package com.code.modules.roaddiseasecontroller; import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON; import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONArray; import com.code.modules.utils.JdbcUtils; import com.code.modules.utils.ZuobiaoHelper; import org.datacontract.schemas._2004._07.iscope_hb.LocateResult; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.tempuri.ILocateOnRoadService; import org.tempuri.LocateOnRoadService; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; /** * @author ddl * @date 2020/04/17 13:46 */ @Component public class RoadDiseaseController { @Autowired JdbcUtils jdbcUtils; @Autowired ZuobiaoHelper zuobiaoHelper; String querySql = "select * from ROAD_DAMAGE_ROLE"; private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss"); private String datetime = sdf.format(new Date()); /** * 加上此注解代码这个异步的方法 */ @RequestMapping("/roaddisease") public String roadDisease() { Object[] param = new Object[]{}; List results = jdbcUtils.findList(querySql, param); System.out.println("============================="); System.out.println(results.size()); System.out.println(results); System.out.println("============================="); return null; } /** * 心跳入库 */ public String GPS(Map map) { Object[] params = new Object[]{}; String devid = map.get("devid") + ""; String stime = map.get("stime") + ""; String lgt = map.get("lgt") + ""; String lat = map.get("lat") + ""; String cox = ""; String coy = ""; boolean flag = true; String result = "0"; if (isNull(devid) || isNull(stime) || isNull(lgt) || isNull(lat)) { result = "1"; flag = false; } if (stime.indexOf("T") > -1) { stime = stime.replace("T", " "); } System.out.println("校验结果:"+result+"=======flag:"+flag); if (flag) { String zuobiao = lgt + "," + lat; String gps = zuobiaoHelper.getWgs84Zuobiao(zuobiao); cox = gps.split(",")[0]; coy = gps.split(",")[1]; String sql=" select * from crack_position_table where devid='"+devid+"'"; Object[] param = new Object[]{}; List list = jdbcUtils.findList(sql, param); if(list.size()>0){ //crack_position_table String updateTable = " update crack_position_table set lgt='%s',LAT='%s',stime='%s',cox='%s',coy='%s' where devid='%s'"; updateTable = String.format(updateTable, lgt, lat, stime, cox, coy,devid); System.out.println(updateTable); jdbcUtils.insert(updateTable,params); }else{ //crack_position_table String insertTable = " insert into crack_position_table(devid,lgt,LAT,stime,cox,coy) values('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')"; insertTable = String.format(insertTable, devid, lgt, lat, stime, cox, coy); System.out.println(insertTable); jdbcUtils.insert(insertTable, params); } String road=getRoadIdByZuobiao(cox,coy); String roadid=road.split(",")[0]; String direction=road.split(",")[1]; String toMeasureValue=road.split(",")[2]; //crack_position_year String insertYear = " insert into crack_position_year(devid,lgt,LAT,stime,cox,coy,roadid,mileagedb,direction) values('%s','%s','%s',%s,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')"; insertYear = String.format(insertYear, devid, lgt, lat, "TO_DATE('" + stime + "', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')", cox, coy,roadid,toMeasureValue,direction); System.out.println(insertYear); jdbcUtils.insert(insertYear, params); } Map checkData = new HashMap(); checkData.put("devid", devid); checkData.put("datetime", datetime); checkData.put("result", result); Map outMap = resultMap(checkData); String outstr = JSON.toJSONString(outMap); return outstr; } /** * 心跳批量入库 */ public String GPSBatchList(JSONArray array) { Object[] params = new Object[]{}; List reList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { Map map= (Map) array.get(i); Map out= new HashMap(); String devid = map.get("devid") + ""; String stime = map.get("stime") + ""; String lgt = map.get("lgt") + ""; String lat = map.get("lat") + ""; String cox = ""; String coy = ""; boolean flag = true; String result = "0"; if (isNull(devid) || isNull(stime) || isNull(lgt) || isNull(lat)) { result = "1"; flag = false; } if (stime.indexOf("T") > -1) { stime = stime.replace("T", " "); } System.out.println("校验结果:"+result+"=======flag:"+flag); if (flag) { String zuobiao = lgt + "," + lat; String gps = zuobiaoHelper.getWgs84Zuobiao(zuobiao); cox = gps.split(",")[0]; coy = gps.split(",")[1]; String sql=" select * from crack_position_table where devid='"+devid+"'"; Object[] param = new Object[]{}; List list = jdbcUtils.findList(sql, param); if(list.size()>0){ //crack_position_table String updateTable = " update crack_position_table set lgt='%s',LAT='%s',stime='%s',cox='%s',coy='%s' where devid='%s'"; updateTable = String.format(updateTable, lgt, lat, stime, cox, coy,devid); System.out.println(updateTable); jdbcUtils.insert(updateTable,params); }else{ //crack_position_table String insertTable = " insert into crack_position_table(devid,lgt,LAT,stime,cox,coy) values('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')"; insertTable = String.format(insertTable, devid, lgt, lat, stime, cox, coy); System.out.println(insertTable); jdbcUtils.insert(insertTable, params); } String road=getRoadIdByZuobiao(cox,coy); String roadid=road.split(",")[0]; String direction=road.split(",")[1]; String toMeasureValue=road.split(",")[2]; //crack_position_year String insertYear = " insert into crack_position_year(devid,lgt,LAT,stime,cox,coy,roadid,mileagedb,direction) values('%s','%s','%s',%s,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')"; insertYear = String.format(insertYear, devid, lgt, lat, "TO_DATE('" + stime + "', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')", cox, coy,roadid,toMeasureValue,direction); System.out.println(insertYear); jdbcUtils.insert(insertYear, params); } out.put("devid", devid); out.put("datetime", datetime); out.put("result", result); reList.add(out); } Map checkData = new HashMap(); checkData.put("list", reList); Map outMap = resultMap(checkData); String outstr = JSON.toJSONString(outMap); return outstr; } /** * 道路病害数据 */ public String roadDiseaseData(Map map) { Object[] params = new Object[]{}; String sid = map.get("sid") + ""; String devid = map.get("devid") + ""; String stime = map.get("stime") + ""; String lgt = map.get("lgt") + ""; String lat = map.get("lat") + ""; String picname = map.get("picName") + ""; String url = map.get("url") + ""; String stype = map.get("stype") + ""; String cox = ""; String coy = ""; boolean flag = true; String result = "0"; if (isNull(sid) || isNull(devid) || isNull(stime) || isNull(lgt) || isNull(lat) || isNull(picname) || isNull(url) || isNull(stype)) { result = "1"; flag = false; } System.out.println("校验结果:"+result+"=======flag:"+flag); if (flag) { String zuobiao = lgt + "," + lat; String gps = zuobiaoHelper.getGdToCjZuobiao(zuobiao); cox = gps.split(",")[0]; coy = gps.split(",")[1]; //crack_position_table String insertTable = " insert into crack_data_table(sid,devid,lgt,LAT,stime,cox,coy,picname,url,stype) values('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')"; insertTable = String.format(insertTable, sid, devid, lgt, lat, stime, cox, coy, picname, url, stype); System.out.println(insertTable); jdbcUtils.insert(insertTable, params); } Map checkData = new HashMap(); checkData.put("devid", devid); checkData.put("datetime", datetime); checkData.put("result", result); Map outMap = resultMap(checkData); String outstr = JSON.toJSONString(outMap); return outstr; } //服务器检索未反馈的病害,最大一次反馈500个病害状态 public String crackresult(Map map) { String reqid = map.get("reqid") + ""; String method = map.get("method") + ""; String stime = map.get("stime") + ""; String unid = jdbcUtils.getuuid(); Object[] params = new Object[]{}; boolean flag = true; String result = "0"; if (isNull(reqid) || isNull(method) || isNull(stime)) { result = "1"; flag = false; } System.out.println("校验结果:"+result+"=======flag:"+flag); List results =new ArrayList(); if (flag) { String sql = diseaseSql(""); results = jdbcUtils.findList(sql, params); } //无或0:有后续;1:无后续 int end=1; if(results.size()>0){ end=0; } System.out.println("无或0:有后续;1:无后续:-----"+end); Map checkData = new HashMap(); checkData.put("reqid", reqid); checkData.put("method", method); checkData.put("respid", unid); checkData.put("datetime", datetime); if (!flag) { checkData.put("result", result); }else{ checkData.put("end", end); List list = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i <results.size() ; i++) { Map obj=new HashMap(); Map