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  • lsof指令的使用


    linux lsof/netstat查看进程和端口号相关命令:https://www.cnblogs.com/zjdxr-up/p/8408885.html

    lsof命令查看端口占用 https://www.cnblogs.com/nerrissa/articles/5006757.html

    lsof  意思是list openfile,重点参考lsof的man手册

    lsof -i tcp

    lsof -i udp

    lsof -i tcp:80

    lsof -i @

    lsof -i tcp@

    -u参数 应该指user,表示按user来过滤

    -c参数 -c应该是表示command的意思,根据command来过滤


    -t参数 -t表示列出pid,这个在只过滤进程的pid时很有用

    -d参数 description表示描述的意思

    -p参数  pid进程id

    -a man手册解释为:causes list selection options to be ANDed, as described above

    -n 显示将域名替换成ip地址的形式来显示



    lsof man手册

    LSOF(8) System Manager's Manual LSOF(8)

    lsof - list open files

    lsof [ -?abChKlnNOPRtUvVX ] [ -A A ] [ -c c ] [ +c c ] [ +|-d d ] [
    +|-D D ] [ +|-e s ] [ +|-E ] [ +|-f [cfgGn] ] [ -F [f] ] [ -g [s] ] [
    -i [i] ] [ -k k ] [ +|-L [l] ] [ +|-m m ] [ +|-M ] [ -o [o] ] [ -p s ]
    [ +|-r [t[m<fmt>]] ] [ -s [p:s] ] [ -S [t] ] [ -T [t] ] [ -u s ] [ +|-w
    ] [ -x [fl] ] [ -z [z] ] [ -Z [Z] ] [ -- ] [names]

    Lsof revision 4.89 lists on its standard output file information about
    files opened by processes for the following UNIX dialects:

    Apple Darwin 9 and Mac OS X 10.[567]
    FreeBSD 8.[234], 9.0, 10.0 and 11.0 for AMD64-based systems
    Linux 2.1.72 and above for x86-based systems
    Solaris 9, 10 and 11

    (See the DISTRIBUTION section of this manual page for information on
    how to obtain the latest lsof revision.)

    An open file may be a regular file, a directory, a block special file,
    a character special file, an executing text reference, a library, a
    stream or a network file (Internet socket, NFS file or UNIX domain
    socket.) A specific file or all the files in a file system may be
    selected by path.

    Instead of a formatted display, lsof will produce output that can be
    parsed by other programs. See the -F, option description, and the OUT-
    PUT FOR OTHER PROGRAMS section for more information.

    In addition to producing a single output list, lsof will run in repeat
    mode. In repeat mode it will produce output, delay, then repeat the
    output operation until stopped with an interrupt or quit signal. See
    the +|-r [t[m<fmt>]] option description for more information.

    In the absence of any options, lsof lists all open files belonging to
    all active processes.

    If any list request option is specified, other list requests must be
    specifically requested - e.g., if -U is specified for the listing of
    UNIX socket files, NFS files won't be listed unless -N is also speci-
    fied; or if a user list is specified with the -u option, UNIX domain
    socket files, belonging to users not in the list, won't be listed
    unless the -U option is also specified.

    Normally list options that are specifically stated are ORed - i.e.,
    specifying the -i option without an address and the -ufoo option pro-
    duces a listing of all network files OR files belonging to processes
    owned by user ``foo''. The exceptions are:

    1) the `^' (negated) login name or user ID (UID), specified with the -u

    2) the `^' (negated) process ID (PID), specified with the -p option;

    3) the `^' (negated) process group ID (PGID), specified with the -g

    4) the `^' (negated) command, specified with the -c option;

    5) the (`^') negated TCP or UDP protocol state names, specified with
    the -s [p:s] option.

    Since they represent exclusions, they are applied without ORing or AND-
    ing and take effect before any other selection criteria are applied.

    The -a option may be used to AND the selections. For example, specify-
    ing -a, -U, and -ufoo produces a listing of only UNIX socket files that
    belong to processes owned by user ``foo''.

    Caution: the -a option causes all list selection options to be ANDed;
    it can't be used to cause ANDing of selected pairs of selection options
    by placing it between them, even though its placement there is accept-
    able. Wherever -a is placed, it causes the ANDing of all selection

    Items of the same selection set - command names, file descriptors, net-
    work addresses, process identifiers, user identifiers, zone names,
    security contexts - are joined in a single ORed set and applied before
    the result participates in ANDing. Thus, for example, specifying
    -i@aaa.bbb, -i@ccc.ddd, -a, and -ufff,ggg will select the listing of
    files that belong to either login ``fff'' OR ``ggg'' AND have network
    connections to either host aaa.bbb OR ccc.ddd.

    Options may be grouped together following a single prefix -- e.g., the
    option set ``-a -b -C'' may be stated as -abC. However, since values
    are optional following +|-f, -F, -g, -i, +|-L, -o, +|-r, -s, -S, -T, -x
    and -z. when you have no values for them be careful that the following
    character isn't ambiguous. For example, -Fn might represent the -F and
    -n options, or it might represent the n field identifier character fol-
    lowing the -F option. When ambiguity is possible, start a new option
    with a `-' character - e.g., ``-F -n''. If the next option is a file
    name, follow the possibly ambiguous option with ``--'' - e.g., ``-F --

    Either the `+' or the `-' prefix may be applied to a group of options.
    Options that don't take on separate meanings for each prefix - e.g., -i
    - may be grouped under either prefix. Thus, for example, ``+M -i'' may
    be stated as ``+Mi'' and the group means the same as the separate
    options. Be careful of prefix grouping when one or more options in the
    group does take on separate meanings under different prefixes - e.g.,
    +|-M; ``-iM'' is not the same request as ``-i +M''. When in doubt, use
    separate options with appropriate prefixes.

    -? -h These two equivalent options select a usage (help) output
    list. Lsof displays a shortened form of this output when it
    detects an error in the options supplied to it, after it has
    displayed messages explaining each error. (Escape the `?'
    character as your shell requires.)

    -a causes list selection options to be ANDed, as described above.

    -A A is available on systems configured for AFS whose AFS kernel
    code is implemented via dynamic modules. It allows the lsof
    user to specify A as an alternate name list file where the
    kernel addresses of the dynamic modules might be found. See
    the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.) for more
    information about dynamic modules, their symbols, and how they
    affect lsof.

    -b causes lsof to avoid kernel functions that might block -
    lstat(2), readlink(2), and stat(2).

    tions for information on using this option.

    -c c selects the listing of files for processes executing the com-
    mand that begins with the characters of c. Multiple commands
    may be specified, using multiple -c options. They are joined
    in a single ORed set before participating in AND option selec-

    If c begins with a `^', then the following characters specify
    a command name whose processes are to be ignored (excluded.)

    If c begins and ends with a slash ('/'), the characters
    between the slashes are interpreted as a regular expression.
    Shell meta-characters in the regular expression must be quoted
    to prevent their interpretation by the shell. The closing
    slash may be followed by these modifiers:

    b the regular expression is a basic one.
    i ignore the case of letters.
    x the regular expression is an extended one

    See the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.) for
    more information on basic and extended regular expressions.

    The simple command specification is tested first. If that
    test fails, the command regular expression is applied. If the
    simple command test succeeds, the command regular expression
    test isn't made. This may result in ``no command found for
    regex:'' messages when lsof's -V option is specified.

    +c w defines the maximum number of initial characters of the name,
    supplied by the UNIX dialect, of the UNIX command associated
    with a process to be printed in the COMMAND column. (The lsof
    default is nine.)

    Note that many UNIX dialects do not supply all command name
    characters to lsof in the files and structures from which lsof
    obtains command name. Often dialects limit the number of
    characters supplied in those sources. For example, Linux
    2.4.27 and Solaris 9 both limit command name length to 16

    If w is zero ('0'), all command characters supplied to lsof by
    the UNIX dialect will be printed.

    If w is less than the length of the column title, ``COMMAND'',
    it will be raised to that length.

    -C disables the reporting of any path name components from the
    kernel's name cache. See the KERNEL NAME CACHE section for
    more information.

    +d s causes lsof to search for all open instances of directory s
    and the files and directories it contains at its top level.
    +d does NOT descend the directory tree, rooted at s. The +D D
    option may be used to request a full-descent directory tree
    search, rooted at directory D.

    Processing of the +d option does not follow symbolic links
    within s unless the -x or -x l option is also specified. Nor
    does it search for open files on file system mount points on
    subdirectories of s unless the -x or -x f option is also

    Note: the authority of the user of this option limits it to
    searching for files that the user has permission to examine
    with the system stat(2) function.

    -d s specifies a list of file descriptors (FDs) to exclude from or
    include in the output listing. The file descriptors are spec-
    ified in the comma-separated set s - e.g., ``cwd,1,3'',
    ``^6,^2''. (There should be no spaces in the set.)

    The list is an exclusion list if all entries of the set begin
    with `^'. It is an inclusion list if no entry begins with
    `^'. Mixed lists are not permitted.

    A file descriptor number range may be in the set as long as
    neither member is empty, both members are numbers, and the
    ending member is larger than the starting one - e.g., ``0-7''
    or ``3-10''. Ranges may be specified for exclusion if they
    have the `^' prefix - e.g., ``^0-7'' excludes all file
    descriptors 0 through 7.

    Multiple file descriptor numbers are joined in a single ORed
    set before participating in AND option selection.

    When there are exclusion and inclusion members in the set,
    lsof reports them as errors and exits with a non-zero return

    See the description of File Descriptor (FD) output values in
    the OUTPUT section for more information on file descriptor

    +D D causes lsof to search for all open instances of directory D
    and all the files and directories it contains to its complete

    Processing of the +D option does not follow symbolic links
    within D unless the -x or -x l option is also specified. Nor
    does it search for open files on file system mount points on
    subdirectories of D unless the -x or -x f option is also

    Note: the authority of the user of this option limits it to
    searching for files that the user has permission to examine
    with the system stat(2) function.

    Further note: lsof may process this option slowly and require
    a large amount of dynamic memory to do it. This is because it
    must descend the entire directory tree, rooted at D, calling
    stat(2) for each file and directory, building a list of all
    the files it finds, and searching that list for a match with
    every open file. When directory D is large, these steps can
    take a long time, so use this option prudently.

    -D D directs lsof's use of the device cache file. The use of this
    option is sometimes restricted. See the DEVICE CACHE FILE
    section and the sections that follow it for more information
    on this option.

    -D must be followed by a function letter; the function letter
    may optionally be followed by a path name. Lsof recognizes
    these function letters:

    ? - report device cache file paths
    b - build the device cache file
    i - ignore the device cache file
    r - read the device cache file
    u - read and update the device cache file

    The b, r, and u functions, accompanied by a path name, are
    sometimes restricted. When these functions are restricted,
    they will not appear in the description of the -D option that
    accompanies -h or -? option output. See the DEVICE CACHE
    FILE section and the sections that follow it for more informa-
    tion on these functions and when they're restricted.

    The ? function reports the read-only and write paths that
    lsof can use for the device cache file, the names of any envi-
    ronment variables whose values lsof will examine when forming
    the device cache file path, and the format for the personal
    device cache file path. (Escape the `?' character as your
    shell requires.)

    When available, the b, r, and u functions may be followed by
    the device cache file's path. The standard default is
    .lsof_hostname in the home directory of the real user ID that
    executes lsof, but this could have been changed when lsof was
    configured and compiled. (The output of the -h and -?
    options show the current default prefix - e.g., ``.lsof''.)
    The suffix, hostname, is the first component of the host's
    name returned by gethostname(2).

    When available, the b function directs lsof to build a new
    device cache file at the default or specified path.

    The i function directs lsof to ignore the default device cache
    file and obtain its information about devices via direct calls
    to the kernel.

    The r function directs lsof to read the device cache at the
    default or specified path, but prevents it from creating a new
    device cache file when none exists or the existing one is
    improperly structured. The r function, when specified without
    a path name, prevents lsof from updating an incorrect or out-
    dated device cache file, or creating a new one in its place.
    The r function is always available when it is specified with-
    out a path name argument; it may be restricted by the permis-
    sions of the lsof process.

    When available, the u function directs lsof to read the device
    cache file at the default or specified path, if possible, and
    to rebuild it, if necessary. This is the default device cache
    file function when no -D option has been specified.

