Table of Contents
Section 1 – Introduction and Geometry Manipulation (Dean Calver)
1.1 Accessing and modifying topology on the GPU by Dean Calver
1.2 Rendering of Complex Formulas by Christian Kleinhuis
1.3 Deforming of Mesh Objects using HLSL by Christian Kleinhuis
1.4 Morphing between two different Objects by Ronny Burkersroda
1.5 Silhouette Geometry Shaders by J?rn Loviscach
1.6 GLSL Real-time Shader Development by Natalya Tatarchuk, Bill Licea-Kane
Section 2 - Rendering Techniques (Nicolas Thibieroz)
2.1 Parallax Mapping by Terry Welsh
2.2 Deferred Lighting on PS 3.0 with High Dynamic Range by Dean Calver
2.3 Reflections from Bumpy Surfaces by Henning Mortveit
2.4 Massively Parallel Particle Systems on the GPU by Lutz Latta
2.5 Parallax Occlusion Mapping: Self-Shadowing, Perspective-Correct Bump Mapping Using Reverse Height Map Tracing by Zoe Brawley, Natalya Tatarchuk
2.6 Improved Batching Via Texture Atlases by Matthias Wloka
2.7 A Simulation of Thermal Imaging by O'dell Hicks
2.8 Real-Time Texture-Space Skin Rendering by David Gosselin, Pedro V. Sander, Jason L. Mitchell
2.9 Dot3 Cel Shading by Ron Barbosa
2.10 Hardware Accelerated Charcoal Rendering by Markus Nuebel
2.11 Detail Texture Motion Blur by Shawn Hargreaves
2.12 Animation and display of water by Stefano Lanza
2.13 Rendering Semitransparent Layered Media by Chris Oat
2.14 Hair Rendering and Shading by Thorsten Scheuermann
2.15 Reduction of lighting calculations using Spherical Harmonics by Vlad Stamate
Section 3 - Software Shaders and Shader Programming Tips (Dean Macri)
3.1 Optimizing Dx9 Vertex Shaders for Software Vertex Processing by Kent F. Knox
3.2 Software Shaders and DirectX DLL Implementation by Nicolas Capens
3.3 Tactical Path-Finding using Stochastic Maps on the GPU by Khanh Phong Ly
3.4 FX Composer 1.5 – Standardization by Chris Maughan, Daniel Horowitz
Section 4 - Image Space (Jason L. Mitchell)
4.1 A Steerable Streak Filter by Chris Oat
4.2 Adaptive Glare by Tiago Sousa
4.3 Color Grading by Ronny Burkersroda
4.4 Improved Depth of Field Rendering by Thorsten Scheuermann, Natalya Tatarchuk
4.5 Lighting Precomputation Using the Relighting Map by Tien-Tsin Wong, Chi-Sing Leung, Kwok-Hung Choy
4.6 Shaderey – NPR Style Rendering by Aras Pranckevi?ius
Section 5 - Shadows (Eric Haines)
5.1 Poisson Shadow Blur by Jason Mitchell
5.2 Fractional-Disk Soft Shadows by Michal Valient, Willem H. de Boer
5.3 Fake Soft Shadows Using Precomputed Visibility Distance Functions by Aras Pranckevi?ius
5.4 Efficient Omnidirectional Shadow Maps by Gary King, William Newhall
Section 6 - 3D Engine Design (Tom Forsyth)
6.1 An Extensible Direct3D Resource Management System by Wessam Bahnassi
6.2 Integrating Shaders into the Vision Rendering Engine by Dag Frommhold, Florian Born
6.3 Effect Parameters Manipulation Framework by Wessam Bahnassi
6.4 Shader Visualization Systems for The Art Pipeline by Homam Bahnassi, Wessam Bahnassi
6.5 Drawing a Crowd by David Gosselin, Pedro V. Sander and Jason L. Mitchell
Section 7 -Tools Environmental Effects (Willem H. de Boer )
7.1 In-Depth Performance Analyses of DirectX9 Shading Hardware concerning Pixel Shader and Texture Performance by Joachim Diepstraten, Mike Ei?ele
7.2 Shaderbreaker by Magnus ?sterlind
