuration {0} matched more than one table ({1})
    Progress.0=Connecting to the Database
    Progress.1=Introspecting table {0}
    Progress.3=XML Parser Errors occurred:
    Progress.4=MyBatis Generator finished successfully.
    Progress.5=MyBatis Generator finished successfully, there were warnings.
    Progress.6=Generating Example class for table {0}
    Progress.7=Generating Primary Key class for table {0}
    Progress.8=Generating Record class for table {0}
    Progress.9=Generating Record class (with BLOBs) for table {0}
    Progress.12=Generating SQL Map for table {0}
    Progress.13=Found SQL Statement: {0}
    Progress.14=Generating DAO Interface and Implementation for table {0}
    Progress.15=Saving file {0}
    Progress.16=Invalid configuration.  Details follow...
    Progress.17=Generating Mapper Interface for table {0}
    Progress.18=Generating SQL Provider for table {0}
    Tracing.1=Retrieving column information for table "{0}"
    Tracing.2=Found column "{0}", data type {1}, in table "{2}"
    Tracing.3=Removing column "{0}" in table "{1}" because it is ignored by configuration
    Tracing.4=Found override for column "{0}" in table "{1}"
    Usage.0=MyBatis Generator - a code generator for MyBatis and iBATIS.  Usage:
    Usage.1=   java -jar mybatis-generator-core-x.x.x.jar -configfile file_name
    Usage.2=                        [-overwrite] [-contextids ids] [-tables tableNames]
    Usage.3=                        [-forceJavaLogging] [-verbose] [-?|-h]
    Usage.6=   -configfile: Specifies the name of the XML configuration file (required)
    Usage.8=   -overwrite: If specified then existing Java files will be overwritten.
    Usage.9=               If not specified, then the generator will not overwrite
    Usage.10=               existing Java files (will save results in uniquely named files)
    Usage.12=   -contextids: Used to specify a comma delimited list of contexts to use in
    Usage.13=                this invocation.  If not specified, all contexts will be used.
    Usage.15=   -tables: Used to specify a comma delimited list of tables to use in this
    Usage.16=            invocation.  If not specified, all tables will be used.  Table
    Usage.17=            names must be fully qualified (e.g. schema.tablename).  Table names
    Usage.18=            must exactly match the case specified in the configuration file.
    Usage.20=   -forceJavaLogging: Force the use of standard Java logging even if Log4J is
    Usage.21=                      is available in the runtime classpath.  If not specified,
    Usage.22=                      Log4J will be used if it is available at runtime.
    Usage.24=   -verbose: If specified, write progress messages to the console.
    Usage.26=   -?|-h: Display this help text and exit.
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wanhua-wu/p/6962403.html
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