    +|-e s exempts the file system whose path name is s from being sub-
    jected to kernel function calls that might block. The +e
    option exempts stat(2), lstat(2) and most readlink(2) kernel
    function calls. The -e option exempts only stat(2) and
    lstat(2) kernel function calls. Multiple file systems may be
    specified with separate +|-e specifications and each may have
    readlink(2) calls exempted or not.

    This option is currently implemented only for Linux.

    CAUTION: this option can easily be mis-applied to other than
    the file system of interest, because it uses path name rather
    than the more reliable device and inode numbers. (Device and
    inode numbers are acquired via the potentially blocking
    stat(2) kernel call and are thus not available, but see the
    +|-m m option as a possible alternative way to supply device
    numbers.) Use this option with great care and fully specify
    the path name of the file system to be exempted.

    When open files on exempted file systems are reported, it may
    not be possible to obtain all their information. Therefore,
    some information columns will be blank, the characters
    ``UNKN'' preface the values in the TYPE column, and the appli-
    cable exemption option is added in parentheses to the end of
    the NAME column. (Some device number information might be
    made available via the +|-m m option.)

    +|-E +E specifies that Linux pipe and Linux UNIX socket files
    should be displayed with endpoint information and the files of
    the endpoints should also be displayed. Note: UNIX socket
    file endpoint information is available only when the compile
    flags line of -v output contains HASUXSOCKEPT.

    Pipe endpoint information is displayed in the NAME column in
    the form ``PID,cmd,FDmode'', where PID is the endpoint process
    ID; cmd is the endpoint process command; FD is the endpoint
    file's descriptor; and mode is the endpoint file's access

    UNIX socket file endpoint information is displayed in the NAME
    column in the form
    ``type=TYPE ->INO=INODE PID,cmd,FDmode'', where TYPE is the
    socket type; INODE is the i-node number of the connected
    socket; and PID, cmd, FD, and mode are the same as with pipe
    endpoint information. Note: UNIX socket file endpoint infor-
    mation is available only when the compile flags line of -v
    output contains HASUXSOCKEPT.

    Multiple occurrences of this information can appear in a
    file's NAME column.

    -E specfies that Linux pipe and Linux UNIX socket files should
    be displayed with endpoint information, but not the files of
    the endpoints.

    +|-f [cfgGn]
    f by itself clarifies how path name arguments are to be inter-
    preted. When followed by c, f, g, G, or n in any combination
    it specifies that the listing of kernel file structure infor-
    mation is to be enabled (`+') or inhibited (`-').

    Normally a path name argument is taken to be a file system
    name if it matches a mounted-on directory name reported by
    mount(8), or if it represents a block device, named in the
    mount output and associated with a mounted directory name.
    When +f is specified, all path name arguments will be taken to
    be file system names, and lsof will complain if any are not.
    This can be useful, for example, when the file system name
    (mounted-on device) isn't a block device. This happens for
    some CD-ROM file systems.

    When -f is specified by itself, all path name arguments will
    be taken to be simple files. Thus, for example, the ``-f --
    /'' arguments direct lsof to search for open files with a `/'
    path name, not all open files in the `/' (root) file system.

    Be careful to make sure +f and -f are properly terminated and
    aren't followed by a character (e.g., of the file or file sys-
    tem name) that might be taken as a parameter. For example,
    use ``--'' after +f and -f as in these examples.

    $ lsof +f -- /file/system/name
    $ lsof -f -- /file/name

    The listing of information from kernel file structures,
    requested with the +f [cfgGn] option form, is normally inhib-
    ited, and is not available in whole or part for some dialects
    - e.g., /proc-based Linux kernels below 2.6.22. When the pre-
    fix to f is a plus sign (`+'), these characters request file
    structure information:

    c file structure use count (not Linux)
    f file structure address (not Linux)
    g file flag abbreviations (Linux 2.6.22 and up)
    G file flags in hexadecimal (Linux 2.6.22 and up)
    n file structure node address (not Linux)

    When the prefix is minus (`-') the same characters disable the
    listing of the indicated values.

    File structure addresses, use counts, flags, and node
    addresses may be used to detect more readily identical files
    inherited by child processes and identical files in use by
    different processes. Lsof column output can be sorted by out-
    put columns holding the values and listed to identify identi-
    cal file use, or lsof field output can be parsed by an AWK or
    Perl post-filter script, or by a C program.

    -F f specifies a character list, f, that selects the fields to be
    output for processing by another program, and the character
    that terminates each output field. Each field to be output is
    specified with a single character in f. The field terminator
    defaults to NL, but may be changed to NUL (000). See the OUT-
    PUT FOR OTHER PROGRAMS section for a description of the field
    identification characters and the field output process.

    When the field selection character list is empty, all standard
    fields are selected (except the raw device field, security
    context and zone field for compatibility reasons) and the NL
    field terminator is used.

    When the field selection character list contains only a zero
    (`0'), all fields are selected (except the raw device field
    for compatibility reasons) and the NUL terminator character is

    Other combinations of fields and their associated field termi-
    nator character must be set with explicit entries in f, as
    described in the OUTPUT FOR OTHER PROGRAMS section.

    When a field selection character identifies an item lsof does
    not normally list - e.g., PPID, selected with -R - specifica-
    tion of the field character - e.g., ``-FR'' - also selects the
    listing of the item.

    When the field selection character list contains the single
    character `?', lsof will display a help list of the field
    identification characters. (Escape the `?' character as your
    shell requires.)

    -g [s] excludes or selects the listing of files for the processes
    whose optional process group IDentification (PGID) numbers are
    in the comma-separated set s - e.g., ``123'' or ``123,^456''.
    (There should be no spaces in the set.)

    PGID numbers that begin with `^' (negation) represent exclu-

    Multiple PGID numbers are joined in a single ORed set before
    participating in AND option selection. However, PGID exclu-
    sions are applied without ORing or ANDing and take effect
    before other selection criteria are applied.

    The -g option also enables the output display of PGID numbers.
    When specified without a PGID set that's all it does.

    -i [i] selects the listing of files any of whose Internet address
    matches the address specified in i. If no address is speci-
    fied, this option selects the listing of all Internet and x.25
    (HP-UX) network files.

    If -i4 or -i6 is specified with no following address, only
    files of the indicated IP version, IPv4 or IPv6, are dis-
    played. (An IPv6 specification may be used only if the
    dialects supports IPv6, as indicated by ``[46]'' and
    ``IPv[46]'' in lsof's -h or -? output.) Sequentially speci-
    fying -i4, followed by -i6 is the same as specifying -i, and
    vice-versa. Specifying -i4, or -i6 after -i is the same as
    specifying -i4 or -i6 by itself.

    Multiple addresses (up to a limit of 100) may be specified
    with multiple -i options. (A port number or service name
    range is counted as one address.) They are joined in a single
    ORed set before participating in AND option selection.

    An Internet address is specified in the form (Items in square
    brackets are optional.):


    46 specifies the IP version, IPv4 or IPv6
    that applies to the following address.
    '6' may be be specified only if the UNIX
    dialect supports IPv6. If neither '4' nor
    '6' is specified, the following address
    applies to all IP versions.
    protocol is a protocol name - TCP, UDP
    hostname is an Internet host name. Unless a
    specific IP version is specified, open
    network files associated with host names
    of all versions will be selected.
    hostaddr is a numeric Internet IPv4 address in
    dot form; or an IPv6 numeric address in
    colon form, enclosed in brackets, if the
    UNIX dialect supports IPv6. When an IP
    version is selected, only its numeric
    addresses may be specified.
    service is an /etc/services name - e.g., smtp -
    or a list of them.
    port is a port number, or a list of them.

    IPv6 options may be used only if the UNIX dialect supports
    IPv6. To see if the dialect supports IPv6, run lsof and spec-
    ify the -h or -? (help) option. If the displayed description
    of the -i option contains ``[46]'' and ``IPv[46]'', IPv6 is

    IPv4 host names and addresses may not be specified if network
    file selection is limited to IPv6 with -i 6. IPv6 host names
    and addresses may not be specified if network file selection
    is limited to IPv4 with -i 4. When an open IPv4 network
    file's address is mapped in an IPv6 address, the open file's
    type will be IPv6, not IPv4, and its display will be selected
    by '6', not '4'.

    At least one address component - 4, 6, protocol, hostname,
    hostaddr, or service - must be supplied. The `@' character,
    leading the host specification, is always required; as is the
    `:', leading the port specification. Specify either hostname
    or hostaddr. Specify either service name list or port number
    list. If a service name list is specified, the protocol may
    also need to be specified if the TCP, UDP and UDPLITE port
    numbers for the service name are different. Use any case -
    lower or upper - for protocol.

    Service names and port numbers may be combined in a list whose
    entries are separated by commas and whose numeric range
    entries are separated by minus signs. There may be no embed-
    ded spaces, and all service names must belong to the specified
    protocol. Since service names may contain embedded minus
    signs, the starting entry of a range can't be a service name;
    it can be a port number, however.

    Here are some sample addresses:

    -i6 - IPv6 only
    TCP:25 - TCP and port 25
    @ - Internet IPv4 host address
    @[3ffe:1ebc::1]:1234 - Internet IPv6 host address
    3ffe:1ebc::1, port 1234
    UDP:who - UDP who service port
    TCP@lsof.itap:513 - TCP, port 513 and host name lsof.itap
    tcp@foo:1-10,smtp,99 - TCP, ports 1 through 10,
    service name smtp, port 99, host name foo
    tcp@bar:1-smtp - TCP, ports 1 through smtp, host bar
    :time - either TCP, UDP or UDPLITE time service port

    -K selects the listing of tasks (threads) of processes, on
    dialects where task (thread) reporting is supported. (If help
    output - i.e., the output of the -h or -? options - shows
    this option, then task (thread) reporting is supported by the

    When -K and -a are both specified on Linux, and the tasks of a
    main process are selected by other options, the main process
    will also be listed as though it were a task, but without a
    task ID. (See the description of the TID column in the OUTPUT

    Where the FreeBSD version supports threads, all threads will
    be listed with their IDs.

    In general threads and tasks inherit the files of the caller,
    but may close some and open others, so lsof always reports all
    the open files of threads and tasks.

    -k k specifies a kernel name list file, k, in place of /vmunix,
    /mach, etc. -k is not available under AIX on the IBM
    RISC/System 6000.

    -l inhibits the conversion of user ID numbers to login names. It
    is also useful when login name lookup is working improperly or

    +|-L [l] enables (`+') or disables (`-') the listing of file link
    counts, where they are available - e.g., they aren't available
    for sockets, or most FIFOs and pipes.

    When +L is specified without a following number, all link
    counts will be listed. When -L is specified (the default), no
    link counts will be listed.

    When +L is followed by a number, only files having a link
    count less than that number will be listed. (No number may
    follow -L.) A specification of the form ``+L1'' will select
    open files that have been unlinked. A specification of the
    form ``+aL1 <file_system>'' will select unlinked open files on
    the specified file system.

    For other link count comparisons, use field output (-F) and a
    post-processing script or program.

    +|-m m specifies an alternate kernel memory file or activates mount
    table supplement processing.

    The option form -m m specifies a kernel memory file, m, in
    place of /dev/kmem or /dev/mem - e.g., a crash dump file.

    The option form +m requests that a mount supplement file be
    written to the standard output file. All other options are
    silently ignored.

    There will be a line in the mount supplement file for each
    mounted file system, containing the mounted file system direc-
    tory, followed by a single space, followed by the device num-
    ber in hexadecimal "0x" format - e.g.,

    / 0x801

    Lsof can use the mount supplement file to get device numbers
    for file systems when it can't get them via stat(2) or

    The option form +m m identifies m as a mount supplement file.

    Note: the +m and +m m options are not available for all sup-
    ported dialects. Check the output of lsof's -h or -? options
    to see if the +m and +m m options are available.

    +|-M Enables (+) or disables (-) the reporting of portmapper regis-
    trations for local TCP, UDP and UDPLITE ports, where port map-
    ping is supported. (See the last paragraph of this option
    description for information about where portmapper registra-
    tion reporting is supported.)

