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  • PyInputPlus

    PyInputPlus is a Python 3 and 2 module to provide input()- and raw_input()-like functions with additional validation features. PyInputPlus was created and is maintained by Al Sweigart.


    PyInputPlus can be installed from PyPI using pip:

    pip install pyinputplus

    On macOS and Linux, installing PyInputPlus for Python 3 is done with pip3:

    pip3 install pyinputplus

    If you run into permissions errors, try installing with the –user option:

    pip install --user pyinputplus

    The PySimpleValidate and stdiomask modules will also be installed as a part of PyInputPlus’s installation.


    PyInputPlus will keep asking the user for text until they enter valid input. It’s recommended to import PyInputPlus with the shorter name pyip.

    >>> import pyinputplus as pyip

    All of PyInputPlus’s functions begin with the input, such as inputStr() or inputDate(). Collectively, they are referred to in this documentation as the input*() functions.

    For example, you can ask the user for an integer with inputInt(), and the return value will be an integer instead of the string that input() would normally return:

    >>> input()
    >>> response = pyip.inputInt() # keep asking until an int is entered
    forty two
    'forty two' is not an integer.
    >>> response

    You could specify a prompt, along with any restrictions you’d like to impose:

    >>> response = pyip.inputInt('Enter your age: ', min=1)
    Enter your age: 0
    Number must be at minimum 1.
    Enter your age: 2
    >>> response

    There are several functions for different common types of data:

    >>> response = pyip.inputEmail()
    'alinventwithpython.com' is not a valid email address.
    >>> response

    You could also present a small menu of options to the user:

    >>> response = pyip.inputMenu(['cat', 'dog', 'moose'])
    Please select one of the following:
    * cat
    * dog
    * moose
    >>> response
    >>> response = pyip.inputMenu(['cat', 'dog', 'moose'], numbered=True)
    Please select one of the following:
    1. cat
    2. dog
    3. moose
    >>> response

    See the list of functions to get an idea of the kinds of information you can get from the user.

    Common input*() Parameters

    The following parameters are available for all of the input*() functions. You can see this documentation by calling help(pyip.parameters):

    >>> import pyinputplus as pyip
    >>> help(pyip.parameters)
    Help on function parameters in module pyinputplus:
        Common parameters for all ``input*()`` functions in PyInputPlus:
        * ``prompt`` (str): The text to display before each prompt for user input. Identical to the prompt argument for Python's ``raw_input()`` and ``input()`` functions.
        * ``default`` (str, None): A default value to use should the user time out or exceed the number of tries to enter valid input.
        * ``blank`` (bool): If ``True``, a blank string will be accepted. Defaults to ``False``.
        * ``timeout`` (int, float): The number of seconds since the first prompt for input after which a ``TimeoutException`` is raised the next time the user enters input.
        * ``limit`` (int): The number of tries the user has to enter valid input before the default value is returned.
        * ``strip`` (bool, str, None): If ``None``, whitespace is stripped from value. If a str, the characters in it are stripped from value. If ``False``, nothing is stripped.
        * ``allowlistRegexes`` (Sequence, None): A sequence of regex str that will explicitly pass validation.
        * ``blocklistRegexes`` (Sequence, None): A sequence of regex str or ``(regex_str, error_msg_str)`` tuples that, if matched, will explicitly fail validation.
        * ``applyFunc`` (Callable, None): An optional function that is passed the user's input, and returns the new value to use as the input.
        * ``postValidateApplyFunc`` (Callable, None): An optional function that is passed the user's input after it ha
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