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  • shell实战之tomcat看门狗



    1 函数说明:
    2         log_info:打印日志的函数,入参为需要在日志中打印的msg
    3         start_tom:启动tomcat的函数
    4         check_tom_run:每隔30s检测tomcat进程是否存在
    5         log_backup:备份tomcat监控日志
    1. check_tom_run每隔30s检测tomcat进程是否存在,log_info用于记录tomcat运行日志和操作日志。
    2. tomcat进程不存在时,执行start_tom去启动。
    3. 当日志文件大小大于指定大小时,则备份监控日志。




      访问地址:http://localhost:8080/ 如果出现以下界面,则说明tomcat已成功启动。




      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 #以下为多行注释
      3 : << !
      4 作用:tomcat watch dog,用于在tomcat进程退出后,自动拉起tomcat
      5 函数说明:
      6         log_info:打印日志的函数,入参为需要在日志中打印的msg
      7         start_tom:启动tomcat的函数
      8         check_tom_run:每隔10s检测tomcat进程是否存在
      9         log_backup:备份tomcat监控日志
     10 !
     12 curr_path=`pwd`
     13 #tomcat的安装路径
     14 tom_path=/home/stephen/InstallPath/apache-tomcat-8.5.39
     17 #定义打印日志的函数
     18 function log_info(){
     19 local curr_time=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
     20 log_file=${curr_path}/tom_running.log
     21 #判断日志文件是否存在
     22 if [ -e ${log_file} ]
     23    then
     24    #检测文件是否可写
     25    if [ -w ${log_file} ]
     26    then
     27        #若文件无写权限则使用chmod命令赋予权限
     28        chmod 770 ${log_file}
     29    fi
     30 else
     31    #若日志文件不存在则创建
     32    touch ${log_file}
     33 fi
     34 #写日志
     35 local info=$1
     36 echo "${curr_time}  `whoami` [Info] ${info}">>${log_file}
     37 }
     39 function start_tom(){
     40         log_info "Begin to start tomcat."
     41         cd ${tom_path}/bin
     42         log_info "cd ${tom_path}/bin"
     43         sh  startup.sh
     44         log_info "sh  startup.sh"
     45         #使用ps命令+awk获取tomcat的PID
     46         tom_pid=`ps -aux|grep apache-tomcat|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'`
     47         if  [ -z ${tom_pid} ]
     48             then
     49             sh startup.sh
     50         fi
     51         log_info "End to start tomcat."
     52 }
     54 #如果tomcat_pid为零,则说明tomcat进程不存在,需要去重启
     55 function check_tom_run()
     56 {
     57 tom_pid=`ps -aux|grep apache-tomcat|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'`
     58 echo ${tom_pid}
     59 if [ -z ${tom_pid} ]
     60 then
     61    echo "tomcat process is not running."
     62    #调用函数start_tom
     63    start_tom
     64    log_info "tomcat process is not running."
     65    #打印日志
     66 else
     67    echo "tomcat process is running"
     68    #打印日志
     69    log_info  "tomcat process is running"
     70 fi
     71 }
     72 #备份日志
     73 function log_backup(){
     74 cd ${curr_path}
     75 log_name=tom_running.log
     76 #获取当前日志的大小
     77 log_size=`ls -all|grep -v ${log_name}.|grep  ${log_name}|awk '{print $5}'`
     78 echo ${log_size}
     79 #当日志大于150MB时进行备份并清空旧的日志
     80 expect_size=`expr 150 * 1024 * 1024`
     81 echo ${expect_size}
     82 if [ ${log_size} -gt ${expect_size} ]
     83    then
     84    log_info "Begin to backup log."
     85    local ct=`date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"`
     86    cp ${log_name} ${log_name}.${ct}
     87    log_info "cp ${log_name} ${log_name}.${ct}"
     88    #使用gzip命令压缩日志
     89    gzip -q  ${log_name}.${ct}  ${log_name}.${ct}.gz
     90    #清空旧日志
     91    cat  /dev/null > ${log_name}
     92    log_info "cat  /dev/null > ${log_name}"
     93 fi
     94 }
     96 #隔30s循环执行check_tom_1run
     97 while [ 1 ]
     98 do
     99   check_tom_run
    100   log_backup
    101   #休眠30s
    102   sleep 30
    103 done
    View Code



    1 chmod +x  /tomcatWatchDog.sh
    2 ./tomcatWatchDog.sh &


    ps -ef|grep  tomcat
    kill -9 PID


     1 2019-04-04 15:23:19  stephen [Info] tomcat process is running
     2 2019-04-04 15:23:20  stephen [Info] tomcat process is running
     3 2019-04-04 15:23:34  stephen [Info] tomcat process is running
     4 2019-04-04 15:24:04  stephen [Info] tomcat process is running
     5 2019-04-04 15:24:34  stephen [Info] Begin to start tomcat.
     6 2019-04-04 15:24:34  stephen [Info] cd /home/stephen/InstallPath/apache-tomcat-8.5.39/bin
     7 2019-04-04 15:24:34  stephen [Info] sh  startup.sh
     8 2019-04-04 15:24:34  stephen [Info] End to start tomcat.
     9 2019-04-04 15:24:34  stephen [Info] tomcat process is not running.
    10 2019-04-04 15:25:04  stephen [Info] tomcat process is running
    11 2019-04-04 15:25:34  stephen [Info] tomcat process is running


    1 -rwxr-xr-x  1 stephen stephen   2679 4月   4 14:57 tomcatWatchDog.sh*
    2 -rwxrwx---  1 stephen stephen 573893 4月   4 15:28 tom_running.log*
    3 -rwxr-x---  1 stephen stephen   7597 4月   4 12:43 tom_running.log.2019-04-04-12-43-53.g
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