    The default reporting mode is set by the lsof builder with the
    HASPMAPENABLED #define in the dialect's machine.h header file;
    lsof is distributed with the HASPMAPENABLED #define deacti-
    vated, so portmapper reporting is disabled by default and must
    be requested with +M. Specifying lsof's -h or -? option will
    report the default mode. Disabling portmapper registration
    when it is already disabled or enabling it when already
    enabled is acceptable. When portmapper registration reporting
    is enabled, lsof displays the portmapper registration (if any)
    for local TCP, UDP or UDPLITE ports in square brackets immedi-
    ately following the port numbers or service names - e.g.,
    ``:1234[name]'' or ``:name[100083]''. The registration infor-
    mation may be a name or number, depending on what the regis-
    tering program supplied to the portmapper when it registered
    the port.

    When portmapper registration reporting is enabled, lsof may
    run a little more slowly or even become blocked when access to
    the portmapper becomes congested or stopped. Reverse the
    reporting mode to determine if portmapper registration report-
    ing is slowing or blocking lsof.

    For purposes of portmapper registration reporting lsof consid-
    ers a TCP, UDP or UDPLITE port local if: it is found in the
    local part of its containing kernel structure; or if it is
    located in the foreign part of its containing kernel structure
    and the local and foreign Internet addresses are the same; or
    if it is located in the foreign part of its containing kernel
    structure and the foreign Internet address is INADDR_LOOPBACK
    ( This rule may make lsof ignore some foreign
    ports on machines with multiple interfaces when the foreign
    Internet address is on a different interface from the local

    See the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.) for
    further discussion of portmapper registration reporting

    Portmapper registration reporting is supported only on
    dialects that have RPC header files. (Some Linux distribu-
    tions with GlibC 2.14 do not have them.) When portmapper reg-
    istration reporting is supported, the -h or -? help output
    will show the +|-M option.

    -n inhibits the conversion of network numbers to host names for
    network files. Inhibiting conversion may make lsof run
    faster. It is also useful when host name lookup is not work-
    ing properly.

    -N selects the listing of NFS files.

    -o directs lsof to display file offset at all times. It causes
    the SIZE/OFF output column title to be changed to OFFSET.
    Note: on some UNIX dialects lsof can't obtain accurate or con-
    sistent file offset information from its kernel data sources,
    sometimes just for particular kinds of files (e.g., socket
    files.) Consult the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its loca-
    tion.) for more information.

    The -o and -s options are mutually exclusive; they can't both
    be specified. When neither is specified, lsof displays what-
    ever value - size or offset - is appropriate and available for
    the type of the file.

    -o o defines the number of decimal digits (o) to be printed after
    the ``0t'' for a file offset before the form is switched to
    ``0x...''. An o value of zero (unlimited) directs lsof to use
    the ``0t'' form for all offset output.

    This option does NOT direct lsof to display offset at all
    times; specify -o (without a trailing number) to do that. -o
    o only specifies the number of digits after ``0t'' in either
    mixed size and offset or offset-only output. Thus, for exam-
    ple, to direct lsof to display offset at all times with a dec-
    imal digit count of 10, use:

    -o -o 10

    The default number of digits allowed after ``0t'' is normally
    8, but may have been changed by the lsof builder. Consult the
    description of the -o o option in the output of the -h or -?
    option to determine the default that is in effect.

    -O directs lsof to bypass the strategy it uses to avoid being
    blocked by some kernel operations - i.e., doing them in forked
    child processes. See the BLOCKS AND TIMEOUTS and AVOIDING
    KERNEL BLOCKS sections for more information on kernel opera-
    tions that may block lsof.

    While use of this option will reduce lsof startup overhead, it
    may also cause lsof to hang when the kernel doesn't respond to
    a function. Use this option cautiously.

    -p s excludes or selects the listing of files for the processes
    whose optional process IDentification (PID) numbers are in the
    comma-separated set s - e.g., ``123'' or ``123,^456''. (There
    should be no spaces in the set.)

    PID numbers that begin with `^' (negation) represent exclu-

    Multiple process ID numbers are joined in a single ORed set
    before participating in AND option selection. However, PID
    exclusions are applied without ORing or ANDing and take effect
    before other selection criteria are applied.

    -P inhibits the conversion of port numbers to port names for net-
    work files. Inhibiting the conversion may make lsof run a
    little faster. It is also useful when port name lookup is not
    working properly.

    +|-r [t[m<fmt>]]
    puts lsof in repeat mode. There lsof lists open files as
    selected by other options, delays t seconds (default fifteen),
    then repeats the listing, delaying and listing repetitively
    until stopped by a condition defined by the prefix to the

    If the prefix is a `-', repeat mode is endless. Lsof must be
    terminated with an interrupt or quit signal.

    If the prefix is `+', repeat mode will end the first cycle no
    open files are listed - and of course when lsof is stopped
    with an interrupt or quit signal. When repeat mode ends
    because no files are listed, the process exit code will be
    zero if any open files were ever listed; one, if none were
    ever listed.

    Lsof marks the end of each listing: if field output is in
    progress (the -F, option has been specified), the default
    marker is `m'; otherwise the default marker is ``========''.
    The marker is followed by a NL character.

    The optional "m<fmt>" argument specifies a format for the
    marker line. The <fmt> characters following `m' are inter-
    preted as a format specification to the strftime(3) function,
    when both it and the localtime(3) function are available in
    the dialect's C library. Consult the strftime(3) documenta-
    tion for what may appear in its format specification. Note
    that when field output is requested with the -F option, <fmt>
    cannot contain the NL format, ``%n''. Note also that when
    <fmt> contains spaces or other characters that affect the
    shell's interpretation of arguments, <fmt> must be quoted

    Repeat mode reduces lsof startup overhead, so it is more effi-
    cient to use this mode than to call lsof repetitively from a
    shell script, for example.

    To use repeat mode most efficiently, accompany +|-r with spec-
    ification of other lsof selection options, so the amount of
    kernel memory access lsof does will be kept to a minimum.
    Options that filter at the process level - e.g., -c, -g, -p,
    -u - are the most efficient selectors.

    Repeat mode is useful when coupled with field output (see the
    -F, option description) and a supervising awk or Perl script,
    or a C program.

    -R directs lsof to list the Parent Process IDentification number
    in the PPID column.

    -s [p:s] s alone directs lsof to display file size at all times. It
    causes the SIZE/OFF output column title to be changed to SIZE.
    If the file does not have a size, nothing is displayed.

    The optional -s p:s form is available only for selected
    dialects, and only when the -h or -? help output lists it.

    When the optional form is available, the s may be followed by
    a protocol name (p), either TCP or UDP, a colon (`:') and a
    comma-separated protocol state name list, the option causes
    open TCP and UDP files to be excluded if their state name(s)
    are in the list (s) preceded by a `^'; or included if their
    name(s) are not preceded by a `^'.

    When an inclusion list is defined, only network files with
    state names in the list will be present in the lsof output.
    Thus, specifying one state name means that only network files
    with that lone state name will be listed.

    Case is unimportant in the protocol or state names, but there
    may be no spaces and the colon (`:') separating the protocol
    name (p) and the state name list (s) is required.

    If only TCP and UDP files are to be listed, as controlled by
    the specified exclusions and inclusions, the -i option must be
    specified, too. If only a single protocol's files are to be
    listed, add its name as an argument to the -i option.

    For example, to list only network files with TCP state LISTEN,


    Or, for example, to list network files with all UDP states
    except Idle, use:

    -iUDP -sUDP:Idle

    State names vary with UNIX dialects, so it's not possible to
    provide a complete list. Some common TCP state names are:
    FIN_WAIT_2, and TIME_WAIT. Two common UDP state names are
    Unbound and Idle.

    See the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.) for
    more information on how to use protocol state exclusion and
    inclusion, including examples.

    The -o (without a following decimal digit count) and -s option
    (without a following protocol and state name list) are mutu-
    ally exclusive; they can't both be specified. When neither is
    specified, lsof displays whatever value - size or offset - is
    appropriate and available for the type of file.

    Since some types of files don't have true sizes - sockets,
    FIFOs, pipes, etc. - lsof displays for their sizes the content
    amounts in their associated kernel buffers, if possible.

    -S [t] specifies an optional time-out seconds value for kernel func-
    tions - lstat(2), readlink(2), and stat(2) - that might other-
    wise deadlock. The minimum for t is two; the default, fif-
    teen; when no value is specified, the default is used.

    See the BLOCKS AND TIMEOUTS section for more information.

    -T [t] controls the reporting of some TCP/TPI information, also
    reported by netstat(1), following the network addresses. In
    normal output the information appears in parentheses, each
    item except TCP or TPI state name identified by a keyword,
    followed by `=', separated from others by a single space:

    <TCP or TPI state name>
    QR=<read queue length>
    QS=<send queue length>
    SO=<socket options and values>
    SS=<socket states>
    TF=<TCP flags and values>
    WR=<window read length>
    WW=<window write length>

    Not all values are reported for all UNIX dialects. Items val-
    ues (when available) are reported after the item name and '='.

    When the field output mode is in effect (See OUTPUT FOR OTHER
    PROGRAMS.) each item appears as a field with a `T' leading

    -T with no following key characters disables TCP/TPI informa-
    tion reporting.

    -T with following characters selects the reporting of specific
    TCP/TPI information:

    f selects reporting of socket options,
    states and values, and TCP flags and
    q selects queue length reporting.
    s selects connection state reporting.
    w selects window size reporting.

    Not all selections are enabled for some UNIX dialects. State
    may be selected for all dialects and is reported by default.
    The -h or -? help output for the -T option will show what
    selections may be used with the UNIX dialect.

    When -T is used to select information - i.e., it is followed
    by one or more selection characters - the displaying of state
    is disabled by default, and it must be explicitly selected
    again in the characters following -T. (In effect, then, the
    default is equivalent to -Ts.) For example, if queue lengths
    and state are desired, use -Tqs.

    Socket options, socket states, some socket values, TCP flags
    and one TCP value may be reported (when available in the UNIX
    dialect) in the form of the names that commonly appear after
    SO_, so_, SS_, TCP_ and TF_ in the dialect's header files -
    most often <sys/socket.h>, <sys/socketvar.h> and
    <netinet/tcp_var.h>. Consult those header files for the mean-
    ing of the flags, options, states and values.

    ``SO='' precedes socket options and values; ``SS='', socket
    states; and ``TF='', TCP flags and values.

    If a flag or option has a value, the value will follow an '='
    and the name -- e.g., ``SO=LINGER=5'', ``SO=QLIM=5'',
    ``TF=MSS=512''. The following seven values may be reported:

    Reported Description (Common Symbol)

    KEEPALIVE keep alive time (SO_KEEPALIVE)
    LINGER linger time (SO_LINGER)
    MSS maximum segment size (TCP_MAXSEG)
    PQLEN partial listen queue connections
    QLEN established listen queue connections
    QLIM established listen queue limit
    RCVBUF receive buffer length (SO_RCVBUF)
    SNDBUF send buffer length (SO_SNDBUF)

    Details on what socket options and values, socket states, and
    TCP flags and values may be displayed for particular UNIX
    dialects may be found in the answer to the ``Why doesn't lsof
    report socket options, socket states, and TCP flags and values
    for my dialect?'' and ``Why doesn't lsof report the partial
    listen queue connection count for my dialect?'' questions in
    the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.)

    -t specifies that lsof should produce terse output with process
    identifiers only and no header - e.g., so that the output may
    be piped to kill(1). -t selects the -w option.

    -u s selects the listing of files for the user whose login names or
    user ID numbers are in the comma-separated set s - e.g.,
    ``abe'', or ``548,root''. (There should be no spaces in the

    Multiple login names or user ID numbers are joined in a single
    ORed set before participating in AND option selection.

    If a login name or user ID is preceded by a `^', it becomes a
    negation - i.e., files of processes owned by the login name or
    user ID will never be listed. A negated login name or user ID
    selection is neither ANDed nor ORed with other selections; it
    is applied before all other selections and absolutely excludes
    the listing of the files of the process. For example, to
    direct lsof to exclude the listing of files belonging to root
    processes, specify ``-u^root'' or ``-u^0''.

    -U selects the listing of UNIX domain socket files.

    -v selects the listing of lsof version information, including:
    revision number; when the lsof binary was constructed; who
    constructed the binary and where; the name of the compiler
    used to construct the lsof binary; the version number of the
    compiler when readily available; the compiler and loader flags
    used to construct the lsof binary; and system information,
    typically the output of uname's -a option.

    -V directs lsof to indicate the items it was asked to list and
    failed to find - command names, file names, Internet addresses
    or files, login names, NFS files, PIDs, PGIDs, and UIDs.

