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  • C# Compiler Options

    /platform (Specify Output Platform) (C# Compiler Options) 

    Specifies which version of the common language runtime (CLR) can run the assembly.



    x86, Itanium, x64, or anycpu (default).

    • x86 compiles your assembly to be run by the 32-bit, x86-compatible common language runtime.

    • Itanium compiles your assembly to be run by the 64-bit common language runtime on a computer with an Itanium processor.

    • x64 compiles your assembly to be run by the 64-bit common language runtime on a computer that supports the AMD64 or EM64T instruction set.

    • anycpu (default) compiles your assembly to run on any platform.

    On a 64-bit Windows operating system:

    • Assemblies compiled with /platform:x86 will execute on the 32 bit CLR running under WOW64.

    • Executables compiled with the /platform:anycpu will execute on the 64 bit CLR.

    • DLLs compiled with the /platform:anycpu will execute on the same CLR as the process into which it is being loaded.

    For more information about developing an application to run on a Windows 64-bit operating system, see 64-bit Applications.

    To set this compiler option in the Visual Studio development environment

    1. Open the Properties page for the project. For details, see How to: Set Project Properties (C#, J#).

    2. Click the Build property page.

    3. Modify the Platform target property.

    Note   /platform is not available in the development environment in Visual C# Express.

    For information on how to set this compiler option programmatically, see PlatformTarget.

    The following example shows how to use the /platform option to specify that the application should only be run by the 64-bit CLR on a 64-bit Windows operating system for Itanium.

    csc /platform:Itanium myItanium.cs
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