7.3 Generating Shaders From HLSL Fragments by Shawn Hargreaves
Section 8 - Environmental Effects (Willem H. de Boer )
8.1 Light Shaft Rendering by Jason Mitchell
8.2 Rendering Rainbows by Clint Brewer
8.3 A Practical Analytic Model for Daylight with Shaders by Marco Spoerl
8.4 Volumetric Clouds by Jesse Laeuchli
Section 1 – Geometry Manipulation (Ken Hurley)
1.1 Better geometry batching using light buffers by Renaldas Zioma
1.2 Practical Cloth Simulation for Modern GPU by Cyril Zeller
1.3 Shader Implementation of Discrete Wavelet Transform by Tien-Tsin Wong, Chi-Sing Leung
1.4 Morph Target Animation by Christian Kleinhuis
1.5 Real-Time Character Animation on the GPU by Michael Nischt
1.6 Skinning with AniTextures by Wessam Bahnassi
Section 2 - Rendering Techniques (Sebastien St. Laurent)
2.1 Interlaced Rendering by Oles V. Shishkovtsov
2.2 Triangle mesh tangent space calculation by Martin Mittring
2.3 Hardware-Based Ambient Occlusion by Dustin Franklin
2.4 Ambient Occlusion Fields by Janne Kontkanen, Samuli Laine
2.5 Rendering Surface Details with Relief Mapping by Fábio Policarpo, Manuel M. Oliveira
2.6 Real-time Obscurances with Color Bleeding by Alex Mendez-Feliu, M. Sbert, J. Cata, N. Sunyer
2.7 Bump My Shiny Metal by Andrew Aksyonoff
2.8 Fog Volumes by Holger Grün, Marco Spoerl
2.9 Dynamical global illuminations using an environment map by Imagire Takashi
2.10 Real-time Rendering and Simulation of the Airbrush Media for Metallic Appearance by Joachim Diepstraten, Tibor Schütz
2.11 Dynamic Glossy Environment Reflections Using Summed-Area Tables by Justin Henley, Thorsten Scheuermann
2.12 Real-time caustics by GPU by Masahiko Nitanda
2.13 Dot-Product for efficient detail texture mapping by Renaldas Zioma
2.14 Real-Time Environment Mapping with Equal Solid-Angle Spherical Quad-Map by Tien-Tsin Wong, Liang Wan, Chi-Sing Leung, Ping-Man Lam
2.15 Reflective Shadow Maps by Carsten Dachsbacher
Section 3 - Image Space (Natalya Tatarchuk)
3.1 Texture Compression with Coefficient Domain Shaders by Chi-Sing Leung, Tien-Tsin Wong, Ping Man Lam
3.2 Motion Blurring Environment Maps by Jason Mitchell
3.3 Simulating the Visual Effects of a Video Recording System by Joachim Diepstraten
Section 4 - Shadows (Eric Haines)
4.1 Soft Projected Shadows by Aras Pranckevi?ius
4.2 Eliminate surface acne with gradient shadow mapping by Christian Schüler
4.3 Real-time soft shadows using the PDSM technique by Jean-Fran?ois St-Amour, Eric Paquette, Pierre Poulin, Philippe Beaudoin
4.4 Robust Shadow Mapping with Light-Space Perspective Shadow Maps by Michael Wimmer, Daniel Scherzer
4.5 Shadowbuffer Frustum Partitioning by Tom Forsyth
Section 5 - 3D Engine Design (Tom Forsyth)
5.1 Tips and Tricks for D3DX Effects Based Renderer by Aras Pranckevicius
5.2 Post-Processing Effects using DXSAS by Gilberto Rosado
5.3 Case Study: Designing a Shader-Subsystem for a Next-Gen Graphics Engine by Wolfgang Engel
Section 6 – Beyond Pixels and Triangles (Dean Calver)
6.1 Real-time damage deformation methods by Vlad Stamate
6.2 Ray Tracing Effects without Tracing Rays by László Szirmay-Kalos, Barnabás Aszódi, István Lazányi
6.3 Implementing Ray-Tracing on the GPU by Martin Christen
6.4 GPU powered path-finding using precomputed Navigation Mesh approach by Renaldas Zioma
