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  • db file sequential read 事件的优化(一)

    db file sequential read 事件的优化(一)

    db file sequential read等待事件有3个参数:file#,first block#,和block数量。在10g中,这等待事件受到用户I/O等待级别的影响。当处理db file sequential read等待事件的时候,牢记以下关键想法。

    l         Oracle进程需要一个当前不在SGA中的块,等待数据库块从磁盘读入到SGA中

    l         要看的两个重要的数字是单独会话的TIME_WAITED和AVERAGE_WAIT。

    l         重要db file sequential read等待时间最可能是一个应用问题。

    db file sequential read等待时间是由于执行对索引,回滚(undo)段,和表(当借助rowid来访问),控制文件和数据文件头的单块读操作SQL语句(用户和递归)引起的。

    对于这些对象的物理I/O请求是很正常的,因此db file sequential read等待的存在不是一定意味库或应用出错了。如果会话在这事件上花了好长事件,它可能也不是一个糟糕的事情。相反,如果会话花了大量时间在equeue或latch free上,那么一定是有问题。这儿单块读变的复杂了。


    目的:从得到各个session中db file sequential read等待事件的总的等待时间,和等待时间所占总的等待时间(各种等待事件的总和时间)的比例中分析哪一个sid更高,更重要。


    select a.sid,



           a.time_waited / c.sum_time_waited * 100 pct_wait_time,

           round((sysdate - b.logon_time) * 24) hours_connected

    from   v$session_event a, v$session b,

           (select sid, sum(time_waited) sum_time_waited

            from   v$session_event

            where  event not in (

                        'Null event',

                        'client message',

                        'KXFX: Execution Message Dequeue - Slave',

                        'PX Deq: Execution Msg',

                        'KXFQ: kxfqdeq - normal deqeue',

                        'PX Deq: Table Q Normal',

                        'Wait for credit - send blocked',

                        'PX Deq Credit: send blkd',

                        'Wait for credit - need buffer to send',

                        'PX Deq Credit: need buffer',

                        'Wait for credit - free buffer',

                        'PX Deq Credit: free buffer',

                        'parallel query dequeue wait',

                        'PX Deque wait',

                        'Parallel Query Idle Wait - Slaves',

                        'PX Idle Wait',

                        'slave wait',

                        'dispatcher timer',

                        'virtual circuit status',

                        'pipe get',

                        'rdbms ipc message',

                        'rdbms ipc reply',

                        'pmon timer',

                        'smon timer',

                        'PL/SQL lock timer',

                        'SQL*Net message from client',

                        'WMON goes to sleep')

            having sum(time_waited) > 0 group by sid) c

    where  a.sid         = b.sid

    and    a.sid         = c.sid

    and    a.time_waited > 0

    and    a.event       = 'db file sequential read'

    order by hours_connected desc, pct_wait_time;


    ---- ----------------------- ----------- ------------- ---------------

    186 db file sequential read       64446    77.0267848             105

    284 db file sequential read     1458405     90.992838             105

    194 db file sequential read     1458708    91.0204316             105

    322 db file sequential read     1462557    91.1577045             105

      139 db file sequential read      211325    52.6281055              11

             256 db file sequential read      247236    58.0469755              11

    ?192 db file sequential read      243113    88.0193625               2

    你能做两件事来最小化db file sequential read事件:

    l         通过降低physical和logical read来优化导致大多数wait的SQL语句

    l         降低平均等待时间




    目的:根据db file sequential read中的P1,P2两个参数得到对象名和分区名(该等待事件单块读等待的对象名和分区名),使用v$bh的缺点你必须等待块被读入到buffer cache中;否则X$BH视图在buffer中没有P1,P2参数所指的信息。DBA_OBJECTS视图也不包含P1和P2所指的rollback或undo段对象:


    select b.sid,


                      'P1='||b.p1||' P2='||b.p2||' P3='||b.p3) object_name,



    from   dba_objects a, v$session_wait b, x$bh c

    where  c.obj = a.object_id(+)

    and    b.p1 = c.file#(+)

    and    b.p2 = c.dbablk(+)

    and    b.event = 'db file sequential read'


    select b.sid,


                      'P1='||b.p1||' P2='||b.p2||' P3='||b.p3) object_name,



    from   dba_objects a, v$session_wait b, x$bh c

    where  c.obj = a.data_object_id(+)

    and    b.p1 = c.file#(+)

    and    b.p2 = c.dbablk(+)

    and    b.event = 'db file sequential read'

    order  by 1;