res= (Map) results.get(i); obj.put("sid",res.get("SID")); obj.put("result",res.get("NUM")); list.add(obj); } checkData.put("list", list); } Map outMap = resultMap(checkData); String outstr = JSON.toJSONString(outMap); return outstr; } //服务器检索未反馈的病害,最大一次反馈500个病害状态 public String crackresultcomfirm(Map map) { JSONArray comfirmed = (JSONArray)map.get("comfirmed"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("('"); for (int i = 0; i < comfirmed.size(); i++) { sb.append(comfirmed.get(i)).append("','"); } String id=sb.toString().substring(0,sb.toString().lastIndexOf(","))+")"; System.out.println(id); Object[] params = new Object[]{}; String sql = "select sid, cnf.TASKNUM from CRACK_DATA_TABLE cdt " + " left JOIN COMPLAINUNFINISHEDHISDATA cnf on cnf.TASKNUM=SUBSTR(cdt.sid, 13, 19) " + " where 1=1 and cdt.sid in"+id; List list= jdbcUtils.findList(sql, params); if(list.size()>0){ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Map obj = (Map) list.get(i); String tasknum=obj.get("TASKNUM")+""; String sid=obj.get("SID")+""; //反馈状态 int status=0; //if TASKNUM is null update FEEDBACK = 1 if(isNull(tasknum)){ status=1; }else{ //if TASKNUM is not null update FEEDBACK = 2 status=2; } String update=" UPDATE CRACK_DATA_TABLE SET FEEDBACK ="+status+" WHERE sid='"+sid+"' "; jdbcUtils.insert(update, params); } } //再次查询反馈 String outstr= crackresult(map); return outstr; } //将经纬度(坐标)转换详细结构化道路信息,及周边其他信息。 public String geocoder(Map map) { String reqid = map.get("reqid") + ""; String method = map.get("method") + ""; String stime = map.get("stime") + ""; String location = map.get("location") + ""; String coordsys = map.get("coordsys") + ""; String management = map.get("management") + ""; String unid = jdbcUtils.getuuid(); Object[] params = new Object[]{}; boolean flag = true; String result = "0"; if (isNull(reqid) || isNull(method) || isNull(stime) || isNull(location) || isNull(coordsys) || isNull(management)) { result = "1"; flag = false; } System.out.println("校验结果:"+result+"=======flag:"+flag); List results =new ArrayList(); Double zhuanghao=0.0; if("pudong-gl".equals(management)){ //获取传进来的gps坐标 装换成 城建坐标 String gps = zuobiaoHelper.getWgs84Zuobiao(location); if (isNull(gps)) { result = "1"; flag = false; }else{ String cox = gps.split(",")[0]; String coy = gps.split(",")[1]; //拿到城建坐标 根据坐标查询是在那条道路上 String roadGps=getRoadIdByZuobiao(cox,coy); // String roadGps=""; if (isNull(roadGps)) { result = "1"; flag = false; }else{ String roadid=roadGps.split(",")[0]; String direction=roadGps.split(",")[1]; //位置(最近)桩号 String toMeasureValue=roadGps.split(",")[2]; zhuanghao = Double.parseDouble(toMeasureValue) / 1000; // String roadid="X618310115"; // roadid="X581310115"; if (flag) { String sql="SELECT " + " info.roadid as id, " + " info.roadname as name, " + " round(info.STARTLOCATION,4) as startloc, " + " round(info.ENDLOCATION,4) as endloc, " + " 0 as distance, " + " be.DEPARTID as depart, " + " be.unitid as unit, " + " be.projectid as project " + "FROM " + " YHROADBASICINFO info " + " LEFT JOIN YHROADBELONGUNIT be ON be.ROADID = info.roadid " + // " and be.STARTLOCATION = info.STARTLOCATION " + // " and be.ENDLOCATION = info.ENDLOCATION" + " where 1=1 " + " and info.roadid='"+roadid+"'" + " and (info.STARTLOCATION>="+zhuanghao+" and "+zhuanghao+" <=info.ENDLOCATION)"; results = jdbcUtils.findList(sql, params); } } } }else{ result = "2"; flag = false; } Map checkData = new HashMap(); checkData.put("reqid", reqid); checkData.put("method", method); checkData.put("respid", unid); checkData.put("datetime", datetime); checkData.put("result", result); if (!flag) { if (result=="2") { checkData.put("msg", "请求失败 请使用 management: pudong-gl"); } }else{ List<Map<String,Object>> roads = new ArrayList<>(); if(results.size()>0){ Double value= Double.parseDouble(String.format("%.4f",zhuanghao)); for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { Map road = (Map) results.get(i); Map r=new HashMap(); Set<String> keySet = road.keySet(); for (String key : keySet) { String newKey = key.toLowerCase(); if(isNull(road.get(key)+"")){ r.put(newKey, ""); }else{ r.put(newKey, road.get(key)); } } r.put("location",value); roads.add(r); } } checkData.put("roads", roads); } Map outMap = resultMap(checkData); String outstr = JSON.toJSONString(outMap); return outstr; } private String diseaseSql(String sid){ String sql="select * from ( " + " select cdt.sid,'完成' as tyle,'1' as num,cdt.feedback from CRACK_DATA_TABLE cdt " + " inner JOIN COMPLAINFINISHEDHISDATA cf on cf.TASKNUM=SUBSTR(cdt.sid, 13, 19) " + " where 1=1 and (cdt.FEEDBACK is null or cdt.FEEDBACK = 2) " + " and cf.FINISHFLAG='1' and cf.CURSTATUS='5' " + " union all " + " select cdt.sid,'退单' as tyle,'2' as num,cdt.feedback from CRACK_DATA_TABLE cdt " + " inner JOIN COMPLAINFINISHEDHISDATA cf on cf.TASKNUM=SUBSTR(cdt.sid, 13, 19) " + " where 1=1 and (cdt.FEEDBACK is null or cdt.FEEDBACK = 2) " + " and cf.FINISHFLAG='1' and cf.CURSTATUS='4' " + " union all " + " " + " select cdt.sid,'未完成' as tyle,'3' as num,cdt.feedback from CRACK_DATA_TABLE cdt " + " inner JOIN COMPLAINUNFINISHEDHISDATA cnf on cnf.TASKNUM=SUBSTR(cdt.sid, 13, 19) " + " where 1=1 and (cdt.FEEDBACK is null)" + ") t "; if(!isNull(sid)){ sql+=" t.sid='"+sid+"' "; }else{ } return sql; } //新增设备运行日志 public String crackDeviceOnlineData(Map map) { String reqid = map.get("reqid") + ""; String method = map.get("method") + ""; String stime = map.get("stime") + ""; String devid = map.get("devid") + ""; String logDate = map.get("logDate") + ""; String url = map.get("url") + ""; String mileage = map.get("mileage") + ""; String runtime = map.get("runtime") + ""; String unid = jdbcUtils.getuuid(); if (stime.indexOf("T") > -1) { stime = stime.replace("T", " "); } Object[] params = new Object[]{ // unid,"TO_DATE('"+stime+"', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')",devid,"TO_DATE('"+logDate+"', 'SYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')",url,mileage,runtime }; String cox = ""; String coy = ""; boolean flag = true; String result = "0"; if (isNull(reqid) || isNull(method) || isNull(stime) || isNull(devid) || isNull(logDate) || isNull(url) || isNull(mileage) || isNull(runtime)) { result = "1"; flag = false; } System.out.println("校验结果:"+result+"=======flag:"+flag); if (flag) { //crack_device_online String insertTable = " insert into crack_device_online(unid,stime,devid,logdate,url,mileage,runtime) values('%s',%s,'%s',%s,'%s','%s','%s')"; insertTable = String.format(insertTable, unid, "TO_DATE('" + stime + "', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')", devid, "TO_DATE('" + logDate + "', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')", url, mileage, runtime); System.out.println(insertTable); jdbcUtils.insert(insertTable, params); } Map checkData = new HashMap(); checkData.put("reqid", reqid); checkData.put("method", method); checkData.put("respid", unid); checkData.put("datetime", datetime); checkData.put("result", result); Map outMap = resultMap(checkData); String outstr = JSON.toJSONString(outMap); return outstr; } private String getRoadIdByZuobiao(String cox,String coy) { String rest=""; LocateOnRoadService service = new LocateOnRoadService(); ILocateOnRoadService client = service.getBasicHttpBindingILocateOnRoadService(); LocateResult locateResult = client.locateOnRoadWithResolution(Double.parseDouble(cox), Double.parseDouble(coy), 5d); String id = locateResult.getID().getValue(); String direction = locateResult.getDirection().getValue(); Double toMeasureValue = locateResult.getToMeasureValue(); rest=id+","+direction+","+toMeasureValue; return rest; } //返回的信息 public static Map resultMap(Map checkData) { Map outMap = new HashMap(); Map uploadResult = new HashMap(); uploadResult.put("checkData", checkData); outMap.put("uploadResult", uploadResult); return outMap; } //判断是否为空 public static Boolean isNull(String str) { Boolean flag = false; System.out.println("========数据校验============="); System.out.println(str); if (str == null || "".equals(str) || "null".equals(str)) { flag = true; } return flag; } public static void main(String[] args) { // String insertTable = " ('%s',%s,'%s')"; // insertTable = String.format(insertTable, 123, "TO_DATE('" + 123123 + "', YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS)", "1234"); // System.out.println(insertTable); Double zhuanghao = Double.parseDouble("222.2246554465") / 1000; Double value= Double.parseDouble(String.format("%.4f",zhuanghao)); System.out.println(value); } }