Section 7 - Environmental Effects (Matthias Wloka )
7.1 Winter Wonderland by Bryan Dudash
7.2 Rendering Snow Cover by Gilberto Rosado
7.3 Cached Procedural Textures for Terrain Rendering by Carsten Dachsbacher
7.4 A Dynamic Sky System by Michael Gehling
7.5 True-to-life Real-time Animation of Shallow Water on Today’s GPUs by Yung-fen Chi
Section 8 – Tools (Wolfgang Engel)
8.1 The SuperShader by Morgan McGuire
8.2 Implementing Radiosity for a Light map Precomputation Tool by Florian Born
8.3 Indicator Materials by Kurt Pelzer
8.4 Dynamic Branching on non-ps_3_0 Graphics Hardware by Emil Person
8.5 GLSL Shader Debugging with GLIntercept by Damian Trebilco
8.6 GPU Performance of DirectX 9 Per-Fragment Operations Revisited
Section 1 – Geometry Manipulation (Wolfgang Engel)
1.1 Smoothed N-Patches by Holger Gruen
1.2 Micro-beveled Edges by Homam Bahnassi and Wessam Bahnassi
1.3 Dynamic Wrinkle Patterns and Hatching on Animated Meshes by J?rn Loviscach
1.4 Cloth without Cloth by Homam Bahnassi and Wessam Bahnassi
Section 2 - Rendering Techniques (Kenneth Hurley)
2.1 A Simple Area Light Model for GPUs by Aick in der Au
2.2 Alpha-to-coverage in Depth by Kevin Meyers
2.3 Dynamic Parallax Occlusion Mapping with Soft Shadows by Natalya Tatarchuk
2.4 Pre-Processing of Complex, Static Scenes for Fast Real Time Graphics by Max Dennis Luesebrink and Kurt Pelzer
2.5 Overcoming Deferred Shading Drawbacks by Frank Puig Placeres
2.6 Normal Mapping without Pre-Computed Tangents by Christian Schueler
2.7 Animating Vegetation Using GPU Programs by Ali Botorabi
2.8 ZT-Buffer Algorithm by David Pangerl
Section 3 - Image Space (Natalya Tatarchuk)
3.1 Real-Time Depth-of-Field Implemented with a Post-Processing only Technique by David Gilham
3.2 Selective Supersampling by Emil Persson
3.3 Jump Flooding – An Efficient and Effective Communication on GPU by Guodong Rong and Tiow-Seng Tan
Section 4 - Shadows (Tom Forsyth)
4.1 Cascaded Shadow Maps by Wolfgang Engel
4.2 Multisampling Extension for Gradient Shadow Maps by Christian Schueler
4.3 Alias-free Hard Shadows with Geometry Maps by László Szécsi
4.4 Edge Masking and Per-Texel Depth Extent Propagation For Computation Culling During Shadow Mapping by John R. Isidoro
4.5 Queried Virtual Shadow Maps by Markus Giegl and Michael Wimmer
4.6 Real-time Soft Shadows with Shadow Accumulation by László Szirmay-Kalos and Barnabás Aszódi
Section 5 – Environmental Effects (Matthias Wloka)
5.1 Spherical Billboards for Rendering Volumetric Data by Tamás Umenhoffer, László Szirmay-Kalos, and Gábor Szíjártó
5.2 Per-Pixel Lit, Light Scattering Smoke by Aurelio Reis
5.3 Volumetric Clouds and Mega Particles by Homam Bahnassi and Wessam Bahnassi
5.4 Rendering Multiple Layers of Rain with a Post-Processing Composite Effect by Natalya Tatarchuk
5.5 Animation and Rendering of Underwater God Rays by Stefano Lanza
Section 6 – Global Illumination Effects (Carsten Dachsbacher)
6.1 Irradiance Volumes for Real Time Rendering by Chris Oat
6.2 Indirect Diffuse and Glossy Illumination on the GPU by István Lazányi and László Szirmay-Kalos
6.3 Interactive Refractions and Caustics Using Image-Space Techniques by Chris Wyman
