when i browse the Infosec institute website, i saw a article about the n00bs CTF, recently i am attend some ctf like bctf and 0ctf
i like it so, i try the n00bs!
1.Level one
as we can see, the string "May the source be with you!" so we press Ctrl + u to view the source code. In the top side ,we could see the Flag is here! We got it!{infosec_flagis_welcome}
2.Level two
open the url above, i saw a broken image, so i download the weard img file to my computer, then i use the hex editor to open the img file, i saw a base64 string: aW5mb3NlY19mbGFnaXNfd2VhcmVqdXN0c3RhcnRpbmc=
and we decode the string and get the flag is : infosec_flagis_wearejuststarting
3.Level three
open the url above, we could see a qrcode, so first we decode the qrcode and see what secret hide in it.
we could some dots and dashes, it's the Morse code, so we decode is and we could get the flag.