public abstract class Plane{ private abstract void fly(); private abstract void attack(); }
public class RocketPlane extends Plane{ private void fly(){ System.out.println("This plane fly with Rocket"); } private void attack(){ System.out.println("This plane attack with fire"); } } public class WindPlane extends Plane{ private void fly(){ System.out.println("This plane fly with wind"); } private void attack(){ System.out.println("This plane attack with Rocket"); } }
public static void main(String[] args){ RocketPlane plane1 = new RocketPlane(); WindPlane plane2 = new WindPlane(); showFunctionOfPlane(plane1); showFunctionOfPlane(plane2); } private void showFunctionOfPlane(Plane plane){ plane.fly(); plane.attack(); }
public Interface Plane{ void fly(); void attack(); }
public Interface FlyAble{ void fly(); } public Interface AttackAble{ void attack(); }
public class RocketPlane extends Plane implements FlyAble, AttackAble{ void fly(){
System.out.println("This plane fly with Rocket");
} void attack(){
System.out.println("This plane attack with fire");
} } public class WindPlane extends Plane implements FlyAble, AttackAble{ void fly(){
System.out.println("This plane fly with wind");
} void attack(){
System.out.println("This plane attack with Rocket");
} }
public class NotFlyPlane extends Plane implements AttackAble{ void attack(){
System.out.println("This Plane attack with wind");
} }
public class FlyWithRocket implements FlyAble{ void fly(){
System.out.println("This plane fly with rocket");
} }
public class AttackWithRocket implements AttackAble{ void attack(){
System.out.println("This Plane attack with rocket");
} }
public class FlyWithWind implements FlyAble{
void fly(){
System.out.println("This plane fly with wind");
public class AttackWithFire implements AttackAble{
void attack(){
System.out.println("This plane attack with fire");
public class NotFly implements FlyAble{
void fly(){
System.out.println("This plane can't fly");
public abstract class Plane(){
protected FlyAble mFly;
protected AttackAble mAttack;
protected abstract void description();
protected void functionTest(){
public class RocketPlane extends Plane{ RocketPlane(){
super.mFly = new FlyWithRocket(); super.mAttack = new AttackWithFire();
protected void description(){
System.out.println("I am a RocketPlane");
public class test{
public static void main(String[] args){
RocketPlane plane = new RocketPlane();
public abstract class Plane {
private FlyAble mFly;
private AttackAble mAttack;
Plane() { }
Plane(FlyAble fly, AttackAble attack) {
this.mFly = fly;
this.mAttack = attack;
protected abstract void description();
protected void setFly(FlyAble fly) {
this.mFly = fly;
protected void setAttack(AttackAble attack) {
this.mAttack = attack;
protected void testFunction() {
public class RocketPlane extends Plane {
RocketPlane() { }
RocketPlane(FlyAble fly, AttackAble attack) {
super(fly, attack);
protected void description() {
System.out.println("I am a RocketPlane");
public class test{
public static void main(String[] args){
RocketPlane plane = new RocketPlane(new FlyWithRocket(), new AttackWithFire());
plane.setFly(new FlyWithWind());
public class FunctionTest{ private Plane mPlane; FunctionTest(Plane plane){ this.mPlane = plane; } void functionTest(){ plane.testFunction(); } }
public class test{
public static void main(String[] args){
RocketPlane plane = new RocketPlane(new FlyWithRocket(), new AttackWithFire());
FunctionTest test = new FunctionTest(plane);
使用委托类到底有什么好处? 委托类提供的就是一个间接层,我们不需要知道有关于战斗机的具体细节,我们只知道,使用functionTest()就可以让我们的战斗机飞起来,攻击敌人。这就是封装,客户只知道调用委托类提供的方法就可以,就算战斗机的内部构造发生变化,像是testFunction()变成function(),又和我们客户代码有什么关系呢?