    ----- ------------------------- ------------------------- -----------------

       12 DVC_TRX_REPOS             DVC_TRX_REPOS_PR64        TABLE PARTITION

      128 DVC_TRX_REPOS             DVC_TRX_REPOS_PR61        TABLE PARTITION

      154 ERROR_QUEUE               ERROR_QUEUE_PR1           TABLE PARTITION

      192 DVC_TRX_REPOS_1IX         DVC_TRX_REPOS_20040416    INDEX PARTITION

      194 P1=22 P2=30801 P3=1

      322 P1=274 P2=142805 P3=1

      336 HOLD_Q1_LIST_PK                                     INDEX

    针对索引的sequential reads解决方案:


    select a.sid,        a.seq#,            a.event,    a.p1text,          a.p1,         a.p1raw,           a.p2text,   a.p2,          a.p2raw,      a.p3text,          a.p3,       a.p3raw,          a.wait_time,  a.seconds_in_wait, a.state,    b.serial#,          b.username,   b.osuser,          b.paddr,    b.logon_time,          b.process,    b.sql_hash_value,  b.saddr,    b.module,          b.row_wait_obj#, b.row_wait_file#, b.row_wait_block#,          b.row_wait_row#   from   v$session_wait a, v$session b   where  a.sid       = b.sid   and    b.username is not null   and    b.type     <> 'BACKGROUND'   and    a.event in (          'db file sequential read',          'db file scattered read',          'latch free',          'direct path read',          'direct path write',          'enqueue',          'library cache pin',          'library cache load lock',          'buffer busy waits',          'free buffer waits');

    select hash_value,address,piece,sql_text

       from v$sqltext

    where  hash_value = <cursor hash value>

    order by piece;

    2.如果执行计划是table access by index rowid,检查索引的clustering factor也是值得做的。

    select id.index_name,tb.table_name,id.clustering_factor,tb.num_rows,tb.blocks from dba_indexes id,dba_tables tb where id.table_name=tb.table_name and tb.table_name='&1' and tb.owner='&2';

    如果DBA_INDEXES.CLUSTERING_FACTOR接近表中块的数量,那么表中大多数行是排序的。这是期望的。然而,如果clustering factor接近表中行的数量,它意味着表中行是随机排列。这种情况,对于在同样叶块中的索引块来说,指向同样数据块中行是不可能的,因此它要求更多I/Os来完成这操作。你可以采取rebuilding表来改善索引clustering fator,为了行根据索引键来被排序,其后重建索引。如果表不只有一个索引,什么会发生?好,它会下降。你仅能迎合最多使用的索引


    select owner,

            substr(object_name,1,30) object_name,



    from   dba_objects

    where  object_type in ('INDEX','INDEX PARTITION')

    order by created;

          OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ和OPTIMIZER_INDEX_CACHING初始化参数能影响优化器去采用nested loops操作和在全表扫描上选择一个索引访问路径。OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ参数默认是100。较低的值哄骗优化器认为索引访问路径更便宜。OPTIMIZER_INDEX_CACHING参数默认值是0。较高的值通知优化器一个更高的百分比索引块已经在buffer cache中,nested loops操作更便宜。一些第三方的应用使用这方法来改善索引使用。这些参数的不合适的使用能导致重大的I/O等待时间。查明会话正以什么值运行。直到9i数据库,这信息仅能通过跟踪以trace event 10053的级别1的会话,并检查trace文件。在oracle10g中,这可以查询v$ses_optimizer_env视图。


          注意:当使用一个低estimate比例值分析表或索引的时候,oracle正常情况使用单个块读,这将增加该会话的db file sequential read统计数据(v$session_event)和实例(v$system_event)。

    针对表(table access by index rowid)的sequential reads

    你可以看db file sequential read等待事件,通过P1,P2参数得到是表而不是索引。对于SQL语句来说通过从索引获得的rowid访问表是正常的,如下面解释计划显示,当通过rowid来读一个表的时候,oracle使用一个单独块I/O:

    LVL OPERATION                         OBJECT               

    --- --------------------------------- --------------------- 



         3     INDEX RANGE SCAN              RESOURCE_ASGN_SNP_4IX

    db file sequential read 事件的优化(二)

    根据statspack报表优化oracle数据库实例之“DB file sequential read”





    常见的非空闲等待事件有:db file scattered read; db file sequential read; buffer busy waits; free buffer waits; enqueue; latch free; log file parallel write; log file sync.

    Db file sequential read的产生

    本文主要解释了db file sequence read文件分散读取等待事件产生的原因与优化的方法。

    db file sequential read等待时间是由于执行对索引,回滚(undo)段,和表(当借助rowid来访问),控制文件和数据文件头的单块读操作SQL语句(用户和递归)引起的。

    对于这些对象的物理I/O请求是很正常的,因此db file sequential read等待的存在不是一定意味库或应用出错了。如果会话在这事件上花了好长事件,它可能也不是一个糟糕的事情。相反,如果会话花了大量时间在equeue或latch free上,那么一定是有问题。这儿单块读变的复杂了。




    对于db file sequential read中,p1指数据文件ID,p2指block#号,p3指读取的block数量,这个事件一般不可避免,大多由于SQL使用索引不当,造成从磁盘上读取连续的数据,接近于全表扫描.可以通过db_file_multiblock_read_count参数来调整每次读取的block数,减少IO.