6.4 Splatting of Diffuse and Glossy Indirect Illumination by Carsten Dachsbacher and Marc Stamminger
Section 7 – Mobile Devices (Kristof Beets)
7.1 OpenGL ES 2.0 Shaders for Mobile Devices by Kristof Beets
7.2 OpenGL ES 2.0 Engine by Dan Ginsburg
7.3 OpenGL ES 2.0 Performance Recommendations for Mobile Devices by Kristof Beets
7.4 Real-time Tile based Texture Synthesis Using Non-rectangular Grids by Georg Kolling
7.5 Cartoon Fire Effects Using OpenGL ES 2.0 by David Minor
Section 8 – 3D Engine Design (Wessam Bahnassi)
8.1 Post-Processing Effects in Design by Aurelio Reis
8.2 Transparent Shader Data-Binding by Dustin Franklin
8.3 Designing Plug-in Shaders with HLSL by Wessam Bahnassi
8.4 Shader System Integration: Nebula2 and 3ds Max by Kim Hyoun Woo
Section 9 – Beyond Pixels and Triangles (Sebastien St. Laurent)
9.1 Large crowds of autonomous animated characters using fragment shaders and level of detail by Erik Millán, Benjamín Hernández, Isaac Rudomín
9.2 Interactive Image Segmentation Based on GPU Cellular Automata by Frank Nielsen
9.3 Real-time Cellular Texturing by Andrew Griffiths
9.4 Collision Detection Shader Using Cube-Maps by Rahul Sathe
9.5 A GPU Panorama Viewer for Generic Camera Models by Frank Nielsen
9.6 Explicit Early-Z Culling for Efficient Fluid Flow Simulation by Pedro V. Sander, Natalya Tatarchuk and Jason L. Mitchell
9.7 Storing and Accessing Topology on the GPU: A Case Study on Mass-Spring Systems by Carlos A. Dietrich, Jo?o L. D. Comba and Luciana P. Nedel
9.8 Implementing High-Quality PRNG on GPU by Wai-Man Pang, Tien-Tsin Wong, Pheng-Ann Heng
9.9 Printf shader for debugging pixel shaders by Alexander Ehrath
1. Geometry Manipulation
1.1 Fast Evaluation of Subdivision Surfaces on Direct3D 10 Graphics Hardware by Gy?rgy Antal and László Szirmay-Kalos
1.2 Improved Appearance Variety for Geometry Instancing by Jonathan Ma?m and Daniel Thalmann
1.3 Implementing Real-Time Mesh Simplification Using Programmable Geometry Pipeline on GPU by Christopher DeCoro and Natalya Tatarchuk
2.Rendering Techniques
2.1 Care and Feeding of Normal Vectors by Joern Loviscach
2.2 Computing Per-Pixel Object Thickness in a Single Render Pass by Christopher Oat and Thorsten Scheuermann
2.3 Filtered Tilemaps by Sylvain Lefebvre
2.4 Parallax Occlusion Mapping Special Feature Rendering by Jason Zink
2.5 Uniform Cubemap for Dynamic Environments by Tze-Yui Ho, Chi-Sing Leung and Tien-Tsin Wong
2.6 Isocube A Cubemap with Uniformly Distributed and Equally Important Texels by Liang Wan, Tien -Tsin Wong and Chi-Sing Leung
2.7 Practical Geometry Clipmaps for Rendering Terrains in Computer Games by Rafael P. Torchelsen, Jo?o L. D. Comba, and Rui Bastos
2.8 Efficient and Practical TileTrees by Carsten Dachsbacher and Sylvain Lefebvre
2.9 Quantized Ring Clipping by David Pangerl
3.Image Space
3.1 GPU-Based Active Contours for Real-Time Object Tracking by Natasha Tatarchuk
3.2 Post-tonemapping resolve for high quality HDR antialiasing in D3D10 by Emil Persson
3.3 A Fast, Small-Radius GPU Median Filter by Morgan McGuire
3.4 Per-pixel Motion Blur for Wheels by Damyan Pepper
3.5 Deferred Rendering using a Stencil Routed K-Buffer by Louis Bavoil and Kevin Myers
3.6 HDR meets Black&White 2 by Francesco Caruzzi