    When other options are ANDed to search options, or com-
    pile-time options restrict the listing of some files, lsof may
    not report that it failed to find a search item when an ANDed
    option or compile-time option prevents the listing of the open
    file containing the located search item.

    For example, ``lsof -V -iTCP@foobar -a -d 999'' may not report
    a failure to locate open files at ``TCP@foobar'' and may not
    list any, if none have a file descriptor number of 999. A
    similar situation arises when HASSECURITY and HASNOSOCKSECU-
    RITY are defined at compile time and they prevent the listing
    of open files.

    +|-w Enables (+) or disables (-) the suppression of warning mes-

    The lsof builder may choose to have warning messages disabled
    or enabled by default. The default warning message state is
    indicated in the output of the -h or -? option. Disabling
    warning messages when they are already disabled or enabling
    them when already enabled is acceptable.

    The -t option selects the -w option.

    -x [fl] may accompany the +d and +D options to direct their processing
    to cross over symbolic links and|or file system mount points
    encountered when scanning the directory (+d) or directory tree

    If -x is specified by itself without a following parameter,
    cross-over processing of both symbolic links and file system
    mount points is enabled. Note that when -x is specified with-
    out a parameter, the next argument must begin with '-' or '+'.

    The optional 'f' parameter enables file system mount point
    cross-over processing; 'l', symbolic link cross-over process-

    The -x option may not be supplied without also supplying a +d
    or +D option.

    -X This is a dialect-specific option.

    This IBM AIX RISC/System 6000 option requests the reporting of
    executed text file and shared library references.

    WARNING: because this option uses the kernel readx() function,
    its use on a busy AIX system might cause an application
    process to hang so completely that it can neither be killed
    nor stopped. I have never seen this happen or had a report of
    its happening, but I think there is a remote possibility it
    could happen.

    By default use of readx() is disabled. On AIX 5L and above
    lsof may need setuid-root permission to perform the actions
    this option requests.

    The lsof builder may specify that the -X option be restricted
    to processes whose real UID is root. If that has been done,
    the -X option will not appear in the -h or -? help output
    unless the real UID of the lsof process is root. The default
    lsof distribution allows any UID to specify -X, so by default
    it will appear in the help output.

    When AIX readx() use is disabled, lsof may not be able to
    report information for all text and loader file references,
    but it may also avoid exacerbating an AIX kernel directory
    search kernel error, known as the Stale Segment ID bug.

    The readx() function, used by lsof or any other program to
    access some sections of kernel virtual memory, can trigger the
    Stale Segment ID bug. It can cause the kernel's dir_search()
    function to believe erroneously that part of an in-memory copy
    of a file system directory has been zeroed. Another applica-
    tion process, distinct from lsof, asking the kernel to search
    the directory - e.g., by using open(2) - can cause
    dir_search() to loop forever, thus hanging the application

    Consult the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.)
    and the 00README file of the lsof distribution for a more com-
    plete description of the Stale Segment ID bug, its APAR, and
    methods for defining readx() use when compiling lsof.

    This Linux option requests that lsof skip the reporting of
    information on all open TCP, UDP and UDPLITE IPv4 and IPv6

    This Linux option is most useful when the system has an
    extremely large number of open TCP, UDP and UDPLITE files, the
    processing of whose information in the /proc/net/tcp* and
    /proc/net/udp* files would take lsof a long time, and whose
    reporting is not of interest.

    Use this option with care and only when you are sure that the
    information you want lsof to display isn't associated with
    open TCP, UDP or UDPLITE socket files.

    Solaris 10 and above:
    This Solaris 10 and above option requests the reporting of
    cached paths for files that have been deleted - i.e., removed
    with rm(1) or unlink(2).

    The cached path is followed by the string `` (deleted)'' to
    indicate that the path by which the file was opened has been

    Because intervening changes made to the path - i.e., renames
    with mv(1) or rename(2) - are not recorded in the cached path,
    what lsof reports is only the path by which the file was
    opened, not its possibly different final path.

    -z [z] specifies how Solaris 10 and higher zone information is to be

    Without a following argument - e.g., NO z - the option speci-
    fies that zone names are to be listed in the ZONE output col-

    The -z option may be followed by a zone name, z. That causes
    lsof to list only open files for processes in that zone. Mul-
    tiple -z z option and argument pairs may be specified to form
    a list of named zones. Any open file of any process in any of
    the zones will be listed, subject to other conditions speci-
    fied by other options and arguments.

    -Z [Z] specifies how SELinux security contexts are to be handled. It
    and 'Z' field output character support are inhibited when
    SELinux is disabled in the running Linux kernel. See OUTPUT
    FOR OTHER PROGRAMS for more information on the 'Z' field out-
    put character.

    Without a following argument - e.g., NO Z - the option speci-
    fies that security contexts are to be listed in the SECU-
    RITY-CONTEXT output column.

    The -Z option may be followed by a wildcard security context
    name, Z. That causes lsof to list only open files for pro-
    cesses in that security context. Multiple -Z Z option and
    argument pairs may be specified to form a list of security
    contexts. Any open file of any process in any of the security
    contexts will be listed, subject to other conditions specified
    by other options and arguments. Note that Z can be A:B:C or
    *:B:C or A:B:* or *:*:C to match against the A:B:C context.

    -- The double minus sign option is a marker that signals the end
    of the keyed options. It may be used, for example, when the
    first file name begins with a minus sign. It may also be used
    when the absence of a value for the last keyed option must be
    signified by the presence of a minus sign in the following
    option and before the start of the file names.

    names These are path names of specific files to list. Symbolic
    links are resolved before use. The first name may be sepa-
    rated from the preceding options with the ``--'' option.

    If a name is the mounted-on directory of a file system or the
    device of the file system, lsof will list all the files open
    on the file system. To be considered a file system, the name
    must match a mounted-on directory name in mount(8) output, or
    match the name of a block device associated with a mounted-on
    directory name. The +|-f option may be used to force lsof to
    consider a name a file system identifier (+f) or a simple file

    If name is a path to a directory that is not the mounted-on
    directory name of a file system, it is treated just as a regu-
    lar file is treated - i.e., its listing is restricted to pro-
    cesses that have it open as a file or as a process-specific
    directory, such as the root or current working directory. To
    request that lsof look for open files inside a directory name,
    use the +d s and +D D options.

    If a name is the base name of a family of multiplexed files -
    e.g, AIX's /dev/pt[cs] - lsof will list all the associated
    multiplexed files on the device that are open - e.g.,
    /dev/pt[cs]/1, /dev/pt[cs]/2, etc.

    If a name is a UNIX domain socket name, lsof will usually
    search for it by the characters of the name alone - exactly as
    it is specified and is recorded in the kernel socket struc-
    ture. (See the next paragraph for an exception to that rule
    for Linux.) Specifying a relative path - e.g., ./file - in
    place of the file's absolute path - e.g., /tmp/file - won't
    work because lsof must match the characters you specify with
    what it finds in the kernel UNIX domain socket structures.

    If a name is a Linux UNIX domain socket name, in one case lsof
    is able to search for it by its device and inode number,
    allowing name to be a relative path. The case requires that
    the absolute path -- i.e., one beginning with a slash ('/') be
    used by the process that created the socket, and hence be
    stored in the /proc/net/unix file; and it requires that lsof
    be able to obtain the device and node numbers of both the
    absolute path in /proc/net/unix and name via successful
    stat(2) system calls. When those conditions are met, lsof
    will be able to search for the UNIX domain socket when some
    path to it is is specified in name. Thus, for example, if the
    path is /dev/log, and an lsof search is initiated when the
    working directory is /dev, then name could be ./log.

    If a name is none of the above, lsof will list any open files
    whose device and inode match that of the specified path name.

    If you have also specified the -b option, the only names you
    may safely specify are file systems for which your mount table
    supplies alternate device numbers. See the AVOIDING KERNEL
    BLOCKS and ALTERNATE DEVICE NUMBERS sections for more informa-

    Multiple file names are joined in a single ORed set before
    participating in AND option selection.

    Lsof supports the recognition of AFS files for these dialects (and AFS

    AIX 4.1.4 (AFS 3.4a)
    HP-UX 9.0.5 (AFS 3.4a)
    Linux 1.2.13 (AFS 3.3)
    Solaris 2.[56] (AFS 3.4a)

    It may recognize AFS files on other versions of these dialects, but has
    not been tested there. Depending on how AFS is implemented, lsof may
    recognize AFS files in other dialects, or may have difficulties recog-
    nizing AFS files in the supported dialects.

    Lsof may have trouble identifying all aspects of AFS files in supported
    dialects when AFS kernel support is implemented via dynamic modules
    whose addresses do not appear in the kernel's variable name list. In
    that case, lsof may have to guess at the identity of AFS files, and
    might not be able to obtain volume information from the kernel that is
    needed for calculating AFS volume node numbers. When lsof can't com-
    pute volume node numbers, it reports blank in the NODE column.

    The -A A option is available in some dialect implementations of lsof
    for specifying the name list file where dynamic module kernel addresses
    may be found. When this option is available, it will be listed in the
    lsof help output, presented in response to the -h or -?

    See the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.) for more infor-
    mation about dynamic modules, their symbols, and how they affect lsof

    Because AFS path lookups don't seem to participate in the kernel's name
    cache operations, lsof can't identify path name components for AFS

    Lsof has three features that may cause security concerns. First, its
    default compilation mode allows anyone to list all open files with it.
    Second, by default it creates a user-readable and user-writable device
    cache file in the home directory of the real user ID that executes
    lsof. (The list-all-open-files and device cache features may be dis-
    abled when lsof is compiled.) Third, its -k and -m options name alter-
    nate kernel name list or memory files.

    Restricting the listing of all open files is controlled by the com-
    is defined, lsof will allow only the root user to list all open files.
    The non-root user may list only open files of processes with the same
    user IDentification number as the real user ID number of the lsof
    process (the one that its user logged on with).

    However, if HASSECURITY and HASNOSOCKSECURITY are both defined, anyone
    may list open socket files, provided they are selected with the -i

    When HASSECURITY is not defined, anyone may list all open files.

    Help output, presented in response to the -h or -? option, gives the
    status of the HASSECURITY and HASNOSOCKSECURITY definitions.

    See the Security section of the 00README file of the lsof distribution
    for information on building lsof with the HASSECURITY and HASNOSOCKSE-
    CURITY options enabled.

    Creation and use of a user-readable and user-writable device cache file
    is controlled by the compile-time HASDCACHE option. See the DEVICE
    CACHE FILE section and the sections that follow it for details on how
    its path is formed. For security considerations it is important to
    note that in the default lsof distribution, if the real user ID under
    which lsof is executed is root, the device cache file will be written
    in root's home directory - e.g., / or /root. When HASDCACHE is not
    defined, lsof does not write or attempt to read a device cache file.

    When HASDCACHE is defined, the lsof help output, presented in response
    to the -h, -D?, or -? options, will provide device cache file handling
    information. When HASDCACHE is not defined, the -h or -? output will
    have no -D option description.

    Before you decide to disable the device cache file feature - enabling
    it improves the performance of lsof by reducing the startup overhead of
    examining all the nodes in /dev (or /devices) - read the discussion of
    it in the 00DCACHE file of the lsof distribution and the lsof FAQ (The
    FAQ section gives its location.)


    When lsof user declares alternate kernel name list or memory files with
    the -k and -m options, lsof checks the user's authority to read them
    with access(2). This is intended to prevent whatever special power
    lsof's modes might confer on it from letting it read files not normally
    accessible via the authority of the real user ID.

    This section describes the information lsof lists for each open file.
    See the OUTPUT FOR OTHER PROGRAMS section for additional information on
    output that can be processed by another program.

    Lsof only outputs printable (declared so by isprint(3)) 8 bit charac-
    ters. Non-printable characters are printed in one of three forms: the
    C ``[bfrnt]'' form; the control character `^' form (e.g., ``^@''); or
    hexadecimal leading ``x'' form (e.g., ``xab''). Space is non-print-
    able in the COMMAND column (``x20'') and printable elsewhere.