    Top 5 Timed Events

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                     % Total

    Event                                               Waits    Time (s) Ela Time

    -------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------- --------

    CPU time                                                          246    50.79

    db file sequential read                            98,012         208    43.01

    db file scattered read                              1,001          11     2.20

    direct path write                                   2,171           7     1.52

    control file parallel write                         1,404           3      .56


    获得db file sequential read等待时间占总等待时间的比例


        select a.sid,



           a.time_waited / c.sum_time_waited * 100 pct_wait_time,

           round((sysdate - b.logon_time) * 24) hours_connected

    from   v$session_event a, v$session b,

           (select sid, sum(time_waited) sum_time_waited

            from   v$session_event

            where  event not in (

                        'Null event',

                        'client message',

                        'KXFX: Execution Message Dequeue - Slave',

                        'PX Deq: Execution Msg',

                        'KXFQ: kxfqdeq - normal deqeue',

                        'PX Deq: Table Q Normal',

                        'Wait for credit - send blocked',

                        'PX Deq Credit: send blkd',

                        'Wait for credit - need buffer to send',

                        'PX Deq Credit: need buffer',

                        'Wait for credit - free buffer',

                        'PX Deq Credit: free buffer',

                        'parallel query dequeue wait',

                        'PX Deque wait',

                        'Parallel Query Idle Wait - Slaves',

                        'PX Idle Wait',

                        'slave wait',

                        'dispatcher timer',

                        'virtual circuit status',

                        'pipe get',

                        'rdbms ipc message',

                        'rdbms ipc reply',

                        'pmon timer',

                        'smon timer',

                        'PL/SQL lock timer',

                        'SQL*Net message from client',

                        'WMON goes to sleep')

            having sum(time_waited) > 0 group by sid) c

    where  a.sid         = b.sid

    and    a.sid         = c.sid

    and    a.time_waited > 0

    and    a.event       = 'db file sequential read'

    order by hours_connected desc, pct_wait_time;