3.7 Robust Order-Independent Transparency via Reverse Depth Peeling in DirectX? 10 by Nick Thibieroz
4.1Stable rendering of cascaded shadow maps by Michal Valient
4.2 Approximate Cumulative Distribution Function Shadow Mapping by Holger Gruen
4.3 Rendering Filtered Shadows with Exponential Shadow Maps by Marco Salvi
4.4 Fitted Virtual Shadow Maps and Shadow Fog by Markus Giegl
4.5 Removing Shadow Volume Artifacts by Spatial Adjustment by Chi-Sing Leung, Tze-Yui Ho and Tien-Tsin Wong
5 Environmental Effects
5.1 Rendering Realistic Ice Objects by Anders Nivfors
5.2 Sunlight with Volumetric Light Rays by Pawel Rohleder
5.3 Procedural Ocean Effects by László Szécsi and Khashayar Arman
6 Global Illumination
6.1 Practical Methods for a PRT-based Shader Using Spherical Harmonics by Jerome Ko, Manchor Ko and Matthias Zwicker
6.2 Incremental Instant Radiosity by Hannu Saransaari, Samuli Laine, Janne Kontkanen, Jaakko Lehtinen and Timo Aila
6.3 Real Time Photon Mapping Approximation on the GPU by Vlad Stamate
6.4 Interactive Global Illumination with Precomputed Radiance Maps by Laszlo Szecsi, László Szirmay-Kalos, and Mateu Sbert
7 Handheld Devices
7.1 Shaders Gone Mobile Porting from Direct3D 9.0 to Open GL ES 2.0 by Mikey Wetzel
7.2 Efficiently Using Tile-Based GPUs on Mobile Phones by Maurice Ribble
7.3 Maximal Performance and Image Quality with Minimal Precision by Ken Catterall
7.4 Implementing Graphical Benchmark in OpenGL ES 2.0 by Szabolcs Horvath, Csaba Keszegh and Laszlo Kishonti
7.5 Every Cycle Counts Level of Detail Shaders by Kristof Beets
7.6 Shadow Techniques for OpenGL ES 2.0 by JonathanFeldstein
8 3D Engine Design
8.1 A Flexible Material System in Design by Maxime Beaudoin
8.2 3D Engine Tools with C++CLI by Wessam Bahnassi
8.3 Efficient HDR Texture Compression by Tze-Yui Ho and Chi-Sing Leung
9 Beyond Pixels & Triangles
9.1 An Interactive Tour of Voronoi Diagrams on the GPU by Frank Nielsen
9.2 AMD DirectX? 10 Performance Tools and Techniques by Jonathan Zarge, Seth Sowerby and Guennadi Riguer
9.3 Real-Time Audio Processing on the GPU by Fernando Trebien and Manuel M. Oliveira
9.4 n-Body Simulations on the GPU by Jesse Laeuchli
Section 1 Geometry Manipulation
1.1 Scalar to Polygonal Extracting Isosurfaces Using Geometry Shaders by Natalya Tatarchuk, Jeremy Shopf, and Chris DeCoro
1.2 Fast Tessellation of Quadrilateral Patches for Dynamic Level of Details by Carlos A. Dietrich, Luciana P. Nedel and Jo?o L. D. Comba
1.3 Dynamic Terrain Rendering on GPU Using Real-Time Tessellation by Natalya Tatarchuk
1.4 Adaptive Re-Meshing for Displacement Mapping by Rafael P. Torchelsen, Carlos A. Dietrich, Luís Fernando, M. S. Silva, Rui Bastos, and Jo?o L. D. Comba
1.5 Fast Tessellation of Quadrilateral Patches for Dynamic Level of Details by Carlos A. Dietrich, Luciana P. Nedel and Jo?o L. D. Comba
Section 2 Rendering Techniques
2.1 Quick Noise for GPUs by Doug E. Smith
2.2 Efficient Soft Particles by Gilberto Rosado
2.3 Simplified High Quality Anti-aliased Lines by Stephen Coy
2.4 Fast Skin Shading by John Hable, George Borshukov, and Jim Hejl
2.5 An Efficient and Physically Plausible Real Time Shading Model by Christian Schüler
2.6 Graphics Techniques in Crackdown by Hugh Malan
2.7 Deferred Rendering Transparency by David Pangerl
