casethen ********************************* select * from studentStatistics go print '成绩如何分级如下:' select student_name,score_Avg, score=case when score_avg between 90 and 100 then 'A' when score_avg between 75 and 89 then 'B' when score_avg between 60 and 74 then 'C' when score_avg<60 then 'D' else '缺考' end from studentstatistics go ***************************** go ************ use master go select * from studentinformation select * from studentscore update studentscore set score_test=score_test*(0.7) go ************ if-else *************** declare @avgAll float select @avgAll=avg(score_avg)from studentstatistics print '平均分:'+convert(varchar(10),@avgAll) if(@avgAll>70) begin print '前三甲为:' select top 3 student_name,score_avg from studentStatistics order by score_avg desc end else begin print '如下同学需要加油:' select top 3 student_name,score_avg from studentstatistics order by score_avg end ******************** transaction ****************************** begin transaction declare @errorCount int set @errorCount=0 update bankTest set current_money=current_money-1000 --999 where customer_name='A' set @errorCount=@errorCount+@@error update BankTest set current_money=current_money+1000 where customer_name='B' set @errorCount=@errorCount+@@error print '账户余额:' select * from BankTest if(@errorCount!=0) begin print '转账失败,执行回滚' rollback transaction end else begin print '转账成功,执行提交' commit transaction end print '账户余额:' select * from BankTest go ************* virable1 ************ use testNccp go declare @age int set @age= (select student_age from studentinformation where student_name='成龙') select * from studentinformation where student_age=@age go *********** virable2 ******************* use testNccp go declare @name varchar(20),@age int set @name='成龙' set @age= (select student_age from studentinformation where student_name=@name) select * from studentinformation where student_age=@age go *************** while *********************** create table studentTest ( student_name varchar(20),score_java int) go insert into studentTest values('haobin',57) go declare @scoreJava int while(1=1) begin select @scoreJava=( select score_java from studenttest where student_name='haobin' ) if (@scorejava<60) begin print '加一分' update studentTest set score_java=score_java+1 print '成绩为:'+convert(varchar(50),@scoreJava+1) end else break end go