    For some dialects - if HASSETLOCALE is defined in the dialect's
    machine.h header file - lsof will print the extended 8 bit characters
    of a language locale. The lsof process must be supplied a language
    locale environment variable (e.g., LANG) whose value represents a known
    language locale in which the extended characters are considered print-
    able by isprint(3). Otherwise lsof considers the extended characters
    non-printable and prints them according to its rules for non-printable
    characters, stated above. Consult your dialect's setlocale(3) man page
    for the names of other environment variables that may be used in place
    of LANG - e.g., LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, etc.

    Lsof's language locale support for a dialect also covers wide charac-
    ters - e.g., UTF-8 - when HASSETLOCALE and HASWIDECHAR are defined in
    the dialect's machine.h header file, and when a suitable language
    locale has been defined in the appropriate environment variable for the
    lsof process. Wide characters are printable under those conditions if
    iswprint(3) reports them to be. If HASSETLOCALE, HASWIDECHAR and a
    suitable language locale aren't defined, or if iswprint(3) reports wide
    characters that aren't printable, lsof considers the wide characters
    non-printable and prints each of their 8 bits according to its rules
    for non-printable characters, stated above.

    Consult the answers to the "Language locale support" questions in the
    lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.) for more information.

    Lsof dynamically sizes the output columns each time it runs, guarantee-
    ing that each column is a minimum size. It also guarantees that each
    column is separated from its predecessor by at least one space.

    COMMAND contains the first nine characters of the name of the UNIX
    command associated with the process. If a non-zero w value
    is specified to the +c w option, the column contains the
    first w characters of the name of the UNIX command associ-
    ated with the process up to the limit of characters supplied
    to lsof by the UNIX dialect. (See the description of the +c
    w command or the lsof FAQ for more information. The FAQ
    section gives its location.)

    If w is less than the length of the column title, ``COM-
    MAND'', it will be raised to that length.

    If a zero w value is specified to the +c w option, the col-
    umn contains all the characters of the name of the UNIX com-
    mand associated with the process.

    All command name characters maintained by the kernel in its
    structures are displayed in field output when the command
    name descriptor (`c') is specified. See the OUTPUT FOR
    OTHER COMMANDS section for information on selecting field
    output and the associated command name descriptor.

    PID is the Process IDentification number of the process.

    TID is the task (thread) IDentification number, if task (thread)
    reporting is supported by the dialect and a task (thread) is
    being listed. (If help output - i.e., the output of the -h
    or -? options - shows this option, then task (thread)
    reporting is supported by the dialect.)

    A blank TID column in Linux indicates a process - i.e., a

    ZONE is the Solaris 10 and higher zone name. This column must be
    selected with the -z option.

    is the SELinux security context. This column must be
    selected with the -Z option. Note that the -Z option is
    inhibited when SELinux is disabled in the running Linux ker-

    PPID is the Parent Process IDentification number of the process.
    It is only displayed when the -R option has been specified.

    PGID is the process group IDentification number associated with
    the process. It is only displayed when the -g option has
    been specified.

    USER is the user ID number or login name of the user to whom the
    process belongs, usually the same as reported by ps(1).
    However, on Linux USER is the user ID number or login that
    owns the directory in /proc where lsof finds information
    about the process. Usually that is the same value reported
    by ps(1), but may differ when the process has changed its
    effective user ID. (See the -l option description for
    information on when a user ID number or login name is dis-

    FD is the File Descriptor number of the file or:

    cwd current working directory;
    Lnn library references (AIX);
    err FD information error (see NAME column);
    jld jail directory (FreeBSD);
    ltx shared library text (code and data);
    Mxx hex memory-mapped type number xx.
    m86 DOS Merge mapped file;
    mem memory-mapped file;
    mmap memory-mapped device;
    pd parent directory;
    rtd root directory;
    tr kernel trace file (OpenBSD);
    txt program text (code and data);
    v86 VP/ix mapped file;

    FD is followed by one of these characters, describing the
    mode under which the file is open:

    r for read access;
    w for write access;
    u for read and write access;
    space if mode unknown and no lock
    character follows;
    `-' if mode unknown and lock
    character follows.

    The mode character is followed by one of these lock charac-
    ters, describing the type of lock applied to the file:

    N for a Solaris NFS lock of unknown type;
    r for read lock on part of the file;
    R for a read lock on the entire file;
    w for a write lock on part of the file;
    W for a write lock on the entire file;
    u for a read and write lock of any length;
    U for a lock of unknown type;
    x for an SCO OpenServer Xenix lock on part of the
    X for an SCO OpenServer Xenix lock on the entire file;
    space if there is no lock.

    See the LOCKS section for more information on the lock
    information character.

    The FD column contents constitutes a single field for pars-
    ing in post-processing scripts.

    TYPE is the type of the node associated with the file - e.g.,
    GDIR, GREG, VDIR, VREG, etc.

    or ``IPv4'' for an IPv4 socket;

    or ``IPv6'' for an open IPv6 network file - even if its
    address is IPv4, mapped in an IPv6 address;

    or ``ax25'' for a Linux AX.25 socket;

    or ``inet'' for an Internet domain socket;

    or ``lla'' for a HP-UX link level access file;

    or ``rte'' for an AF_ROUTE socket;

    or ``sock'' for a socket of unknown domain;

    or ``unix'' for a UNIX domain socket;

    or ``x.25'' for an HP-UX x.25 socket;

    or ``BLK'' for a block special file;

    or ``CHR'' for a character special file;

    or ``DEL'' for a Linux map file that has been deleted;

    or ``DIR'' for a directory;

    or ``DOOR'' for a VDOOR file;

    or ``FIFO'' for a FIFO special file;

    or ``KQUEUE'' for a BSD style kernel event queue file;

    or ``LINK'' for a symbolic link file;

    or ``MPB'' for a multiplexed block file;

    or ``MPC'' for a multiplexed character file;

    or ``NOFD'' for a Linux /proc/<PID>/fd directory that can't
    be opened -- the directory path appears in the NAME column,
    followed by an error message;

    or ``PAS'' for a /proc/as file;

    or ``PAXV'' for a /proc/auxv file;

    or ``PCRE'' for a /proc/cred file;

    or ``PCTL'' for a /proc control file;

    or ``PCUR'' for the current /proc process;

    or ``PCWD'' for a /proc current working directory;

    or ``PDIR'' for a /proc directory;

    or ``PETY'' for a /proc executable type (etype);

    or ``PFD'' for a /proc file descriptor;

    or ``PFDR'' for a /proc file descriptor directory;

    or ``PFIL'' for an executable /proc file;

    or ``PFPR'' for a /proc FP register set;

    or ``PGD'' for a /proc/pagedata file;

    or ``PGID'' for a /proc group notifier file;

    or ``PIPE'' for pipes;

    or ``PLC'' for a /proc/lwpctl file;

    or ``PLDR'' for a /proc/lpw directory;

    or ``PLDT'' for a /proc/ldt file;

    or ``PLPI'' for a /proc/lpsinfo file;

    or ``PLST'' for a /proc/lstatus file;

    or ``PLU'' for a /proc/lusage file;

    or ``PLWG'' for a /proc/gwindows file;

    or ``PLWI'' for a /proc/lwpsinfo file;

    or ``PLWS'' for a /proc/lwpstatus file;

    or ``PLWU'' for a /proc/lwpusage file;

    or ``PLWX'' for a /proc/xregs file;

    or ``PMAP'' for a /proc map file (map);

    or ``PMEM'' for a /proc memory image file;

    or ``PNTF'' for a /proc process notifier file;

    or ``POBJ'' for a /proc/object file;

    or ``PODR'' for a /proc/object directory;

    or ``POLP'' for an old format /proc light weight process

    or ``POPF'' for an old format /proc PID file;

    or ``POPG'' for an old format /proc page data file;

    or ``PORT'' for a SYSV named pipe;

    or ``PREG'' for a /proc register file;

    or ``PRMP'' for a /proc/rmap file;

    or ``PRTD'' for a /proc root directory;

    or ``PSGA'' for a /proc/sigact file;

    or ``PSIN'' for a /proc/psinfo file;

    or ``PSTA'' for a /proc status file;

    or ``PSXSEM'' for a POSIX semaphore file;

    or ``PSXSHM'' for a POSIX shared memory file;

    or ``PUSG'' for a /proc/usage file;

    or ``PW'' for a /proc/watch file;

    or ``PXMP'' for a /proc/xmap file;

    or ``REG'' for a regular file;

    or ``SMT'' for a shared memory transport file;

    or ``STSO'' for a stream socket;

    or ``UNNM'' for an unnamed type file;

    or ``XNAM'' for an OpenServer Xenix special file of unknown

    or ``XSEM'' for an OpenServer Xenix semaphore file;

    or ``XSD'' for an OpenServer Xenix shared data file;

    or the four type number octets if the corresponding name
    isn't known.

    FILE-ADDR contains the kernel file structure address when f has been
    specified to +f;

    FCT contains the file reference count from the kernel file
    structure when c has been specified to +f;

    FILE-FLAG when g or G has been specified to +f, this field contains
    the contents of the f_flag[s] member of the kernel file
    structure and the kernel's per-process open file flags (if
    available); `G' causes them to be displayed in hexadecimal;
    `g', as short-hand names; two lists may be displayed with
    entries separated by commas, the lists separated by a semi-
    colon (`;'); the first list may contain short-hand names for
    f_flag[s] values from the following table:

    AIO asynchronous I/O (e.g., FAIO)
    AP append
    ASYN asynchronous I/O (e.g., FASYNC)
    BAS block, test, and set in use
    BKIU block if in use
    BL use block offsets
    BSK block seek
    CA copy avoid
    CIO concurrent I/O
    CLON clone
    CLRD CL read
    CR create
    DF defer
    DFI defer IND
    DFLU data flush
    DIR direct
    DLY delay
    DOCL do clone
    DSYN data-only integrity
    DTY must be a directory
    EVO event only
    EX open for exec
    EXCL exclusive open
    FSYN synchronous writes
    GCDF defer during unp_gc() (AIX)
    GCMK mark during unp_gc() (AIX)
    GTTY accessed via /dev/tty
    HUP HUP in progress
    KERN kernel
    KIOC kernel-issued ioctl
    LCK has lock
    LG large file
    MBLK stream message block
    MK mark
    MNT mount
    MSYN multiplex synchronization
    NATM don't update atime
    NB non-blocking I/O
    NBDR no BDRM check
    NBIO SYSV non-blocking I/O
    NBF n-buffering in effect
    NC no cache
    ND no delay
    NDSY no data synchronization
    NET network
    NFLK don't follow links
    NMFS NM file system
    NOTO disable background stop
    NSH no share
    NTTY no controlling TTY
    OLRM OLR mirror
    PAIO POSIX asynchronous I/O
    PP POSIX pipe
    R read
    RC file and record locking cache
    REV revoked
    RSH shared read
    RSYN read synchronization
    RW read and write access
    SL shared lock
    SNAP cooked snapshot
    SOCK socket
    SQSH Sequent shared set on open
    SQSV Sequent SVM set on open
    SQR Sequent set repair on open
    SQS1 Sequent full shared open
    SQS2 Sequent partial shared open
    STPI stop I/O
    SWR synchronous read
    SYN file integrity while writing
    TCPM avoid TCP collision
    TR truncate
    W write
    WKUP parallel I/O synchronization
    WTG parallel I/O synchronization
    VH vhangup pending
    VTXT virtual text
    XL exclusive lock

    this list of names was derived from F* #define's in dialect
    header files <fcntl.h>, <linux</fs.h>, <sys/fcntl.c>,
    <sys/fcntlcom.h>, and <sys/file.h>; see the lsof.h header
    file for a list showing the correspondence between the above
    short-hand names and the header file definitions;

    the second list (after the semicolon) may contain short-hand
    names for kernel per-process open file flags from this ta-

    ALLC allocated
    BR the file has been read
    BHUP activity stopped by SIGHUP
    BW the file has been written
    CLSG closing
    CX close-on-exec (see fcntl(F_SETFD))
    LCK lock was applied
    MP memory-mapped
    OPIP open pending - in progress
    RSVW reserved wait
    USE in use (multi-threaded)

    NODE-ID (or INODE-ADDR for some dialects) contains a unique identi-
    fier for the file node (usually the kernel vnode or inode
    address, but also occasionally a concatenation of device and
    node number) when n has been specified to +f;

    DEVICE contains the device numbers, separated by commas, for a
    character special, block special, regular, directory or NFS

    or ``memory'' for a memory file system node under Tru64

    or the address of the private data area of a Solaris socket

    or a kernel reference address that identifies the file (The
    kernel reference address may be used for FIFO's, for exam-

    or the base address or device name of a Linux AX.25 socket

    Usually only the lower thirty two bits of Tru64 UNIX kernel
    addresses are displayed.

    is the size of the file or the file offset in bytes. A
    value is displayed in this column only if it is available.
    Lsof displays whatever value - size or offset - is appropri-
    ate for the type of the file and the version of lsof.

