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  • 用websploit获取管理员后台地址

    1, use web/dir_scanner

    2, set TARGET http://www.****.com

    3, run

    WebSploit Advanced MITM Framework
    [+]Autopwn – Used From Metasploit For Scan and Exploit Target Service
    [+]wmap – Scan,Crawler Target Used From Metasploit wmap plugin
    [+]format infector – inject reverse & bind payload into file format
    [+]phpmyadmin Scanner
    [+]CloudFlare resolver
    [+]LFI Bypasser
    [+]Apache Users Scanner
    [+]Dir Bruter
    [+]admin finder
    [+]MLITM Attack – Man Left In The Middle, XSS Phishing Attacks
    [+]MITM – Man In The Middle Attack
    [+]Java Applet Attack
    [+]MFOD Attack Vector
    [+]ARP Dos Attack
    [+]Web Killer Attack
    [+]Fake Update Attack
    [+]Fake Access point Attack
    [+]Wifi Honeypot
    [+]Wifi Jammer
    [+]Wifi Dos
    [+]Wifi Mass De-Authentication Attack
    [+]Bluetooth POD Attack
    # cd /root
    # cd websploit
    # ./wsf-update.py
    # ./websploit
             (  (               )             (             )
             )))(   ‘   (   ( /(             )     (   ( /(
            ((_)() )   ))  )()) (   `  )  ((_) (  )  )())
            _(())\_)() /((_)((_)  )  /(/(   _   )((_)(_))/
            ((_)/ /(_))  | |(_)((_)((_)_ | | ((_)(_)| |_
              // / / -_) | ‘_ (_-<| ‘_ )| |/ _ | ||  _|
              \_/\_/  \___| |_.__//__/| .__/ |_|\___/|_| \__|
                    –=[WebSploit Advanced MITM Framework
            +—**—==[Version :3.0.0
            +—**—==[Codename :Katana
            +—**—==[Available Modules : 20
                    –=[Update Date : [r3.0.0-000 20.9.2014]
    wsf > help
    Commands                Description
    —————         —————-
    set                     Set Value Of Options To Modules
    scan                    Scan Wifi (Wireless Modules)
    stop                    Stop Attack & Scan (Wireless Modules)
    run                     Execute Module
    use                     Select Module For Use
    os                      Run Linux Commands(ex : os ifconfig)
    back                    Exit Current Module
    show modules            Show Modules of Current Database
    show options            Show Current Options Of Selected Module
    upgrade                 Get New Version
    update                  Update Websploit Framework
    about                   About US
    wsf > upgrade
    [*]Checking For New Version, Please Wait …
    [*]New Version Not Available, This Is Latest Version Of The WebSploit Framework.
    wsf > show modules
    Web Modules                     Description
    ——————-             ———————
    web/apache_users                Scan Directory Of Apache Users
    web/dir_scanner                 Directory Scanner
    web/wmap                        Information Gathering From Victim Web Using (Metasploit Wmap)
    web/pma                         PHPMyAdmin Login Page Scanner
    web/cloudflare_resolver         CloudFlare Resolver
    Network Modules                 Description
    ——————-             ———————
    network/arp_dos                 ARP Cache Denial Of Service Attack
    network/mfod                    Middle Finger Of Doom Attack
    network/mitm                    Man In The Middle Attack
    network/mlitm                   Man Left In The Middle Attack
    network/webkiller               TCP Kill Attack
    network/fakeupdate              Fake Update Attack Using DNS Spoof
    network/arp_poisoner            Arp Poisoner
    Exploit Modules                 Description
    ——————-             ———————
    exploit/autopwn                 Metasploit Autopwn Service
    exploit/browser_autopwn         Metasploit Browser Autopwn Service
    exploit/java_applet             Java Applet Attack (Using HTML)
    Wireless / Bluetooth Modules    Description
    ——————-             ———————
    wifi/wifi_jammer                Wifi Jammer
    wifi/wifi_dos                   Wifi Dos Attack
    wifi/wifi_honeypot              Wireless Honeypot(Fake AP)
    wifi/mass_deauth                Mass Deauthentication Attack
    bluetooth/bluetooth_pod         Bluetooth Ping Of Death Attack
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/waw/p/9060400.html
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