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  • 画图工具除了echarts我使用highcharts

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     1 //容器
     2 <div id='main'></div>
     3 //脚本
     4 $("#main").highcharts({
     5     chart: {
     6         type: 'line'
     7     },
     8     credits: {
     9         enabled: false // 禁用版权信息
    10     },
    11     title: {
    12         text: "模拟的"
    13     },
    14     xAxis: {
    15         categories: ['05-31','06-31','07-31','08-31','09-31','10-31']
    16     },
    17     yAxis: [{
    18         lineWidth: 1,
    19         title: {
    20             text: '收益(元)'
    21         }
    22     }, {
    23         title: {
    24             text: '收盘价(元)'
    25         },
    26         lineWidth: 1,
    27         opposite: true
    28     }, {
    29         title: {
    30             text: '大盘'
    31         },
    32         lineWidth: 1,
    33         opposite: true
    34     }],
    35     series: [{
    36         data: [10,20,15,33],
    37         yAxis: 2,
    38         name: '大盘',
    39         color: "#9B59B6"
    40     }, {
    41         data: [10,25,30,53],
    42         yAxis: 1,
    43         name: '收盘价',
    44         color: "#3498DB"
    45     }, {
    46         data: [10,20,15,33,66,78],
    47         name: '收益(红盈利|绿亏损)',
    48         color: "#E74C3C",
    49         yAxis: 0,
    50         zones: [{
    51             value: 0,
    52             color: '#2ECC71'
    53         }]
    54     }]
    55 });


     1 //画图主桩
     2 $('#zhu').highcharts({
     3     chart: {
     4         type: 'column',
     5     },
     6     title: {
     7         text: '平均值'
     8     },
     9     xAxis: {
    10         categories: [
    11             '一月',
    12             '二月',
    13             '三月',
    14             '四月',
    15             '五月',
    16             '六月',
    17             '七月',
    18             '八月',
    19             '九月',
    20             '十月',
    21             '十一月',
    22             '十二月'
    23         ],
    24         crosshair: true
    25     },
    26     yAxis: {
    27         min: 0,
    28         title: {
    29             text: '量 (mm)'
    30         }
    31     },
    32     plotOptions: {
    33         column: {
    34             colorByPoint:true
    35         }
    36     },
    37     series: [{
    38         name: '北京',
    39         data: [
    40             {
    41                 y:49.9,
    42                 color:"#ff0000"}]
    43     }]
    44 });
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/webSong/p/7091192.html
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