cWeb是基于微软的.Net Framework 4框架,数据库是sql server 2008 r2。
using System; namespace AA.cData { /// <summary> /// t_info 的摘要说明。 /// </summary> [Serializable] public class t_infoDV { /// <summary> /// t_infoDV /// </summary> public t_infoDV() { } //============================数据库字段=================================// private long _ID = -1; /// <summary> /// ID /// </summary> public long ID { get { return _ID; } set { _ID = value; } } private string _t_info_title = null; /// <summary> /// t_info_title /// </summary> public string t_info_title { get { return _t_info_title; } set { _t_info_title = value; } } private DateTime _t_info_createtime = System.DateTime.MinValue; /// <summary> /// t_info_createtime /// </summary> public DateTime t_info_createtime { get { return _t_info_createtime; } set { _t_info_createtime = value; } } //============================扩展字段==================================// private string _t_info_title_like = null; /// <summary> /// t_info_title [模糊查询] /// </summary> public string t_info_title_like { get { return _t_info_title_like; } set { _t_info_title_like = value; } } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using cDB; using AA.cData; namespace AA.cBN { /// <summary> /// t_info 的摘要说明。 /// </summary> public class t_infoBN { DataInfo cDI; /// <summary> /// t_infoBN /// </summary> public t_infoBN() { cDI = new DataInfo(); } #region [添加|修改|删除] /// <summary> /// [添加] /// </summary> /// <param name="tDV"></param> /// <param name="msg"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int Add(t_infoDV tDV, out string msg) { try { mCommand oCommand = new mCommand(); oCommand.SqlTxt = "Insert into t_info(t_info_title,t_info_createtime)" + " values(@t_info_title,@t_info_createtime)"; SqlParameter[] SqlItems = new SqlParameter[2]; SqlItems[0] = new SqlParameter("@t_info_title", SqlDbType.NVarChar); SqlItems[0].Value = tDV.t_info_title; SqlItems[1] = new SqlParameter("@t_info_createtime", SqlDbType.DateTime); SqlItems[1].Value = tDV.t_info_createtime; oCommand.AddParameter(SqlItems); int iResult = cDI.iCommandSql(oCommand); if (iResult > -1) { msg = "添加成功!"; } else { msg = "添加失败!"; } return iResult; } catch //(Exception ex) { //msg = ex.Message; msg = "添加失败(异常)!"; return -11; //-11表示异常 } } /// <summary> /// [修改] /// </summary> /// <param name="tDV"></param> /// <param name="msg"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int Edit(t_infoDV tDV, out string msg) { try { mCommand oCommand = new mCommand(); oCommand.SqlTxt = "update t_info set " + "t_info_title=@t_info_title," + "t_info_createtime=@t_info_createtime " + "where ID=@ID"; SqlParameter[] SqlItems = new SqlParameter[3]; SqlItems[0] = new SqlParameter("@t_info_title", SqlDbType.NVarChar); SqlItems[0].Value = tDV.t_info_title; SqlItems[1] = new SqlParameter("@t_info_createtime", SqlDbType.DateTime); SqlItems[1].Value = tDV.t_info_createtime; SqlItems[2] = new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.BigInt); SqlItems[2].Value = tDV.ID; oCommand.AddParameter(SqlItems); int iResult = cDI.iCommandSql(oCommand); if (iResult > -1) { msg = "修改成功!"; } else { msg = "修改失败!"; } return iResult; } catch //(Exception ex) { //msg = ex.Message; msg = "添加失败(异常)!"; return -11; //-11表示异常 } } /// <summary> /// [删除] /// </summary> /// <param name="tDV"></param> /// <param name="msg"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int Del(t_infoDV tDV, out string msg) { try { mCommand oCommand = new mCommand(); oCommand.SqlTxt = "delete t_info where ID=@ID"; SqlParameter[] SqlItems = new SqlParameter[1]; SqlItems[0] = new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.BigInt); SqlItems[0].Value = tDV.ID; oCommand.AddParameter(SqlItems); int iResult = cDI.iCommandSql(oCommand); if (iResult > -1) { msg = "删除成功!"; } else { msg = "删除失败!"; } return iResult; } catch //(Exception ex) { //msg = ex.Message; msg = "删除失败(异常)!"; return -11; //-11表示异常 } } #endregion #region [查询] /// <summary> /// [返回数据分页] /// </summary> /// <param name="tDV"></param> /// <param name="sqlWhere">where语句</param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetDataList(t_infoDV tDV, string sqlWhere) { DataTable DTe = new DataTable(); mCommand oCommand = new mCommand(); StringBuilder SqlTxtPrefiex = new StringBuilder(" select ISNULL(count(ID),0) as Counts from View_t_info where 1 = 1 " + sqlWhere + " "); SqlParameter tSqlItem = null; if (tDV.t_info_title != null) { SqlTxtPrefiex.Append(" and t_info_title = @t_info_title"); tSqlItem = new SqlParameter("@t_info_title", SqlDbType.NVarChar); tSqlItem.Value = tDV.t_info_title; oCommand.SqlParameters.Add(tSqlItem); } if (tDV.t_info_title_like != null) { SqlTxtPrefiex.Append(" and t_info_title like @t_info_title_like"); tSqlItem = new SqlParameter("@t_info_title_like", SqlDbType.NVarChar); tSqlItem.Value = "%" + tDV.t_info_title_like + "%"; oCommand.SqlParameters.Add(tSqlItem); } oCommand.SqlTxt = SqlTxtPrefiex.ToString(); DTe = cDI.GetTable(oCommand); return DTe; } /// <summary> /// [返回数据] /// </summary> /// <param name="tDV"></param> /// <param name="column">显示的列,默认为【*】全部</param> /// <param name="sqlWhere">where语句</param> /// <param name="beginIndex">开始记录</param> /// <param name="endIndex">结束记录</param> /// <param name="Order">排序,如【order by ID desc】</param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetDataList(t_infoDV tDV, string column, string sqlWhere, long beginIndex, long endIndex, string Order) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(column)) column = " * "; mCommand oCommand = new mCommand(); StringBuilder cSqlTxtPrefiex = new StringBuilder("select * from NoPagedTable WHERE rowIndex>=@beginIndex and rowIndex<=@endIndex"); SqlParameter[] SqlItems = new SqlParameter[2]; SqlItems[0] = new SqlParameter("@beginIndex", SqlDbType.BigInt); SqlItems[0].Value = beginIndex; SqlItems[1] = new SqlParameter("@endIndex", SqlDbType.BigInt); SqlItems[1].Value = endIndex; oCommand.SqlParameters.AddRange(SqlItems); if (Order == string.Empty) { Order = " order by ID DESC "; } StringBuilder SqlTxtPrefiex = new StringBuilder( "WITH NoPagedTable AS " + "(" + "SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (" + Order + ") AS rowIndex," + column + " FROM View_t_info where 1 = 1 " + sqlWhere + " "); SqlParameter tSqlItem = null; if (tDV.t_info_title != null) { SqlTxtPrefiex.Append(" and t_info_title = @t_info_title"); tSqlItem = new SqlParameter("@t_info_title", SqlDbType.NVarChar); tSqlItem.Value = tDV.t_info_title; oCommand.SqlParameters.Add(tSqlItem); } if (tDV.t_info_title_like != null) { SqlTxtPrefiex.Append(" and t_info_title like @t_info_title_like"); tSqlItem = new SqlParameter("@t_info_title_like", SqlDbType.NVarChar); tSqlItem.Value = "%" + tDV.t_info_title_like + "%"; oCommand.SqlParameters.Add(tSqlItem); } SqlTxtPrefiex.Append(")"); oCommand.SqlTxt = SqlTxtPrefiex.ToString() + cSqlTxtPrefiex.ToString(); return cDI.GetTable(oCommand); } /// <summary> /// [返回DataTable] /// </summary> /// <param name="tDV"></param> /// <param name="topNum">返回行数,默认【0】全部</param> /// <param name="column">显示的列,默认为【*】全部</param> /// <param name="sqlWhere">where语句</param> /// <param name="order">排序,如【order by ID desc】</param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetDataTable(t_infoDV tDV, int topNum, string column, string sqlWhere, string order) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(column)) column = " * "; string topNumSql = ""; if (topNum > 0) topNumSql = " top " + topNum.ToString(); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); mCommand oCommand = new mCommand(); StringBuilder SqlTxtPrefiex = new StringBuilder(" select " + topNumSql + " " + column + " from View_t_info where 1 = 1 " + sqlWhere + " "); SqlParameter tSqlItem = null; if (tDV.ID != -1) { SqlTxtPrefiex.Append(" and ID=@ID"); tSqlItem = new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.BigInt); tSqlItem.Value = tDV.ID; oCommand.SqlParameters.Add(tSqlItem); } if (tDV.t_info_title != null) { SqlTxtPrefiex.Append(" and t_info_title = @t_info_title"); tSqlItem = new SqlParameter("@t_info_title", SqlDbType.NVarChar); tSqlItem.Value = tDV.t_info_title; oCommand.SqlParameters.Add(tSqlItem); } if (tDV.t_info_title_like != null) { SqlTxtPrefiex.Append(" and t_info_title like @t_info_title_like"); tSqlItem = new SqlParameter("@t_info_title_like", SqlDbType.NVarChar); tSqlItem.Value = "%" + tDV.t_info_title_like + "%"; oCommand.SqlParameters.Add(tSqlItem); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order)) order = " order by ID desc "; SqlTxtPrefiex.Append(" " + order + " "); oCommand.SqlTxt = SqlTxtPrefiex.ToString(); DT = cDI.GetTable(oCommand); return DT; } #endregion } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Data; using AA.cData; using AA.cBN; using cPage; namespace { public partial class infolist : System.Web.UI.Page { cUser cu = new cUser(); public int p = 1; //页码 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region [判断是否登录] if (!cu.isLogin()) { cGlobal.frameGoUrl(this, "../../default.aspx"); return; } #endregion #region 分页获得页码 string _p = Request.QueryString["p"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_p)) _p = "1"; if (cGlobal.IsIntType(_p)) { p = Convert.ToInt32(_p); } else { cGlobal.showBoxBack(this, "页码不正确!"); return; } #endregion #region [判断是具有访问权限] if (!cDataCommon.userPagePower(cu.userID, "0202")) { cGlobal.showBoxBack(this, "您没有权限访问!"); return; } #endregion #region [获得在【系统设置=》角色管理=》权限设置】中点击某一菜单后,“菜单功能权限设置”设置的功能] string userPageFunctionPower = cDataCommon.userPageFunctionPower(cu.userID, "0202"); //判断是否具有“添加”功能 if (userPageFunctionPower.IndexOf("|add|") > -1) btnAdd.Visible = true; else btnAdd.Visible = false; #endregion if (!Page.IsPostBack) { dataBind(); } } protected void dataBind() { string _url = "infolist.aspx?p=[#p#]"; int _pageNum = 10; // 中间页码数量 int _pageSize = 10; //每页记录数 int _beginIndex = 0; int _endIndex = 0; t_infoBN tBN = new t_infoBN(); t_infoDV tDV = new t_infoDV(); DataTable rcDT = tBN.GetDataList(tDV, ""); lblpage.Text = mPage.getPage(Convert.ToInt32(rcDT.Rows[0][0].ToString()), _pageSize, _pageNum, p, out _beginIndex, out _endIndex, _url); DataTable DT = tBN.GetDataList(tDV, "", "", _beginIndex, _endIndex, ""); rlist.DataSource = DT; rlist.DataBind(); } protected void rlist_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemIndex > -1) { ((LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lnkbtnDel")).Attributes["onclick"] = "return confirm('确认要删除吗?');"; } } protected void rlist_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "del") { try { long _ID = Convert.ToInt64(((HiddenField)(e.Item.FindControl("hfID"))).Value); t_sys_logBN tBN = new t_sys_logBN(); t_sys_logDV tDV = new t_sys_logDV(); tDV.ID = _ID; string msg = ""; int iResult = -2; iResult = tBN.Del(tDV, out msg); if (iResult >= 0) //0,执行完成,>1,执行完成影响的记录数 { cGlobal.showBoxGo(this, "删除成功!", Request.Url.ToString()); } else { cGlobal.showBoxBack(this, "删除失败!"); } } catch { cGlobal.showBoxBack(this, "数据格式不正确(异常)"); } } } } }