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  • 奇怪,难道K. Scott Allen错了[事实证明是自己错了,附Scott的Mail]

    今天看到MSDN Magzine2005年第一期(2004年还未结束,2005年一月刊就出来了:))K. Scott Allen撰写的一篇文章Get a Charge From Statics with Seven Essential Programming Tips,其中提到静态字段初始化对性能的影响。静态字段初始化有两种方式:一是直接赋值,他称为得隐式调用类型构造函数;一是在构造函数内赋值,即所谓的显式调用构造函数。


    class ExplicitConstructor
      private static string message;

      static ExplicitConstructor()
       message = "Hello World";

      public static string Message
       get { return message; }

     class ImplicitConstructor
      private static string message = "Hello World";  

      public static string Message
       get { return message; }


    .class private auto ansi ExplicitConstructor
           extends [mscorlib]System.Object
    } // end of class ExplicitConstructor

    .class private auto ansi beforefieldinit ImplicitConstructor
           extends [mscorlib]System.Object
    } // end of class ImplicitConstructor


    Notice that ImplicitConstructor has an additional metadata flag named beforefieldinit. This flag allows the runtime to execute the type constructor method at any time it chooses, as long as the method executes before the first access to a static field for the type. In other words, beforefieldinit gives the runtime a license to perform aggressive optimizations. Without beforefieldinit, the runtime must run the type constructor at a precise time—just before the first access to static or instance fields and methods of the type. When an explicit type constructor is present, the compilers will not mark the type with beforefieldinit, and the precise timing restrictions lead to the performance drop hinted at by FxCop.



    Module Module1

        Sub Main()
        End Sub

        Sub TestSharedPropertyAccess()

            Dim begin As DateTime = DateTime.Now

            For i as Integer = 0 To iterations
                Dim s As String = ExplicitConstructor.Message

            WriteResult(DateTime.Now.Subtract(begin), _
                 "TestStaticPropertyAccess : ExplicitConstructor")

            begin = DateTime.Now

            For i As Integer = 0 To iterations
                Dim s As String = ImplicitConstructor.Message

            WriteResult(DateTime.Now.Subtract(begin), _
                 "TestStaticPropertyAccess : ImplicitConstructor")

        End Sub

        Sub WriteResult(ByVal span As TimeSpan, ByVal message As String)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} took {1} ms", _
                message, span.TotalMilliseconds)
        End Sub

        Dim iterations As Integer = Int32.MaxValue - 1

    End Module


    using System;
    namespace Exceptions
     class Class1
      private static int max = Int32.MaxValue - 1;
      static void Main(string[] args)

      static void TestStaticPropertyAccess()
       DateTime begin = DateTime.Now;
       for (int i=0;i<max;i++)
        string message = ExplicitConstructor.Message;

       begin = DateTime.Now;
       for (int i=0;i<max;i++)
        string message = ImplicitConstructor.Message;

      static void PrintResult(TimeSpan span,string result)
       Console.WriteLine("{0} took {1} ms.",result,span.Milliseconds);

     按照Scott的解释,ExplicitConstructor类由于没有beforefieldinit标志,因此在循环体内部执行的时候,每次都要初始化类型;而ImplicitConstructor类则相反,它将运行时对类型初始化的检测提升到了循环体外部。Scott运行后,发现结果令人吃惊:ExplicitConstructor类的操作比ImplicitConstructor类要慢8倍。差距是如此的明显,确实如Scott所言,不需要用精确的计时器来计时了。Soctt的机器配置是Pentium 4,2.8GHz。

    You don't need a high-resolution timer to see the difference in speed. On my 2.8GHz Pentium 4, the first loop (with ExplicitConstructor) executes approximately eight times slower than the second loop (with ImplicitConstructor). The checks that the runtime performs in order to run the type initializer at a precise time adds overhead inside of the loop, while beforefieldinit relaxes the rules and allows the runtime to hoist these checks outside of the loop.




    最后有了结果,是因为Debug和Release的区别。刘敏(Rustle Liu)在评论中也指出了,而Scott本人也回答了我的疑问。他耐心的解释了我这个无知的问题。很佩服Scott这种严谨认真且耐心谦和的态度!


    The first mail:

    Hi wayfarer:

    I'm glad you enjoyed the article. Thank you for the kind note.

    A couple thing to check:

    1. Make sure you compile the program in release mode
    2. Make sure to run the program outside of the IDE.

    Those two steps make sure the program is in release and has full optimizations.

    If this doesn't produce results that match my article, could you share the code for your ExplicitConstructor and ImplicitConstrutor classes? I wrote up a quick test here and saw similar results to what I have in the article:

    Class ExplicitConstructor

    Private Shared _message As String

    Shared Sub New()
    _message = "Hello"
    End Sub

    Public Shared ReadOnly Property Message() As String
    Message = _message
    End Get
    End Property

    End Class

    Class ImplicitConstructor

    Private Shared _message As String = "hello"

    Public Shared ReadOnly Property Message() As String
    Message = _message
    End Get
    End Property

    End Class

    Let me know how it works out!

    The second mail:

    I’m glad you can see a perf difference now. I imagine it is very sensitive to the platform. Those locks might be taking more time on my hyper-threaded processor. There can be huge differences between release and debug modes. The JIT won’t perform any optimizations in debug mode.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wayfarer/p/78817.html
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