2.8 Deferred Shading with Multisampling Anti-Aliasing in DirectX? 10 by Nicolas Thibieroz
2.9 Light Indexed Deferred Rendering by Damian Trebilco
Section 3 Image Space
3.1 Efficient Post-processing with Importance Sampling by Balázs Tóth, László Szirmay-Kalos, and Tamás Umenhoffer
3.2 Efficient Real-Time Motion Blur for Multiple Rigid Objects by Ben Padget
3.3 Real-time Flow-based Image Abstraction by Jan Eric Kyprianidis and Jürgen D?llner
Section 4 Shadows
4.1 Practical Cascaded Shadow Maps by Fan Zhang, Alexander Zaprjagaev, Allan Bentham
4.2 A Hybrid Method for Interactive Shadows in Homogeneous Media by Chris Wyman and Shaun Ramsey
4.3 Real-time dynamic shadows for image-based lighting by Mark Colbert, Jaroslav K?ivánek
4.4 Facetted Shadow Mapping for Large Dynamic Game Environments by Ray Tran
Section 5 Environment Effects
5.1 Dynamic Weather Effects by Charlie Birtwistle and Stephen McAuley
5.2 Interactive Hydraulic Erosion on the GPU by Ond?ej ??ava, Bed?ich Bene?, and Jaroslav K?ivánek
5.3 Advanced Geometry for Complex Sky Representation by James Sun
Section 6 Global Illumination
6.1 Screen Space Ambient Occlusion by Vladimir Kajalin
6.2 Image-Space Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion by Louis Bavoil and Miguel Sainz
6.3 Deferred Occlusion from Analytic Surfaces by Jeremy Shopf, Joshua Barczak, Thorsten Scheuermann, Christopher Oat
6.4 Fast Fake Global Illumination by Emmanuel Briney, Victor Ceitelis and David Crémoux
6.5 Real-Time Subsurface Scattering using Shadow Maps by Hyunwoo Ki
6.6 Instant radiosity with GPU photon tracing and approximate indirect shadows by László Szécsi
6.7 Variance methods for Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion by Angelo Pesce
6.7 Per-Pixel Ambient Occlusion using Geometry Shaders by Dave Bookout
Section 7 Handheld Devices
7.1 Optimizing your first OpenGL ES Applications by Kristof Beets, Mikael Gustavsson, Erik Olsson
7.2 Optimised Shaders for Advanced Graphical User Interfaces by Ken Catterall
7.3 Facial Animation for Mobile GPUs by Andrew Senior
7.4 Augmented Reality on Mobile Phones by Daniel Wagner, Lukas Gruber, Dieter Schmalstieg
Section 8 3D Engine Design
8.1 Cross platform rendering thread: design and implementation by Guillaume Blanc
8.2 Advanced GUI system for games by Pawe? Rohleder
8.3 Automatic Load Balancing Shader Framework by Gabriyel Wong and Jianliang Wang
8.4 Game Engine Friendly Occlusion Culling by Jiri Bittner, Oliver Mattausch, Michael Wimmer
8.5 Designing a Renderer for Multiple Lights - The Light Pre-Pass Renderer – by Wolfgang Engel
8.6 Using LUV color space with the Light Pre-Pass Renderer by Pat Wilson
8.7 Elemental Engine II by Kenneth Hurley
Section 9 Beyond Pixels & Triangles
9.1 Sliced Grid: A Memory and Computationally Efficient Data Structure for Particle-based Simulation on the GPU by Takahiro Harada
9.2 Free-Viewpoint Video on the GPU by Marcos Avilés and Francisco Morán
9.3 A Volume Shader for Quantum Voronoi Diagrams inside the 3D Bloch Ball by Frank NIELSEN
9.4 Packing Arbitrary Bit Fields into 16-bit Floating-point Render Targets in DirectX?10 by Nicolas Thibieroz
9.5 Interactive Image Morphing Using Thin-Plate Spline by Xiaopei Liu, Liang Wan, Xuemiao Xu, Tien-Tsin Wong, Chi-Sing Leung