1. 官方 模拟器 Tutorials
2. 最新版本发布于 2013.05
I am honored to introduce the Web Simulator for its public release on 01.org. The Web Simulator is a lightweight mobile application development and testing tool for web application developers. It simulates device API implementation on different platforms, so that web applications with device APIs can be easily tested without a real platform device.
官方介绍:该模拟器针对不同平台APIs的一种轻量级移动Web应用开发与测试工具。支持大部分(90%左右)的Tizen 1.0 Web APIs,附带Cordova平台开发,具体API可以参考 Tizen Device 1.0 API Specification。
The Web Simulator is designed to have these features:
- Runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X platform.
- Can simulate different platform APIs. Currently we support the majority (~90%) of the Tizen 1.0 Web APIs.
- Enables running and debugging a web application, loaded from either local file system or from a web server.
- Provides various device panels to support event interaction with applications.
The Web Simulator architecture and code are inherited from the Ripple-UI. Currently, we have implemented most of the Tizen Device 1.0 API Specification.
Tizen 2.1 + Cordova 2.0.0 Web 模拟器
3. 注意事项
该模拟器作为Chrome浏览器的插件,需要修改一些参数来启动 模拟器。
1. 确定 chrome.exe的路径。
在给出的bat文件里 标注的路径为 C:UsersadminAppDataRoamingGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe
而本人的Windows 8 系统默认安装Chrome浏览器的位置为 C:UsersadminAppDataLocalGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe
ver | find "Version 6" && set DIR=%LOCALAPPDATA%|| set DIR=%APPDATA%
set CHROME=%DIR%GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe
set /p OPTIONS= <%CD%sdk-wrt-options.txt
start %CHROME% %OPTIONS% --app="file://%CD%/web/index.html" --user-data-dir=%CD%/sdk-profile-data/
ver | find "Version 6"
set CHROME=C:UsersadminAppDataLocalGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe
set /p OPTIONS= <D: 1.Softworld100.Resources 2.Samsung 2.Tizenweb-simulatorsdk-wrt-options.txt
start %CHROME% %OPTIONS% --app="D://01.Softworld/100.Resources/02.Samsung/02.Tizen/web-simulator/web/index.html" --user-data-dir=D:/01.Softworld/100.Resources/02.Samsung/02.Tizen/web-simulator/sdk-profile-data/