    On some UNIX dialects lsof can't obtain accurate or consis-
    tent file offset information from its kernel data sources,
    sometimes just for particular kinds of files (e.g., socket
    files.) In other cases, files don't have true sizes - e.g.,
    sockets, FIFOs, pipes - so lsof displays for their sizes the
    content amounts it finds in their kernel buffer descriptors
    (e.g., socket buffer size counts or TCP/IP window sizes.)
    Consult the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.)
    for more information.

    The file size is displayed in decimal; the offset is nor-
    mally displayed in decimal with a leading ``0t'' if it con-
    tains 8 digits or less; in hexadecimal with a leading ``0x''
    if it is longer than 8 digits. (Consult the -o o option
    description for information on when 8 might default to some
    other value.)

    Thus the leading ``0t'' and ``0x'' identify an offset when
    the column may contain both a size and an offset (i.e., its
    title is SIZE/OFF).

    If the -o option is specified, lsof always displays the file
    offset (or nothing if no offset is available) and labels the
    column OFFSET. The offset always begins with ``0t'' or
    ``0x'' as described above.

    The lsof user can control the switch from ``0t'' to ``0x''
    with the -o o option. Consult its description for more

    If the -s option is specified, lsof always displays the file
    size (or nothing if no size is available) and labels the
    column SIZE. The -o and -s options are mutually exclusive;
    they can't both be specified.

    For files that don't have a fixed size - e.g., don't reside
    on a disk device - lsof will display appropriate information
    about the current size or position of the file if it is
    available in the kernel structures that define the file.

    NLINK contains the file link count when +L has been specified;

    NODE is the node number of a local file;

    or the inode number of an NFS file in the server host;

    or the Internet protocol type - e.g, ``TCP'';

    or ``STR'' for a stream;

    or ``CCITT'' for an HP-UX x.25 socket;

    or the IRQ or inode number of a Linux AX.25 socket device.

    NAME is the name of the mount point and file system on which the
    file resides;

    or the name of a file specified in the names option (after
    any symbolic links have been resolved);

    or the name of a character special or block special device;

    or the local and remote Internet addresses of a network
    file; the local host name or IP number is followed by a
    colon (':'), the port, ``->'', and the two-part remote
    address; IP addresses may be reported as numbers or names,
    depending on the +|-M, -n, and -P options; colon-separated
    IPv6 numbers are enclosed in square brackets; IPv4
    INADDR_ANY and IPv6 IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED addresses, and
    zero port numbers are represented by an asterisk ('*'); a
    UDP destination address may be followed by the amount of
    time elapsed since the last packet was sent to the destina-
    tion; TCP, UDP and UDPLITE remote addresses may be followed
    by TCP/TPI information in parentheses - state (e.g.,
    ``(ESTABLISHED)'', ``(Unbound)''), queue sizes, and window
    sizes (not all dialects) - in a fashion similar to what net-
    stat(1) reports; see the -T option description or the
    description of the TCP/TPI field in OUTPUT FOR OTHER PRO-
    GRAMS for more information on state, queue size, and window

    or the address or name of a UNIX domain socket, possibly
    including a stream clone device name, a file system object's
    path name, local and foreign kernel addresses, socket pair
    information, and a bound vnode address;

    or the local and remote mount point names of an NFS file;

    or ``STR'', followed by the stream name;

    or a stream character device name, followed by ``->'' and
    the stream name or a list of stream module names, separated
    by ``->'';

    or ``STR:'' followed by the SCO OpenServer stream device and
    module names, separated by ``->'';

    or system directory name, `` -- '', and as many components
    of the path name as lsof can find in the kernel's name cache
    for selected dialects (See the KERNEL NAME CACHE section for
    more information.);

    or ``PIPE->'', followed by a Solaris kernel pipe destination

    or ``COMMON:'', followed by the vnode device information
    structure's device name, for a Solaris common vnode;

    or the address family, followed by a slash (`/'), followed
    by fourteen comma-separated bytes of a non-Internet raw
    socket address;

    or the HP-UX x.25 local address, followed by the virtual
    connection number (if any), followed by the remote address
    (if any);

    or ``(dead)'' for disassociated Tru64 UNIX files - typically
    terminal files that have been flagged with the TIOCNOTTY
    ioctl and closed by daemons;

    or ``rd=<offset>'' and ``wr=<offset>'' for the values of the
    read and write offsets of a FIFO;

    or ``clone n:/dev/event'' for SCO OpenServer file clones of
    the /dev/event device, where n is the minor device number of
    the file;

    or ``(socketpair: n)'' for a Solaris 2.6, 8, 9 or 10 UNIX
    domain socket, created by the socketpair(3N) network func-

    or ``no PCB'' for socket files that do not have a protocol
    block associated with them, optionally followed by ``,
    CANTSENDMORE'' if sending on the socket has been disabled,
    or ``, CANTRCVMORE'' if receiving on the socket has been
    disabled (e.g., by the shutdown(2) function);

    or the local and remote addresses of a Linux IPX socket file
    in the form <net>:[<node>:]<port>, followed in parentheses
    by the transmit and receive queue sizes, and the connection

    or ``dgram'' or ``stream'' for the type UnixWare 7.1.1 and
    above in-kernel UNIX domain sockets, followed by a colon
    (':') and the local path name when available, followed by
    ``->'' and the remote path name or kernel socket address in
    hexadecimal when available;

    or the association value, association index, endpoint value,
    local address, local port, remote address and remote port
    for Linux SCTP sockets;

    or ``protocol: '' followed by the Linux socket's protocol

    For dialects that support a ``namefs'' file system, allowing one file
    to be attached to another with fattach(3C), lsof will add
    ``(FA:<address1><direction><address2>)'' to the NAME column.
    <address1> and <address2> are hexadecimal vnode addresses. <direction>
    will be ``<-'' if <address2> has been fattach'ed to this vnode whose
    address is <address1>; and ``->'' if <address1>, the vnode address of
    this vnode, has been fattach'ed to <address2>. <address1> may be omit-
    ted if it already appears in the DEVICE column.

    Lsof may add two parenthetical notes to the NAME column for open
    Solaris 10 files: ``(?)'' if lsof considers the path name of question-
    able accuracy; and ``(deleted)'' if the -X option has been specified
    and lsof detects the open file's path name has been deleted. Consult
    the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.) for more informa-
    tion on these NAME column additions.

    Lsof can't adequately report the wide variety of UNIX dialect file
    locks in a single character. What it reports in a single character is
    a compromise between the information it finds in the kernel and the
    limitations of the reporting format.

    Moreover, when a process holds several byte level locks on a file, lsof
    only reports the status of the first lock it encounters. If it is a
    byte level lock, then the lock character will be reported in lower case
    - i.e., `r', `w', or `x' - rather than the upper case equivalent
    reported for a full file lock.

    Generally lsof can only report on locks held by local processes on
    local files. When a local process sets a lock on a remotely mounted
    (e.g., NFS) file, the remote server host usually records the lock
    state. One exception is Solaris - at some patch levels of 2.3, and in
    all versions above 2.4, the Solaris kernel records information on
    remote locks in local structures.

    Lsof has trouble reporting locks for some UNIX dialects. Consult the
    BUGS section of this manual page or the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives
    its location.) for more information.

    When the -F option is specified, lsof produces output that is suitable
    for processing by another program - e.g, an awk or Perl script, or a C

    Each unit of information is output in a field that is identified with a
    leading character and terminated by a NL (012) (or a NUL (000) if the 0
    (zero) field identifier character is specified.) The data of the field
    follows immediately after the field identification character and
    extends to the field terminator.

    It is possible to think of field output as process and file sets. A
    process set begins with a field whose identifier is `p' (for process
    IDentifier (PID)). It extends to the beginning of the next PID field
    or the beginning of the first file set of the process, whichever comes
    first. Included in the process set are fields that identify the com-
    mand, the process group IDentification (PGID) number, the task (thread)
    ID (TID), and the user ID (UID) number or login name.

    A file set begins with a field whose identifier is `f' (for file
    descriptor). It is followed by lines that describe the file's access
    mode, lock state, type, device, size, offset, inode, protocol, name and
    stream module names. It extends to the beginning of the next file or
    process set, whichever comes first.

    When the NUL (000) field terminator has been selected with the 0 (zero)
    field identifier character, lsof ends each process and file set with a
    NL (012) character.

    Lsof always produces one field, the PID (`p') field. All other fields
    may be declared optionally in the field identifier character list that
    follows the -F option. When a field selection character identifies an
    item lsof does not normally list - e.g., PPID, selected with -R - spec-
    ification of the field character - e.g., ``-FR'' - also selects the
    listing of the item.

    It is entirely possible to select a set of fields that cannot easily be
    parsed - e.g., if the field descriptor field is not selected, it may be
    difficult to identify file sets. To help you avoid this difficulty,
    lsof supports the -F option; it selects the output of all fields with
    NL terminators (the -F0 option pair selects the output of all fields
    with NUL terminators). For compatibility reasons neither -F nor -F0
    select the raw device field.

    These are the fields that lsof will produce. The single character
    listed first is the field identifier.

    a file access mode
    c process command name (all characters from proc or
    user structure)
    C file structure share count
    d file's device character code
    D file's major/minor device number (0x<hexadecimal>)
    f file descriptor (always selected)
    F file structure address (0x<hexadecimal>)
    G file flaGs (0x<hexadecimal>; names if +fg follows)
    g process group ID
    i file's inode number
    K tasK ID
    k link count
    l file's lock status
    L process login name
    m marker between repeated output
    n file name, comment, Internet address
    N node identifier (ox<hexadecimal>
    o file's offset (decimal)
    p process ID (always selected)
    P protocol name
    r raw device number (0x<hexadecimal>)
    R parent process ID
    s file's size (decimal)
    S file's stream identification
    t file's type
    T TCP/TPI information, identified by prefixes (the
    `=' is part of the prefix):
    QR=<read queue size>
    QS=<send queue size>
    SO=<socket options and values> (not all dialects)
    SS=<socket states> (not all dialects)
    ST=<connection state>
    TF=<TCP flags and values> (not all dialects)
    WR=<window read size> (not all dialects)
    WW=<window write size> (not all dialects)
    (TCP/TPI information isn't reported for all supported
    UNIX dialects. The -h or -? help output for the
    -T option will show what TCP/TPI reporting can be
    u process user ID
    z Solaris 10 and higher zone name
    Z SELinux security context (inhibited when SELinux is disabled)
    0 use NUL field terminator character in place of NL
    1-9 dialect-specific field identifiers (The output
    of -F? identifies the information to be found
    in dialect-specific fields.)

    You can get on-line help information on these characters and their
    descriptions by specifying the -F? option pair. (Escape the `?' char-
    acter as your shell requires.) Additional information on field content
    can be found in the OUTPUT section.

    As an example, ``-F pcfn'' will select the process ID (`p'), command
    name (`c'), file descriptor (`f') and file name (`n') fields with an NL
    field terminator character; ``-F pcfn0'' selects the same output with a
    NUL (000) field terminator character.

    Lsof doesn't produce all fields for every process or file set, only
    those that are available. Some fields are mutually exclusive: file
    device characters and file major/minor device numbers; file inode num-
    ber and protocol name; file name and stream identification; file size
    and offset. One or the other member of these mutually exclusive sets
    will appear in field output, but not both.

    Normally lsof ends each field with a NL (012) character. The 0 (zero)
    field identifier character may be specified to change the field termi-
    nator character to a NUL (000). A NUL terminator may be easier to
    process with xargs (1), for example, or with programs whose quoting
    mechanisms may not easily cope with the range of characters in the
    field output. When the NUL field terminator is in use, lsof ends each
    process and file set with a NL (012).

    Three aids to producing programs that can process lsof field output are
    included in the lsof distribution. The first is a C header file,
    lsof_fields.h, that contains symbols for the field identification char-
    acters, indexes for storing them in a table, and explanation strings
    that may be compiled into programs. Lsof uses this header file.

