i * 2, i * 2 + 1
#include <iostream> using namespace std; template<class T> class doubleHeap { public: doubleHeap( int _size, int _type // 1 : max heap 2 : min heap ); void extractTop(T &top); void deleteTop(); bool addElement(T _new_element); bool empty(); bool full(); void printHeap(int root, int level); // for debug private: void swap(int i, int j); int leftChild(int i); int rightChild(int i); int parent(int i); bool comp(int i, int j); // if the nodes should exchange private: T *data; int max_size; int size; int type; }; template<class T> doubleHeap<T>::doubleHeap(int _size, int _type) { max_size = 10; if(_size >= 10) max_size = _size; data = new T[max_size]; size = 0; type = 1; // default max heap if(_type == 1 || type == 2) type = _type; } template<class T> void doubleHeap<T>::extractTop(T &top) { if(size == 0) return; top = data[0]; } template<class T> void doubleHeap<T>::deleteTop() { if(size == 0) return; data[0] = data[size - 1]; size --; int cur = 0; // start from the root int lChildIndex; int rChildIndex; // begin exchanging the node and check if it's been a heap while(true) { if(cur >= size) // the heap is null break; rChildIndex = rightChild(cur); lChildIndex = leftChild(cur); if(lChildIndex >= size) // right child and left child has been a null break; else if(rChildIndex >= size) // rightChild null, left not { if(comp(cur, lChildIndex)) { swap(cur, lChildIndex); cur = lChildIndex; } else break; // has been a heap } else // left and right are not null { if(comp(cur, rChildIndex) || comp(cur, lChildIndex)) { if(comp(lChildIndex, rChildIndex)) { swap(cur, rChildIndex); cur = rChildIndex; } else { swap(cur, lChildIndex); cur = lChildIndex; } } else break; } } } template<class T> bool doubleHeap<T>::addElement(T _new_element) { data[size] = _new_element; size ++; int cur = size - 1; int parentIndex; while(true) { if(cur == 0) break; parentIndex = parent(cur); if(comp(parentIndex, cur)) { swap(cur, parentIndex); cur = parentIndex; } else break; } } template<class T> bool doubleHeap<T>::empty() { return size == 0; } template<class T> bool doubleHeap<T>::full() { return max_size == size; } template<class T> void doubleHeap<T>::swap(int i, int j) { T ex; ex = data[i]; data[i] = data[j]; data[j] = ex; } template<class T> int doubleHeap<T>::leftChild(int i) { return 2 * (i + 1) - 1; } template<class T> int doubleHeap<T>::rightChild(int i) { return 2 * (i + 1); } template<class T> int doubleHeap<T>::parent(int i) { return (i + i) / 2 - 1; } template<class T> bool doubleHeap<T>::comp(int i, int j) { if(type == 1) // max heap { return data[i] < data[j]; } else // min heap { return data[i] > data[j]; } } template<class T> void doubleHeap<T>::printHeap(int root, int level) { int i; if(root >= size) return; printHeap(leftChild(root), level + 1); for(i = 0; i < level; i ++) cout << "\t"; cout << data[root] << endl; printHeap(rightChild(root), level + 1); } int main() { int a[] = {1, 10, 6, 23, 7, 8, 90, 12, 45, 76, 33, 25, 3, 17, 70, 10}; int i, aLen = 16, e; doubleHeap<int> maxHeap(100, 1); for(i = 0; i < aLen; i ++) { maxHeap.addElement(a[i]); } maxHeap.printHeap(0, 0); // heap sort while(!maxHeap.empty()) { maxHeap.extractTop(e); cout << e << " "; maxHeap.deleteTop(); } return 0; }
1 17 45 12 76 10 33 10 90 8 25 7 70 6 23 3 90 76 70 45 33 25 23 17 12 10 10 8 7 6 3 1