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  • 重读APUE(15)-pthread_cond_wait与while循环






    It is important to note that when pthread_cond_wait() and pthread_cond_timedwait() return without error, the associated predicate may still be false. Sim‐
    ilarly, when pthread_cond_timedwait() returns with the timeout error, the associated predicate may be true due to an unavoidable race between the expira‐
    tion of the timeout and the predicate state change.

    Some implementations, particularly on a multi-processor, may sometimes cause multiple threads to wake up when the condition variable is signaled simulta‐
    neously on different processors.

    In general, whenever a condition wait returns, the thread has to re-evaluate the predicate associated with the condition wait to determine whether it can
    safely proceed, should wait again, or should declare a timeout. A return from the wait does not imply that the associated predicate is either true or false.

    It is thus recommended that a condition wait be enclosed in the equivalent of a “while loop” that checks the predicate.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wanpengcoder/p/11764904.html
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