    The second aid is a set of sample scripts that process field output,
    written in awk, Perl 4, and Perl 5. They're located in the scripts
    subdirectory of the lsof distribution.

    The third aid is the C library used for the lsof test suite. The test
    suite is written in C and uses field output to validate the correct
    operation of lsof. The library can be found in the tests/LTlib.c file
    of the lsof distribution. The library uses the first aid, the
    lsof_fields.h header file.

    Lsof can be blocked by some kernel functions that it uses - lstat(2),
    readlink(2), and stat(2). These functions are stalled in the kernel,
    for example, when the hosts where mounted NFS file systems reside
    become inaccessible.

    Lsof attempts to break these blocks with timers and child processes,
    but the techniques are not wholly reliable. When lsof does manage to
    break a block, it will report the break with an error message. The
    messages may be suppressed with the -t and -w options.

    The default timeout value may be displayed with the -h or -? option,
    and it may be changed with the -S [t] option. The minimum for t is two
    seconds, but you should avoid small values, since slow system respon-
    siveness can cause short timeouts to expire unexpectedly and perhaps
    stop lsof before it can produce any output.

    When lsof has to break a block during its access of mounted file system
    information, it normally continues, although with less information
    available to display about open files.

    Lsof can also be directed to avoid the protection of timers and child
    processes when using the kernel functions that might block by specify-
    ing the -O option. While this will allow lsof to start up with less
    overhead, it exposes lsof completely to the kernel situations that
    might block it. Use this option cautiously.

    You can use the -b option to tell lsof to avoid using kernel functions
    that would block. Some cautions apply.

    First, using this option usually requires that your system supply
    alternate device numbers in place of the device numbers that lsof would
    normally obtain with the lstat(2) and stat(2) kernel functions. See
    the ALTERNATE DEVICE NUMBERS section for more information on alternate
    device numbers.

    Second, you can't specify names for lsof to locate unless they're file
    system names. This is because lsof needs to know the device and inode
    numbers of files listed with names in the lsof options, and the -b
    option prevents lsof from obtaining them. Moreover, since lsof only
    has device numbers for the file systems that have alternates, its abil-
    ity to locate files on file systems depends completely on the avail-
    ability and accuracy of the alternates. If no alternates are avail-
    able, or if they're incorrect, lsof won't be able to locate files on
    the named file systems.

    Third, if the names of your file system directories that lsof obtains
    from your system's mount table are symbolic links, lsof won't be able
    to resolve the links. This is because the -b option causes lsof to
    avoid the kernel readlink(2) function it uses to resolve symbolic

    Finally, using the -b option causes lsof to issue warning messages when
    it needs to use the kernel functions that the -b option directs it to
    avoid. You can suppress these messages by specifying the -w option,
    but if you do, you won't see the alternate device numbers reported in
    the warning messages.

    On some dialects, when lsof has to break a block because it can't get
    information about a mounted file system via the lstat(2) and stat(2)
    kernel functions, or because you specified the -b option, lsof can
    obtain some of the information it needs - the device number and possi-
    bly the file system type - from the system mount table. When that is
    possible, lsof will report the device number it obtained. (You can
    suppress the report by specifying the -w option.)

    You can assist this process if your mount table is supported with an
    /etc/mtab or /etc/mnttab file that contains an options field by adding
    a ``dev=xxxx'' field for mount points that do not have one in their
    options strings. Note: you must be able to edit the file - i.e., some
    mount tables like recent Solaris /etc/mnttab or Linux /proc/mounts are
    read-only and can't be modified.

    You may also be able to supply device numbers using the +m and +m m
    options, provided they are supported by your dialect. Check the output
    of lsof's -h or -? options to see if the +m and +m m options are

    The ``xxxx'' portion of the field is the hexadecimal value of the file
    system's device number. (Consult the st_dev field of the output of the
    lstat(2) and stat(2) functions for the appropriate values for your file
    systems.) Here's an example from a Sun Solaris 2.6 /etc/mnttab for a
    file system remotely mounted via NFS:

    nfs ignore,noquota,dev=2a40001

    There's an advantage to having ``dev=xxxx'' entries in your mount table
    file, especially for file systems that are mounted from remote NFS
    servers. When a remote server crashes and you want to identify its
    users by running lsof on one of its clients, lsof probably won't be
    able to get output from the lstat(2) and stat(2) functions for the file
    system. If it can obtain the file system's device number from the
    mount table, it will be able to display the files open on the crashed
    NFS server.

    Some dialects that do not use an ASCII /etc/mtab or /etc/mnttab file
    for the mount table may still provide an alternative device number in
    their internal mount tables. This includes AIX, Apple Darwin, FreeBSD,
    NetBSD, OpenBSD, and Tru64 UNIX. Lsof knows how to obtain the alterna-
    tive device number for these dialects and uses it when its attempt to
    lstat(2) or stat(2) the file system is blocked.

    If you're not sure your dialect supplies alternate device numbers for
    file systems from its mount table, use this lsof incantation to see if
    it reports any alternate device numbers:

    lsof -b

    Look for standard error file warning messages that begin ``assuming
    "dev=xxxx" from ...''.

    Lsof is able to examine the kernel's name cache or use other kernel
    facilities (e.g., the ADVFS 4.x tag_to_path() function under Tru64
    UNIX) on some dialects for most file system types, excluding AFS, and
    extract recently used path name components from it. (AFS file system
    path lookups don't use the kernel's name cache; some Solaris VxFS file
    system operations apparently don't use it, either.)

    Lsof reports the complete paths it finds in the NAME column. If lsof
    can't report all components in a path, it reports in the NAME column
    the file system name, followed by a space, two `-' characters, another
    space, and the name components it has located, separated by the `/'

    When lsof is run in repeat mode - i.e., with the -r option specified -
    the extent to which it can report path name components for the same
    file may vary from cycle to cycle. That's because other running pro-
    cesses can cause the kernel to remove entries from its name cache and
    replace them with others.

    Lsof's use of the kernel name cache to identify the paths of files can
    lead it to report incorrect components under some circumstances. This
    can happen when the kernel name cache uses device and node number as a
    key (e.g., SCO OpenServer) and a key on a rapidly changing file system
    is reused. If the UNIX dialect's kernel doesn't purge the name cache
    entry for a file when it is unlinked, lsof may find a reference to the
    wrong entry in the cache. The lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its
    location.) has more information on this situation.

    Lsof can report path name components for these dialects:

    SCO OpenServer
    SCO|Caldera UnixWare
    Tru64 UNIX

    Lsof can't report path name components for these dialects:


    If you want to know why lsof can't report path name components for some
    dialects, see the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.)

    Examining all members of the /dev (or /devices) node tree with stat(2)
    functions can be time consuming. What's more, the information that
    lsof needs - device number, inode number, and path - rarely changes.

    Consequently, lsof normally maintains an ASCII text file of cached /dev
    (or /devices) information (exception: the /proc-based Linux lsof where
    it's not needed.) The local system administrator who builds lsof can
    control the way the device cache file path is formed, selecting from
    these options:

    Path from the -D option;
    Path from an environment variable;
    System-wide path;
    Personal path (the default);
    Personal path, modified by an environment variable.

    Consult the output of the -h, -D? , or -? help options for the current
    state of device cache support. The help output lists the default
    read-mode device cache file path that is in effect for the current
    invocation of lsof. The -D? option output lists the read-only and
    write device cache file paths, the names of any applicable environment
    variables, and the personal device cache path format.

    Lsof can detect that the current device cache file has been acciden-
    tally or maliciously modified by integrity checks, including the compu-
    tation and verification of a sixteen bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
    sum on the file's contents. When lsof senses something wrong with the
    file, it issues a warning and attempts to remove the current cache file
    and create a new copy, but only to a path that the process can legiti-
    mately write.

    The path from which a lsof process may attempt to read a device cache
    file may not be the same as the path to which it can legitimately
    write. Thus when lsof senses that it needs to update the device cache
    file, it may choose a different path for writing it from the path from
    which it read an incorrect or outdated version.

    If available, the -Dr option will inhibit the writing of a new device
    cache file. (It's always available when specified without a path name

    When a new device is added to the system, the device cache file may
    need to be recreated. Since lsof compares the mtime of the device
    cache file with the mtime and ctime of the /dev (or /devices) direc-
    tory, it usually detects that a new device has been added; in that case
    lsof issues a warning message and attempts to rebuild the device cache

    Whenever lsof writes a device cache file, it sets its ownership to the
    real UID of the executing process, and its permission modes to 0600,
    this restricting its reading and writing to the file's owner.

    Two permissions of the lsof executable affect its ability to access
    device cache files. The permissions are set by the local system admin-
    istrator when lsof is installed.

    The first and rarer permission is setuid-root. It comes into effect
    when lsof is executed; its effective UID is then root, while its real
    (i.e., that of the logged-on user) UID is not. The lsof distribution
    recommends that versions for these dialects run setuid-root.

    HP-UX 11.11 and 11.23

    The second and more common permission is setgid. It comes into effect
    when the effective group IDentification number (GID) of the lsof
    process is set to one that can access kernel memory devices - e.g.,
    ``kmem'', ``sys'', or ``system''.

    An lsof process that has setgid permission usually surrenders the per-
    mission after it has accessed the kernel memory devices. When it does
    that, lsof can allow more liberal device cache path formations. The
    lsof distribution recommends that versions for these dialects run set-
    gid and be allowed to surrender setgid permission.

    AIX 5.[12] and 5.3-ML1
    Apple Darwin 7.x Power Macintosh systems
    FreeBSD 4.x, 4.1x, 5.x and [6789].x for x86-based systems
    FreeBSD 5.x and [6789].x for Alpha, AMD64 and Sparc64-based
    HP-UX 11.00
    NetBSD 1.[456], 2.x and 3.x for Alpha, x86, and SPARC-based
    NEXTSTEP 3.[13] for NEXTSTEP architectures
    OpenBSD 2.[89] and 3.[0-9] for x86-based systems
    OPENSTEP 4.x
    SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.6 for x86-based systems
    SCO|Caldera UnixWare 7.1.4 for x86-based systems
    Solaris 2.6, 8, 9 and 10
    Tru64 UNIX 5.1

    (Note: lsof for AIX 5L and above needs setuid-root permission if its -X
    option is used.)

    Lsof for these dialects does not support a device cache, so the permis-
    sions given to the executable don't apply to the device cache file.


    The -D option provides limited means for specifying the device cache
    file path. Its ? function will report the read-only and write device
    cache file paths that lsof will use.

    When the -D b, r, and u functions are available, you can use them to
    request that the cache file be built in a specific location (b[path]);
    read but not rebuilt (r[path]); or read and rebuilt (u[path]). The b,
    r, and u functions are restricted under some conditions. They are
    restricted when the lsof process is setuid-root. The path specified
    with the r function is always read-only, even when it is available.

    The b, r, and u functions are also restricted when the lsof process
    runs setgid and lsof doesn't surrender the setgid permission. (See the
    list of implementations that normally don't surrender their setgid per-

    A further -D function, i (for ignore), is always available.

    When available, the b function tells lsof to read device information
    from the kernel with the stat(2) function and build a device cache file
    at the indicated path.

    When available, the r function tells lsof to read the device cache
    file, but not update it. When a path argument accompanies -Dr, it
    names the device cache file path. The r function is always available
    when it is specified without a path name argument. If lsof is not run-
    ning setuid-root and surrenders its setgid permission, a path name
    argument may accompany the r function.

    When available, the u function tells lsof to attempt to read and use
    the device cache file. If it can't read the file, or if it finds the
    contents of the file incorrect or outdated, it will read information
    from the kernel, and attempt to write an updated version of the device
    cache file, but only to a path it considers legitimate for the lsof
    process effective and real UIDs.

    Lsof's second choice for the device cache file is the contents of the
    LSOFDEVCACHE environment variable. It avoids this choice if the lsof
    process is setuid-root, or the real UID of the process is root.

    A further restriction applies to a device cache file path taken from
    the LSOFDEVCACHE environment variable: lsof will not write a device
    cache file to the path if the lsof process doesn't surrender its setgid
    ACCESS section for information on implementations that don't surrender
    their setgid permission.)

    The local system administrator can disable the use of the LSOFDEVCACHE
    environment variable or change its name when building lsof. Consult
    the output of -D? for the environment variable's name.