    98    db file sequential read     1     100  0

    94    db file sequential read     298  100  26

    95    db file sequential read     1     100  0

    92    db file sequential read     5     100  0

    20    db file sequential read     19998     94.6695701571672 482

    89    db file sequential read     26641     93.6414762741652 482

    86    db file sequential read     3866       92.9997594419052 164

    60    db file sequential read     21699     92.6199419498037 385

    25    db file sequential read     15    88.2352941176471 381

    105  db file sequential read     17630     88.2294064658192 481

    39    db file sequential read     13782     84.2111694977392 482

    54    db file sequential read     294095    82.978999551381   143

    11    db file sequential read     11874      82.4297119055883 481

    58    db file sequential read     889  81.4848762603116 24

    61    db file sequential read     7436       80.7470952329243 482

    48    db file sequential read     231  76.2376237623762 455

    52    db file sequential read     12    75    471

    47    db file sequential read     3101       70.2219202898551 385

    31    db file sequential read     2749       64.5911654135338 385

    66    db file sequential read     78    63.4146341463415 138

    50    db file sequential read     9001       62.3079053025059 210

    69    db file sequential read     12505     61.5767185345677 210

    40    db file sequential read     55    60.4395604395604 138

    91    db file sequential read     80    56.3380281690141 2

    14    db file sequential read     199  54.2234332425068 471

    99    db file sequential read     59    54.1284403669725 138

    82    db file sequential read     67    53.6 138

    35    db file sequential read     85    50.8982035928144 138

    83    db file sequential read     192  49.6124031007752 471

    59    db file sequential read     25811      47.9758364312268 457

    9     db file sequential read     5858       47.5024326954265 210

    43    db file sequential read     63    47.3684210526316 138

    21    db file sequential read     71    46.7105263157895 138

    49    db file sequential read     36    43.9024390243902 138

    36    db file sequential read     98    43.1718061674009 40

    8     db file sequential read     180  38.7096774193548 471

    97    db file sequential read     35    35.3535353535354 138

    100  db file sequential read     409  32.9307568438003 483

    76    db file sequential read     348  32.6148078725398 483

    22    db file sequential read     26    29.8850574712644 116

    64    db file sequential read     314  28.8602941176471 483

    72    db file sequential read     313  27.4561403508772 483

    79    db file sequential read     270  27.1084337349398 483

    75    db file sequential read     238  26.5033407572383 482

    41    db file sequential read     293  26.3489208633094 483

    63    db file sequential read     245  25.7082896117524 483

    65    db file sequential read     351  25.0178189593728 482

    30    db file sequential read     189  24.1687979539642 143

    44    db file sequential read     21    24.1379310344828 116

    57    db file sequential read     17    23.943661971831   2

    24    db file sequential read     275  22.3395613322502 482

    26    db file sequential read     308  20.0782268578879 482

    62    db file sequential read     203  19.7663096397274 483

    19    db file sequential read     297  19.5910290237467 482

    90    db file sequential read     251  16.3517915309446 482

    71    db file sequential read     397  15.8736505397841 482

    55    db file sequential read     218  14.8907103825137 482

    33    db file sequential read     407  14.7785039941903 482

    74    db file sequential read     249  14.5359019264448 482

    80    db file sequential read     265  14.3243243243243 482

    77    db file sequential read     251  14.2532651902328 482

    5     db file sequential read     7734       12.6872159976378 1941

    56    db file sequential read     238  12.2997416020672 482

    84    db file sequential read     22    11.8279569892473 2

    96    db file sequential read     285  11.552492906364   482

    38    db file sequential read     236  9.33544303797468 482

    7     db file sequential read     65    8.38709677419355 1941

    29    db file sequential read     193  7.81376518218623 482

    12    db file sequential read     1     7.14285714285714 0

    42    db file sequential read     229  7.03533026113671 482

    37    db file sequential read     303  5.47623350804265 482

    6     db file sequential read     2931       4.48796472101427 1941

    87    db file sequential read     292  1.64247946900664 483

    28    db file sequential read     197  1.44047967241884 482

    32    db file sequential read     302  0.889674473412874      482

    17    db file sequential read     1     0.606060606060606      0

    45    db file sequential read     41    0.108110958759625      138



        动态性能视图v$SESSION_WAIT中的p1,和p2两个参数得到对象名和分区名。使用v$bh的缺点是你必须等待块被读入到buffer cache中,否则x$bh视图在buffer中没有p1,p2参数所指的信息。Dba_objects视图也不包含P1和P2所指的rollback和undo段对象。

       SELECT b.Sid,

              Nvl(Substr(a.Object_Name, 1, 30),

                  'P1=' || b.P1 || ' P2=' || b.P2 || ' P3=' || b.P3) Object_Name,



         FROM Dba_Objects    a,

              V$session_Wait b,

              Sys.X$bh       c

        WHERE c.Obj = a.Object_Id(+)

          AND b.P1 = c.File#(+)

          AND b.P2 = c.Dbablk(+)

          AND b.Event = 'db file sequential read'

          AND b.sid   = 12


       SELECT b.Sid,

              Nvl(Substr(a.Object_Name, 1, 30),

                  'P1=' || b.P1 || ' P2=' || b.P2 || ' P3=' || b.P3) Object_Name,



         FROM Dba_Objects    a,

              V$session_Wait b,

              X$bh           c

        WHERE c.Obj = a.Data_Object_Id(+)

          AND b.P1 = c.File#(+)

          AND b.P2 = c.Dbablk(+)

          AND b.Event = 'db file sequential read'

          AND b.sid   = 12

        ORDER BY 1;

    查找具有高disk read的语句

        我们可以通过如下两种方式来最小化db file sequential read事件:降低physical和logical read;降低平均等待时间。


    select disk_reads,HASH_VALUE

    from (select HASH_VALUE,disk_reads,

       dense_rank() over

         (order by disk_reads desc) disk_reads_rank

       from v$sql s)

    where disk_reads_rank <=100

    ORDER BY disk_reads_rank ;

    SELECT * FROM v$sqltext sl

    WHERE sl.HASH_VALUE = 384909134

    ORDER BY piece

    针对索引的sequential read解决方案

        使用上面的方式得到disk read较多的语句后,如果该语句的执行计划是table access by index rowed,检查索引的clustering factor是非常必要的。

    select id.index_name,tb.table_name,id.clustering_factor,tb.num_rows,tb.blocks from dba_indexes id,dba_tables tb where id.table_name=tb.table_name and tb.table_name='&1' and tb.owner='&2'

    在上述sql语句的输出结果中,如果dba_indexes.clustering_factor接近表中块的数量,那么表中大多数行是排序的。这是期望的,然而,如果clustering factor接近表中行的数量,它意味着表中的行是随机排列,这种情况对于同样叶块中的索引块来说,指向同样的数据块中的行是不可能的,因此它会导致更多的I/O来完成操作。你可以采取rebuilding表来改善索引clustering factor,为了行根据索引键来排序,其后重建索引。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/weixun/p/3055732.html
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