    The local system administrator may choose to have a system-wide device
    cache file when building lsof. That file will generally be constructed
    by a special system administration procedure when the system is booted
    or when the contents of /dev or /devices) changes. If defined, it is
    lsof's third device cache file path choice.

    You can tell that a system-wide device cache file is in effect for your
    local installation by examining the lsof help option output - i.e., the
    output from the -h or -? option.

    Lsof will never write to the system-wide device cache file path by
    default. It must be explicitly named with a -D function in a
    root-owned procedure. Once the file has been written, the procedure
    must change its permission modes to 0644 (owner-read and owner-write,
    group-read, and other-read).

    The default device cache file path of the lsof distribution is one
    recorded in the home directory of the real UID that executes lsof.
    Added to the home directory is a second path component of the form

    This is lsof's fourth device cache file path choice, and is usually the
    default. If a system-wide device cache file path was defined when lsof
    was built, this fourth choice will be applied when lsof can't find the
    system-wide device cache file. This is the only time lsof uses two
    paths when reading the device cache file.

    The hostname part of the second component is the base name of the exe-
    cuting host, as returned by gethostname(2). The base name is defined
    to be the characters preceding the first `.' in the gethostname(2)
    output, or all the gethostname(2) output if it contains no `.'.

    The device cache file belongs to the user ID and is readable and
    writable by the user ID alone - i.e., its modes are 0600. Each dis-
    tinct real user ID on a given host that executes lsof has a distinct
    device cache file. The hostname part of the path distinguishes device
    cache files in an NFS-mounted home directory into which device cache
    files are written from several different hosts.

    The personal device cache file path formed by this method represents a
    device cache file that lsof will attempt to read, and will attempt to
    write should it not exist or should its contents be incorrect or out-

    The -Dr option without a path name argument will inhibit the writing of
    a new device cache file.

    The -D? option will list the format specification for constructing the
    personal device cache file. The conversions used in the format speci-
    fication are described in the 00DCACHE file of the lsof distribution.

    If this option is defined by the local system administrator when lsof
    is built, the LSOFPERSDCPATH environment variable contents may be used
    to add a component of the personal device cache file path.

    The LSOFPERSDCPATH variable contents are inserted in the path at the
    place marked by the local system administrator with the ``%p'' conver-
    sion in the HASPERSDC format specification of the dialect's machine.h
    header file. (It's placed right after the home directory in the
    default lsof distribution.)

    Thus, for example, if LSOFPERSDCPATH contains ``LSOF'', the home direc-
    tory is ``/Homes/abe'', the host name is ``lsof.itap.purdue.edu'', and
    the HASPERSDC format is the default (``%h/%p.lsof_%L''), the modified
    personal device cache file path is:


    The LSOFPERSDCPATH environment variable is ignored when the lsof
    process is setuid-root or when the real UID of the process is root.

    Lsof will not write to a modified personal device cache file path if
    the lsof process doesn't surrender setgid permission. (See the LSOF
    implementations that normally don't surrender their setgid permission.)

    If, for example, you want to create a sub-directory of personal device
    cache file paths by using the LSOFPERSDCPATH environment variable to
    name it, and lsof doesn't surrender its setgid permission, you will
    have to allow lsof to create device cache files at the standard per-
    sonal path and move them to your subdirectory with shell commands.

    The local system administrator may: disable this option when lsof is
    built; change the name of the environment variable from LSOFPERSDCPATH
    to something else; change the HASPERSDC format to include the personal
    path component in another place; or exclude the personal path component
    entirely. Consult the output of the -D? option for the environment
    variable's name and the HASPERSDC format specification.

    Errors are identified with messages on the standard error file.

    Lsof returns a one (1) if any error was detected, including the failure
    to locate command names, file names, Internet addresses or files, login
    names, NFS files, PIDs, PGIDs, or UIDs it was asked to list. If the -V
    option is specified, lsof will indicate the search items it failed to

    It returns a zero (0) if no errors were detected and if it was able to
    list some information about all the specified search arguments.

    When lsof cannot open access to /dev (or /devices) or one of its subdi-
    rectories, or get information on a file in them with stat(2), it issues
    a warning message and continues. That lsof will issue warning messages
    about inaccessible files in /dev (or /devices) is indicated in its help
    output - requested with the -h or >B -? options - with the message:

    Inaccessible /dev warnings are enabled.

    The warning message may be suppressed with the -w option. It may also
    have been suppressed by the system administrator when lsof was compiled
    by the setting of the WARNDEVACCESS definition. In this case, the out-
    put from the help options will include the message:

    Inaccessible /dev warnings are disabled.

    Inaccessible device warning messages usually disappear after lsof has
    created a working device cache file.

    For a more extensive set of examples, documented more fully, see the
    00QUICKSTART file of the lsof distribution.

    To list all open files, use:


    To list all open Internet, x.25 (HP-UX), and UNIX domain files, use:

    lsof -i -U

    To list all open IPv4 network files in use by the process whose PID is
    1234, use:

    lsof -i 4 -a -p 1234

    Presuming the UNIX dialect supports IPv6, to list only open IPv6 net-
    work files, use:

    lsof -i 6

    To list all files using any protocol on ports 513, 514, or 515 of host
    wonderland.cc.purdue.edu, use:

    lsof -i @wonderland.cc.purdue.edu:513-515

    To list all files using any protocol on any port of mace.cc.purdue.edu
    (cc.purdue.edu is the default domain), use:

    lsof -i @mace

    To list all open files for login name ``abe'', or user ID 1234, or
    process 456, or process 123, or process 789, use:

    lsof -p 456,123,789 -u 1234,abe

    To list all open files on device /dev/hd4, use:

    lsof /dev/hd4

    To find the process that has /u/abe/foo open, use:

    lsof /u/abe/foo

    To send a SIGHUP to the processes that have /u/abe/bar open, use:

    kill -HUP `lsof -t /u/abe/bar`

    To find any open file, including an open UNIX domain socket file, with
    the name /dev/log, use:

    lsof /dev/log

    To find processes with open files on the NFS file system named
    /nfs/mount/point whose server is inaccessible, and presuming your mount
    table supplies the device number for /nfs/mount/point, use:

    lsof -b /nfs/mount/point

    To do the preceding search with warning messages suppressed, use:

    lsof -bw /nfs/mount/point

    To ignore the device cache file, use:

    lsof -Di

    To obtain PID and command name field output for each process, file
    descriptor, file device number, and file inode number for each file of
    each process, use:

    lsof -FpcfDi

    To list the files at descriptors 1 and 3 of every process running the
    lsof command for login ID ``abe'' every 10 seconds, use:

    lsof -c lsof -a -d 1 -d 3 -u abe -r10

    To list the current working directory of processes running a command
    that is exactly four characters long and has an 'o' or 'O' in character
    three, use this regular expression form of the -c c option:

    lsof -c /^..o.$/i -a -d cwd

    To find an IP version 4 socket file by its associated numeric dot-form
    address, use:

    lsof -i@

    To find an IP version 6 socket file (when the UNIX dialect supports
    IPv6) by its associated numeric colon-form address, use:

    lsof -i@[0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7]

    To find an IP version 6 socket file (when the UNIX dialect supports
    IPv6) by an associated numeric colon-form address that has a run of
    zeroes in it - e.g., the loop-back address - use:

    lsof -i@[::1]

    To obtain a repeat mode marker line that contains the current time,

    lsof -rm====%T====

    To add spaces to the previous marker line, use:

    lsof -r "m==== %T ===="

    Since lsof reads kernel memory in its search for open files, rapid
    changes in kernel memory may produce unpredictable results.

    When a file has multiple record locks, the lock status character (fol-
    lowing the file descriptor) is derived from a test of the first lock
    structure, not from any combination of the individual record locks that
    might be described by multiple lock structures.

    Lsof can't search for files with restrictive access permissions by name
    unless it is installed with root set-UID permission. Otherwise it is
    limited to searching for files to which its user or its set-GID group
    (if any) has access permission.

    The display of the destination address of a raw socket (e.g., for ping)
    depends on the UNIX operating system. Some dialects store the destina-
    tion address in the raw socket's protocol control block, some do not.

    Lsof can't always represent Solaris device numbers in the same way that
    ls(1) does. For example, the major and minor device numbers that the
    lstat(2) and stat(2) functions report for the directory on which CD-ROM
    files are mounted (typically /cdrom) are not the same as the ones that
    it reports for the device on which CD-ROM files are mounted (typically
    /dev/sr0). (Lsof reports the directory numbers.)

    The support for /proc file systems is available only for BSD and Tru64
    UNIX dialects, Linux, and dialects derived from SYSV R4 - e.g., Free-
    BSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, UnixWare.

    Some /proc file items - device number, inode number, and file size -
    are unavailable in some dialects. Searching for files in a /proc file
    system may require that the full path name be specified.

    No text (txt) file descriptors are displayed for Linux processes. All
    entries for files other than the current working directory, the root
    directory, and numerical file descriptors are labeled mem descriptors.

    Lsof can't search for Tru64 UNIX named pipes by name, because their
    kernel implementation of lstat(2) returns an improper device number for
    a named pipe.

    Lsof can't report fully or correctly on HP-UX 9.01, 10.20, and 11.00
    locks because of insufficient access to kernel data or errors in the
    kernel data. See the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.)
    for details.

    The AIX SMT file type is a fabrication. It's made up for file struc-
    tures whose type (15) isn't defined in the AIX /usr/include/sys/file.h
    header file. One way to create such file structures is to run X
    clients with the DISPLAY variable set to ``:0.0''.

    The +|-f[cfgGn] option is not supported under /proc-based Linux lsof,
    because it doesn't read kernel structures from kernel memory.

    Lsof may access these environment variables.

    LANG defines a language locale. See setlocale(3) for the
    names of other variables that can be used in place of
    LANG - e.g., LC_ALL, LC_TYPE, etc.

    LSOFDEVCACHE defines the path to a device cache file. See the
    tion for more information.

    LSOFPERSDCPATH defines the middle component of a modified personal
    device cache file path. See the MODIFIED PERSONAL
    DEVICE CACHE PATH section for more information.

    Frequently-asked questions and their answers (an FAQ) are available in
    the 00FAQ file of the lsof distribution.

    That file is also available via anonymous ftp from lsof.itap.purdue.edu
    at pub/tools/unix/lsofFAQ. The URL is:


    /dev/kmem kernel virtual memory device

    /dev/mem physical memory device

    /dev/swap system paging device

    .lsof_hostname lsof's device cache file (The suffix, hostname, is
    the first component of the host's name returned by

    Lsof was written by Victor A.Abell <abe@purdue.edu> of Purdue Univer-
    sity. Many others have contributed to lsof. They're listed in the
    00CREDITS file of the lsof distribution.

    The latest distribution of lsof is available via anonymous ftp from the
    host lsof.itap.purdue.edu. You'll find the lsof distribution in the
    pub/tools/unix/lsof directory.

    You can also use this URL:


    Lsof is also mirrored elsewhere. When you access lsof.itap.purdue.edu
    and change to its pub/tools/unix/lsof directory, you'll be given a list
    of some mirror sites. The pub/tools/unix/lsof directory also contains
    a more complete list in its mirrors file. Use mirrors with caution -
    not all mirrors always have the latest lsof revision.

    Some pre-compiled Lsof executables are available on lsof.itap.pur-
    due.edu, but their use is discouraged - it's better that you build your
    own from the sources. If you feel you must use a pre-compiled exe-
    cutable, please read the cautions that appear in the README files of
    the pub/tools/unix/lsof/binaries subdirectories and in the 00* files of
    the distribution.

    More information on the lsof distribution can be found in its
    README.lsof_<version> file. If you intend to get the lsof distribution
    and build it, please read README.lsof_<version> and the other 00* files
    of the distribution before sending questions to the author.

    Not all the following manual pages may exist in every UNIX dialect to
    which lsof has been ported.

    access(2), awk(1), crash(1), fattach(3C), ff(1), fstat(8), fuser(1),
    gethostname(2), isprint(3), kill(1), localtime(3), lstat(2), mod-
    load(8), mount(8), netstat(1), ofiles(8L), perl(1), ps(1), readlink(2),
    setlocale(3), stat(2), strftime(3), time(2), uname(1).

    Revision-4.89 LSOF(8)

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